I will be crowned king

Chapter 150 The Price of a Shirt

Chapter 150 The price of shirts...

Although this was not the first time, when Anson held Lisa's hand and stood outside the door of "Alfred's Tailor Shop", he couldn't help but feel a particularly inconsistent feeling.

Standing outside the shop door, he looked at this exquisite three-story building and the bustling Friedrich Street behind him... Who would have thought that this was the weapons workshop of the Inquisition?

Or in the words of a lesser inquisitor - a place that "hides something semi-dangerous that could blow half of Clovis into the sky and then burn the rest"?

Is it really appropriate to build this kind of place in a downtown area, or is it built here just because it is dangerous?

But these have nothing to do with his plan today - apart from being close enough, the reason why he came to this tailor shop is mainly because he can buy clothes here at cost price.

Although the emergence of new textile machines and railway transportation have greatly reduced the prices of fabrics and ready-made clothes, it is still quite expensive to make a suit of clothes. The cost of sewing and repairing clothes for all four seasons of the year is at least as much as rent, gas and water. The fee is quite high.

And that’s just for regular clothes. Custom-made gowns and tailored suits for special occasions are even more expensive – and of course, dresses and suits are expensive at any time.

Pushing open the store door with its brass wind chime hanging, you are greeted by a faint smell of leather mixed with tobacco.

In the brightly lit room, colorful fabrics and satins are neatly stacked in the center, and against the walls on both sides are rows of samples of various accessories: row upon row in open lockers; facing the store door. Behind the counter, there was a red-haired girl sitting with a newspaper in her hands and her feet on the counter.

She wore close-fitting black trousers and a vest. The sleeves of her white shirt were rolled up to her elbows, but every button was fastened tightly. She wore a top hat crookedly with a delicate bow ribbon.


Just as Anson was looking around and approaching the counter, she suddenly took away the "Clovis Truth" in front of her and looked at him with a surprised smile with her shining brown eyes.

"Welcome, welcome to Alfred Tailor Shop!" the girl greeted enthusiastically, jumped up from the chair, and closed her hands with a "pop!"

"Now...what do you need?"

"Good afternoon, miss."

Anson smiled politely: "Is Mr. Alfred here?"

"I am Mr. Alfred, the tailor of our shop!" The girl put her hands on her hips and puffed out her chest proudly.


"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Feeling that she was being suspected, the girl hugged her shoulders, stood on tiptoes and looked level with Anson: "Is it that I can't call Alfred? Or am I not like a tailor?"

"But Cole Dorian told me..."

Anson was suddenly startled...Yes, it seems that the inferior judge never said whether "Old Alfred" was a boy or a girl!

"Cole Dorian?"

When the girl heard the name, her eyes widened immediately and she stared straight at Anson: "You, are you from the Inquisition?!"

This question is so complicated that it would take eighty-nine chapters and more than 200,000 words to fully explain it... Anson smiled slightly and nodded calmly.

"Why are you looking for Alfred...looking for me?"

The girl suddenly became nervous.

"I...for some reasons, I am going to attend a banquet at St. Isaac's College tonight." After thinking for a while, Anson said calmly.

"So you need to immediately prepare a suitable outfit that won't look too eye-catching in social situations - and you only have one hour to prepare." The girl took his words, took off her top hat with her right hand, turned it around, and pointed The stairs behind you:

"Go upstairs to the left, dressing room No. 1 - wait a moment, within fifteen minutes, I will prepare a complete and well-fitting dress for you."

Um? !

Anson was a little shocked: "Fifteen minutes...are you sure?"

Considering the complexity of Clovis Kingdom's dress, fifteen minutes is just enough time to change clothes.

"Of course, where do you think this is and who do you think I am?" The girl blinked and raised her smooth and round chin proudly:

"I am Alfred, and this is the weapons workshop of the Inquisition - compared with the countless crisis situations I have dealt with in the past, a well-fitting dress is completely..."

The moment the girl's eyes fell inadvertently, the words suddenly stopped.

She looked at Lisa, who was standing next to Anson, and her slightly dilated pupils seemed to be flashing with some kind of strange light; that light controlled her body and rushed out of the counter, heading towards Lisa like an adventurer rushing towards a treasure. She stretched out her hands so much that Anson was startled by her speed, and it took her only a moment to stop her.


One second before the girl was stabbed in the head with a bayonet, Anson took the Borne rifle from Lisa's hand.

"Oh~~Who is this lovely lady?"

The girl, who was completely unaware that she had just missed death, threw herself in front of Lisa, her eyes gleaming with excitement: "Such slender limbs... thick and fluffy hair... petite stature... and the unique softness of a girl... cough cough Hey, what's your name?"


"Oh~~ What color skirt does cute little Lisa like? Orange, indigo, light yellow?" the girl said happily, interrupting Lisa who was about to speak:

"It's okay, you don't need to tell me the answer; sister, there are hundreds of accessories and fabrics here. We can go to the dressing room No. 1 and enjoy vanilla tea and apple pie while discussing what kind of little princess we should turn you into. !”

"Vanilla tea? Apple pie?!"

"Oh~ you like these too, don't you? I know that charming girls are really connected. When I prepare a dress for you, I can also tell you my exclusive formula..."

"Cough cough cough...!!"

Seeing the girl who was getting more and more excited as she talked and Lisa who was already attracted by the apple pie, Anson, who had been standing aside, had to interrupt quickly and coughed heavily.

"No need to remind me, I won't forget my customer...this gentleman." The girl stood up lazily, and then said impatiently:

"May I ask who this lovely Miss Lisa is your...sister?"


"I knew it!" The girl snapped her fingers with a "pop!" and then used her hat to bow to Anson as a man:

"Please rest assured, on the basis of my grandfather's reputation, as long as you give me forty-five minutes, the lovely Miss Lisa will become the most dazzling favorite at tonight's banquet!"

"Okay, thank you very much."

Anson nodded, glanced at Lisa who had started to swallow her saliva, and suddenly thought of a somewhat serious question:

"…what about me?"

The smiling girl pointed to the stairs:

"Go upstairs and turn left. The innermost dressing room is No. 8 - there are complete sets of dresses prepared by size. Go and pick out the one you like."

"As for you, lovely Miss Lisa, please come with me; I have a lot of inspiration just in this short moment! For example, how about a long dress made of golden silk, paired with lace? Or you would like more I like bright red velvet paired with an empire-style classic dress, which is also a very popular design in recent years..."

Looking at the girl's impatient back, Anson stood there for a while, then walked up the stairs alone, and found the number 8 she mentioned in the unlit corner at the end of the corridor. locker room.

In the Kingdom of Clovis, the dress worn on formal occasions was not only for appearance, but more importantly to show status and class; scholars wore luxurious academic robes, and nobles wore family crests and gemstones that matched their titles. With silk and satin, ladies should be as glamorous as possible, and wealthy businessmen should keep up with the trend...

The so-called "wearing all your belongings" is sometimes not an exaggeration.

According to Anson's current status, he should order a military uniform and one-shoulder cape several months in advance. If it is an important occasion, he should also prepare a ribbon that matches his military rank... to ensure that others can understand his identity from the clothing.

But no matter what reason Archbishop Luther came to see him tonight, Anson didn't want to be recognized at a glance, so he chose a navy blue double-breasted three-piece suit, which looked stable and warm enough.

Although I don’t know which hall of St. Isaac’s College the banquet was in, the “former Anson” remembers that there were several halls without heating or fireplaces.

After changing into his dress, Anson took the opportunity to pack up his "accessories" - the bayonet was hidden in the left cuff, the roasted blue dagger was placed on the inside of the boots, the inquisitor's whistle was placed on the inside of the coat, the "anonymous glasses" were placed in the left pocket of the vest, and the "steam" The "pipe" is placed in the right pocket, the "ring of the cupbearer" is worn on the little finger of the left hand, the "dagger" and another revolver are hidden under the armpits on both sides, and they are all loaded with bullets.

Anson also found an old cane sword from the corner of the dressing room; after weighing it for a while, he was satisfied with the swordplay.

Sophia's letter did not mention a word about the reason for the dinner, but Anson would not think that Archbishop Luther just invited him to a meal.

After packing up his outfit and putting on his top hat, Anson opened the door and left the locker room; the moment he walked out, the door to the locker room at the other end of the corridor was opened almost at the same time.

As the dark door was pushed open, warm gas light poured from the top of her head onto Lisa's face, which was confused and a little embarrassed.

She wore a black and white pleated skirt, a small round hat slightly hanging on her little head, simple lace with knee-high white stockings and magenta dancing shoes, plus a velvet ribbon on the chest, not only did she look very Cute, and looking sassy and eye-catching, like a butterfly that is ready to jump up and fly away at any time.

The little girl stood under the gas lamp, staring at him with big emerald green eyes, so nervous that she looked at him motionless, her cheeks slightly flushed with shame.

Anson was stunned.

It's not because of how stunning or cute it is, but because it's abrupt.

It was so sudden that it seemed like everything should be like this.

From Thunder Castle to Clovis City, I did my best to protect this little girl, giving her food, clothing, and a place to stay; but it seemed that I had never really considered her thoughts, let alone let her realize it. A girl of this age should be happy.

Little dresses, dolls, dances, poems, paintings...

"How about it, are you so stunning that you can't even close your jaw?!"

The seamstress "Alfred" walked out of the dressing room with her hands on her hips, raising her chin proudly: "I dare say, even at the dinner party at the Osteria Palace, there will never be anyone cuter than us. Little Lisa is so adorable!"

Looking at Lisa who was trying her best to hold back her smile, Anson nodded: "Very good, I'm very satisfied... Well, how much does this outfit cost for the two of us?"

"No amount of gold can compare with true art!" The seamstress said righteously:

"Of course, we still have to recover some costs - the one you are wearing is an old model from the 97th year of the Saint's Calendar, last winter's work; I will calculate it for you based on the depreciation price of the ready-made clothing, plus the cane and sword. …Uh…let’s count you nine gold coins.”

"As for our lovely Lisa... bowler hat, velvet bow, cotton socks, small leather shoes, silk lace skirt and special handmade lace, cuffs and collar tulle... Well... for the sake of Lisa being so cute, even if You, a qualified brother, deserve forty-four gold coins, no less!"

Looking at her determined look, Anson hesitated for a second as he touched his wallet, then nodded: "Okay, that sounds reasonable."

"Of course it's reasonable. I, I only earned the price of two pairs of ready-made clothes from you!" the seamstress said with great distress.

Without saying anything more, Anson handed the money to the seamstress, took Lisa's little hand, turned and left Alfred's Tailoring Shop, and got into the taxi that had been waiting outside.

On the speeding carriage, Lisa, who was holding the seat with both hands, put her feet together, lowered her head and secretly glanced at Anson from time to time, her cheeks that were hesitant to speak were stained with a light pink color.

"What's the matter, Lisa?" Anson asked softly:

"Is there anything else you want, but don't know how to ask?"

Lisa was stunned for a moment when asked, and nodded hesitantly.

Looking at her cute expression, Anson couldn't help but laugh.

Sure enough... no matter what their origins, girls are girls after all. It is natural to like beautiful clothes, sweets and dolls; as long as they are exposed once, it is impossible to refuse them again.

"It doesn't matter, just say it." Anson encouraged: "You know...as long as it is a reasonable request, I will not refuse it."

"Then..." She raised her head suddenly, and carefully looked into Anson's eyes, with a hint of grievance in her clear eyes:

"Then if Lisa promises... that she won't point the gun at others easily in the future... Can Anson... give the gun back to Lisa?"

"..." Anson Bach.

With an expressionless face, he took the Borni rifle from behind and handed it over. Lisa, who was excited, grabbed the rifle and held it in her arms, as happy as if she had got her beloved doll.

The speeding carriage, carrying someone's disillusioned yearning for innocence and purity, drove towards St. Isaac's College in the dark night.

There are still two hours before the banquet starts.

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