I will be crowned king

Chapter 153 Courage is the prerequisite for loyalty

At that moment, Anson, who was trying his best to hide his expression, froze on the spot.

A certain sense of near-death crisis opened a certain mechanism in his body, and his brain began to rotate rapidly. His suddenly shrunken pupils subconsciously began to capture the details of the picture in front of him. Countless messages were like laid-out pictures, coming from his mind. Flashed quickly.

There were obvious traces of rain on Mace Honnard's coat, but much lighter traces on Luther Franz, and the Archbishop's footprints were very clean, indicating that the two met outside the castle gate;

Mace Honnard had just returned to St. Isaac's College. He happened to meet Luther Franz outside the door and accepted the archbishop's invitation... Was it really just a coincidence?

The two were talking about tonight's display, and the professor didn't show any surprise. But why was it that the archbishop was always talking, and the professor seemed a little careless?

etc! No... now is not the time to think wildly!

I have to quickly find a way to avoid these two people and escape from this banquet with Lisa!

Now their attention is on each other, and they are still about twelve meters away... He immediately rushes into the banquet hall and blends into the crowd, then finds Lisa and leaves the academy!

Stay calm and pretend like you just came downstairs; don't look back, don't look back, look into the hall naturally, and try to use your collar to cover the side of your cheek that you have to show; very good, that's it, the plan is perfect... …


A voice full of surprise blocked his way.

Looking at the lovely figure leaping towards him, Anson, with a frozen smile on his face, was like a motionless sculpture. He bumped into the girl, and was held tightly around the neck by the other's hands holding the cake.

"Anson, where have you run away? I can't find you anywhere I look!" Lisa hugged Anson's neck happily, and very inconspicuously - assuming she had ever - wrapped her legs around his waist, with her face There are traces of cake all over.

The little maid held up the hem of her skirt and followed in a panic: "I'm sorry, but Miss Lisa ran too fast. Angelica couldn't stop her... Ah, the Archbishop!"

Following Angelica's line of sight, Anson, who was holding Lisa, turned around, looked "surprised" at the two elders walking towards him, and quickly saluted each other:

"Good evening, Archbishop...ah, and Professor?!"

"Good evening, dear Anson, are you coming to the party tonight?"

Mace Honnard, who was wearing a doctor's robe with a black background and red edges, greeted him cordially, with a bit of kindness in his soft face:

"What a coincidence. I was just wondering if I should go find you. It seems that poor Brone doesn't have to make another trip in the rain."

Anson, who was suppressing his heartbeat, kept a respectful smile. Lisa, who was lying on top of him, noticed something strange and looked at Anson with a little confusion in her eyes.

"No offense, Professor Mace Honnard, but I might be putting you off."

Just when Anson was still thinking about the words and how to reply, Archbishop Luther Franz suddenly interjected:

"Tonight our storm leader has an important mission and may not have much time to enjoy the banquet."

"What about the final presentation?"

The mild-mannered Mace Honnard doesn't seem ready to give up so easily.

The Archbishop frowned slightly, then nodded: "I think that should be no problem...if everything is normal."

"That's enough." The professor smiled and focused on Anson's face:

"I will save a seat for you when it officially starts. If you are interested, come and enjoy it together. You won't be disappointed."


Anson quickly agreed, with unconcealable joy on his expression.

Mace Honard nodded slightly:

"Your Excellency, Archbishop, please allow me to leave first. I just returned to Clovis City by train at 7:30 pm. There are many things that need to be dealt with urgently."

"As you please, Professor."

Luther Franz raised his hand in a congratulatory gesture and smiled faintly.

The professor nodded to him and said, "Dear Archbishop, we will see you in half an hour. If you need anything, please come to the office."

"Still not in the habit of locking the door, Professor?"

"It has been a habit for many years, Your Excellency Archbishop, starting from the 70th year of the Saint's Calendar."

"Has there been any accident?"

"never had."

"Oh why?"

"Why..." Mace Honard narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly:

"Perhaps you should ask those thieves?"

Luther Franz was silent for a moment, then smiled slowly and relaxedly.

Anson, who was holding Lisa next to him, also showed an awkward but impolite smile.

The smiling Mace Honnard turned around gracefully and left the banquet hall from the left stairwell; the smiling Luther Franz stood there with his hands behind his back, watching him leave.

Anson pursed his lips tightly until he confirmed that he could not hear Mace Honnard's footsteps, then slowly released Lisa's right hand, put it down and handed it to the little maid behind.

The confused Lisa didn't understand what was going on, but she was vaguely aware of the danger and still pursed her lips tightly. She was obediently dragged behind Angelica who lowered her head.

The moment they separated, he didn't forget to stuff the cake he brought into Anson's palm.

After a full minute, Luther Franz withdrew his gaze, looked back at Anson, and spoke slowly and expressionlessly:

"follow me."

Anson, who remained silent, followed the Archbishop's steps and walked up the stairs on the right.

The rain at midnight was getting heavier and heavier, and the sound of the torrential rain mixed with the hustle and bustle of the banquet hall, echoing like a well in the silent stairwell; the shadows in the stairwell looked as ferocious as the devil's claws under the weak gas light.

The silent Luther Franz walked in front, and Anson following behind could only hear his slight, rhythmic breathing.

Just when Anson thought this staircase would go on forever, the Archbishop stopped.

The two stood at the entrance of the stairs. Anson, who deliberately slowed down the other half a step, tightened his heartstrings and kept thinking about how to take Lisa away from here.

The Inquisition may take action at any time, but they don't know that Mace Honnard has returned; once a conflict breaks out between the Church and the Black Mage at St. Isaac's College, they won't be able to escape even if they want to!

"Your Excellency Anson Bach, don't be nervous."

Luther Franz, who had his back turned to Anson, suddenly said:

"If I really had any doubts about you, or had bad intentions, do you think I would appear alone with you in a place like this, without any protection, and with my back to you?"

Anson's mouth twitched.

The Archbishop, like his Brigadier's son, had a certain talent for telling funny jokes--and jokes that weren't funny at all.

"I know what you are worried about - your identity will be exposed and you will be hunted by the Black Mage as a traitor, or you will be hunted by the Tribunal as an Old God sect." The Archbishop said calmly:

"And I want to tell you that this kind of worry is totally unreasonable and unnecessary; as long as you still work for the Franz family, you will enjoy the protection of the Franz family; this is not a promise, but a great reward for your hard work. Natural rewards.”

"You handled the factory riot perfectly, and it also caused the Guards to suffer some hardships." In the deathly silence, the Archbishop looked back at Anson:

"So, I'm going to give you another job now."

Anson, who was about to speak, immediately pursed his lips tightly and put his hands behind his back.

"Now Black Mage, your beloved Professor Mace Honnard has known that his identity has been exposed; I don't know the reason why he left Clovis City before, but the only reason that can make him return to Clovis City is one."

"He is fully prepared to seize the "Great Magic Book" from the Church of Order!"

Um? !

Anson, who was pretending to be surprised, widened his eyes.

"Are you shocked?"

Luther Franz asked sideways.

"Uh...yes...and no."

Anson frowned and thought carefully: "I remember that the Church of Order seemed to have only one "Great Magic Book" in its hands, and it was in the form of a memory card?"

If he were to think about it instead, if he were a black mage, he would definitely first find a way to collect the remaining three volumes scattered in Clovis City, and then get the last volume in the hands of the church, and finally make it into one volume; only in this way can he do it first The branch line and then the main line... I mean it's common sense for ordinary people, isn't it?

Anson muttered to himself in his mind.

Looking at the confused Anson, Luther Franz fell into a certain silence, seeming to hesitate whether to speak.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he finally told the truth that even a certain inferior judge didn't know:

"Actually... the "Great Magic Book" stored in Clovis Cathedral is a complete volume."


This time Anson was really shocked.

"But...that's just theory."

The Archbishop frowned slightly, sighed and said, "A long time ago, several of the memory cards used to preserve this "Great Magic Book" were lost, so it is indeed incomplete now."

"If I remember correctly, it should have happened in the seventy-fifth year of the Saints Calendar..."

Luther Franz, who was briefly lost in memories, failed to notice the slight change in Anson's expression. His hands behind his back tried desperately to resist the urge to reach into the inner pockets of his coat.

"But Mace Honard definitely doesn't know about this. What's more dangerous is that he may already know that the "Great Magic Book" hidden in the church is a complete volume."

The Archbishop said in a deep voice: "Now that he is back, it means that the conflict between us and him is only a matter of time; the Tribunal has been fully prepared, but that is not enough."

"I am convinced to a certain extent that Mace Honnard was trying to organize bankrupt workers to initiate a riot and try to force their way into Clovis Cathedral through violent means."

In the dead silence of the stairwell, Luther Franz spoke in an understatement about a tragedy that was likely to plunge half of White Lake Park into flames.

"So what do you want me to do?"

Anson said calmly.

Obviously, Luther Franz would not tell himself this matter without any reason; just like handing over the storm group to him, he would already have a plan before he started taking action.

"It's very simple. Get rid of the organization that is organizing bankrupt workers - you have Viscount Bognar's blacklist in your hand, through the industries under the names of those nobles, the recent status of various unions in Clovis City, and the famous person With the help of Priest Karin Jacques, it will not be difficult for you to find this Old God Sect organization."

"There are storm groups, and you can do whatever you want in the outer city. It will not be difficult for you to eradicate them."

Obviously, the Archbishop is well aware of Anson's recent social situation, and the Bogner and Franz families are indeed allies, otherwise the old gentleman would not have told him about the blacklist.

"I understand." Anson said seriously:

"I'll give you an answer within a week."

Luther Franz nodded slightly, expressing satisfaction with this answer.

Investigation, confirmation, ambush, closing the net... It takes seven working days to complete the entire process.

As for whether Anson will use this opportunity for profit, revenge or any other motives, the Archbishop does not care; giving someone a job is equivalent to giving someone a power, and anything can be done with this power. It's his freedom.

Of course, the premise is that he is willing to bear the price of "freedom".

"Then I'm looking forward to your performance, leader of the storm group."

Luther Franz turned around and said in a deep voice as he walked into the corridor:

"Next, I will introduce you to the Chairman of the Railway Committee, who is also one of our most important guests today. He holds what may be the largest intelligence network in Clovis, even surpassing the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Privy Council..."

"P-please wait a moment!"

Anson suddenly stopped the other party: "I'm very sorry, Lord Archbishop, but..."

"It doesn't matter." Luther Franz turned back calmly, raised his hand and said:

"Tell me, is there anything else?"


Seeing the slightly confused expression of the Archbishop, Anson suddenly regretted opening his mouth.

He wanted to say that Mace Honnard's appearance here tonight might take the opportunity to sabotage the peace talks and further escalate the original local war.

But there is a fatal problem in doing so, that is, it will be revealed that he revealed the peace talks to Bronn, a crony of the Black Mage.

This is a fatal blow to his image as a "devout believer" and "honest and reliable" in the Church of Order!

Even if the Archbishop can understand his "good intentions", once he says this, no matter how the situation develops, he will never be able to leave!

But if he doesn't warn him as soon as possible, the people in the trial are likely to take action soon; once Bronn is captured, the black mage knows about tonight's mediation...

Only the devil knows how things will develop!

And all this is caused by my own mistakes!

what to do? !

Do you stand up bravely and admit your mistakes, and stop the loss as soon as possible before the situation completely deteriorates? Or should we pretend that nothing happened and let it become whatever it is? !

In the dead silent corridor, Anson took a deep breath and mustered up the courage deep in his heart.

That's right, there is only one right choice...

"Your Majesty the Archbishop, I have thought about the matter of hunting down the Old God Sect organization and feel that six days is enough."

The smiling Anson said without changing his expression.

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