I will be crowned king

Chapter 155 The Final Work


Looking at the host operating in front of the differential engine under the stage lights, Anson was stunned for a moment.

How is he going to reappear?

Mace Honnard on the side crossed his fingers and looked at the stage with a smile; the coffee he had only taken a small sip of was placed on the dining table, already cold.

As the last lights gradually faded away, only a few candles remained in the dark banquet hall, and dozens or hundreds of pairs of nervous and curious eyes hidden in the darkness.

A beam of light was projected from a tube hole device on the "difference engine" and reflected on a white curtain directly behind the stage.

Um? !

The stunned Anson was suddenly shocked... He seemed to have guessed what the "difference engine" did!

A few seconds later, black and white light spots flashed alternately on the curtain along with the light cast by the "difference engine". The empty banquet hall was filled with shock, panic and exclamations. The friction between the gears during the operation of the machine could be heard. , and the roar of steam as it surges through the pipes.

[Hey...zillazle...has it started...zillazle...has the machine started? 】

Along with a burst of harsh noise, a jumping figure with an impatient tone "walked" into the curtain on the stage.

He was a rather unkempt old man, with a shaggy beard under his bird's-nest hair, and a costume-like priest's robe that looked like a tattered pocket.

He sat back on a back chair, holding the back of the chair with both hands, facing everyone in the banquet hall outside the curtain.

Amid the constant exclamations, Anson couldn't help but frown slightly as he looked at the figure projected on the screen... He always felt that this guy looked a bit familiar.

[Ah...Zlazla...Okay? It’s all started. Where is my manuscript? Zhazhazha. What, no manuscript? Let me just say something casually? How can you talk about something so important casually? ! 】

【Worried about failure? Just stop and say it again...Zlazla...How could this genius' design fail...Zlazla...]

[Okay, it seems that I really can’t count on you old potatoes with brains full of water. As expected, I still have to do it myself... Zhazhazha...]

The people in the picture kept dancing on the chairs, and from time to time they seemed to be talking to some "non-existent" people; the dark banquet hall gradually became quiet, and the guests began to quietly appreciate the "moving" scene in front of them. Oil painting with sound.

At this moment, a nobleman suddenly jumped up from his chair and pointed at the figure in the picture in shock:

"I remembered, he is Saint Isaac, and I have a self-portrait of him when he was sixty-five years old in my home!"


"This is Isaac Rand?!"

"The Ring of Order is above!"

The entire hall fell into a commotion, and the stunned guests, some men and women, expressed their astonishment in different ways.

After several seconds, everyone who finally recalled their dignity finally began to suppress their inner surprise. The exclamations one after another began to fade away in unison, and they turned their attention back to the picture.

Anson silently put down his wine glass. Now he finally knew why the host just said, "The excitement will be repeated tonight."

The scene being shown in front of me was recorded before Isaac Rand died in the assassination one hundred years ago, in the first year of the Saints Calendar!

In the shocked silence of the entire audience, "Isaac Rand" in the picture suddenly coughed, causing everyone's attention to return to the white curtain of the stage:

[First of all, whoever found this video... congratulations, because when making this... uh... they haven't thought of a name yet, let me call it 'moving image'... ahem, I was still there when the moving image was made Hesitant to publish it.

There are many reasons. For example, there are many brain-filled potatoes who think it is impossible for me to succeed, but their opinions are not important.

What's more important is that I am hesitant, or hesitant, because I find that what I am going to say next will probably be unacceptable to many potatoes—probably including you.

You will first appreciate me, then hate me, then appreciate me again, and finally think that I am talking nonsense, or praise me to the sky.

So let’s make it clear first: you can praise me, but don’t hate me, because I am a genius, I just tell you what will happen...]

This guy is definitely not an ordinary narcissist... Anson couldn't help but sigh.

In all the documents and textbooks related to "Saint Isaac" in the church college, almost all of them only mention his "extraordinary talent", "leading the times", "extraordinary" image, and rarely talk about his ordinary life. look.

Well, probably the church also understands that making a guy who is extremely narcissistic and looks down on other people a saint is really detrimental to its image...

[First of all, you must all know me, or at least have heard of me; I am Isaac Rand, the leader of the 'Qi Zhen Sect' church, the chief advisor to the Privy Council of the Kingdom of Clovis... blah blah blah, there are a lot of them. title.

Whether you know me or not, you probably know that I invented a lot of things, like steam cores, steam cores, and... uh... steam cores...

oh! I also improved the ship design, promoted the four-wheeled carriage, and the differential engine was also my design. But you may not know that, there are also new docks, railway tracks and new mining machines in North Port. I optimized the proportion of gunpowder and participated in the design of several models. But they didn’t adopt the new artillery. The idea of ​​a cannon that could run by itself was a lunatic’s idea...

In addition, I also pioneered several new subjects, but if you are a college student, you will probably start to hate me now.

Because of the inventions made by me and my colleagues, you can use cheap coal in the winter, wear cheap clothes, eat cheap food, and you can take carriages and ships to places you have never been before.

In short, I, Isaac Rand, to you...some lucky gentleman, may be someone who invented a lot of things to make your life better.

You might think that's all, but that's not the case.

Because these ‘useful tools’ will bring about earth-shaking changes to the entire world!

This is not only the changes you can see in front of you, but more changes are invisible - just like muskets replacing bows and arrows. Some people think that it is just replacing archers with musketeers, but we all know that is not the case.

This is going to be a revolution, one that sweeps everyone away and destroys everything you can remember, faster than you think.

To put it more bluntly, better tools may not necessarily make your life better, because good tools mean that more manpower is no longer needed, and convenient transportation means that you can get from one place to another. time is greatly shortened.

This is not gospel, this is a fuse, a fuse that will cause the entire world order to collapse.

Just like today's Clovis Kingdom, it looks like flowers, but in fact it is a raging fire. Explosive progress has caused the Clovis Kingdom to expand crazily for more gold, market and population, at a huge price. It is targeted by the whole world and besieged from all sides.

To a certain extent, this situation is caused by me: if it were not for the commissioning of steam engines, the royal family and nobles who spent huge sums of money would not have such an urgent desire for new coal mines and shipping routes, causing them to provoke one war after another. war.

I turned it on, so it's my responsibility to control it.

Of course, I think society does need progress, but it should be orderly progress, not explosive, which will only bring turmoil, chaos and destruction.

Technological and social changes should be gradual and completed bit by bit; only in this way can the world complete the transition smoothly and accept new technologies, new ideas and new forms of social organization without knowing it.

I discussed this matter with my best friend Brandon, the king of Clovis Kingdom, for a long time. He has always been hesitant and refused to accept it.

Tonight I will completely convince him to hand over all the research results of me and the 'Qiuzhen Sect' to the Church of Order. In exchange, we can reach peace with the Pope and the Emperor. The Church will master the most advanced technology and then let them decide. Which ones should be opened, which ones should not or be suspended, and which ones should be stopped for research.

This is the best solution I can think of at the moment.

Okay, that’s all; Brandon must be getting impatient with waiting, I have to go home and change my clothes first...]

Accompanied by the roar of steam pipes, Isaac Rand in the picture stood up and left; the flashing white and black picture gradually faded away in the grimace of the "old genius" sticking out his tongue.

There was dead silence.

Anson knew exactly what was about to happen... Hours later, Isaac Rand was bombed to death in his home, and his coachman was said to be one of the many assassins who carried out the attack.

Although the Church of Order has never publicly admitted it, it is generally accepted that Isaac Rand's death was the result of the Pope's efforts to promote it.

Of course, even without the Church of Order, there are still many people who want Isaac Rand to die - businessmen who were driven bankrupt by new technologies, nobles whose country was wiped out by Clovis, farmers whose land was taken away by factories...

In the quiet hall, many sighs and emotions were heard one after another.

Anson also heard many young guests whispering, discussing assumptions such as "If the church had known about St. Isaac's decision earlier, maybe it wouldn't have been necessary...".

There were also some ladies who covered their faces and cried, saying things like "stop him quickly" and "stop him quickly", leaving the young gentlemen next to them scrambling to comfort them.

There was also someone who bluntly told the other person "he has been dead for a hundred years" in an incomprehensible manner, and was poured wine all over by the girl who angrily said "cold-blooded!"

Some wealthy businessmen with a high net worth saw some business opportunities in it - if this restored machine could completely record the images and sounds from a hundred years ago, it shouldn't be a problem to replace it with the current one.

Those classic music, elegant dances and wonderful dramas can be played thousands of times as long as they are performed once. All you have to pay is the cost of running the machine and the venue!

The aristocrats of upper class society may not be able to accept the black and white pictures and the sound of steam pipes, but ordinary people who cannot afford theater tickets will not care about these.

As the lights were turned back on, the entire banquet hall was immersed in a sea of ​​joy. All the guests applauded in unison under a certain atmosphere.

Amidst the thunderous applause, the solemn and unsmiling Luther Franz stepped onto the display stage at the invitation of the host, and the proud elf ambassador Maurice Périgord followed closely behind.

It seems that Luther Franz has successfully mediated... Anson, who applauded, said silently in his heart.

The archbishop slowly opened his arms and spoke to the audience in a slightly lifting posture:

"Gentlemen, and ladies... The death of St. Isaac is a regret of an era, but it is also the beginning of an era; without him, we would not be where we are today."

"His body passed away forever because of a terrible misunderstanding, but his will and his ideas have been leading us, and even the entire Order World."

"The church... will bring a more stable order, more prosperous development, and more scientific progress to the entire world; this has been the case in the past one hundred years, and it will be even more so in the future!"

"Therefore, as the Archbishop of the Kingdom of Clovis, I, Luther Franz, hereby announce that within the next year, this 'moving image' technology will be promoted to the world starting from the city of Clovis. "

Having said this, Archbishop Luther paused and then continued:

"And take this opportunity to vigorously promote the technology promotion plan of the Church of Order. Starting from the Kingdom of Clovis, the hometown of Saint Isaac, we will promote the first generation steam core and difference engine technology to the entire Order World!"

"Everyone - as long as they are recognized by the Church of Order and have certain financial resources, they can buy a complete set of blueprints and corresponding usage technology from the church at a suitable price."

“We will follow in the footsteps of Saint Isaac and move into a new era!”

As soon as the words fell, the audience burst into thunderous applause in the silence that didn't know how to react!

The disclosure of steam core and difference engine technology means that the two core technologies of the Church of Order are completely open to the world—although they are only the earliest versions, they still have extraordinary significance!

The Elf Ambassador, who had always stood behind the Archbishop, also took the opportunity to step forward and officially announced to everyone present that the Elf Kingdom of Yser would continue to maintain its "faithful friendship" with the Kingdom of Clovis and maintain peace between the two parties.

This exciting news further ignited the atmosphere at the scene, and the enthusiastic applause showed no sign of stopping.

Amid cheers from the audience, Mace Honnard, who was also applauding gently, leaned back in his chair very relaxedly, and suddenly a cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, looking at the elf ambassador Maurice who was enjoying the attention of the people. He left proudly amid the cheers of everyone present.

The emotionless eyes on the gentle cheeks were looking at a dead man.

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