I will be crowned king

Chapter 165 Hydra

Under the broken wall, the "Hydra" covered in blood stood straight in place in front of countless suffocating sights, with its mouth wide open and breathing heavily.

His gorgeous formal clothes had turned into blood-stained rags, his exposed chest was completely dented as if it had been hit by a heavy hammer, and his upper body was covered with scratches and bruises caused by broken capillaries.

He walked towards Anson somewhat staggeringly, with a crazy smile on his face that he had never seen before:

"very good."

"Anson Bach? You...you satisfy me."

"It would be so disappointing if a bastard who came over to destroy things didn't even have the desire to make me serious!"

As he spoke, black blood mixed with vomit continued to flow out of the corners of the "Hydra"'s mouth, leaving a series of traces on the ground following his footsteps.

The restless and stuffy atmosphere in the hall was still rising. The sour vomit and blood were mixed with the smoke of tobacco and the smell of alcohol, which made everyone even more excited.

"Hybrid! Hydra! Hydra! Hydra..."

"Anson Bach! Anson Bach! Anson Bach..."

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

In the midst of chaos and cheers like a hellish feast, the stumbling "Hydra" suddenly disappeared on the spot without any warning; the next second, the right fist with bone spurs protruding from it rushed toward Anson's face.

Anson, who had an experience fighting a certain Imperial Knight, immediately dodged sideways and applied an uppercut from [Rui Feng]'s left hand, hitting the "Hydra"'s elbow.


A crisp crackling sound sounded, and the "Hydra"'s right hand tilted towards an incredible angle.

The "Hydra" who landed firmly on the ground roared and punched with his left hand; Anson, who was blocking with his elbow, raised his eyebrows and immediately noticed that his right arm began to "squirm" like a puppet on strings. Went back.

"You know why they call me Hydra?"

He sneered at Anson almost madly. His punch speed was only slightly faster than before. It was even so fast that people suspected that he would break his arm every time he punched:

"It's because I, like the legendary monster in the Northern Colony, have extraordinary vitality as a blood mage!"


Anson, with his arms crossed, resisted his heavy punch. A trembling scream came from the bones of his forearms from his already bloody arms, and the stinging nerves made the corners of his mouth twitch.

"Then I don't think you should call him Hydra." Anson twitched the corner of his mouth, turned sideways, rubbed his scalp to avoid the right straight punch, and at the same time locked the "Hydra"'s left arm with the inside of his right elbow.


The shocked "Hydra" twisted his left hand without hesitation, dodged the left hook aimed at his neck, and tried to throw Anson back.

"I think you should be called Ogre."

Anson firmly clasped his shoulders, and with an extremely clear cracking sound, the entire arm and shoulder joints were shattered under the force of the two of them. He swung his empty left fist and stabbed the "Hydra" in the face.

The heartbreaking pain pierced into the mind of "Hydra", reminding him of "Cigar"'s description of the ogre: huge in size, tenacious in vitality, low in intelligence, and basically a fool.


Forcibly pulling out the completely shattered left arm, the "hydra" with his face covered in blood roared like a beast, and his right fist collided with Anson's left fist.


A sharp blade-like collision exploded in the air - two bone spurs nearly one meter long protruded from the "Hydra"'s right fist, and were barely deflected away by Anson's left hand, which had been imprinted with [Sharp Wind].

Anson, who lost his leverage, immediately dodged back. A white light flashed, the old shirt was split into two, and a small silver whistle was lifted into the air by the sharp blade.

"How much longer can you fight, Anson Bach?!"

The "Hydra" howling crazily dragged its slowly recovering left arm, and the pale bone spurs in its right hand flashed countless afterimages in the air like a saber, constantly passing by Anson's side as he dodged quickly.

After repeatedly dodging and dodging at close range, the shirt, which was already of poor quality, quickly turned into a rag.

"I can fight a battle like this for three days and three nights, how about you?!"

The silver whistle kept rolling in the air, and Anson raised his head to avoid the slashing bone spurs; with a "pop!", he bit down on the whistle with a perfect plan.

"Click! Click! Click..."

Amidst the heartbreaking sound of bones being connected, the broken left hand of "Hydra" has returned to its original shape, and it stretches out bone spurs that are exactly the same as those on its right hand, waving at Anson in a staggered manner.

In this intertwining "Sword Storm", Anson, who had no room to dodge, could only keep retreating, visibly approaching the fence behind him; the audience who were still cheering were frightened to death, and they desperately followed Anson left in the direction of dodge.


Blood flowers flew among the afterimages of bone spurs. The "Hydra", whose pupils were dripping with plasma, looked at Anson's shocked expression and the gaping wound on his chest, and the corners of his mouth raised crazily.

The fear of approaching death, the panic and helplessness - they are more addictive than any tobacco or wine!


Anson, who finally couldn't even retreat, used his right fist imprinted with [Sharp Wind] to knock away the oncoming bone spurs; the "Hydra"'s bone spurs were mostly strengthened, and were not as powerful as the previous knight Crow. The grid was broken so easily.

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the lips of the "Hydra" who missed the attack. The moment he was blocked, the bone spur in his right hand had already struck Anson's face.

This is the advantage of the Blood Mage... No matter how fast the Conjuration Mage imprints magic, it cannot be faster than a strengthened body and a sharp blade only ten centimeters away from him!

Just when the pale bone spur was about to penetrate Ansen's face, Ansen, who was standing still, suddenly seized the gap and spit a small silver whistle towards him.


The whistle was bounced off by the bone spurs and rolled in the air towards the "Hydra".


The eyes strengthened by blood magic widened, and the "Hydra"'s expression froze.

The surface of the silver whistle is clearly engraved with the coat of arms of the Ring of Order.

"Anson Bach, what the hell are you..."

Before the frightened and angry "Hydra" could finish his words, he found that the other party had caught him at the moment of distraction and directly grabbed the wrists of his hands.

Anson finally seized the opportunity and printed a [Fire Gathering] on each of the two wrist joints of the "Hydra".

It is not difficult to use this magic, and it is not difficult to directly rub the opponent's body. The real difficulty lies in controlling the intensity of the power - you must avoid the bone spurs and complete two rubbings in an instant, and you must also control the strength of the power. If you hurt yourself, you also have to make sure that you can destroy the opponent's entire arm with one strike... This takes time.

The moment when the other party was stunned just now gave Anson enough time!


Before the "Hydra" had time to be shocked, he felt a burst of heat, and the golden-red flames instantly swallowed his arms; accompanied by the sound of burning flesh and broken bones, his hands and bone spurs were shattered in the explosion.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"

Heart-rending screams exploded from the throat of the "Hydra". Even if his flesh and blood could be restored, the unparalleled stinging sensation temporarily made him lose the ability to resist.


Standing on the spot, Anson steadily caught the falling Inquisitor's whistle, stamped his right foot on the ground, and the roasted blue dagger popped out of his boot and fell steadily into his right hand.

The next second, Anson, who was holding the knife in his backhand, rushed forward and stabbed the "Hydra"'s throat with the roasted blue blade, smashing the cervical vertebrae and penetrating the entire neck.

The body of the "Hydra", whose arms were blown to pieces, was pulled weakly by the force that pierced the neck, and together with the dagger, it was nailed to the ground with a "Clang!"

Smoke billows.

Anson, panting slightly, slowly stood up and looked at the other party silently.

Nailed to the ground by the dagger, with only a little charcoal left in his arms, the body of the "Hydra" was twitching slightly, and the flesh and blood of the torn part was still squirming, repairing the torn wound bit by bit.

This guy is still alive!


"You...you think...you...have already won..."

"Let me tell you...Hydra...why...I...am...immortal..."


At this moment, a gunshot suddenly exploded in the hall without warning, and countless lead bullets instantly poured from the face of the "Hydra" into his skull; the entire head was like a balloon burst by water. , a mixture of white and red meat foam exploded into a piece.

Anson, whose pupils shrank suddenly, looked up suddenly. The clown standing on the high platform took out a large-caliber trumpet gun at some point, and the open muzzle was still smoking slightly.

The next second, he threw away the trumpet gun and jumped down from the high platform. He pushed through the crowd and walked to the body of the "Hydra". He took out another revolver from his jacket and held it directly against his heart with an expressionless face. fired six shots in a row.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

When the smoke cleared, a hole was opened in the headless "Hydra"'s chest by the gun, and the heart under the ribs was completely turned into a pile of rotten flesh.

Well, this time he definitely couldn't be more dead... Anson twitched the corner of his mouth.

After doing all this, the clown who threw away the revolver first smiled flatteringly at Anson, and then rushed up to the high platform in a dead silence, dancing and cheering:

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, I have great news for you!"

He smiled cheerfully, and kept making all kinds of funny movements with his rapidly dancing hands. He was so happy that he seemed to make everyone feel happy just by opening his mouth.

"Tonight's life-and-death struggle has come to an end. The coward who squeezed you, oppressed you, and made you work for him has died in the hands of our respected, great, and amazing Anson Bach!"

"In a fair one-on-one duel, he crushed his opponent without any suspense and won tonight!"

"According to the rules of life and death fighting, he won tonight's super grand prize - everything his opponent, that loser, once had!"

"Gentlemen, friends and dear brothers, please dedicate all your applause and cheers to our winner tonight, Anson Bach!"

"He! He is our new boss, invincible! Head! Snake~~~~!!!"

Accompanied by cheerful laughter, the clown with his hands raised directly knelt down on the high platform and bowed to Anson in the fence as if worshiping a god.

Immediately afterwards, the entire hall burst into even more excited cheers than before.

"Anson Bach! Anson Bach! Anson Bach..."

"Hybrid! Hydra! Hydra! Hydra..."

The crowd was completely boiling, and the crazy carnival exploded like a bomb in the hall that was silent a second ago; the crazy sound waves rolled up and down one after another, washing everyone's nerves.

It was real, hysterical madness.

Compared to the carnival in the hall, there was silence at the dining table on the second floor.

The four people sitting around the table had different expressions, but they were all filled with surprise and nervousness that could not be concealed; no matter how much he hated the "Hydra"'s "cigar", seeing a companion being killed like this made him a little agitated. Can not accept.

As for "Hydra"'s friend, "Rifling" put on his black soft hat again without saying a word, lit up his pipe and started smoking.

"Old Pocket Watch", who lowered his head and said nothing, slowly ate the delicacies on the table, leaving no one guessing what he was thinking; "Whispering" sitting opposite him was trembling, looking frightened.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Crisp footsteps sounded, and the four people's eyes couldn't help but look in the direction of the stairs.

Anson had put on his scarf and coat again, but it still couldn't cover the blood on his body and face. There was a strong smell of blood from head to toe, leaving a series of black and red footprints on the stairs.

Facing the eyes of four pairs of people with different expressions, Anson, who was smiling, walked to the dining table, picked up the wine bottle, pulled out the chair belonging to "Hydra" next to "Cigar" and sat down.


Shivering, Whisper looked up and looked at Anson who bit open the bottle cork and pointed at him. Immediately, he understood and handed over his unused wine glass, and smiled at Anson in a flattering way. .


The smiling Anson thanked him, poured himself a full glass of wine, picked up the tableware on the table and started to devour it.

He was really hungry.

High-intensity fighting brings high-intensity consumption, so you must eat after the fight; at the same time, your overly nervous nerves can be quickly relieved and calmed through eating. Being always tense can easily cause brain problems. questionable.

This is the "little common sense" Anson learned at the Royal Military Academy. After staying outside the siege position of Thunder Castle for more than a month, he has adapted to this "lifestyle" of sitting in corpse pits and mud pits eating cans.

But that doesn't mean the people sitting around him understand this way of life.

The expressions of the four people at the table changed slightly - in the eyes of these gang leaders, eating and drinking like this right after killing someone is simply terrifying, and there is also a hint of threat in it.

The silence lasted for ten minutes... Seeing Anson, who had finally eaten and drank enough, looking at him, "Cigar" sitting next to him immediately smiled happily:

"Look, what did I say before?"

"My good brother Hydra will definitely make a lot of money tonight! Right?!"

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