I will be crowned king

Chapter 17 Adjutant

"Have you been promoted? Congratulations."

In the cell, with a sincere smile, Louis Bernard looked at the other party's military uniform that was obviously different from last time: "A young regiment leader like you is very rare even in the empire."

"So you have to pay the price." Anson, who was sitting opposite, had a wry smile on his face:

"If I can't retake the Thunder Castle Fortress within a month, this military uniform may become my prison uniform."

"Oh, that's quite dangerous." The young knight nodded seriously: "Although Lord Anson defeated me, I don't think you can win from my brother Kroger Bernard within a month. Retake Thunder Keep."

"Unlike me, although my brother can be a little irritable at times, he is a very calm and rational person. He will not be easily deceived like me last time."

Well, the Imperial garrison commander of Thunder Castle is a very calm person, and will not rush forward impulsively without being sure... Let’s use these contents to prevaricate Lieutenant Colonel Roman today.

Anson, who made a decision in his heart, shrugged and turned the conversation back to the topic.

"no respond?"

The young knight's eyes widened, and he was so surprised that he couldn't help but repeat: "You mean the power of your blood...has no response, how is this possible?!"

The silent Anson showed a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Talking face-to-face with Louis Bernard is very troublesome - at least Roman must be given a reason and result every time. If it is not impossible, he does not want to waste such a precious opportunity on repeated questions.

But...there was indeed no response.

To be more precise, he couldn't even feel the existence of the so-called "power of blood"; although the guy in front of him, who was so simple that he couldn't lie, swore to himself that he had this kind of power.

On the contrary, after trying to "respond" to the power of blood more than once and ultimately failing, Anson gradually figured out the rules of his ability to "see" the surroundings.

Similar to the power of blood, this "superpower" also requires you to maintain a high level of concentration and a clear mind - in an exhausted state, the success rate is very low.

Secondly, its "method of use" is completely different from the bloodline power mentioned by Louis or even in Anson's memory, and is not subject to Anson's subjective control - it will not stop easily when it is turned on, and will naturally fade away at a certain point in time.

The results of several tests are about two hours.

It's said to be a superpower, but it's more like a disease... Could it be a side effect of time travel?

"You should have passed the initial stage, otherwise I would not be able to detect the power of blood in you and there would be no response..." The young knight frowned, looking even more confused than Anson: "No, generally speaking, you should There are already occasional cases where the power of blood is used unintentionally!”

"This is a power contained in your blood. To be more precise, it is a part of your body - essentially, it is no different from your limbs or organs!"

After a pause, Louis, who was thinking hard, suggested a possibility: "Maybe... it has something to do with the power of your bloodline itself."

"Can you explain it more clearly?" Anson was a little irritated, and the other party's explanation was just nonsense.

"Sir Anson, you have already seen the power of my blood on the battlefield." Louis smiled slightly: "It is very comprehensive. It will greatly improve my reaction ability, speed and even strength, and I can instantly understand the impact of everything around me. Danger exists.”

"The prerequisite for using this blood power is that I can stay rational and have sufficient physical strength; on the contrary, I cannot use it when I am tired or highly stressed."

"If you explain it this way, maybe it's because the conditions for using your bloodline power are...well, rather harsh."

"This is not surprising, because the power of blood is inherently diverse; I once saw with my own eyes the 'Dragon Knight', the blood power of the imperial royal family - it can break boulders with just roars and shouts, and the air waves alone can It can knock everyone around away."

"But the next day, the royal family member had a sore throat, and the extremely powerful bloodline power immediately decreased sharply."

"So I guess that the power of your blood cannot be used under normal conditions, or that this ability is usually greatly weakened, so weak that even if you have used it unintentionally, you will not be able to notice it at all. "

Having said this, Louis showed some apology on his face: "I'm very sorry, because I don't know much about the aristocratic pedigree of the Kingdom of Clovis, so I have no idea what type of blood power the Bach family has. If I could understand it a little better, If there are some people we can refer to, maybe..."

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize." Anson waved his hand.

It's not that he hasn't considered this, but the problem is that the Bach family from the "former Anson" is just a rural landowner in the central province of the Kingdom of Clovis. Who knows which ancestor with great luck married a wife of noble blood? , incidentally inherited the other party's bloodline.

"At this point, there's not much I can do to help - unless we figure out the origin of your bloodline power, it's very dangerous to try indiscriminately without knowing the exact bloodline." Louis sighed again.

"But Clovis's royal family, the Osteria family, according to rumors, has some connection with the Lorraine family, which inherited the bloodline of the 'Holy Grail Knight'. I don't know much about the Osteria family, but since you are Clovis Noble Wei may wish to focus on this, maybe there will be some gains."

Louis couldn't help but smile: "Who knows? Maybe Mr. Anson Bach, who defeated me, is a descendant of the Clovis royal family. That would be such an honor!"

Anson took a deep breath and resisted the urge to roll his eyes - if he hadn't known that the guy in front of him was upright and too innocent, he would have wanted to hit him.

"In addition, there are two points you must remember." He put away his smile, and Louis' expression under the candlelight became serious again:

"First, the power of blood is not a weapon or tool, it is a part of your body, just like limbs or organs; remember, many outstanding talents have caused irreversible consequences because of this."

"Second, no matter what kind of blood power, in principle, it requires a high degree of concentration to be effective; using it is no different from listening or thinking attentively; therefore, even if you cannot master the power of blood immediately, keep practicing to let it work. It’s still important to make it easier for yourself to focus.”

"Your Excellency Anson Bach, I look forward to one day being able to duel again with you who has truly mastered the power of blood. I hope we can all wait until that day comes..."

... Leaving the cell, under the supervision of two grenadiers, Anson wrote down the conversation between himself and Louis on a thin piece of paper and submitted it to Roman and Brigadier General Ludwig for review.

Anson, who basically told the truth, specifically added double quotation marks to "The commander of the imperial garrison is a calm man and will not be impulsive."

He was not afraid that Ludwig would guess the real purpose of his interrogation of Louis. What he was afraid of was that the brigadier general wanted to take back Thunder Castle so much that he would break his head on the city wall and suffer heavy casualties, and then throw the blame on himself.

Considering how much money he's spent on himself, it's not impossible.

A war that originally had nothing to do with him, but in the end he had to save his life, and he had to do his best to win. He also had to be careful of the conspiracy of the "Old God Sect" behind him, and he might have to take the blame for the incompetent commander...

It’s too difficult. It’s really difficult for me.

Anson sighed tiredly and walked along the trench outside the cell towards the siege position.

After Ludwig, who wanted to fight the most, made up his mind to defeat the Imperial Army in the fortress by digging holes and digging holes, knowing that he did not have to die in formation, the soldiers who were used as targets for the artillery immediately burst out with extremely strong subjective thoughts. initiative.

The military camp, which had been ravaged by artillery and was not decent, was "transformed" into a huge construction site in one day; overnight, thousands of soldiers "transformed" into a huge number of wooden shovels, wooden shovels, wooden hammers and large and small Different earth-moving containers - most of them should be modified from fortifications, horses and wooden piles that were destroyed by artillery.

In order to facilitate the transportation of soil, many soldiers who had worked as servants at the port laid simple tracks in the muddy and difficult-to-walk trenches; low-level engineers who were masons turned into foremen, imitating the figure that they hated in the past, commanding Get together a group of corporals and veterans.

With this unprecedented and unparalleled enthusiasm, the preliminary work that was originally expected to take four days was completed in just two days.

And not only are they efficient, the level of trench construction by these people makes people believe that they are more like an engineering team that has been contracting civil engineering projects for a long time than the army.

The communication trenches that were cut off by the bombing were re-opened, the impact craters left by the shells were transformed and expanded into temporary camps, and the narrow and crowded passages were expanded in just two days to be wide enough for three people to walk side by side.

Even in order to speed up the efficiency of fortification construction, various signs and street signs appeared in the maze-like trench network - "Cannonball Street" is next to "Short Leg Alley", and opposite the "Public Restaurant", turn left and you will find the "Card Club" ; Outside the newly expanded area, there are also wooden signs with the instructions "Under Development" and "Watch Your Steps".

The muddy and dirty trenches are turning into a bustling "city" full of life.

Ludwig, who was originally worried that it would take a lot of time, soon discovered that he might have been thinking too much - as long as they could ensure that these soldiers would not fight and get two meals a day, they could dig the trenches in less than twenty days. Under the walls of Thunder Castle.

But the Brigadier did not feel proud or proud of this, and he did not even feel the slightest joy at seeing the dawn of victory; on the contrary, his mood at the moment was even more pessimistic.

They would rather dig trenches desperately than climb out of the mud pit, even if the probability of the enemy firing is very slim, rather than risk being bombarded by artillery shells and operate in a siege position - what a cowardly army this is!

Do you really have any hope of retaking Thunder Castle if you expect this kind of scum to be completely defeated by the enemy in a single surprise attack on a foggy day? !

Regarding this, Anson is very optimistic.

It doesn't matter if your own army is low, as long as the enemy is worse.

According to Captain Carl Bain's evaluation, not only are the Imperial infantry's tactics rigid and rigid, holding on to phalanxes and platoons to shoot, but morale is a false proposition - it may be guaranteed when the commander is still alive, but once an officer is killed, he will be killed on the spot. Collapse, no exceptions.

The results of the battle for the fort basically proved what he said.

What the Hered Empire is really proud of is their powerful artillery, cavalry and knight corps - so as long as the imperial army defending the city cannot take advantage of the artillery, they can only rely on a small number of elites in siege warfare. The shortcomings of the imperial army of knights and infantry will be exposed.

There is still hope for victory in the battle on the surface, but the real danger is the close-quarters battle, and the old god sect is planning something behind the scenes.

Therefore, as long as it is not clear what the Old God Sect wants to do, even if the civil fortifications are completely completed, Anson will still find excuses to delay Ludwig's attack plan.

Because the risk is really too high.

Even if you have to take risks, you should at least wait until you have basically mastered the power of blood and have the capital to protect yourself, and then try to avoid the possibility of taking the blame for Ludwig...

"You're back, my leader?"

Anson raised his head when he stopped, holding his arms, Carl Bain was leaning against the earth wall, staring at him helplessly.

"Something happened?" Anson asked casually.

"Why are you asking me anything? I'm just a little battalion commander, not your adjutant." Karl snorted coldly: "I'm not like some adjutant who gives up his orders just for the sake of military rank!"

Looking at the unhappy Karl, Anson felt a little inexplicable and was stunned for a while, then suddenly laughed out loud:

"You...are not...jealous of me, are you?"

"I'm not jealous of people who are dying!"

Karl suddenly took a step forward. The timid army captain who was waiting to be driven to some hellish place to become a militia company commander, now grabbed Anson's collar and stared at him murderously:

"Let me ask you, do you know why the archbishop's biological son spared no effort in praising us?"

"I know."

Anson chuckled and nodded, raising his hands seriously.

"Then he gave you the title of lieutenant colonel. Do you know why?"

"I know."

"Then you are actively seeking death and dragging us into a group with you?!"

Carl was stunned.

"This is not seeking death, this is the best way to survive." Putting away his smile, Anson said calmly:

"You saw it the day Ludwig came. The archbishop's own son will never give up until Thunder Castle is taken back!"

"Even if he has to trade his life for artillery shells, he won't frown; although he should never be able to do it... But even so! I don't want to bet the chance of survival on a person who can win at all costs in order to win. A lunatic who will grab any life-saving straw... I would rather trust myself."

"Are you satisfied with this explanation, my Lord Adjutant?"

Anson raised his hands and asked in a deep voice.

Karl, with a tangled look on his face, stared at Anson's face, swallowed with his twitching throat, and loosened his collar bit by bit.

"Lieutenant Colonel Roman sent a batch of weapons and recruits, saying they are what you want... I advise you to check them quickly." Karl, who was leaning against the wall weakly, pointed behind him with a gloomy expression.

The next second, he suddenly seemed to remember something and shouted at Anson's leaving back:

"Also, I'm not your adjutant!"

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