I will be crowned king

Chapter 171 Mutual Trust

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The gunfire rang out without warning, and six bullets were accurately delivered from the back of Cigar's head into his skull.

The moment the astonished "Old Pocket Watch" turned around, scarlet plasma instantly filled his entire field of vision; the unresponsive "Cigar" body slowly collapsed to the ground, and the joyful smile was forever frozen on his face.

The expressionless "Rifling" casually threw away the revolver that was empty of bullets, and raised his right foot towards the head full of bullet holes.

The sound of the hammer clicking echoed between the two of them, and the cold muzzle of the gun pressed against "Rifled"'s chest, aiming at the heart.

"I need an explanation."

The corpse still spewing blood on the ground was twitching slightly, and the corner of "Old Pocket Watch"'s smiling mouth also trembled:

"Rifling, what the hell are you doing?"

"What am I doing?"

Glancing at the pistol on his chest, "Rifling" slowly raised his head and looked at him with a non-smiling smile:

"Didn't you see everything?"

"Or is it that your presbyopia and deafness have worsened? Well, old pocket watch?"

The cold "Old Pocket Watch"'s narrowed eyes revealed murderous intent as he spoke every word.

"I...need...an explanation!"

"I don't need any explanation."

"Rifle" looked him in the eyes without politeness: "If you decide to kill the friend who saved your life, then you old bastard just shoot him!"

"saved me?"

"This scumbag is in the same group as our 'new friend'. What happened at the military factory tonight is a complete trap - go in and take a look, the warehouse is empty!"


The shocked "Old Pocket Watch" immediately turned around and walked into the door, which was empty.

"how so?!"

"Because it is what you see!" "Rifling" growled through gritted teeth:

"This is all a trap planned by our new friend - he has known Cigar for a long time, so last night the bastard persuaded the hydra to die so that he could take his place and become the new hydra!"

"Do you know why whispering can lead to death? It's because he is the most well-informed of all of us - the first time he saw this guy, he discovered that he was a member of the Inquisition!"

"So where is the hydra now?"

The still angry "Old Pocket Watch" said coldly, the pistol in his right hand still pointed at the heart of "Rifling", but he did not relax his guard because of his words:

"You should ask where Anson Bach is."

"Rifling" snorted irritably:

"He ran away. He ran away as soon as he came in. I didn't have time to catch him."

"Run away? Then why did his cronies say that you two were together when he came to us?"

"Because that was what happened before we entered the warehouse, and it was also what he proposed. The most important thing is that I guessed that Cigar and he were in the same group, so I didn't act rashly - you old bastard, you want me to explain when?!"

The hysterical roar of "Rifling" echoed over and over again in the empty warehouse. The cold-faced "Old Pocket Watch" still did not put down the gun in his hand, but it was obvious that he no longer had the urge to shoot.

Inside the dark warehouse door, two people with different faces stood next to Cigar's slightly twitching body. The depressing atmosphere made both parties involuntarily tighten their heartstrings.

Wonderful, so wonderful.

At this moment, Anson, who was hiding in the shadow of the warehouse and locked the position of the two of them with his peripheral vision, expressed his admiration for "Rifling"'s acting skills from the bottom of his heart.

The scene in front of me is simply the "foreplay" of the most standard plot of gangsters eating gangsters.

While the two were still confronting each other, Anson secretly glanced at his pocket watch, and the hands reached eleven thirty-five.

In twenty-five minutes, the storm group hiding two streets away will complete the blockade of the military factory, and the encirclement and suppression will begin in thirty-five minutes.

I have to kill the remaining two people within forty minutes.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Old Pocket Watch" solemnly watched every move of "Rifling":

"If this is a trap of the Inquisition, then a group of inquisitors will rush in at any time and chop the two of us into pieces, or put us in some dark prison forever."

"Only if they can really catch us." "Rifling" sneered with the corners of his mouth raised.

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that if you were a member of the Inquisition and deliberately set up such a trap that is obvious at a glance, what would you want us to do?"

Without giving "Old Pocket Watch" time to answer, "Rifling" continued:

"You will hope that we will be like rats, escaping from the military factory in a panic, desperate to kill each other just to seize the way to escape, and then kill us all one by one!"

Slowly putting away the pistol, "Old Pocket Watch" tapped his forehead: "You mean..."

"We won't run away."

"Rifling" looked serious: "Not only that, we also have to pretend that nothing happened and complete tonight's plan step by step."

"As long as we remain united, what does it matter if it's a court of justice?"

The surprised "Old Pocket Watch" was startled at first, and then a smile appeared on his orange-peel-like wrinkled cheeks:

"It makes sense...as long as we believe in each other and stay united, we will never be defeated."

"So tonight's plan and that business..."

"Well, I'm afraid I have to give up; but it doesn't matter, Rifle, even without these weapons, we still have many ways to let the thugs break through the blockade in the inner city - such as pouring an overdose of laudanum into some guys, and then giving them Prepare some spirits and explosives..."

"Old Pocket Watch, you are indeed the smartest one among us."

"No, dear Rifle, you are the smarter one between the two of us."

The two people facing each other looked at each other and smiled, each other's expressions and eyes were so sincere; they even turned around without warning in front of each other and left their bodies behind to their most trusted friend.


The moment the two were back to back, two gunshots exploded in the warehouse at the same time.

The screaming lead bullet passed by, tearing open the brim of the "rifled" hat. At the same time, it penetrated the eyebrows of "Old Pocket Watch" like touching smoke, leaving a flash of sparks on the wall behind him.

"Rifling" didn't show any surprise on his face. As he fired, he took out a short sword from his pocket in his right hand, and slashed at the figure of "Old Pocket Watch", leaving a silver-white trail in the air.

The sword edge passed by the figure of "Old Pocket Watch" who raised his gun to fight back, but dazzling sparks exploded behind him; the figure that was scratched gradually became transparent and dissipated in the air.

"Rifling", who held the sword in his backhand, quickly swung it behind him and fired three shots into the air at the same time.


The lead bullets exploded with sparks in the air, and the figure of "Old Pocket Watch" emerged from the dark shadows: holding a gun in his left hand, wielding a rapier in his right hand, maintaining the action of flicking off the lead bullets, his eyes glowing with invisible pupils. of blood color.

"Dear Rifle, do you know where your flaw lies?"

The smiling "Old Pocket Watch" voice was as soft as ever, and the stabbing sword in his right hand exuded a deep and mysterious light gray, wrapping around the entire sword body like a poisonous snake:

"Your words...are too many!"

The moment the words fell, the harsh gunfire exploded again.

The golden-red gun flames reflected the faces of the two people at the same time. The "rifling" that kept pulling the trigger moved quickly with an agility that was almost beyond the naked eye. The screaming lead bullets could only capture his afterimage, silver-white. The sword light followed the afterimages and attacked the "old pocket watch".


The stabbing sword wrapped in lavender light caught the blade at an extremely precise angle. The smiling "Old Pocket Watch" retreated with agility and reaction that was completely different from its appearance, while parrying the stormy attack of "Rifling", the sharp blade A series of sparks of friction exploded between the two.

There is something wrong with that sword... Ansen, who was hiding in the dark, said silently in his heart.

The force of swinging the dagger with "rifling" coupled with the possibility of imprinting magic such as [Sharp Wind] is definitely not something that an old man with weak arms can easily block.

Anson didn't know much about black magic, but as a rough guess, it was very likely that the "old pocket watch" had imprinted magic such as "mind reading" or "prejudgment" on the sword, allowing the sword to complete the blocking action independently.

This is different from the black mages Anson has seen - such as Mace Hornard and Bronn - but as "Rifling" mentioned before, "Old Pocket Watch" is more alternative, and his fighting style is more like a conjuration mage.

"Dear Rifle, you are as cautious as ever."

The corners of "Old Pocket Watch"'s mouth raised slightly:

"Based on our understanding of each other, this level of testing is obviously unnecessary."

Before he finished speaking, the expressionless "Rifling" suddenly snorted coldly, and threw the revolver that had run out of ammunition with his left hand towards "Old Pocket Watch"'s chest.


A violent explosion filled the entire warehouse with dazzling light.

The light dissipated, and the body of "Rifling" that turned into smoke gathered back to its original position. At the same time, he took out a brand new revolver from his arms and fired three shots in front of him without looking.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three rays of fire exploded in the air one after another. It was only when Anson noticed the unexpected expression in his eyes that he realized - "Rifling" had not seen the three crossbow arrows flying towards him just now, and he hit them purely by instinct.

"It seems that the two of us really understand each other better than we thought."

Unsurprisingly, "Old Pocket Watch" hid the exquisite hand crossbow in his arms, smiled and waved the rapier wrapped in purple light to face the incoming "rifling", and pointed his free left hand at him and made rapid gestures. A series of complex gestures.

For a moment, "Rifling"'s gaze suddenly froze; his flexible figure also became sluggish, and his hands and feet seemed to be filled with lead.

But his speed did not slow down at all. The running figure rushed straight towards the tip of the sword pointed at his forehead by "Old Pocket Watch".


Just a second before the sword was about to pierce his eyebrows, "Rifling", who was clenching his teeth, suddenly grasped the dagger in Zhe's right hand and was about to swing it, tearing a mark on his left shoulder.

The pain made him regain control of his body, and he gripped the revolver tightly and fired at the head of "Old Pocket Watch" to empty out the remaining bullets in the magazine.

"Dang——! Dang! Dang!"

The stabbing sword quickly deflected the incoming lead bullets, and the gray-purple light wrapped around the sword seemed to be a little dimmer than before.

"Rifling" did not take advantage of the situation to attack fiercely, but seized the gap to dodge backwards, threw away the pistol with his left hand and snapped his fingers with a "pop!"

The next second, the three lead bullets that were deflected by the bayonet suddenly lit up and exploded into thick white fog in the air.

The "old pocket watch" shrouded in fog raised his eyebrows:

"Breath of Annihilation? Dear Rifle, how many times do you have to repeat it before I understand that this method of hallucination is completely meaningless to me."

"And the method you just used to break the 'Sleeping Curse' also gave me the opportunity to read minds. I can even guess your next step."

The "Old Pocket Watch" had already taken two steps back before he finished speaking. Almost at the same time, a translucent knife shadow whirling in place suddenly exploded from where he had just stood, clearing away the surrounding fog.

"Rifling" who didn't take it seriously sneered: "How do you know if you haven't tried it?"

Without any warning, the silver-white dagger struck at the "Old Pocket Watch" standing there again, and the sharp blades colliding with each other continued to make crisp or harsh sounds.

He was using this method to teach himself the "Old Pocket Watch" fighting method... Anson in the shadow nodded lightly.

Judging from the confrontation between the two just now, "Old Pocket Watch" is not only good at "mind reading", but also has reached an almost weird level in "hallucination" and "hypnosis" - not only can he create a fake self that looks like the real one, but he can even Hypnotizes objects.

In other words, ordinary offensive methods have lost their meaning to "Old Pocket Watch". If you want to kill him, you must make sure that you are not hypnotized and use some unexpected means to complete a one-hit kill.

"Dear Rifling, I'm curious."

The long and narrow stabbing sword continued to block the fierce silver light. The smiling "old pocket watch"'s peripheral vision fell on the sword that was already full of gaps. The purple light attached to it had dimmed to the point where it was almost impossible to see clearly:

"What promise did our new friend make that made you choose to betray your friend?"


The silver sword light struck forward like thunder, and the stabbing sword full of gaps was finally overwhelmed and was broken into two pieces from the center.

The next second, the dagger stopped at the throat of "Old Pocket Watch".

"There is only one reason."

The indifferent "Rifling" spoke slowly, his scarlet eyes reflecting the smile of "Old Pocket Watch":

"I never believed you, old bastard, from the beginning!"


"Old Pocket Watch" smiled and let go of the hilt of the sword in his right hand, and the half-broken sword fell vertically from his leg.

At this moment, "Rifle" suddenly thrust the dagger into his throat.


The moment blood spurted out, "Rifling" was shaken without warning.

He slowly lowered his head and looked at the tip of the knife that had penetrated his heart and emerged from his chest. He turned his head and looked at the smiling "Cigar" behind him with wide eyes in shock.

He's not dead? !

"Oh, my dear Rifling."

"Old Pocket Watch" sighed softly and used two fingers to remove the dagger pressed against his throat:

"You should trust me less."

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