I will be crowned king

Chapter 182 Trigger

The moment she heard Anson's urgent cry, Sophia looked back with a confused expression, but the next second she decisively turned around and ran wildly, flying to the ground in the direction of Clovis Cathedral.

This is certainly due to the girl's natural keen sense of danger, but more importantly, similar situations have happened three times in succession, which has caused her to have an instinctive reaction to Anson's warning.

The young driver, aware of his exposure, tugged on the reins, and the neighing old horse galloped towards him, dragging the four-wheeled carriage that was definitely not light at first sight.

At this moment, Anson suddenly arched his back and bent his knees, rushing towards the young girl who fell backwards. At the same time, he blocked the exclaimed maid Angelica with his left hand, and pulled out the "dagger" from under his windbreaker with his right hand, with the gun muzzle under his arm. Stretch out and aim at the carriage.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

One shot for the horse's head, one shot for the wheel, and one shot for the driver.

The old horse whose head was smashed let out the last cry of its life, and violently twisted the rope that the carriage was fixed to. The four-wheel carriage with one wheel smashed completely lost control and fell upside down on the street. Keep rolling.

Almost at the same time as the gunshot, the young coachman jumped up decisively, and his body turned into a puff of smoke in the air, allowing the lead bullet that was supposed to hit the center of the eyebrow to penetrate.

He is also a conjurer... Anson, who was blocking Sophia behind him, raised his eyebrows, clenched the bayonet in his sleeve with his left hand, and rushed toward the falling smoke.

The normal duration of the fog of the undead is only four seconds, and the distance cannot exceed the casting radius of 20 meters, and usually it will not exceed five meters - the other party's casting is an instinctive reaction in emergency, and the distance must be within five meters.


The screaming lead bullet grazed the driver's left shoulder, tearing a bloody hole near his arm, and the flesh spurted out like pillars of blood.

The astonished young coachman's expression was instantly distorted, his body dragged his left arm soaked in blood, and he clenched his right fist and hit Anson's left arm hard to block.


The fists and arms intersected, but there was a sound of sharp blades clashing; the whistling wind of the fist tore open the front sleeve of Anson's windbreaker, revealing the bayonet hidden underneath; the muzzle of the gun was raised like a life-threatening hound, making an eardrum-exploding roar.

The coachman who had no time to dodge suddenly lowered his head, and the straight trajectory was only a few centimeters away from the top of his skull, exploding a series of sparks on the ground; rubbing [Rui Feng]'s right hand, and at the same time trying to take away the bayonet of Anson's left hand. .

But Anson was one step ahead of him... or he was very clear about the characteristics of the Ruifeng spell - as a simple and crude basic magic, its "effective area" was very narrow, and it could only focus on a certain area of ​​the item.

When placed on the hand, it is around the knuckles as the core, so the wrist is an absolutely defenseless part.

So Anson decisively let go of the handle of the knife, and the bright bayonet flipped freely in the air as it fell. At the moment when the handle of the knife pointed downwards, Anson held the bayonet sharply and stabbed straight upward.


The sharp long blade pierced through the wrist, and the charging ax with a twisted expression of pain had no time to try to break free. Anson, who was holding the handle of the knife tightly, twisted the handle upwards like a wrench.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"

The coachman, who was wailing heartbreakingly, dragged his nailed right arm to one side to dodge. Relying on the magician's sense of distance, he instinctively avoided the shot aimed at the heart. The explosive lead bullet exploded in his ribs on the left side. A piece of flesh and blood.

But the driver did not give up, because the sound of the gun meant that the revolver in Anson's right hand was out of ammunition.

This is your chance!

The young coachman who dodged the fatal shot raised his bloody left hand. A looming storm gathered in his palm, turning the dripping blood on it into a pale pink blood mist.

But before the storm rolled up in his palm hit Anson, he saw the man in front of him decisively threw away the revolver, stamped his right foot violently, and the silver dagger popped out of the military boots, and met the free-falling "dagger" in the air. "Staggered and fell firmly into the palm of your hand.

The next second, the storm in his palm met with the tip of the silver dagger; the sword that was supposed to be torn into pieces penetrated through the center of the storm without any obstacles, directly piercing the driver's palm.

The storm dissipated, and the expressionless Anson drew his dagger under the horrified look in the coachman's eyes, and stabbed him several times in the heart.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff..."

The silver dagger kept plunging into and out of the coachman's chest until his upper body was soaked in blood. Anson then pulled out the bayonet on his right wrist. The dagger pulled out from the chest penetrated into the neck and shattered the tip of the cervical spine. Exposed from the back of the neck.

The coachman's hands, whose throat was pierced, hung weakly on both sides of his body. He opened and closed the corners of his mouth to spit out blood and minced meat. He was trembling violently and stared at Anson with the eyes of a traitor, using all his strength. The power roared and cursed:

"For Ayton...for the three old gods...for the big plan..."

"You...all of you...must die..."

Anson looked at him calmly and chuckled in a joking tone: "Yes, you are right, all mortals are destined to die."

"Hey, what's the next sentence?"

Just when the coachman was confused by Anson's words, Anson, who seemed to be stunned, raised his bayonet without warning, and the cold blade passed across his neck.


The head and the limp body fell into a pool of his own blood, and the confused expression was forever etched on the coachman's face.

The calm Anson immediately put away his bayonet and dagger, picked up the "dagger" on the ground again, skillfully ejected and cleaned the magazine, then took out the prepared paper shells and loaded them, tapped the hammer, and put the muzzle of the gun Aim at the body on the ground.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Two shots to the head, two shots to the heart.

It wasn't until he confirmed that the coachman was really cold that Anson breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to look at Sophia, who was still lying on the ground. Even though she was extremely frightened, she had always pursed her lips tightly and not made a sound from just now until now.

"He...is a spell caster?"

The pale girl stood up with the help of Anson. Her weak body seemed to have no weight. She relied on his shoulders to prevent her from falling. She could only stare at the coachman's body with her eyes motionless.

A little scared, a little curious, and a little...excited.

"He's a low-level conjurer. He's not very strong, but he's still very dangerous." Anson looked at the body of the coachman and said, his expression solemn under his frown.

Send a spellcaster to pretend to be a coachman and assassinate the archbishop's only daughter in broad daylight in Clovis Cathedral in front of all believers and priests...Which genius came up with this plan?

After thinking carefully for a moment, Anson believed that the probability that this matter was planned by the black mage was very low. First of all, he already knew that the cathedral was under his control, and it would not benefit him to do such a thing deliberately.

And so far, the Inquisition has never taken action against the black mages. The face of the church college is only one aspect. More importantly, Luther Franz has always been unwilling to let the matter expand and limited the problem of the Old Gods to the Kingdom of Clovis. within, rejecting intervention from higher levels of the church.

Once Sophia is killed, God knows what this doting archbishop can do. By then, there will probably be no place for a black mage in the entire Kingdom of Clovis, and hunts and bounty orders will spread throughout the world of Order.

Of course, it's possible that he was overthinking it; the other party just sent a spellcaster to try to cause commotion and cause panic; Sophia just happened to be outside the church door and was obviously not an ordinary person in her dress, so she was targeted by the coachman.

While Anson was still thinking wildly, the soldiers who heard gunfire and fighting finally rushed over; the panicked Lisa was the first to rush out of the church, and only relaxed after seeing that Anson was still intact. He took a breath and patted his chest fearfully.

"What are you going to do next?"

Sophia, who had regained her composure from fear, turned to look at Anson, with the last bit of nervousness remaining in her eyes: "Inspect the scene, collect clues from the carriage and the body of the coachman, and find out his identity and origin?"

"No, we don't have the manpower and time."

Anson shook his head and interrupted the girl's delusion about detective novels:

"In the next few days, Clovis City will only become more and more chaotic. It is meaningless to only capture one or two Old God Sect organizations or gangs. It will even disrupt our original plans and deployments."

"So you must go home immediately. I will send a heavy carriage and a squad of skirmishers to take you back, and then tell the Guards about this. They will know what to do if they have any brains left!"

After the words fell, the excited light in Sophia's eyes quickly dimmed, but she did not object.

"In addition, I have one more thing to ask you." Anson paused after noticing the girl's slight expression, and then said:

"I just said something about Draco Vertes. We now know that he intends to persuade His Majesty Carlos II, but we still don't know how he is going to quell the riot."

"So there needs to be someone who can appear in the palace when the riot occurs, and who has the qualifications to enter the palace to monitor his every move."

"This is not a meaningless matter. At least as far as I know, even the archbishop himself knows nothing about it." Anson emphasized:

"Of course it is impossible for him to spy on others with his status. A monitor must not easily attract others' attention, and must be able to move around the entire palace unhindered - among the people I know, there is no more suitable candidate than you."

"And I'm not helping you, but helping myself. Understanding the ins and outs of the whole thing will be very helpful for me to compete for a position in Clovis City's security forces in the future."

Sophia stared at Anson intently, trying to find signs of lying on the face that said "I am sincere", but in the end there was no result.

After hesitating for a moment, the girl finally nodded calmly and gently: "I will give it a try...but don't give up any hope."

"That's enough." Anson smiled carelessly.

He actually didn't expect Sophia to really find anything, but this kind of thing can never be "just in case"; especially for a guy who is elusive and has caused himself ten thousand troubles, even if it can cause him trouble, it is good, not to mention He can also brush up the Franz family's favor towards him.

While the two were talking, the storm troop soldiers who arrived began to clean up the scene; Anson turned around subconsciously and saw several soldiers walking towards the overturned carriage amidst the sergeant's orders.

"Wait a minute, don't get close to that carriage! There may be..."


Before he finished speaking, the entire carriage suddenly expanded outwards, and the golden-red fire exploded suddenly, rushing into the sky amidst Anson's warning, swallowing several soldiers without a trace.


Just when the storm troop and the priests of the cathedral stationed on Red Brick Street were in chaos due to the sudden appearance of assassins and exploding carriages, the entire city of Clovis was already in panic.

In the beginning, it was just some minor commotions such as thefts and robberies. Relying on the security companies hired by various street shops and owners and a few "brave" people, order was still managed.

But as more and more people are killed on the streets, and houses and shops are smashed by robbers, set on fire, and exploded due to gas pipe accidents, these are no longer just one or two "unfortunate accidents", but When more than a dozen or dozens of cases continue to appear... the security situation continues to deteriorate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the Guards finally realized that the situation was starting to get out of control and finally tried to intervene, it was too late, or it was completely counterproductive. The original commotion in the streets was like overwhelming a camel when the Guards with loaded guns and carriages appeared. The last straw turned directly into a riot!

The Guardsmen marching in neat steps directly lined up on the street, shooting directly at the panicked crowd and thugs who were looting everywhere; officers riding horses rushed into the crowd with swords under the cover of soldiers' cold guns, Cut down the thugs who had just returned from the exploded shop to the ground.

The thugs who were raided tried to hide in the narrow alleys of various streets and bombed-out shops, using homemade firearms to resist them. The security companies who were originally victims and the shop owners who were affected by the Guards also During the encirclement and suppression by the Guards, who did not even say hello, they had to "defend themselves" - guarding the traffic arteries and shooting at the Guards along the streets with legally equipped weapons.

In the midst of the chaos, some clearly well-prepared gangsters from the Old Gods drove carriages and secretly bypassed the neighborhoods where the turmoil was most intense; their targets were the more "meaningful" areas: churches, Guards posts, Royal Bank, military camp, warehouse...

Accompanied by fireworks that soared into the sky one after another, the riot quickly spread from a few streets to the entire inner and outer city, and it tended to get worse.

But what is very strange is that in the face of such a situation, the Privy Council, the royal family, the Guards, the Church, the Royal Army... In addition to strengthening the security of all parties in Clovis City, everyone chose to ignore and restrain their hands. Watch and watch the royal capital fall into chaos.

But the real storm is still brewing in the invisible shadows.

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