I will be crowned king

Chapter 185 The choked throat

"Everyone is here, take turns firing across the line - open fire!"

Accompanied by a dull sound of shooting, figures across the street fell in pieces; white mist spurted from the muzzle of the gun mixed with billowing black smoke into the sky, and the choking smoke filled the entire street.

At 8:55 on March 1, as the last guard stationed in Baihu Park withdrew, the rioters finally poured into the entire Baihu Park area; tens of thousands of rioters roared angrily. Amidst the sound, they rushed towards Clovis Cathedral desperately.

Clovis Cathedral, which lost its last barrier and was bounded by red brick streets, became an isolated island in the riot, and the frenzy of the riot continued to hit its shores with bloody water.

Pull the bolt, reload, lock the bolt, raise the gun and shoot - the soldiers behind the barricade mechanically repeat the work they have practiced countless times in the past month or so; the ammunition boxes piled in the corner are constantly changing. The pouring storm of lead bullets is being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the first breech-loading bolt-action rifle independently developed and put into production in the Kingdom of Clovis, the Leopold rifle is easy to operate. Even the most unskilled recruits can fire three bullets a minute. The rate of fire is the same price. Muzzle-loading guns are at least two to three times faster - of course, this also means that the consumption rate of bullets is also at least two to three times.

But it was still too slow. Even if the rifle's rate of fire was doubled, the lethality still could not suppress the fire... Looking at the soldiers who kept firing repeatedly, Anson raised his eyebrows. He suddenly missed some people with six barrel weapon.

Looking at the shrill wails in the billowing smoke amid the hail of bullets, and the falling figures who were constantly pierced by lead bullets, no one was in the mood to cheer at all.

Even though the battle has become so fierce that it is almost one-sided, and the piles of corpses have even covered the intersection outside the red brick street, hundreds of rioters still show no signs of retreat and are still crashing into the storm group. line of defense.

This is destined to be a crazy fight to the death.

Although the lower class people living outside Clovis are dissatisfied with the Church of Order, the Ring of Order is still the official and universal belief in the world, and they will never risk death to attack the cathedral.

They are all Old God believers who were instigated by the Black Mage and the Old God organization and live in Clovis City.

They huddled and hid in the darkest corners of the city, always worried that they would be investigated and hunted by the Church of Order. They prayed in sewers and dilapidated and uninhabited houses to the three old gods that their grandfathers had believed in, longing for I hope that one day all this suffering can be ended.

Only they regard everything they suffer as the oppression of the Church of Order, and believe that believers of the Three Old Gods in an ancient era are noble beings; as long as the rule of the Church of Order is overthrown, the "big plan" can be carried out If they realize it, they will be able to escape from the suffering in front of them immediately and have countless wealth.

"For the Three Old Gods! For the Original Ring——!!!"

In the burning streets, countless figures were riddled with holes in rows of lead bullets, and were roasted into charcoal by the explosion flames.

The bloody body fell heavily on the crater filled with blood on the ground, and the corners of his mouth spitting blood were still chanting the names of the three old gods.

"Inform the artillery company to conduct a rapid fire on the street in three minutes."

Calmly looking at the purgatory-like battlefield in front of him, Anson, without looking back, gave a deep order to his "internal adjutant" behind him, Judge Sera Vigil.

"Shrapnel or solid bullets?"

"...solid bullets."

Anson hesitated for a second. The storm group had already prepared sufficient ammunition reserves, but after all, there were too many rioters.

Although it is not clear what backup plan Luther Franz has prepared, he only needs to ensure that the cathedral will not fall until March 1st; as a qualified planner, he must always be prepared for the worst "in case" "The plan was to use a smaller number of shrapnel shells, which he planned to wait until he was covering his retreat.

Accompanied by the loud bugle sound, six infantry cannons deployed on Red Brick Street roared simultaneously; the roar that shook the air exploded in everyone's ears at the same time.


The whizzing artillery shells passed over the heads of the line infantry, dragging a "bright red road" made of flesh and blood through the streets filled with swarms of rioters.

The shells that kept rolling and beating among the flesh and blood, and the masonry fragments that swept across in the explosion finally caused a commotion among the rioters, and the air filled with thick smoke and blood was filled with the breath of panic.

Fear and panic did not scare away the fanatical rioters. Groups of figures struggled hard amidst the continuous roaring of artillery and volleys of gunfire. With soul-shaking shouts, they rushed towards the storm group's defense line covered in blood.

As time passed by, the wave rushing towards Clovis Cathedral showed no signs of slowing down, and even intensified.


The heavy gunshot blasted the head of a fish that had slipped through the net. "Skirmisher Captain" Cole Dorian took the Leopold rifle that a certain soldier gave him and loaded the ammunition very unskillfully.

"I said, are these people a little too unafraid of death?!"

The inferior inquisitor, who had spent a long time to pull the bolt of his gun, screamed hysterically, and the sound of volleys of gunfire and the roar of six-pound infantry cannons continued to ring in his ears, as if someone was hitting his eardrums with a hammer.

Cole Dorian could swear that this was the craziest battle he had ever experienced.

He has seen many fanatical believers of the Old Gods, many of whom are even crazier than the ones in front of him, a thousand times or ten thousand times more fanatical; he has also seen many big scenes, in the ninety-fifth year of the Saints Calendar He was at the scene of the Beigang Rebellion. Tens of thousands of soldiers were fighting in the open field. It was definitely a more spectacular scene than this scene.

But he has never seen so many fanatical believers of the Three Old Gods. They don't even have a decent weapon in their hands, and they dare to rush towards the heavily guarded fortifications regardless of life or death!

Just now, he saw with his own eyes a young woman pouring kerosene from a kerosene lamp onto her body, screaming and rushing towards him. As a result, she was hit by a lead bullet between her eyebrows, which turned into a ball of fire and exploded in the crowd. .

"Crazy, so crazy!"

The excited secondary judge muttered to himself to cover up his inner fear. The passively stimulated blood power made him move instinctively, and he crawled to the ground without any warning.


Cole Dorian only had time to see a flash of light. The skirmisher behind him who had just handed him the rifle froze on the spot, his head falling from the thin line between his neck.

Spell caster? !

The inferior judge who was lying on the ground suddenly raised his head, and his sight through the thick smoke immediately locked onto a figure huddled in the crowd; almost as soon as he realized that he had missed, he desperately hid back.

"Want to run?!"

Cole gritted his teeth and locked the gun, and his strong figure suddenly jumped up from the ground. The rifle with the trigger clicked roared at its prey.


The lead bullet was stopped by the invisible wall of air before it hit the opponent's body, but the running Second Inquisitor had already rushed through the defenses and the line of fire, dragging an afterimage and pounced in front of him.

When the spellcaster, whose face was full of horror, came to his senses, the bayonet of the gun had slipped from his neck, and his headless body fell to the ground like a pile of rotten meat.

Before the inferior inquisitor who successfully killed his target had time to rejoice, the ferocious-looking thugs around him had already attacked, surrounding him like hungry wolves pouncing on prey.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Gunshots rang out from behind, and the screaming lead bullets penetrated the heads of the thugs who were rushing toward him one by one. Cole, who was stunned, just wanted to turn around when he saw a petite figure running towards him...

Then he slapped him with a "Pah!"

"Don't be in a daze, you!"

The irritable Lisa yelled at the confused inferior inquisitor; in her hand, the lightweight Borni rifle changed from a hunting toy of the nobles to a killing machine, blowing the head of the thug lying on the ground with one shot. , the bayonet was raised rapidly and opened up the thugs who rushed towards him.


"What are you, who asked you to run away from the fortification?!" Without giving Cole a chance to explain, Lisa blocked her back:

"You are the skirmisher company commander, and your task is to cover the battle line. Do you know how to fight?!"

A series of questions silenced the inferior judge. He admitted that he was indeed passionate just now, but he never imagined that he would be scolded by a girl who was not as tall as a rifle.

"Then why did you come to save me, Lord Captain Lisa Bach?"

Cole Dorian, who refused to bow his head, couldn't help but speak. He threw away Leopold in his hand, took out the "dagger" from his arms and kept firing at the crowd to cover Lisa who was killing her. Fight and retreat at the same time.

"Because Lisa knows who you are!"

The girl quickly loaded and fired, and the single-shot breech-loading rifle in her hand had a rate of fire comparable to that of a revolver:

"You, you! You are all a group of bad guys who think Anson is a bad guy. If something happens to you, the remaining bad guys will never let Anson go!"

"Lisa doesn't want anything to happen to Anson, so you must not die here today! Lisa promised to protect Anson, so Lisa will protect you too!"

This impeccable theory shocked Cole Dorian, and he couldn't even say a word for a while.

The fighting continued, and after repelling an unknown number of attacks by the insurrectionists, Anson gave the order to retreat to the entire army.

According to the pre-war arrangement, the four companies that insisted on the front line began to retreat in an orderly manner with all the lightly wounded. The grenadier company serving as reserves and the other two companies advanced quickly, breaking into the defensive positions in the form of columns, relying on artillery. Covering the troops retreating into the church, they fought fiercely with the rioters.

Although the number of enemies still showed no sign of decreasing, the large number of fortifications and barricades on the streets forced the enemies to slow down their advance. The mobs pouring into the streets were constantly diverted by the complex terrain and towering barricades. The soldiers of the Storm Regiment, who were desperately defending, had a certain advantage.

When one-third of the street was lost, the long-awaited artillery battery launched another artillery bombardment against the frenzied mob.

This time, it was shrapnel.


Accompanied by roars, pitch-black cannonballs exploded over the crowd; hundreds of lead bullets shot out in all directions, devouring all the flesh and blood they touched, like the scythe of death, quickly harvesting everything around them. A life that is still alive.

Every time a shrapnel exploded, a huge blood hole would be blown into the surging crowd, and flesh and blood mixed with broken meat and bones would spurt out wantonly in the crowd.

This round of shelling lasted for a full two minutes. Relying on the artillery company's rapid fire regardless of cost, at 12:55 on March 1, the Storm Group, which held its position for more than four hours, only suffered less than a hundred casualties. Successfully retreated into Clovis Cathedral.

But this is not because the Storm Group has been unable to maintain the front - on the contrary, Anson, who received intelligence from Draco Vertes, was fully prepared for this riot; relying on the fortifications and sufficient supplies of Red Brick Street With sufficient ammunition reserves, there is no problem in holding on for a day and a night.

The problem is Mace Hornard.

"Do you think he'll be fooled?"

"On the contrary, I hope he won't be fooled."

Anson stood in front of the cathedral with an unprecedented serious expression. The strong wind mixed with gunpowder smoke roared past, exposing his slightly twitching brow under the tip of his hair.

Mace Honnard's plan was to take advantage of the chaos at Clovis Cathedral when it was under siege by thugs and take the "Great Magic Book" from the church; this seemingly perfect plan required two prerequisites.

First of all, it must be achieved when the situation is in chaos and everyone has no time to care; otherwise, even the "blasphemous mage" would not be able to break into the cathedral in front of hundreds or thousands of people and destroy the "Great Master". "Magic Book" snatched away.

Secondly, he needs his own cooperation - at least judging from the information obtained so far, Mace Honnard should not know, or have no chance to know that the memory card storing the "Big Magic Book" and the difference machine are in the cathedral. What location.

What's more, he doesn't have the key.

The key is in your own hand.

So as long as Anson ensures that he is in the sight of everyone at all times, and that there are people from the Tribunal standing beside him, Mace Honnard will have no chance to negotiate with him - unless he really plans to make a desperate move and kill everyone. A judge.

In short, the original purpose of Anson's "perfect plan" was to try his best to ensure that Mace Honnard had no chance of stealing the "Grand Magic Book" from the cathedral.

In this way, he can gain the complete trust of the Tribunal and the Church, and at the same time, the Black Mage has nothing to say - he gave him enough information and expressed his willingness to assist. The failure was because he did not cherish.

"All in all, as I've always said, my plan is very..."

The moment he looked back, Anson's words stopped abruptly.

He saw Sera Virgil looking at him with a horrified expression, her stiff body trembling slightly, her eyes protruding, and her pale pink lips constantly opening and closing, making a "squeaking" sound.

It was as if a pair of invisible hands were grabbing my throat!

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