I will be crowned king

Chapter 187 Misstep

"Where is Anson?!"

Leaning against the church door that was already riddled with holes, Lisa yelled at the inferior inquisitor, while picking up the Borne rifle and shooting at the door with the skirmishers; the dense rain of bullets blew up one after another. The heads of thugs who tried to rush up the stairs, and the corpses slipped from the blood-splattered stairs, but could not stop more people from coming up.

"Why are you asking me?! I still want to know!"

Cole Dorian, who was very innocent, yelled at her in turn. Ever since he saved his life - which he insisted was controversial - this little girl has always been unyielding to him, as if he could be killed at any time. What would she do to her brother Anson Bach?

Well, Cole Dorian admitted that he had arrested Anson Bach without any evidence, and the reputation of the Inquisition was indeed not very good...but this was not a reason for a little girl to make herself particularly embarrassed!

Throwing the empty revolver to the soldiers behind him, the inferior inquisitor picked up the last pistol and took out his cane from behind. The sharp long blade suddenly popped out from the side of the cane.

"To tell you the truth, I want to know where that bastard is now more than you do. I also want to ask him why Sierra was shot and left her alone on the ground - do you understand?!"

"not understand!"

Staring at him fiercely, the impatient Lisa took a grenade directly from the grenadier, pulled the fuse and threw it out through the crack of the door, with tears in her red eyes:

"I knew you must know where Anson is!"


Looking at the little girl who was about to cry in front of him, the inferior judge who turned around inadvertently saw the grenade flying out of the door, drawing a beautiful arc above the heads of the people who were rushing in crazily, and heading towards a person who was thrown outside. The ammunition box fell.

Cole, who had no time to think about it, kicked the door shut, hugged the little girl, threw himself behind him, and fell heavily in the corner of the hall.

Before Lisa could struggle, a deafening roar came from outside the cathedral door.


The violent explosion shook the entire hall. The gorgeous crystal chandelier on the ceiling and the elegant wall lamps on both sides were instantly shattered, and the exquisite gold-plated lamp stand crashed to the ground.

When the explosion gradually dissipated, it suddenly became much quieter outside the gate. They once again repelled the thugs' attack...temporarily.

In the messy hall, soldiers who did not understand what had just happened were pulled up from the ground one by one by officers, sweeping the battlefield and cleaning up the wounded.

"Everyone clear the scene and re-establish defenses in the hall; artillery company, go and pull the two six-pound infantry cannons over!"

Pushing away the inferior judge who was blocking her, Lisa got up from the ground and shouted to the surrounding officers one by one:

"The grenadier company entered the combat position as soon as possible. The remaining line companies were responsible for blocking the windows and corridors. The skirmisher company withdrew to help carry the wounded and served as a reserve team to repair in the next hall. Quick! Quick! Quick! We don't have time!"

After giving all the orders, Lisa picked up the Borni rifle and loaded it skillfully while striding towards the secondary judge, staring at him with her red eyes:

"Tell me, where is Anson?!"


Looking at the girl in front of him who wanted to eat him in one bite, Cole Dorian couldn't help but roll his eyes:

"I asked you if you could have a better attitude. I just saved your life!"

"Then if Lisa had a better attitude, bad guy, could you tell me where Anson is?!" Lisa stared at him and said loudly.

"I..." Cole took a deep breath, suppressing some unfriendly impulse and blushed: "I can't, because I don't know where that bastard Anson Bach is!"

"And dear Miss Lisa Bach, I respect your persistence, but can we not be so stubborn? I have said it many times, I want to know where that bastard is more than you do!"

"But you know!" Lisa stared at him.

"I have no idea!"

"you know!"

"I don't know, and how do you know I know?!"

"Lisa knew it!" the girl said in an extremely firm tone:

"Anson must have told you, and he must have told you not to tell Lisa, because Lisa will definitely protect him!"

"You...I...you...I don't even know where to start!"

Cole Dorian said with a broken face.

Although she looked like she was about to be driven crazy, the inferior inquisitor had to admire the girl in front of her for her extremely keen intuition, or her understanding of her brother.

Yes, Cole Dorian knew where Anson was right now.

Not only did he know, he was also one of the only four people who knew a certain Army Lieutenant Colonel's complete plan, plus two backup plans.

To be honest, Anson Bach is the most cautious person that the inferior inquisitor has ever seen so far, and there is no one else; in order to ensure that the plan goes smoothly, except for him, Serra, and Lawrence, no one is even present in the church. All the other Inquisitors knew nothing of the matter.

Even if the three of them were able to learn about the plan from him, it was because this overly cautious guy wanted to "keep it in reserve" and "just in case." If the plan failed and all the preparation plans prepared by Anson failed, he could still Someone knows what happened and provides immediate support.

The entire plan is divided into three steps:

The first step is to open the secret room where the steam differential engine is stored;

The second step is to let the black mage enter the secret room;

Step three, lock the door.


The secret room where the memory card and differential engine are stored is twenty meters deep underground in Clovis Cathedral. The door and wall structure are as solid as a vault; once locked, unless the black mage can conjure up one door and two doors, Ten-pound siege howitzer, otherwise he would never come up with it in his life!

Of course, the cost of doing this is that the difference engine and the memory cards in the storage room will definitely not be saved; but Luther Franz also promised in advance that except for the underground vault, all above-ground buildings can be abandoned if necessary.

According to Anson, if the Black Mage really appears when the thugs attack, then he will definitely avoid everyone's eyes, use the chaos created by the thugs, and take away "The Big Brother" without everyone paying attention. Magic book".

This was a simple yet perfect-sounding plan. It was so perfect that Kor Dorian doubted whether he could succeed more than once; but now it seems that everything is still under control, and it is going smoothly beyond imagination. .

Except for the fact that Sierra was shot...


Messy gunshots rang out without warning, and instantly the locked door was riddled with holes; the inferior judge who held Lisa down instinctively hid behind the bunker, and countless stray bullets filled the hall. Sweep.

"They have guns?!"

Cole Dorian's expression was confused, and then he suddenly realized - Damn it, it must have been thrown away by the Guards when they retreated!

Before he could curse, a heavier and louder sound came from outside the door, and the entire Clovis Cathedral trembled violently. The exquisite stained glass and stone reliefs were reflected from the towering dome to the floor. Shattered to pieces.

"What is that sound?!" Cole couldn't help shouting.

"Infantry artillery!"

Lisa, who answered loudly, picked up the Borni rifle, loaded the bullets without raising her head amidst the noisy shouts and screams, and fired in the direction of the door:

"The sound can only be made by the solid bullets fired by the eight-pound infantry cannon - Carl Bain taught me how to distinguish the model and power of the artillery from the sound!"

"Who is Kal Bain? And aren't the Stormtroopers' cannons all six-pounders and twelve-pounders... Well, pretend I didn't ask!"

Obviously...the Guardsmen who retreated from Baihu Park Square left behind more than just a few rifles.

To make matters worse, the thugs who attacked the cathedral were also mixed with many broken soldiers of the Guards and "former" mercenaries of the security company. When they noticed that the storm group stationed on Red Brick Street was retreating, they They all joined the mob that besieged the cathedral.

Anyone who has lived in the inner city will not doubt whether this cathedral is really rich in wealth - who would not be crazy about the real money at their fingertips?

Although these people had no discipline or organization at all, they were still professionally trained and experienced soldiers... With their addition, the storm group in Clovis Cathedral began to suffer visible casualties.

"Infantry artillery - concentrated fire!"

With her eyes turned red, Lisa leaned against the fortification and shouted loudly, her eyes still staring at the tangled expression of the inferior judge, like a stray cat abandoned by its owner on the roadside.

And it was a stray cat that was ready to tear itself into pieces at any time... Cole Dorian twitched his throat. After seeing this girl's abilities with his own eyes, he had already expressed his disapproval of Anson Bach's drama "I am not her opponent." ” This joke has taken on a whole new meaning.

"Listen, Miss Lisa Bach, I know you are worried about your brother's safety right now, but trust me there is a reason why he didn't tell you this!"

Cole Dorian patiently explained:

"Not only do I not want you to take risks, but more importantly, the key to this plan is that there cannot be too many people. If you abandon the fight here to protect him, not only will you not be able to help, but you will also harm him. !”

"But you just said you didn't know where he was!"

"That's right! I don't know where he is, but I know that he is fighting a very dangerous enemy now, and unless he takes the initiative to ask for help, none of us can disturb him, otherwise all his plans will be in vain. Got it!"

"We must wait patiently for the most appropriate time!"

"The time...is now..."

An extremely weak voice sounded behind the two of them.

The inferior judge looked back in shock and looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in disbelief.


The female inquisitor, who had fallen unconscious in a pool of blood a few minutes ago, was lying beside him, a pair of scarlet eyes on her bloodless cheeks, staring at him.

"Who asked you to come here? Medic, where is the medic?!"

"Never mind this!"

The weak Sera whispered, and grabbed Cole Dorian's wrist with a "pop!" sound, and the cold palm seemed to be full of power:

"Now...someone...must...warn Anson Bach..."

"There was an accident in the plan... I found out but I didn't... didn't have the chance to remind him... it was... it was too late..."

"The Black Mage...Mace Honnard...his power...exceeds my expectations...he..."

Her voice was very soft and slow, and every word and pronunciation seemed to require her to use all her strength, and was almost completely covered by the sounds of fighting and gunfire around her.

"He...what are you talking about?!"

Seeing Sera's horrified expression, Cole Dorian fell into confusion for a while - deliberately showing weakness to let the black mage take the bait and lead him to the underground secret room... Isn't this Anson's plan?

The female judge tried her best to prop herself up and weakly put her lips to the ear of the inferior judge:

"To warn...Anson Bach..."

"The whole plan...all the arrangements...all failed..."

"The power of the black mage... is beyond imagination..."


"Ah, found it!"

In front of the storage shelf in the secret room, Anson carefully took out the metal box containing the "Big Magic Book" from a row of boxes storing memory cards.

With his back turned to Blown, he could still clearly feel the other person's gaze on his back; more importantly, what was reflected in his mind was the pistol that was always hidden behind his back.

Obviously, he did not intend to let himself leave this room alive... Anson looked back, held up the box in his hand and chuckled at Bloen:

"That's it. Open the box and insert the card inside into the difference machine, and you will have the "Great Magic Book"!"

Bronn, who had his hands behind his back, was also smiling and nodded slightly stiffly: "Then... can you use that difference machine?"

"No, I went to a military academy. This level of technology can only be seen in books, and only program engineers are qualified to have access to it." Anson shook his head:

"I thought you would."

"I specialize in history, and I only know the most basic models of differential engines." Bloen said expressionlessly:

"The St. Isaac's Steam Difference Engine...is unlike any model I've ever seen."

"Then it seems we really have to wait for the professor to come." Anson sighed with regret, looked at the stairs outside the door curiously, and said anxiously:

"How long do we have to wait? The battle above may change at any time. We don't have much time!"

"Dear Anson Bach, don't worry." Smiling Brohn stepped forward slowly, the corners of his mouth raised unnaturally:

"Soon, soon."

He stepped closer to Anson's back, and the pistol hidden behind him had already pulled the trigger; Anson, whose back was turned to him, was still looking anxiously at the door, holding the box tightly in his hand.

Three steps, two steps, one step...

Bronn, with the corner of his mouth raised, stopped and suddenly pulled out his pistol!

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed in from outside the door, raising a rifle that looked like a battle ax at the two of them.

Before Bloen had time to figure out what was going on, he only had time to see Anson, who looked frightened, turn around suddenly and block in front of him.


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