I will be crowned king

Chapter 189 The end of the road

Time goes back to two days ago...

"You want me to shoot you?"

The hoarse voice echoed in the deserted study, and the usually calm Lawrence Bernat showed incredible shock.

"That's not what I meant at all." Anson glanced at the door behind him and waved his hand to signal the other party to lower his voice - Lisa was listening outside the door.

"First of all, this is a preliminary plan, and secondly, it's not as exaggerated as you said; I mean just in case, just in case I need your help, and you happen to be nearby, I will give you a signal, don't hesitate , use the ax gun - definitely not a 'dagger' - aim at my torso from... uh... about six to seven meters away, and then pull the trigger, it's that simple, got it?"

After finally explaining clearly, Anson breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the other party quite relaxedly.

Lawrence, who frowned slightly, thought for a minute, and then stared at Anson in confusion: "I still don't understand, what's the difference between this and 'shoot you to death'?"

"Didn't I give enough details?" Anson scratched his head even more confused than him:

"Then let me explain again. First of all, this is..."


Lawrence quickly interrupted Anson and carefully considered his words:

"You mean... you won't die?"

"Uh... I can't say that... I won't die at all, right?"

Anson frowned. Strictly speaking, he had only used the power of his blood once and a half - if Thunder Castle was considered a success that time, then "former Anson" could not be considered a failure that time, otherwise how could he who had traveled through time be considered a success? Not a living dead?

He is still not sure what are the conditions for activating the power of his bloodline, how does it work, is he near death or completely dead? How long is the "skill cooldown" time?

Moreover, the conditions for activating the power of blood are so stringent. Ansen, who is more afraid of death, has always had the attitude of not using it if he can.

"Let me ask another question, what is this for?"

Lawrence stared at Anson: "You want me to cooperate with your plan. Even if you don't tell me everything, you must at least give me a reason."

"Trust." Anson nodded solemnly and said:

"Only in this way can the Black Mage and his people absolutely trust me; if the situation is serious enough, only in this way can they not have the slightest doubt about me."

"Like I said, this is a preliminary plan, an emergency measure at a critical moment, which may not necessarily be used - and I really don't want to use it, not at all!"

"But if the situation gets that serious... I hope your gun is accurate enough and your range is far enough."

"I can't guarantee you anything." Lawrence frowned, staring at Anson's face with his deep eyes:

"But I promise you."


Anson, who was extremely grateful, smiled at Lawrence. It is still a bit difficult to convince others about this kind of thing; there is no way to deal with Mace Honard, whose strength is unknown and may have become a "blasphemy mage", although the Inquisition probably has its own plan, but the more preparation plans, the better.

"I have one more question."

Lawrence stood up and asked in a somewhat skeptical tone: "Your preparation plan... How severe will it be before you use it?"

How serious... Anson thought about it seriously, then couldn't help but laugh out loud, shrugged indifferently and said:

"It's almost...the end of the rope, right?"

"But I think it shouldn't be to that point, well, not really."


"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Anson picked up Bronn's revolver that fell on the ground, squatted down and shot him three times in the head and heart. He watched with his own eyes as the indifferent face and torso exploded into a ball of paste in front of him. He absolutely couldn't die. After he died, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he had seen Broen take action before, Anson still found that he had seriously underestimated his strength - he had always thought that Broen's strength was at most between the third and fourth levels, which was only one level higher than himself; plus The caster who is in the Dark Magic department is not very good at fighting, so it should be easy to deal with him.

But judging from the battle just now, Bloen definitely has fourth-level strength. His power over black magic has gone beyond the level of simple use, and has reached what Mace Honnard called a "qualitative leap."

As a "spectator" of resurrection from the dead, Anson has the most right to speak on this point; first, the two resident illusions evaded the initial ax gun throwing and six revolver rounds, followed by a set of smooth mind control and Memory reading, even an experienced inquisitor like Lawrence, was hit continuously. He even did not forget to arrange two confusing illusions around him in the middle of the process, blocking the entire staircase from the center...

If his own death had not made Broen mistakenly believe that he had not betrayed, and he had invested too much energy in Lawrence to read his memory, I am afraid that he would have been noticed before he could be resurrected, instead of the other way around like now.

With Bloen's death, the surrounding illusions gradually fragmented; the secret room and the kerosene lamp outside the door re-lit the darkness, and the ax gun was nailed to the wall while smoking, and the saber was still inserted into the scabbard on his waist, completely missing. Signs of being pulled out.

This is also the reason why Bloen is so confident... From the beginning to the end, Lawrence was fighting him with bare hands and was unaware of it.

Lawrence on the side finally got up from the ground full of plasma, brains, internal organs and bone fragments; his face was slightly pale, but there were no wounds left on his body, and even the three-cornered hat on his head was intact.

"How do you feel?" Anson, who was covered in blood, immediately picked up the revolver and Blown's rapier on the ground, and strode forward:

"Are you injured?"

Lawrence glanced at himself quickly, shook his head and said in a hoarse voice: "I'm fine."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure, this is not the first time I've fought against a spellcaster who uses black magic. I'm very aware of my current situation."

"Oh, all right!"

Anson nodded quickly, and then said impatiently: "Now I need you to tell me something immediately. What happened just now..."


The crisp note of tapping the hammer sounded in his ears, making Anson stunned for a moment.

The bloodless Lawrence stood up straight, holding the revolver he had pulled out of his arms in his right hand, and pointed the gun at Anson.

"No, Anson Bach, you should tell me something first."

"I saw with my own eyes that you were hit by me with an ax gun... No, I should have seen you beaten to death with my own eyes. I saw at least twenty bullet holes in your body from lead bullets. Your heart and lungs should have been hit. It’s broken; even if it wasn’t broken, you would never survive with that amount of bleeding!”

"I checked the records about your bloodline power, and it only mentioned that you have good dynamic vision, and some simple physical enhancements - which is not in line with the characteristics of the Holy Grail Knight's bloodline, but the bloodline power ability is not good in the early morning. There are obvious precedents.”

"But it's just 'strengthening'...it has nothing to do with 'resurrection from the dead', right?"

Facing Lawrence's question, Anson pursed his lips tightly and his eyes flickered rapidly.

The Inquisitor also looked at him, holding the revolver with the hammer firmly in his hand.

After being silent for who knows how long, Ansen finally couldn't help but sigh and said with some helplessness:

"That is the power of my bloodline."

"The power of blood?"

Lawrence raised his eyebrows:

"But I remember you don't know..."

"I don't know what the power of my blood is. Yes, I lied." Now that he had told the truth, Anson rolled his eyes and simply broke the pot and said:

"Because its ability is too special and weird, I don't plan to tell others this secret until I fully understand the price and conditions of use. That's it! Now can you tell me what just happened? This is really Very important!"

This is the only thing Anson knows about the power of his bloodline so far - the memory within fifteen minutes before "death" will be wiped clean, and nothing will be left.

So now he urgently needs to know what happened at that time, so that he can make up his mind to use the power of his blood; the memory in his mind only stops at the time when he and Blown walked down the stairs and opened the door to the secret room.

Looking at Anson who was so anxious that he was gritting his teeth, the silent Lawrence looked deeply.

After a while, the judge finally nodded slightly.

"It's still hard for me to believe it, but what you said does make sense, and there is indeed a precedent for the Holy Grail Knight bloodline with the ability to recover. It is completely understandable that someone with such an extreme ability would want to hide it."

He paused and put away the revolver in his hand:

"The Ring of Order bears witness, I will keep this matter a secret for you."

"Thank you!"

Anson nodded quickly... When he decided to use this ability, he knew that he probably couldn't hide it from the other party; as for the other party's promise, he didn't take it to heart.

A qualified planner will never take others' promises that are not written in black and white, have legal effect or can cause serious consequences seriously, otherwise it is really easy to hurt feelings.

In the next minute, Lawrence recalled what had just happened and recounted it to Anson from beginning to end.

He spoke in great detail, very much like an old father telling his little daughter a bedtime story before bed; Anson's expression was just like hearing a bedtime story: from anticipation to nervousness, then to relaxation, shock... and finally to eyesighted with horror. Protruding, the whole body was tense from head to toe, and cold sweat was flowing continuously on the back of the neck.

"What, you mean Mace...the black mage didn't show up?!"

Anson blurted out in shock.

Lawrence, who had a solemn expression, nodded slightly: "After we found out that you disappeared, we thought he would show up after you, but it didn't happen - it wasn't until we noticed that the door of the underground secret room was opened that we came down to take a look at the situation and see what the problem was. ?"

What's the problem... Anson glanced at Broun's body on the ground and said in a shocked tone:

"Didn't you notice the purple moon outside?"

"What purple moon?" Lawrence asked:

"We have not noticed any signs of large-scale use of magic at all, and the only spellcasters we have noticed are Serra Vigil and Brohn... Anson Bach, what are you talking about?"

At that moment, Anson's expression froze.

be cheated!

I subconsciously thought that Bronn would definitely appear with Mace Hornard, so he didn't have any doubts when he saw the purple moon. But the black mage didn't show up? !

If he hadn't appeared with Brone, then he would be here now...

not good!

Seeing Anson's rapidly changing expression, Lawrence couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"We have to leave here quickly, immediately!" Anson said with a solemn expression:

"We can't delay it any longer, it will be too late!"

"It's too late, what's too late?"

"Mace Honnard, his plan from the beginning was not just to take away the "Great Magic Book"!"

Anson was so nervous that he gritted his teeth and his scalp was numb:

"He wants much more than this - to destroy the Cathedral of Clovis, to eradicate the Order of Truth, and to loot the treasury of the Church of Order - he wants to burn it all to ashes and bring order to the Kingdom of Clovis Only when the church is completely destroyed can we create enough chaos for him to escape smoothly without being discovered!"

"The Inquisition has all his records. Because Luther Franz suppressed this matter and did not report it, all the clues and information are in this church; destroying this place and eradicating the entire Seeking Order, he You can start over somewhere else!"

"correct answer."

An extremely familiar and gentle voice sounded behind Anson:

"Anson Bach, my dear student, you always bring me endless surprises."

Anson, who was tense all over, slowly looked back, his expression extremely stiff.

In a secret room of dead silence, Mace Honnard sat on a chair in front of the St. Isaac's Steam Difference Engine; he was dressed in a straight formal suit, and the exquisite monocle under his top hat reflected the light, and he was sitting on a chair. That chair...

It was exactly the same chair that Anson was sitting on when he first "encountered" him in the dream.

"I have to admit, I'm quite surprised that you were able to deceive Bronn."

Ignoring Laurence Bernat, who was standing aside, the black mage smiled gently at Anson and said, "He is a smart kid, very loyal. I always thought you couldn't pass him; but obviously I was wrong, Bloen's pride and complacency became a sword that pierced his heart."

"So as a reward, dear Anson, I will give you a chance to change your ways." The black mage sitting on the chair stretched out his right hand to Anson:

"Give me the box where the "Great Magic Book" is stored. In return, I will not care about your previous betrayal."

The moment the words fell, Lawrence, who had always been standing behind Anson, decisively raised his ax gun, pointed it at Mace Hornard and pulled the trigger.


An eardrum-piercing explosion sounded in Anson's ears.

Anson's eyes were wide open with a stiff face, and his vision was soaked red with the spouting of minced meat and blood.

Just now, Laurence Bernat, the most experienced judge of the Truth-Seeking Order, was alive in front of him...

Exploded to pieces.

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