I will be crowned king

Chapter 193 Your fall ends here

“Anson Bach!!!”

A scream that seemed to have substance exploded in the air. Anson's eyes, which were staring at the strange "meat ball", were instantly bloodshot, the swollen blood vessels began to turn purple, and dark red liquid continued to overflow from his ears.

But he did not lower his head, nor did he dodge his gaze... because now was the critical moment that determined the outcome!

Although it was completely different from his original plan - it was a particularly perfect plan, Anson emphasized himself - the black mage was still forced out of his true form because of Lisa's existence and because of his complete loss of control over his emotions and the complete loss of hypnosis. Ability.

And because of this "beyond human life form" existence, it is destined to cause great discomfort due to imperfection; although the power will surpass the original "human form" of the Black Mage, it will also be more fragile than the original him.

Mace Honnard is very strong, very strong, so strong that if it weren't for Lawrence and Lisa, he would have been able to declare the end of the world just by killing Bronn; but as long as he finds a weakness, he can also be very fragile. So fragile that it can be finished with a single shot of buckshot.

If a round of lead bullets can't end it, then a round of six-pound solid bullets should do it, or a twelve-pound, twenty-four-pound, thirty-six-pound (about sixteen kilograms), or forty-eight pound (twenty-one kilograms) fort gun Sure.

But this opportunity only lasts for a moment... Only when Mace Hornard completely loses his mind and is kidnapped by his own power will there be a glimmer of hope.

That line was layered with layers of pressure, which constantly caused him to have mental fluctuations, and finally the vitality caused by emotional imbalance!

That... is now!

The surrounding dim light gradually disappeared, and the cold darkness enveloped the entire secret room; countless shadows rolled towards the head and flesh bag named Black Mage, and were ignited into a purple monster fire, gathering around him.

It is an existence formed by the condensation of various negative emotions that have crossed the boundary between spirit and matter and has been completely materialized. It exists in the form of "fire".

Once that thing exploded completely... Ansen, who had a splitting headache, shivered all over, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

"Lisa, run!"

Anson turned around suddenly and yelled at the girl behind him, and stuffed a bunch of keys directly into her arms:

"Run out and lock the door!"

"No matter what you hear or see, don't let anyone open it, let alone open it yourself!"

All the trump cards have been exhausted, and now the issue Anson is thinking about is no longer winning or losing, but the last move in case of failure.

In any case, no matter what happens, Mace Hornard cannot be allowed to walk out of here alive and let him take Lisa away.

Let him drag hundreds of thousands and nearly millions of people into the purgatory of blood and fire for his own selfish desires like this time.


The girl who was forcefully pushed rushed out with tears streaming down her face, staring at the figure who never looked back at her, and closed the door of the secret room with all her strength.


The moment the door closed, dark purple firelight rose up, and the strong negative emotions enveloped Ansen's body like heavy rain and water vapor before a huge wave came.

Fear, hatred, resentment, anger... Extremely strong emotions were constantly impacting his consciousness, and various horrific scenes that were impossible to look at flashed through his mind. Anson's eyes were wide open, his expression was twisted to a ferocious level, and he almost lost the ability to think. ability.

The next second, the strong pressure and tingling feeling suddenly...disappeared?

Um? !

An Dun's eyes suddenly opened wide, and a man dressed in black suddenly flashed across his sight - the expressionless Lawrence Bernat stood in front of him at some point.

His face was much uglier than Anson's, and the whites of his bloodshot eyes could no longer be seen at all. The blood vessels in his head and neck were squirming violently and trembling.


The sound of sharp blades hitting each other resounded in the dead silent chamber. Lawrence stood up straight with his arms outstretched, and the ax gun and saber he held behind his back were nailed to the ground to support his body.

Like a black wall, blocking Anson and the Black Mage.

"Do it!"

Lawrence, with the brim of his hat lowered, shouted to Anson behind him, with a strange light shining in his bleeding pupils:

"Let everything that happens today go according to your plan!"

"Leave the rest...to me!"

The moment the roar sounded, the purple monster fire was already rushing towards the two of them amid the black mage's hysterical screams.


In the dark hall of the secret room, purple firelight instantly enveloped the two of them, and countless negative emotions completely exploded in a completely substantial form.

But apart from the cold and biting touch, Anson didn't feel anything else; all attacks and injuries were blocked by Lawrence in front of him.

"Mace Honnard..."

Under the erosion of the purple flames and the heart-rending pain, Lawrence spoke in a hoarse voice:

"...You are an excellent historical scholar, a conscientious mentor, and a...noble person who once made it his mission to explore the truth..."

The inquisitor's bloody pupils reflected the Black Mage's furious expression, but also full of confusion and fear, as well as dozens of pairs of eyes scattered across those expressions.

"...In the face of knowledge full of filth, you chose to betray and became a betrayer of the Ring of Order; you tied your future to the confusing road to becoming a god, and fell from a pure human being to a slave of power, completely abandoning it. Lost myself..."

With an expressionless face, Anson took out the last paper-cased bullet from his pocket and stamped his final trump card and trump card on the surface of the lead bullet.

"...I, Laurence Bernat, in the name of the Inquisition and by the authority bestowed upon me by the Circle of Order, do hereby declare:"

"Your fall ends here."

"I will atone for your sins!"

"You die——!!!"

The black mage suddenly trembled, and all the heads on his body screamed in unison. The fierce purple flames, mixed with countless shadows, rushed toward Lawrence.

Wrapped in flames, the mass of flesh composed of dozens of heads had a completely crazy expression, with no trace of sanity left at all.

This is the price of evolution... The black mage who transcends humans has power that ordinary spellcasters cannot imagine. His power can even materialize various emotions and mental powers; but the price is that he can no longer fully control his emotions.

The most extreme case of ordinary people losing control of their emotions is to fall into madness, but for a black mage... it is a complete loss of control.


A clear snap of fingers flashed past, and Anson in the shadow suddenly opened his right hand to the black mage.

The next second, the turbulent purple flames suddenly stopped, and the dancing fire split into two in front of the judge, and reversely wrapped the black mage in it.

[Rising Fire]!

This spell can create and control all flames within the casting range, and the negative emotions condensed by Mace Hornard exist in the form of "fire".

This means that it is also within the control range of [Rising Fire].

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"

The black mage, wrapped in purple flames, let out a shrill scream. At this moment, he was being counterattacked by his own power.

At this moment, Anson Bach finally stepped out of the shadows, pointed at the piece of flesh wrapped in purple flames, and raised the "dagger" symbolizing the inquisitor.

Curse magic, [Hunting]


The golden-red fire penetrated from the dim chamber, accurately hit the black mage's brow in the purple flame, and smashed the lead bullet into the center of the meat.


Fire crackled.

Anson was knocked away by the air wave and hit the wall. The last struggle of Mace Hornard was reflected in Anson's mind. The moment his head was penetrated, the completely uncontrollable purple flame began to burn and devour his body. Each of the heads that had been gathered together disintegrated into pieces, turning into burning pieces of flesh amidst the wails.

In the end, nothing was left.

The purple flame that swallowed up the whole body finally lost its support and dissipated into the air bit by bit.

After a few minutes, the violent shaking gradually stopped.

Anson, who was slumped in the corner, endured the dizziness and stinging sensation, stood up staggeringly, and desperately opened his eyes to look around.

All the gas lamps had been blown up in the recent explosion, but apart from a little mess, there were almost no signs of being bombarded by a six-pound howitzer in the dark chamber.

Even the St. Isaac's Steam Difference Engine, which was placed directly behind the secret room and very close to the explosion range, only had some traces of charring, but at first glance it still appeared to be intact.

Should this...should be said to be truly produced by the Church of Order? Anson, who was extremely tired, had a wry smile on his face.

There was only a handful of ashes left in the center of the explosion, plus a burnt charcoal. Only small pieces of brain and some shapeless bits and pieces were left.

Strictly speaking, it is difficult to say that Mace Honard was "killed" by Anson. At least the two spells of rising fire and hunting alone cannot do this; the one who really killed the black mage is still The Black Mage himself.

Laurence Bernat, who slowly raised his head and rested his hands on the two weapons, still stood on the spot; he slowly looked back, and in the center of his too ugly face, a pair of eyes stared silently at Anson.

Anson's smile suddenly froze.

So...how should I explain to this experienced judge that I am a conjurer?

It seems that this is not easy to get past with excuses like "forgot" or "you saw it wrong"...

"Uh...Lawrence, the situation is not what you think."

Anson clapped his hands "Pa!", and his extremely forced smile was mixed with a hint of flattery:

"This matter is very complicated, but I can explain it very concisely, really! Trust me, you will understand it as soon as I explain it... Well, I mean you will understand my difficulty!"

Seeing Anson dancing and trying to explain himself with cold sweat on his face, Lawrence smiled.

He released his weapon, walked to the wall and sat down against it, looking at the nervous Anson with a faint smile:

"Don't be nervous, I haven't said anything yet."

"I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous at all!" Anson shook his head quickly, with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face, cold sweat flowing down his temples:

"I'm just...I'm afraid you'll misunderstand..."

"I understand, I understand."

He interrupted with a smile and waved his hand, touched the dry coat pocket, and looked up at Anson:

"Do you have a cigarette? I suddenly want to smoke one."

"Yes!" Anson said without hesitation.

Of course he had no cigarettes on him, but he had the mist pipe given to him by Viscount Bogner.

Although it is an enchanted item, it can still be used as an ordinary pipe!

Quickly taking out his pipe, Anson hurriedly filled it with tobacco while chatting with Lawrence in a somewhat flattering tone:

"The situation is like this... We were outside the Thunder Castle Fortress at that time. I spent a lot of effort to get an important piece of information from Mace Honard. Kroger Bernard is an old god sect, and he plans to pull Thunder Castle and Clovis' army perished together."

"As a believer in the Ring of Order with extremely strong faith, I, Anson Bach, certainly couldn't let him succeed! So I pretended to accept Mace Honard's request and became a conjurer."

"A lot of things happened after that, but in the end the matter was resolved. As for why I didn't tell you about it later, it was mainly because... uh... because... because..."

"Oh! Let's not talk about this anymore. Anyway, you will definitely understand what I mean. If you want to lock me up or monitor me, I have no objection. After all, this is your job, and I can understand it."

"Just one request, don't tell Lisa about this; is that okay, Lawrence?"


"Lawrence, did you hear that clearly?"

"Can you give me an answer, even if you don't agree with it?"


Anson raised his head when he noticed something.

Lawrence Bernat, who was sitting by the wall, looked at Anson with a smile, his eyes had lost their luster.

Looking at those gray eyes and the dark red liquid solidifying in the corners of his eyes, Anson suddenly fell silent.

After a moment, he took a deep puff of the lit pipe and gently placed it on Lawrence's mouth. The pipe was held by the collar of his leather windbreaker.

Anson's expression was extremely serious during the whole process. He was very cautious until he made sure that the pipe would not tip over. Then he finally exhaled slowly, stood up with his tired body, and looked around the silent chamber.

At this moment...

"Plop! Plop!"

Anson suddenly looked back behind him. At the center of the explosion, among the ashes, there seemed to be something...


Mace Honnard is... still alive? !

The stunned Anson immediately reached out and tried to find the enchanted dagger in his arms. Before he could grasp the hilt of the sword, the picture in front of him began to blur. His vain steps dragged his increasingly chaotic consciousness, and he staggered towards the direction. Ashes walked away.

Getting closer, getting closer...


Anson, who lost consciousness, fell to the ground, and the silver-white dagger slipped out of his palm.

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