I will be crowned king

Chapter 202 Adjutant

Inner city, Friedrichstrasse, Ruby Café.

Captain Carl Bay, wearing a clean, starched military uniform, sat by the window in the store, enjoying his breakfast while looking at the busy pedestrians coming and going outside the window.

He ordered a cup of coffee, a piece of cherry bread, a pork pie, and a fruit platter... This was probably the most expensive breakfast he had ever had in his life - not counting the ones that didn't cost his own money.

Taking a nice sip of hand-ground coffee, which was completely different from army coffee powder, the leisurely army captain tore off a large piece of bread. The sweetness of cherries and butter halva hit his taste buds like a cross-firing battle line. .

Although this delicacy from the Seven Cities Alliance in the South is called bread, it is actually closer to Clovis cakes or sweet pies - fully fermented sweet bread, topped with butter halva, cheese, eggs, and white sugar. , made from shelled cherries.

The soft and sweet taste is paired with sugar granules evenly sprinkled on the outside. The cherry jam that penetrates into the inner layer makes the entire inside melt in your mouth, and the layering is unparalleled. As soon as it came out, it was deeply loved by the ladies of Clovis.

The other pork pie is a standard Clovis "modern cuisine" - minced pork with onions, green peppers, mushrooms, carrots, potatoes... Take a thick bite and the thick sauce will... It will immediately overflow from the crispy crust; if you don't pay attention, it will drip all over your body.

It highlights a substantial portion and a full feeling of satiety.

But none of this had an impact on Carl Bain as much as that small fruit platter... Looking at these glistening fruits, they were specially peeled, cut into small pieces, and arranged in an exquisite manner. Fresh fruit, crystal tears overflowed uncontrollably from the corners of my eyes.

After all these years, this was the first time for Carl Bain to eat fresh fruit that was not in a can, but was cut and washed before being served to him!

This is really not easy!

Carl Bain wiped away tears while enjoying his breakfast...With his meager salary and subsidies, this kind of restaurant would never be considered at all.

But today is different.

The young man who came to the military camp yesterday afternoon not only gave him a business card with an address on it, but also attached a banknote of 50 gold coins.

According to the "little clerk", this was one month's salary in advance; whether Carl Bain accepted the job or not, the money would be his.

According to what he said, the annual salary of this "Deputy Commander and Adjutant" is actually six hundred gold coins? !

The chief of staff of the legion is no more than that!

Although the name of the job sounds a bit difficult to pronounce, Carl Bain, who was extremely excited, still followed the other party's suggestion: change into a clean and tidy military uniform, have a hearty breakfast on Friedrichstrasse, and take the earliest train in the morning. took the cab to Whitehall Street for the interview.

On the bustling Frederick Street, even taxiing a carriage was much more expensive than other streets; Carl Bain, who was a little distressed, paid the coachman almost thirty coppers for the fare and arrived at the gate of the military camp on Whitehall Street.

This is currently the headquarters of the Clovis Cathedral Security Army. It was once occupied by thugs during the riots, and there are still countless craters and traces of shelling by twelve-pounder infantry on the walls.

However, the storm regiment stationed here did not take it seriously, and did not even bother to repair the collapsed walls and buildings; it will not be long before the entire military camp and Whitehall Street will become the headquarters of the new security army. Torn down and rebuilt.

After asking the soldier standing guard outside the door for directions, Carl Bain walked straight towards the command room; when he walked up the stairs, he happened to meet the young man from yesterday.

"Captain Carl Bain, you are indeed here!" The young man who was walking towards the command room with a thick stack of documents in his hand looked at him with surprise and said. The bright expression in front of his eyes made the Army Captain a little bit The child is slightly hairy.

"Uh...did I come too early?"

"Morning? No, no, no... not at all!"

The young man shook his head quickly and said: "The deputy commander is waiting for you in the office, so it's better to say that you came at a great time!"

With an inexplicable expression on his face, Carl Bain walked to the door of the commander's room under the watch of the young man, knocked on the door gently, and immediately opened the door and entered after hearing the reply from behind the door.

The commander's room was not big, and there wasn't much besides a map table, a few chairs, and a coat rack. A figure sitting on a swivel chair behind the map table was facing away from the door, leisurely reading a newspaper.

Is this the deputy commander? He looks quite young, could he be some aristocratic young man who needs someone to take the blame for? Karl, muttering in his heart, took off his hat and put it on the coat rack, and took a step forward with his hands behind his back.

Just as he was about to speak, he spotted a familiar figure standing in the corner of the room out of the corner of his eye.


Carl Bain stared at the girl in a neat military uniform with a rifle on her shoulder, his eyes widened and he smiled at himself: "Why are you here?"

"You're here too, Carl!"

Lisa looked at him with surprise:

"Lisa misses you so much!"

"Ah...I received an invitation, asking me to come and meet today..."

Looking at the smiling girl, Carl Bain was suddenly stunned.


Lisa is here, which means...


The sudden muffled sound shocked Karl. He turned around suddenly and saw the door behind him being closed by the young man from the outside.

No, I was fooled!

With a look of horror on his face, Karl immediately rushed to the door. Just as he was about to pull the door open, he heard a crisp "click" from outside, and his heart suddenly dropped.

Did that guy lock the door from the outside? !

"Let me out! Let me out quickly!"

Heart-rending screams mixed with hysterical banging on the door echoed in the stairwell. A smiling Alan Dawn stood in front of the door with a leather bag, tiptoeing, smiling as if he could not hear it, and took the key from the door. He pulled it out of the keyhole on the door and carefully put it into his jacket pocket.

Soon, along with a jingling sound, the screams suddenly stopped, replaced by a burst of "Uh-huh...!!" and the sound of constant struggling.

But all this has nothing to do with the loyal, serious and hard-working little secretary.

After picking up the leather bag on the ground and carrying it on his back, Alan Dawn took out his pocket watch from his shirt pocket with a happy expression on his face:

"Seven-thirty...oh, there are still thirty minutes before work. I can just go to Friedrichstrasse to have breakfast."

"It's great that Mr. Carl Bain can come at this time."


When the Army Captain, who had been knocked unconscious by Lisa's swoop, woke up, he found that he had been firmly tied to a chair. Anson, who was sitting opposite him, was smiling with his hands on his hips. Innocent Lisa.

"Anson Bach, you plotted against me!"

Karl, who instantly figured out what was going on, roared in grief and anger.

"No way, no way." Anson waved his hands repeatedly, always with a smile on his face:

"It's just that it happened suddenly. I just found out that I will be the deputy commander of the Southern Army, so I specifically asked you to be my adjutant - this is a good thing!"

"Good thing?"

"Yes, that's a good thing!" Anson nodded matter-of-factly:

"The monthly salary is sixty gold coins, and there are additional allowances; I am the deputy commander, and I only have the authority to appoint an adjutant, a staff officer, and a regimental commander for the established officer corps in the legion."

"With such a good job, the first thing I thought of was you, the loyal, hard-working and good adjutant Captain Carl Bain!"

"I'm not your adjutant!" Karl, filled with grief and anger, rolled his eyes.

Breathing heavily, he was silent for a while, looking at Anson who was smiling so hard that his face was almost stiff with a complicated expression, and said with some disbelief:

"Is this... really a fat guy?"

"Of course, there are more than a thousand gold coins a year...not counting the additional commissions captured!"

Anson nodded quickly.

"Finding a captain as the deputy commander's adjutant...does anyone else have any objections?" He still didn't believe it.

"What's your opinion? As the deputy commander, I'm still a lieutenant colonel." Anson smiled and waved his hand:

"The commander is Ludwig Franz. He will take care of anything, so there is no need to worry at all."

"Oh I got it."

Karl suddenly realized it and couldn't help but chuckle; but then he had a new question:

"Then why did you hide it from me?"

"Well..." Anson's smile suddenly stiffened again:

"Mainly I'm worried that...you might...not agree..."

Karl's face gradually lost the smile.


Karl, who was tied to the chair, fell to the ground along with the chair and squirmed towards the door at an extremely fast speed.

"What are you doing?"

"Let me go, only a ghost will accompany you to die!"

"Death... I haven't said what the mission is this time!"

"There's no need to ask - Ludwig is the commander of the legion and you are the deputy commander. Why would you call me here besides being sent to be a death squad? What else can I do?!"

"Of course not!"

"what is that?"

"It's just that... we may have to... climb over the Dawn Ice Peak..."

"...What the hell is the difference between this and being a death squad?!"

"The difference is huge, and this time is different from the one at Thunder Castle. We have full autonomy!"

"How can you die by your own choice?"

"No! You choose which battles you want to fight and which battles you don't need to fight!" Anson rushed towards him and pinned him to the ground:

"Ludwig personally promised - except for orders from the Army, he will not easily interfere with my autonomy. The three private regiments are completely under my command!"

"It doesn't matter if it's your command, you are just the deputy commander, and the commander is Ludwig Franz. When the time comes, won't he still have the final say on the credit and spoils?!"

"Didn't I say that this time is different from Thunder Castle - how many times do you have to repeat it?!"

Carl Bain, who was pinned to the ground by two figures, one large and one small, suddenly stopped struggling. His eyes suddenly showed an expression of "realizing something". After hesitating for a moment, he finally said:

"Tell me in detail."

Anson finally breathed a sigh of relief and weakly waved to the girl beside him:

"Lisa, help this guy up."


Lisa happily agreed and lifted Karl and his chair from the ground.


Time goes back to yesterday, after Anson agreed to Ludwig's "request"...

"Stay, His Excellency Anson Bach."

Anson, who walked out of the study and was about to leave, turned back and looked at the girl who appeared outside the door at some unknown time:

"Is something wrong, Miss Sophia?"

Sophia nodded thoughtfully and glanced at the closed door of the study with a slightly complicated look:

"Ludwig...my brother asked you to join his Southern Legion, right?"

Anson turned around and nodded slightly:


"And you have already agreed to him?"

"That's right...didn't you hear it outside just now?"

"...Of course, I just need to confirm it."

Noticing the slightly raised corners of Anson's mouth, the girl who was caught eavesdropping felt a little embarrassed:

"The other thing...is to confirm whether a certain guy still remembers his promise."


An imperceptible flash of surprise flashed in the corner of Anson's eyes, but he immediately covered it up with a smile.

"That night at St. Isaac's... I asked you."

Glancing at the door cautiously, Sophia lowered her voice and stepped closer to Anson, "reminding" her in a warning tone:

"If there is an opportunity and the interests are consistent, you will also be willing to be loyal to me, just like you are loyal to my father and my brother...you should still remember it, right?"

"Of course I remember." Anson, who reacted quickly, smiled and immediately understood what the girl meant:

"Do you want me to betray your brother, my direct commander?"

"of course not!"

Sophia, who immediately retorted, raised the corners of her mouth unconsciously: "I just hope to participate in this just battle against the Ysel elves... After all, I was also present when the accident happened that day."

"One of the other parties wants to take revenge on the bad guy who killed him by being a legion contractor. Isn't it too much?"


"Yes, the identity of the commander of the Southern Army was purchased by my father for brother Ludwig in the name of the Franz family." The corner of the girl's mouth turned upward:

"And you... Anson Bach, I bought the position of your deputy commander for you... in a private capacity."

"Strictly speaking, I am your direct commander, do you understand?"

Anson looked stunned.

"So...as a contractor of this legion, while seeking revenge, I hope to cooperate with the commander of this army to see if I can profit from the war. It shouldn't be too much to ask, right?"

The girl smiled proudly.


"...The situation is probably like this. Although we are nominally subordinates of Commander Ludwig, in fact...what is that look in your eyes?"

Looking at Carl Bain's increasingly weird expression, Anson couldn't help but interrupt.

"It's okay, I probably understand what's going on, and I'm willing to join in!" Karl, who couldn't help laughing, nodded repeatedly, swallowed hard and said:

"There's just a little problem."

Anson was confused: "What's the problem?"

Isn't your explanation clear enough?

Karl’s lips almost reached his ears:

"How...how did you hook up with the Archbishop's own daughter?"

"..." Anson Bach.

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