I will be crowned king

Chapter 219 Fabian’s confusion

A group of Yser Elf soldiers were escorting a carriage loaded with baggage, traveling along the rugged mountain road.

Under the banner of the Golden Ring of Order, although the formation of the Elf Line soldiers in red and blue military uniforms was relatively neat, they were all sweating profusely and panting; when they walked, their calves were filled with lead, and every time they lifted Every step seemed to require all the strength of the body.

But even so, they still held their chests and heads high, maintaining their military posture and formation; because behind them, the unlucky ones who couldn't hold on were pushing the baggage carts out of breath, and they had to be beaten from time to time. The warlord's whip looked like it was half-breathed no matter how stumbling it was, which was very educational and intimidating.

At the front of the queue, an elf officer wearing a gorgeous breastplate and purple cloak was riding on the only war horse in the entire army. He was in a happy mood and was holding a flag with a special pattern in his hand. Delicate gold tassels sway gently in the breeze.

This is an outpost of Yser. According to the order of the commander of the Yser Guards, it serves as the vanguard and marches urgently to reinforce Eagle Point City.

Although Clovis suddenly declared war and caught the Yser elves off guard, they did not react until the most important fortress in the west was besieged. They hurriedly organized troops to rush to the front line and sent envoys to all parties to request support.

But to be honest, from top to bottom, the Elf Kingdom of Yser is actually not very afraid of Clovis, and in a sense, they are even looking forward to this war as much as Clovis.

On the one hand, of course, it is because Clovis has been dealt a heavy blow by the empire, and is in a precarious state at the moment; on the other hand, after several years of military preparations, the senior leaders of the Ysel elves generally believe that they have mastered the The most advanced weapons of this era are fully capable of fighting Clovis, who is suppressed by the empire.

As a race that has dominated the east of the world for hundreds of years, at least in the eyes of the Yser elves, they will become weak in recent decades purely because of two points:

First, the invention of rifles and artillery changed the game rules of war; second, humans unified their beliefs, making them unified in thinking and invincible.

So starting from the ninety-seventh year of the Saint's Calendar, the upper elf nobles of Yser have a general consensus: as long as their own armies are equipped with these weapons, Yser, who converted to the Ring of Order, can become great again.

"Walk faster, you slackers!"

"You haven't eaten yet?! Push harder, push harder!"

The scolding warlords beat the soldiers mercilessly with whips and wooden sticks, urging the team to speed up. However, the baggage trains were still unable to move on the rugged road, and the line soldiers carrying heavy luggage were even more sweaty and tired. Numb expression.

The terrain in Seer is dominated by forests and hills, and there is a lack of animal power. In the past two years, in order to reform the military system, more horses have been deployed to equip cavalry and artillery, and the energy storage for transportation has naturally been greatly reduced; Later, the military's reliance on logistics increased instead of decreasing, further increasing the gap.

But all this has no impact on the noble elf knights - no matter how scarce their animal power is, they can still ride horses imported from the empire instead of walking on two legs like ordinary soldiers.

"People of Yser, speed up!"

The elf knight on horseback kept cheering behind him: "Eagle Point City is in front, and the glory of defeating Clovis is close at hand! Come on, the Ring of Order is with us..."


There was an explosion between the rugged mountain roads and dense forests.

The elf knight who was interrupted was shocked. His eyes slowly widened when he looked behind him, and he looked at his shoulders bit by bit - the purple cloak draped on his right shoulder fell to the ground at some point, shining brightly. The gorgeous military uniform under the breastplate is slowly being dyed red...

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"

The screaming elf knight fell from his horse to the ground, and his head was almost poked by the lost military flag.

The team that exploded instantly was like hot water that suddenly boiled. It was a mess and there was all kinds of movement.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Following the panicked orders from the elf officers, the soldiers hurriedly organized their defense: the baggage soldiers connected the carriages together, and the line soldiers quickly lined up, with their backs to the carriages, forming a semi-arc around the military flag. hollow square array.

Almost at the same time, the surrounding "forest" was already firing at them.

"Bang-!!!! Bang-!!!! Bang-!!!!"

Chaotic gunshots rang out from all directions, and shrill screams continued to be heard from the ranks of the Elf outposts; in just a few dozen seconds, one after another, their heads and torsos were blown open by lead bullets flying from unknown directions. .

Looking at their companions who kept falling down beside them, with fear in their eyes, they finally inserted lead bullets and propellant into the barrels of their guns, and pointed their guns at the surrounding woods where no one could be seen at all.

"All - shoot! shoot!"

The uniform volleys shook the entire hilly area, thick smoke rolled up, and the gunshots in the forest disappeared. There was a deathly silence behind the thick fog.

But the elf knight who was dragged up from the ground by the soldiers didn't even have time to be happy - the next second, hundreds of figures in gray coats seized the gap between the elves' volleys and came from behind the forests and rocks on both sides of the road. Appear suddenly!

Looking at the enemies that had already rushed forward, the elven soldiers who were hurriedly loading their ammunition were kicked and scolded by the officers who pulled out their bayonets.


The Yser elf who was the first to engage the enemy opened his eyes instantly. The bayonet thrust into his mouth smashed several of his teeth, and the tip of the knife was squeezed into the skull cavity.

"Keep the formation! Keep the formation-ah!"

"Cover! Cover!"

"Enemies! There are enemies coming from the side too!"

On the narrow mountain road, the elven outposts maintaining a hollow phalanx collided with the enemy; screams were endless, scattered gunshots and the sound of bayonets penetrating flesh alternately.

And after the smoke drifted away, figures in gray military uniforms holding rifles were still coming towards them like waves!

The frightened and angry Elf Knight stood there awkwardly. The battle happened so suddenly that he still hasn't figured out what happened.

Why were Clovis present at Eagle Point Pass?

Why did the enemy appear without any warning?

Could it be that Eagle Point City has been captured? !


A gunshot brought him back to reality from shock, and the black lead bullets screamed past him; the elf knight was covered in cold sweat and stared straight ahead with his wide eyes.

It was a pitch-black gun hole aimed right at him.

And the one holding the rifle tightly was a... human girl who was smiling at him? !


Another shot, and the line soldier standing beside him had his neck broken and fell in a pool of blood.

And the smiling human girl, who was no taller than a rifle, had already torn a hole in the front of the elf line and rushed towards him.

The elven outposts who noticed that the line had been breached immediately began to shrink the defense line, and the line soldiers on the rear line quickly spread inwards from both wings in an attempt to seal the gap.

"Fire—stop her!"

Following a round of volleys, the line of sight of the line soldiers was quickly shrouded in smoke; when the smoke dissipated, the girl was no longer in sight.

Maybe it was unconscious, maybe he noticed something; when a certain Elf Line private raised his head, a girl's smile suddenly appeared in his pupils.

He opened his mouth and tried to scream, but it was too late.


The cold bayonet penetrated the throat, and the spurting blood was accompanied by the screams of the surrounding Elf Line soldiers. The girl who let go of the rifle stepped on the corpse and jumped up again, grinning and biting a paper shell. , two revolvers appeared in her hands like magic.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The dazzling fire pulled out one meteor after another in the air, and amidst the continuous exclamations, twelve lead bullets were smashed into the eyebrows of twelve people with frightened faces.

The little figure landed steadily, and the girl whose hat was blown off by a stray bullet revealed her short brown hair. Under the flowing hair, a pair of emerald green eyes were like a ferocious beast, instantly locking onto her prey.

Um? !

The elf knight who was targeted was shocked and almost screamed again.


The gorgeous saber jammed the barrel of the rifle, and the shot of lead bullets passed by the frightened elf knight.

Feeling the power coming from the blade, he couldn't imagine that there was a girl standing in front of him!

Lisa, who was blocked, suddenly took half a step back, pulled the bolt of the gun at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye, stuffed the paper shell bullet at the corner of her mouth into the barrel, and then locked the bolt, finishing in one go.


The scream that ripped through the air struck again. The elf knight who had no time to dodge looked panicked, and the lead bullet knocked the saber out of his hand.

Looking at the happy smile on the girl's face, the elf knight gasped and his consciousness went blank for a moment; he watched helplessly as the little figure was playing with a toy, pointing the bayonet at himself.

At the critical moment, dozens of Elf Line soldiers suddenly swarmed up and formed a small square formation around the Elf Knight. A dozen guns were pointed at the girl, and scattered volleys were fired.

The dense lead bullets exploded into dust clouds in the sand, and Lisa, who had run out of ammunition, had to lie down behind the corpse to hide.

"grown ups!"

The flag officer carrying the military flag grabbed the elf knight by the collar, with a panicked expression: "Order a retreat, sir. We are surrounded. If we don't run away, it will be too late!"

"Retreat? No, no way!" As soon as he heard this elf knight, he immediately woke up, grabbed his saber and subconsciously started to boost morale:

"Brave people of Yser, Eagle Point City is waiting for our support! For the glory of Yser, we must not retreat, we must fight to the end..."

Before he finished speaking, a bloody cheer came from the opposite side!

The overwhelming Clovis skirmishers have poured in through the gap opened by Lisa, completely dividing the line of the Elf outposts in two, and began to form columns to double-flank the two wings; the troops in the rear slowed down their offensive and attacked those who tried to escape. The elves broke out and sniped.

Right in front of the road, more than a dozen bloody unicorn flags had appeared on the hills, approaching them quickly.

It was obvious that the Clovis people on the opposite side were planning to wipe out their reinforcements from Eagle Point City.

Elf Knight: "...retreat!"

Seeing that the commander finally figured it out, the remaining elven outposts immediately abandoned their baggage and began to evacuate behind them while struggling to maintain their front line.

Although they were caught off guard, these elven soldiers, who had received all the training from the empire, still maintained good organization in the face of the hail of bullets and the bayonet charge of Clovis skirmishers. They fought and retreated without any danger of total collapse. signs.

"Attack! Attack! Anson said not a single living person should be let go!"

As the last line of defense was completely defeated, the fiercely fighting skirmishers, led by Lisa, who led the charge, no longer maintained their formation, and spread out along the rugged road to chase down the fleeing elven outposts.

The sound of fighting continued, but it had turned from a battle to a one-sided pursuit; the elves retreating along the road continued to suffer casualties under the bite of skirmishers, and the size of the fleeing team shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The elven soldiers who were bitten had no regard for the "honor of the people of Yser" and quickly threw away their packages in order to escape; some even didn't even need guns and focused on escaping.

After chasing for almost half a kilometer, a strange scene happened - the elves discovered that the Clovis behind them had given up the pursuit, and instead formed a team on the spot and began to clean the battlefield.

Well, why is this?

Are they worried that we have reinforcements in the rear, so they don't dare to continue the pursuit?

The confused elf knight looked stunned, and the joy of escaping made his mouth corners slowly rise.

But this joy did not last long, because the next second he heard a sudden sound of gunfire not far away.


Two six-pound solid rounds hit directly in the center of the Elf Outpost team. Dusty air waves rose from the ground. A dozen line soldiers were instantly smashed into pieces by the shock wave of the shells, splitting the queue into two. .

However, the sound of the cannons did not stop... In the horrified sight of the elven soldiers, two more cannonballs rushed into the sky from a distance, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and hit their heads accurately.


Looking at the Ysel elves fleeing in the distance amid the artillery fire, Fabian, who was standing next to the two cavalry cannons, had no expression of joy about the impending victory, and could only express indescribable confusion.

He could probably understand how Anson Bach guessed that the enemy's outpost would pass by this road and would be separated from the main force due to the rapid march; but how could he know that there was such a high ground suitable for artillery fire nearby? I don't understand it at all.

Could it be that he had been here before, or that the young master of the Grand Duke of Thun told him, or that he had raised an eagle that could speak human language?

Fabian shook his head, he thought neither of them was possible.

"Major Fabian, the one-minute rapid fire is over, what should we do next?"

The artillery chief behind him suddenly stood up and asked.

"Did the enemy surrender?"

"Uh...probably not yet."

"Then keep firing and get another rapid-fire round."

Fabian thought for a moment and turned to look at the artillery commander:

"This is a rotation of grenades."

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