I will be crowned king

Chapter 222 The Battle of Alan Dawn

Chapter 222 Alan Dawn’s Battle

For Alan Dawn, being too busy at work is a painful and joyful thing.

With Anson's victories, large amounts of supplies that could not be carried were continuously sent to the outpost outside Eagle Point Pass; at first, these could be simply stacked in temporary warehouses made of logs and tents, and the little clerk's daily The work is just simple accounting and bookkeeping.

But it didn’t take long—an afternoon to be precise—Anson brought him endless surprises: the amount of supplies began to expand at an alarming scale, and soon there were so many that the planned warehouse could not contain them all. the point.

Not only the quantity, but the types of trophies are also expanding rapidly - medicines, cloths, precious metals, clothes, grease... enough to bury everyone in the entire outpost alive.

The problem caused by excess materials is not only that they have nowhere to pile up, but also that they greatly exceed the load capacity of the entire outpost; because these materials not only need to find a place to store them, but also must be accounted for and stored in separate categories. Make sure there are no losses and even put a price on each item.

Once a backlog is created, the direct consequences will be chaotic accounts and out-of-control logistics management, which can easily cause a large amount of property losses - for example, food and gunpowder cannot be stored in the open air and are forced to be stored in the open air, eventually becoming moldy and damp; for example, artillery shells and flammable grease are stored in the open air. They were piled together randomly in the warehouse, and finally...

For an army, this problem is even more serious; because in addition to storing these materials, outposts also undertake the important work of logistics supply.

Although Anson and more than 2,000 troops have always maintained a light advance, a stable and guaranteed supply line is still necessary; it is impossible for them to capture sufficient ammunition, food, weapons, medicines in every battle... These all require supply lines. Blending.

The transportation capacity is overloaded and goods are backlogged, and the outpost has lost the ability to maintain normal supplies. The direct consequence is that materials pile up in the warehouse, too much to fit, and the front line has not been able to get the important materials it needs.

Thinking of the problems caused by all this, the little clerk felt a splitting headache and frightened. He was in panic all day long in fear of not being able to complete his work and being dismissed. As a clerk directly assigned to Anson by Bishop Luther Franz Secretary, his future has been completely tied up with the Anson and Franz families. Once he is sent back to his place of origin, he will have to start from scratch and slowly gain experience in the church.

After experiencing the taste of being in charge of the administrative and logistical power of an army of thousands of people, and watching Anson's status in Franz and even in the kingdom skyrocketing, Alan Dawn developed a strong resistance to returning to the past. ;So much so that even though he was still underage, he experienced the pain of insomnia caused by excessive pressure.

Now he not only has to establish a temporary logistics management committee as soon as possible to solve the problem of material transportation, but also has to find a way to deal with the backlog of materials - with Anson's army's weak logistics transportation capabilities, these materials will soon turn from wealth into Become a burden.

The best way is to turn them into "another form" of wealth.

So Henares "happened" to be handling matters near the Storm Division outpost, so Henares, who was "passing by", received a letter from the little clerk, hoping to allow their soldiers to go to nearby villages and towns to sell some "Iser Elf Soil" specialty".

Henares, who was sent by the Grand Duke of Thun to monitor every move of the "Storm Division", of course knew what the so-called souvenirs were; from the carriages that were continuously transported to the outpost with the Iser Elf logo It is not difficult to guess from the flags that Clovis's army is winning steadily at Eagle Point Pass and is constantly destroying Eagle Point City's supply lines.

Although he was very wary of the Clovis people, because the Grand Duke of Thun had promised in advance, Henares Arkad had no good excuse to stop him, so he simply invited the young secretary to visit Count Arkad, his brother's castle.

The reason is also very simple: What purchasing power do ordinary country villagers have? Even if it is sold to a passing businessman, it will take a long time and the price will be reduced in various ways; Count Arcade can hold a banquet and invite the nobles of Thun to come shopping; these people will not care too much about money as long as they want to buy. .

And Henares's real idea was even simpler: let the Arkad family come forward and buy all the trophies sold by the Clovis people at low prices, so as to avoid making a big fuss and causing trouble.

His naive idea was shattered when the little secretary and a group of soldiers from the outpost showed up at Alkader Castle the next day, pulling a truck full of supplies.

The full load of supplies piled up a hill in the castle garden. There were no less than 5,000 rifles, hundreds of barrels of lead bullets and gunpowder, 600 rolls of leather and cloth, as well as alcohol, tobacco, jewelry, velvet... and more. It has to be dizzying.

These are just the ones that have been transported... In the words of the little secretary, the remaining supplies have not been completely counted, so the ones that have been counted must be shipped over first to "make room for the ones behind."

Such imaginative words, as well as the undisguised logo of the Elf Royal Court of Yser on all the goods, greatly shocked Count Arcade, who originally planned to lower the price, and deeply felt that the Archduke of Thun and Clovis What a wise move to make friends with.

As a result, the invited nobles and the Arkad family donated generously. The little clerk also transformed into the president of the Chamber of Commerce, leading a group of big-headed soldiers to sell the spoils eloquently. The formerly peaceful and peaceful Arkad Castle became a noisy and lively place. bazaar.

Although Yser and Thun are neighboring countries, tobacco, velvet, and elf-style jewelry are all common luxuries in Thun, not to mention tobacco, coffee, and wine. The Seven Cities Alliance is the largest alliance in the entire Order World. Coffee exporting place.

But because these are trophies, the cost to the Stormtroopers is almost nothing. Even if they are sold at half price, they will still make a profit; while the nobles of Thun have found an opportunity to purchase these luxury goods at a low price, which is a win-win situation.

Because there is another person who lost blood...

Some nobles, especially Count Arcade himself, were interested in large quantities of strategic materials, especially lead bullets, gunpowder and rifles, as well as individual equipment for line infantry.

As a branch of the Francois family, the Arcade family's territory is closest to the Eagle Point Pass and is more sensitive to war. Once the war spreads south, these supplies will be scarce due to the low arms manufacturing capacity of the Seven Cities Alliance.

So the count asked his brother Henares to serve as a representative and privately discuss with the clerk that he was willing to import a large amount of weapons from the outpost. "As much as you want, the price can be easily negotiated."

Of course, the clerk couldn't refuse such a generous customer - the rifle didn't matter, but in order to ensure the stable supply of the storm division, such bulk consumables as lead bullets and gunpowder, he didn't dare to sell too much.

So he turned to Henares to sell another kind of loot that had been severely overstocked in the camp.


Henares' eyes were full of confusion.

"That's right."

The little secretary with bloodshot eyes and a blue face smiled and said: "To be precise...cough...it is food that can be stored for a long time and provide a stable nutritional supply for the army...cough cough cough."

"But why do we need to buy food?" Henares asked a little funny:

"You may not know this, but the Arkad family's territory is an important food producing area in Thun; the wheat, oats, olives, potatoes we harvest every year... can not only feed ourselves, but can also be exported."

"But that was before...ahem."

The young secretary cleared his throat: "Soon the war will spread to the Seven Cities Alliance, and the Grand Duchy of Thun will bear the brunt. If the war spreads to...ahem...Thun, this year's food harvest in Hantu will definitely be affected."

"But the key lies not in the price of food, but in the army - when the Southern Army captures Eagle Point City, the supplies captured will definitely not be able to meet the needs of the army...cough! Needs, a large amount will be purchased in the short term to fill the deficit, and that's what you took. Opportunity cough cough cough…”

"Are you OK?"

Henares frowned slightly and poured a glass of mulled wine for the little clerk: "Would you like to take a rest first? I'll have someone arrange a room for you."

"No, I just stay up late a little more recently, thank you."

The little secretary took a few sips, moistened his throat a little, and then continued:

"The Thun region does have ample food sources, but for an army, when supplies are severely depleted, they not only need to replenish fresh food immediately, but also replenish supplies that can be stored for a long time. For an army with a size of tens of thousands, This is especially true for legions of men.”

"I have no doubt that Thun can easily provide food for tens of thousands of legions and reach a very favorable condition with the southern legions; but your army and people also need these; during wars, food is always in short supply. commodity."

"What you said makes sense." Henares nodded slightly:

"So you want us to purchase this supply and then sell it to you when Eagle Point City is captured?"


The little secretary smiled and nodded:

"Because we currently lack storage conditions, the captured trophies have become a drag on the army. Most of them must be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise we will never sell these strategic materials."

"To put it more bluntly, we actually just want to store these materials in your warehouse temporarily and ask you to get them back later. The business is just a formality."

The smiling little clerk said sincerely, and casually placed the wine glass on the coffee table beside him; with a "pop!", his right hand suddenly twitched and the wine glass shattered on the floor.

"Ah, sorry, I just..."

"No, it's just a cup." Henares frowned even more:

"Are you sure you really don't need a break? We can talk about it later in the evening."

"No, no, no, I still have some tonight... Anyway, I'm fine." The little secretary smiled with a pale face and shook his head:

"It's better not to waste time. You must be busy too."

"But your lips have turned purple and the circles under your eyes are very serious." Henares raised his eyebrows:

"You are not poisoned, are you?"

"No, it's just that I stay up late more often recently." The little secretary patted his head hard to wake himself up, and there were a few more hairs on his palm:

"It's not a big deal. You must have done this kind of thing a lot when you were young, right?"

"I don't remember staying up so late that my lips turned blue." Henares' eyes moved downward slightly:

"...And there are also involuntary twitching arms."

"It's just a very common muscle spasm. You will have this kind of minor problem when you write frequently." The little secretary directly held his right wrist:

"Where were we talking about?"

"In the grain business, you plan to sell us the excess supplies you captured." Henares handed his wine glass to the little clerk:

"mulled wine, would you like another glass?"

"Thank you." The little secretary who took the wine glass smiled and said:

"We now lack storage conditions. These have become a drag on the army and some of them must be dealt with as soon as possible; so the business is just a formality. I just hope that these materials will be temporarily stored in your warehouse."

After the words fell, the little clerk blinked and looked at Henares, finding that the other person suddenly fell silent.

"What's wrong?"

"...Nothing." Henares narrowed his eyes.

He... didn't seem to realize that he had repeated what he had just said.

"I agree with your proposal. If His Excellency Anson Bach sells the captured supplies, the Alkader family is willing to purchase a large amount - on the condition that when Clovis captures Eagle Point City, the Southern Army must sign a food trade agreement with Thun. , the Alcad family will occupy no less interests than the Francois family."

"Of course you can. Deputy Commander Anson Bach and I will try our best to facilitate this." Allen, the young secretary, agreed immediately.

This was originally one of the steps in Anson's plan. Since it was decided to break through the Seven Cities Alliance from the Grand Duchy of Thun, of course, it must give the other party more benefits and benefits; and purchasing food directly from the other party can also prevent them from selling the food to others, further weakening the war potential of the Seven Cities Alliance.

The two chatted for a while, and after discussing the basic price and some details, Henares stood up and left, leaving Alan Dawn alone in the room.


Closing the door softly, Henares turned around and saw Count Arcade waiting outside the door.

"How's the discussion going?"

"Everything is settled. The Arkad family will make a lot of money from this business." Henares glanced at him coldly:

"Are you satisfied, my brother?"

Faced with his brother's rudeness, the polite Count Arcade just smiled with relief.

"Oh, right." Henares, who remembered something, suddenly pointed to the door and said, "Send a few people over later to help him take a hot bath, and then settle down and have a good sleep - he seems to be fast. Being exhausted.”

"Of course, our family has not the habit of neglecting distinguished guests."

Count Arcade nodded matter-of-factly, and then watched his brother turn and leave without looking back:

"Where are you going?"

Henares raised the wine bottle with the Iser Elf emblem in his hand and walked towards the end of the corridor without looking back.

"Go and send a letter to the Grand Duke."

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