I will be crowned king

Chapter 224 We are different

To the east of the Dawn Mountains, at Eagle Point Pass, the Storm Division temporary camp.

After a long day of marching on mountain roads, covered in dust and no part of his body was not sore and swollen, Léon François was finally allowed to rest; he found a flat piece of land to make his bed and light a bonfire. , lie on it and relax your already stiff and numb calves and soles of feet.

But the heir to the Grand Duchy of Thun had no complaints, because every soldier and officer around him was as unkempt as he was, with the same dull eyes, and the same exhaustion. He was so exhausted that he immediately held his gun after finishing his share of food. A deep sleep.

For a week, this army has always been in this state, like a machine running wildly; it is either fighting or on the way to the battle; the rest time is always short and uncertain, and the battle can start at any time.

In order to avoid being exposed, Anson has given up his tent and a bunch of camping tools; everyone in the army can only carry a roll of blankets and the simplest daily necessities, traveling as lightly as possible - although it is not really possible. How much "relaxed" it makes the soldiers.

The extreme exhaustion emptied everyone's minds, making marching, shooting and executing orders the only three things they knew. There were more than 2,000 people at the time of departure, and now there are nearly 2,000 people, holding guns anytime and anywhere. Doing anything with a bayonet has become instinctive by this army of vagabonds and bankrupt tenant farmers.

But even so, the entire Storm Division still maintains high morale: no matter how difficult and frequent the battle is, they can still receive sufficient and continuous logistical supplies, and at the same time, they continue to move from victory to victory.

Sitting on his bed, fighting back his sleepiness, Leon Francois took out his diary and started recording his daily routine in front of the bonfire:

"On April 30th of the 100th year of the Saint's Calendar, after a week of continuous fighting, fatigue and the smell of gunpowder smoke have become a habit and normal state.

But our hard work paid off—Eagle Point City's supply line has been completely cut off. Now this fortress, which is being besieged and is constantly losing its outer defensive positions, is an isolated city.

Through our generosity and kindness to the captured soldiers and nobles, we obtained intelligence on all reinforcements and mastered the location and combat configuration of each Iser Elf army, making each of our attacks precise and sharp.

Now, the reinforcements that the Yser elves hastily organized have been completely driven out of the pass. All the outposts have been either defeated or annihilated. The supplies that were originally supposed to be sent to Eagle Point City have turned into Anson's money. · Bach’s Trophies.

To be more precise, it was the spoils of war for all soldiers.

I made friends with a civilian today, his name is Hank, a taciturn skirmisher platoon leader; he told me that this short week of fighting had helped him save enough money to buy a shop or a small manor.

I wanted to tell Hank that he received far more honors than money. They almost defeated an enemy four or even five times their size, and almost blocked half of Eagle Point Pass with only two thousand men...but I didn't say that. , but I hope he can go back alive and enjoy the wealth he has earned through hard work.

For these ordinary soldiers, real money is far more attractive than honor; Anson Bach...he knew this very well and was able to create such an elite division by fairly distributing the spoils.

But I firmly believe that for this glorious Bach family, honor must trump wealth.

As the scattered reinforcements and outposts were defeated one by one, the real threat was slowly approaching - more and more news and intelligence proved that the main force of the Ysel Elf Guards Corps was constantly gathering troops to head towards Eagle Point Pass. Come.

The total strength is at least 20,000.

A huge problem is facing Anson Bach: should he temporarily avoid the danger and retreat to the outpost for repairs, so that this terrifying elf army can successfully reach Eagle Point City? Or do everything you can to stop or even repel them?

If he chose to retreat, no one could fault his behavior: the Storm Division had been fighting for a whole week and was indeed very exhausted, and with two thousand men against twenty thousand, ten times the strength was enough to smooth everything out.

But that is a choice made by normal people, a weak and incompetent officer; not the choice of Anson Bach, the commander who took the initiative to climb over the icy peaks of the morning sun in order to reverse the situation of the war!

For the true warrior, the man who values ​​honor, Anson Bach, he has only one choice..."


"I think we can almost withdraw." Anson said to Carl Bain seriously.

Karl, who was lying on the blanket, opened his eyes half asleep and turned to look at Anson:

"Did the Archbishop's biological son write again?"

Based on his understanding of Anson, this was probably the reason why the deputy commander ran away so decisively.

"This is only a small part of the reason." Anson shook his head and gestured to Karl with the gap between his index finger and thumb. It was really only a "small part":

"More importantly, don't you think our plan has been basically achieved?"

"our plan?"

Karl showed an exaggerated expression and deliberately emphasized the word "we".

"Yes, it is our plan." Anson smiled and nodded, expressing his great willingness to share the credit:

"So far, we have almost convinced the Ysel elves that there is a Clovis army waiting east of Eagle Point Pass, ready to fight to the death with their main reinforcements."

"In this case, there is little point in us continuing to stay here; the enemy's next actions have been seen through by us, so why not do something more meaningful before they can react?"

Something more meaningful?

Carl Bain thought for a second, and then suddenly opened his eyes:

"Aren't you planning to attack Eagle Point City?!"

Anson nodded naturally: "Why not?"

This suddenly stopped Carl Bain.

Yeah, why not?

Isn't this obvious? !

Is the army of the Ysir elves very invincible? That's right; is Eagle Point City's current defense force almost all concentrated on the northern front? That’s right.

But this does not mean that they have the capital to attack Eagle Point City!

But Anson didn't think so at all: "Now the fortress outside Eagle Point City has been almost wiped out by Ludwig, and the entire fortress is an isolated city; the reinforcements of the Ysel elves are probably still trying their best to gather troops, thinking about how to get through the pass. The east and the 'main force of the Southern Army' will fight to the death."

"In other words, the current Eagle Point City seems to be tightly defended, but in fact it is in a tense but relaxed gap stage; reinforcements from the rear are delayed, and the frontal defense line is about to be breached; in this state, They don’t have time to focus on the back.”

"This is our perfect opportunity to capture Eagle Point City."

All the preparations so far have been for this moment.

Winning Golden Stone City as backup, cutting off the supply line of Eagle Point City, and finally allowing the defeated troops to escape to Eagle Point City... including desperately encircling Yser's reinforcements and buying time for Ludwig's frontal attack, all for the sake of fighting for this opportunity.

Of course, it is just an opportunity; if it fails, Anson can retreat to the outpost without hesitation, pull up the main force of Jinshi City and the Southern Army, and fight the Iser Guards outside Eagle Point City.

Since the Grand Duke of Thun planned to board the Clovis ship and even took his only son as a hostage to show his sincerity, Anson could also use him without any guilt to force the François family to take a positive stance and send troops to fight against the enemy. Corner City.

"Can I ask why this is?"

Carl Bain couldn't understand it - if it came to Alliance Golden Stone City, he could probably keep up with Anson's thinking circuit in the step of intercepting the reinforcements in Eagle Point City, but then he couldn't keep up with the step of attacking Eagle Point City. .

In his opinion, up to this point, he and Anson, the two thousand or so people, have done enough - cutting off the reinforcements from Eagle Point City, and allowing the Clovis people to lay a nail in the Seven Cities Alliance. It is no exaggeration to say that the task was exceeded.

Anson Bach...what on earth was he thinking?

"To put it simply, I figured it out."

Anson looked at the stunned Karl calmly:

"Because a certain...very annoying guy helped me figure something out."

"What's up?"

"That means people are different."


"To put it simply, for Ludwig, capturing Eagle Point City, defeating the Yser elves, defeating the Seven Cities Alliance, and allowing him and Clovis' army to move from one victory to another... that is his goal. Anson said softly:

"For this goal, he doesn't care at all how many lives he sacrifices, even his own; let alone how much it costs and how many resources are wasted."

"Didn't we discuss this issue a long time ago?" Karl interrupted:

"Is this the first day you met him?"

Anson Bach: "...Can you hear me out?"

"Okay, you...continue, continue."

Karl rolled his eyes and lay down on the blanket with a "Plop!"

"But we are different." Anson sighed:

"For us, the first thing is to keep ourselves alive as much as possible, then to complete the campaign goals, and then to see if we can... make some money from this."

"Really? Why do I feel that the last one is the most important...ah! I'm sorry, please continue, I promise not to interrupt again, promise!"

"Therefore!" Anson twitched the corner of his mouth:

"In the past, my approach was to try to give him a better choice so that he wouldn't have to do such extreme things."

"But now I have figured it out. Instead of trying my best to cooperate with others, I might as well just take over the initiative to solve the problem and let others do things according to my wishes and ideas."

"I...Anson Bach, want to be the leader of this Clovis-Iser Elf war."

"The first step is for me to capture Eagle Point City with my own hands."


Just when Anson had completely figured it out, Sir Louis Bernard, who was standing in front of Eagle Point Pass in the camp of the Iser Guards, fell into huge confusion.

This inexplicable war has been filled with all kinds of brain-exploding information from the beginning - first, the Elf King Ysel defied all opinions and forced himself to become the commander of the Guards; then Crowe Wei appeared at Eagle Point Pass at an astonishing speed and besieged Eagle Point City; now it is said that the main force of the Clovis legion suddenly bypassed Eagle Point City and wanted to fight to the death with him...

At this moment, his desk is piled up like a mountain with various battle reports about the recent Eagle Point City. Each one is shocking, and each one is more exaggerated than the last.

Open one at random, and it says "Eagle Point City has fallen, and Clovis's army is attacking like an overwhelming force", or "tens of thousands of Clovis's army climbed over the morning ice peak and advanced to the south", and it also said What "The Seven Cities Alliance has betrayed Yser, and the 20,000 Thun army has become Clovis's servant army."

If all this information is true, then he, the commander-in-chief of the Guards Corps, should immediately stop reinforcing Eagle Point City, stay put and prepare to face the Clovis Army.

But it happened that the nobles of the Ysel elves believed deeply in the ridiculously exaggerated intelligence from the front line, and at the same time desperately urged themselves to march forward and fight the Clovis army to the death in Eagle Point City... This completely contradictory approach has made Louis Bernard didn't know what to say.

Of course, there is not completely useless information in this intelligence. At least two points can be proved: that is, Eagle Point City will not fall for the time being, and at the same time, there is indeed an army of Clovis appearing in the fortress. In the rear, intercept reinforcements and supply lines.

Perhaps it was because all the baggage was robbed and the reinforcements were annihilated one by one. The elven knights who were lucky enough to escape kept emphasizing "Eagle Point City fell" in order to cover up their obsolescence, right?

And...he is the commander-in-chief of this Clovis army.

Anson Bach.

Looking at the unmistakable name on the report, Louis Bernard's calm expression gradually became cold, but there seemed to be flames burning in his pupils.

Only this...can't be fake.

Louis Bernard had a little understanding of Clovis's military system. It was impossible for an officer at the level of lieutenant colonel to become the commander of the regiment - at least he had to be a brigadier general; but whether it was true or not, this proved that Anson It is indeed on the battlefield of Eagle Point City, and there is a very elite army in hand.

This is really great.

On the day he accepted the position of Royal Attaché in the small church on the border and came to the Elf Kingdom of Yser, Louis Bernard once thought that he would bid farewell to the battlefield forever and would never have the chance to make up for the regrets he had suffered at Thunder Castle. .

Who would have thought that in just a few months, the opportunity would appear in front of him, and in such a perfect way, he could end it all in the fairest way on the frontal battlefield.

"Wait for me, Anson Bach."

The expressionless Louis Bernard whispered softly:

"I'm here to find you."

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