I will be crowned king

Chapter 239 Peace Lovers

The moment he saw the Ring of Rune, the Elf Ambassador's expression was just like that of the former Grand Duke of Thun, from surprise to realization.

After a moment of silence, the shocked Ambassador Matias slowly spoke:

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"No, the point is not what we want to do." Anson's expression was extremely serious:

"What matters is the Council of Thirteen...what step you plan to take."

The elf ambassador was slightly startled. Just as he was about to speak, Anson interrupted again:

"If I'm not wrong, this war between Israel and Clovis should also be what you need."

"In order to open up the situation as soon as possible, Clovis will definitely target Eagle Point City and use all his strength to capture this key fortress that controls the north-south route; and Israel will certainly not be able to hand over such an important pass. If we give in, we will naturally use our best troops to reinforce them at all costs."

"The Guards... they represent not only the strategic policy of the Yser royal family's alliance with the empire in recent years, but also the core force that the Yser royal family relies on to maintain its rule by desperately pursuing the belief in the Ring of Order."

"Once this force and the rest of the troops supporting the Ring of Order faith and the royal family are continuously sent to Eagle Point City, there will be a short-term power vacuum in the Iser Elf Kingdom."

"You, the noble Council of Thirteen, can take advantage of the opportunity to control the power of the kingdom; suppress the Church of Order and the royal family, and restore the tradition of the Elf Kingdom of Iser...right?"

The elf ambassador's expression changed with shock, but he did not speak.

There was a flash of sarcasm on Anson's lips, and then he sighed regretfully:

"The seemingly solid Eagle Point City is so fragile when faced with attacks from two sides that we Clovis people are surprised; as for the Guards Corps... they have the posture of an empire, but they are actually vulnerable at all!"

"By the way, I can tell you one more thing. Louis Bernard, the commander-in-chief of the Guards Corps, was defeated by me before; he occupied Thunder Castle, which was well-supplied, and faced an siege army that was no more than twice the size. Last until a month!”

"And you... Ambassador Mattias, I can probably guess the purpose of your visit." Anson changed the subject:

"Nominally, you represent the Elf King of Yser, uniting the Seven Cities Alliance to attack Clovis; but according to the information I got from the Grand Duke of Thun, it seems that you don't really want the Seven Cities Alliance to be mobilized immediately."

"Because if there are really 150,000 troops... No! As long as another 20,000 to 30,000 people appear on the battlefield of Eagle Point City, the situation will be reversed immediately. Even if Clovis hopes to capture Eagle Point City, he will not do it for a The fortress lost a full regiment."

"Your original plan was to wait for a while, until the Eagle Point City defenders and the Guards Corps were almost exhausted, and the Thirteen Council took control of the regency of the Iser Elf Kingdom; then the Seven Cities Alliance entered the battlefield. time."

"As long as the Seven Cities Alliance and the Elf Kingdom of Yser can have an army of 100,000, Clovis, who is still facing the invasion of the empire, will not be able to stop the enemies on both fronts; Yser will be able to end the war with dignity by then, and Use 'facts' to prove that tradition is the real power of the Yser elves."

"It's a pity... things didn't develop as you expected."

Ambassador Matias snorted coldly and pretended not to care: "This is all just your guess."

"But it doesn't affect our cooperation, does it?" Anson smiled and took over the conversation:

"On Clovis and Iser's standpoint, we are enemies; but on another level, we are friends; as friends, we are willing to lend a helping hand to our friends in the Thirteenth Council when they need help. "

"For example... hold back the main force of the Ysel elves on the frontal battlefield, maintain the offensive posture, and buy more time for you."

"Why?" Ambassador Matias squinted his eyes, with panic and a bit of distrust in his expression:

"What's in it for you - I know a little bit about Clovis'... followers of the True God, but I don't remember you being so helpful."

"But we also understand the truth behind the death of lips and teeth." Anson's tone became more solemn:

"Think about it, what will happen if the Church of Order continues to expand in Yser, and even completely removes the royal family and completely controls the political power? Where can there be room for us in this ancient elven kingdom?"

"This is impossible!" Ambassador Matthias immediately retorted:

"The Second Ordinary Council in the 47th year of the Christian calendar made it very clear that the church has no right to interfere in secular politics!"

"Then how do you think my immediate boss, Ludwig Franz, became the commander of the legion?" Anson then sneered:

"It all depends on personal strength and has nothing to do with his father, Archbishop Clovis, right?"

The elf ambassador was speechless.

"As long as possible, the church will expand their sphere of influence all the time." Anson's expression became serious little by little:

"Clovis's reason for starting the war is that Israel's ambassador to the royal capital is a spell caster. This has already given the church a reason to intervene; what if it goes one step further and your identity is also exposed?"

"What if the Elf King Ysel sees that the battle is losing and he is about to be seized by the Thirteen Council, and actively asks the church to intervene in mediation?"

"Do you think the Church of Order can really stand by and completely abide by the decisions of the Second Public Order Conference and not intervene in secular power disputes?!"

Ambassador Matthias was shocked.

As an upper-class pure-blood elf noble, he certainly knows better than Anson how fast the Church of Order has expanded in Yser in the past few decades; but he has always regarded these as a means for the royal family to suppress the traditional nobles. Thinking back on it seriously, Only then did he realize what a terrifying influence the church now had in Yser.

If the church really intervenes in war mediation and uses this as a threat to intervene in Israel's internal affairs, then...

"We must cooperate, Your Excellency Ambassador."

Anson stared into his doubtful eyes: "For the sake of the country we are loyal to, we have a bigger plan - the Luen family. I sincerely hope that the Thirteenth Council can get everything that belongs to them."

"So as long as you are willing to accept my proposal, not only will Buller Matias be safe and sound, but the tens of thousands of Ysel elves in White Tower City can also be handed over to the Thirteen Council and become another trump card in your hands—— If there is anything else you need help with, please feel free to ask.”

"Remember, you are not alone."

"All like-minded believers of the true God around the world are not fighting alone."

After the words fell, Anson took two steps back with a solemn expression and said no more words.

Ambassador Matthias was still about to say something when he heard footsteps coming from behind; Archduke Claude Francois and Count Brand had also ended their conversation and were walking towards this direction.

The Grand Duke of Thun, who was walking in front, had a heavy face, holding the hilt of the knife at his waist tightly, but his frown was relaxed; Earl Brand, who followed closely behind, had a lonely expression, and his narrowed eyes flashed with inner thoughts. struggle.

"gone back!"

The Grand Duke of Thun who said these words didn't even look at Anson, and went to the guards who were waiting anxiously not far away.

There is no need to say anything more, the other party's attitude has already proved everything.

Anson chuckled lightly, looked at each other meaningfully with Ambassador Matias who was still standing, and then turned to follow the steps of Grand Duke Thun.

"His Excellency Anson Bach!"

Just as he was about to leave, Earl Brand behind him suddenly stopped Anson. Looking at the confused expression on his head, he said in a deep voice:

"I met the fortress commander of Eagle Point City, Weike, a few years ago; he was a guy who was always trembling and had no independent ideas... How is he doing now?"

"He's dead." Anson told the truth:

"When the fortress was breached, he led the remaining soldiers to guard the innermost tower of Eagle Point City. He was eventually stabbed six times and died; when he was completely surrounded, he personally raised this bloody swallow-tailed flag."

"We buried him and all the defenders of Eagle Point City who died in the battle on the hill outside the city, and erected a tombstone there."

Of course, it was Ludwig who established it - the entire Southern Army Corps, and he was the only one with such leisurely thoughts.

Earl Brand was stunned for a moment, then took a deep look at Anson, turned around and left without saying anything.

Looking at the backs of him and the elf ambassador, Anson shook his head and quickened his pace, heading towards Claude Francois who was waiting impatiently.


Back at the military camp, Fabian was arranging the stationing of the Storm Division with several battalion commanders. The clerk was planning the army expansion with the "temporary logistics management committee" composed of several non-commissioned officers from the artillery company. Lisa reportedly ran away. Went to the forward position... So the only person left in the camp to "welcome" Anson was Carl Bain.

"How is it going?"

"all the best!"

Anson dug out a bottle of rum from the box in the corner of the camp, bit off the cork and took a big gulp, and burped with satisfaction:

"Facts have proved that there is no race in this world that is not afraid of death; as long as there is a chance to survive, no one is willing to die in vain."

"Wait until early tomorrow morning, Thun's army will launch a feint attack on White Tower City, and then Earl Brand and the elf ambassador will announce their surrender; four thousand soldiers and tens of thousands of elves will be temporarily controlled, and they will wait until Eagle Point City's attack Send them back to Iser when the battle is over; and then..."

"Then Grand Duke Thun and your 'cousin' must lead Thun's army north to Eagle Point City to fight alongside us." Karl grabbed the bottle from Anson's hand and blew it. mouth:

"He has now greatly offended the Yiser elf. If Clovis had not supported him behind him and Yiser had not taken action, the Seven Cities Alliance would have torn this 'treacherous villain' into pieces, Francois The family is finished!"

"You can say that."

Anson smiled and shrugged, let out a long sigh of relief, and collapsed on the bed.

The core of the entire plan is here - Anson doesn't care whether it's Master Matias who is related to the so-called "Thirteen Councils" or the Iser Elf of White Tower City.

There is only one thing he cares about, and that is that Thun's army must appear on the battlefield in Eagle Point City within ten days; to assist him in encircling and annihilating the Guards Corps!

There are only 10,000 people in the Southern Legion, and Anson only has over 2,000 in his hands. Even if the Storm Division is fully recruited, the number will only be 4,000 or 5,000. If the Guards Corps is not completely eliminated, Thun will stand firmly on Clovis. Within the Kingdom's camp, there is no possibility for him to cause trouble south of the Dawn Mountains.

Ludwig was very generous to himself, but this "generosity" had its limits; he could tolerate himself robbing Eagle Point City once, but he would not tolerate it a second time.

Therefore, "two-front combat" is not only a strategy, but also a "tacit understanding" between each other: Anson does not want to follow the main army to "take advantage of" military glory, and Ludwig also understands that he wants the "Storm Division" to be accepted by other officers of the Southern Army. How difficult it is, it is better to simply divide the troops and fight.

After solving the biggest hidden danger of the Guards Corps, they will each open up their own battlefields; how much investment they can get, how many results they can win, who will be the main attacker and who will be the auxiliary... it all depends on their abilities.

As for other promises and guarantees... My next main battlefield is the Seven Cities Alliance. Even if they want to cause trouble, they are looking for Draco and the Truth Society behind him. Do they have half a copper relationship with me?

When he thought about being able to trouble a certain novelist, Anson suddenly felt much more relaxed.

Carl Bain didn't think as much as a certain deputy commander. As long as he didn't have to participate in tomorrow's siege storm division, he would be satisfied - although he knew that he would die on the battlefield from the day he joined the army, but this kind of It would be better not to participate in a meaningless battle.

Even if I can only be a captain who takes the blame for the rest of my life, it is ten thousand times better than dying in a mud pit and being chased as a colonel; although since I followed Anson, this kind of drunken life has become farther and farther away from me...

"There's one thing I really don't understand."

Carl Bain seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked Anson with a bottle of wine: "Why do you have to let White Tower City surrender on its own initiative?"

"Yes, this can indeed reduce some unnecessary casualties and save a lot of time; but Ludwig has left you a full fifteen days, and even if we count it as ten days, we still have plenty of time - this kind of The old castle, which is isolated and lacks heavy firepower, can be captured in seven or eight days at most."

"Even if there will be more casualties, wouldn't it make the Thun people stained with the blood of the Yser elves and have some hatred towards each other to make them wholeheartedly follow us and no longer be able to take refuge in the Yser elves?"

"You mean this..."

Anson stood up from the bed, his pupils seemed to be shining with the starry sky called "sincerity", the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he spoke in an aria tone:

"Mainly because...I am actually...a peace lover."


Carl Bain, who nearly choked to death, sprayed Anson's face with a mouthful of rum.

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