I will be crowned king

Chapter 249 Backstab!

The cavalry roars!

Under the golden-red sun, five hundred cavalrymen maintained a charging cone formation on the narrow road. Countless iron hooves beat the dusty ground like war drums, rushing towards the back of the Guards.

There was no warning, no warning, and no preparation... When the deafening roar sounded from behind, the five thousand Ysel elves stationed in the south of Eagle Horn City even burst into a small cheer - they thought reinforcements were coming. .

Of course, to a certain extent, their guess was not wrong. They were indeed reinforcements, but they were not their "reinforcements."

It wasn't until the running knights of Thun suddenly started to accelerate after reaching 500 meters and charged towards the Guards Corps that they realized that "something seemed not right" and the Guards Corps soldiers all showed panic expressions. look.

Because they were temporarily sent to take over the position, the five thousand Ysel elves garrisoned along the road had not had time to build fortifications - trenches, parapets, fences, horses, trenches... nothing, and the entire position was completely undefendable.

In the absence of fortifications, what will happen if the infantry encounters the cavalry? Even a fool can understand it by taking a look at the murderous cavalry behind them, attacking like thunder.

What's more, even if there are, these cannot be placed behind the position!

Looking at the Thun cavalry sweeping behind them, the Yser elves in the middle of the road were in panic.

This kind of panic is like plague and disease, "infected" from one elf to another; no matter how much the officers and knights shout at the top of their lungs, trying to maintain order, their equally pale and bloodless faces make all words change. It became a useless effort.

Eight hundred meters... It only takes more than a minute for the cavalry to accelerate to charge, but this short period of more than 100 seconds is as long as a century to the Guards.

In the headquarters, Louis Bernard, who was extremely anxious, sent out all the messengers around him, and ordered the artillery position to send signal flares to warn the battlefield to the south... His sweaty palms tightly grasped the handle of the knife, and he closed his eyes tightly to try to calm down.

In the midst of panic, the Yser elves finally hurriedly organized almost two infantry regiments, and spread out a thin three-row line formation in the center of the road. They raised their rifles with bayonets and, at the urging of the officers, And the ammunition was loaded during the beating.

"Three hundred—shoot!"


Thick milky white smoke instantly enveloped the sight of the elves, and the gunfire of three rows of volleys rang out continuously; the screams of the Thun cavalry and the neighing of the horses rang out in the dense rain of bullets, making the officers feel reassured. smile.

But they couldn't be happy for long... The next second, the neat lances tore through the smoke and slammed into the front row of the Yser army.


The thunderous bang once again shocked everyone, but it was no longer the firing of rifles, but the breaking note of lances - the melody that conquered Eagle Point City two hundred years ago, played again on the ice peaks of the morning light two hundred years later. Among the high mountains below.

As always!

In an instant, the three lines were completely shattered as if they had never existed before, and the panicked lanes fell into unstoppable chaos; the Thun cavalrymen with broken spears showed bloodthirsty smiles, as if they were in an uninhabited land. They charged and killed randomly on the battlefield. The silver-plated saber inlaid with pearls and gems kept swinging the silver light that symbolized death. The residual limbs and blood were flying all over the sky in the sword light.

Five thousand well-trained Yser Elf soldiers were caught off guard and their morale was shattered by a backlash from hundreds of cavalry. The entire position was like an avalanche, collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the well-trained elven soldiers and officers were desperately organizing a new line of defense, trying to intercept the charging Thun cavalry and their defeated companions... However, in the face of the fiercely advancing horses and the overly frightened defeated troops who fell into group chaos, the small-scale There is absolutely no point in resisting.

The defeated soldiers turned around and ran wildly. They did not have the courage to point their weapons at the enemy, but they could fire at their companions who stopped them without hesitation.

When the last group of reserve soldiers who tried to supervise the battle found that they were facing not only hundreds of enemies, but also thousands of fleeing companions, they also threw away their weapons and joined the fleeing team without hesitation.

Louis Bernard of the headquarters held up his binoculars and stared at the chaotic battlefield along the southern road with gritted teeth. After defeating the last unit that was still trying to resist, the overwhelming Thun cavalry continued to rush forward, heading towards The "main force of the defeated troops" who fled eastward continued to pursue.

Hundreds of cavalrymen spread out like a huge "arrow", chasing the deserters' tails without completely biting them, shooting from behind with pistols and carbines... just like hunting, driving and shooting, only knowing how to escape. prey.

At the same time, the eight thousand Ysel elves who attacked the southern position of Eagle Point City finally received the order and saw the situation behind them, but it was difficult for them now - the forward troops had begun to fight the southern legion, and they suddenly turned , that is, to completely expose the backs of the troops to the firepower deterrence of artillery forts and fortresses.

From organization to training, the Guards Corps completely copied the Empire's military system, and its tactical movements were as rigid as those of the Imperial Army; it was like having thousands of soldiers suddenly turn around during the battle phase, and form an array to fight against the artillery fire on their backs... This is really embarrassing for them.

But if they don't move, they will have to watch five thousand of their companions being killed, and wait for the eighteen thousand Thun army to come up from behind!

The noble pure-blood aristocratic elf officers were hesitant and did not dare to immediately order the troops to retreat or stop the attack. However, following Aldabert's experience, they did not dare to ignore Louis Bernard's order.

So after some tangle, the 8,000 Yser Elf Army continued to attack, but 3,000 of the reserve troops stopped attacking the garrison position, and decided "depending on the situation" whether to turn around and defend or continue the attack.

As for whether the thousands of broken soldiers on the road need to be rescued...well...this must be thought through clearly and a complete plan made.

But Henares and Anson would not wait for them to think clearly before taking action... The passionate bugles sounded under the ice peaks in the morning light, and 18,000 Thun soldiers quickly advanced in an offensive column along the corridor, launching an attack from the south of Eagle Point City. .

Henares decisively committed all his troops, not even leaving any reserves, and pushed towards the chaotic battlefield.

"This is really... shocking."

Looking at the defeated Yser Elf, the excited and stunned Leon Francois's eyes were in trance, and he let out a trembling breath.

He was very confident in the strength of the Thun cavalry, but no matter how confident he was, he could not imagine that he could defeat nearly ten times the number of Yser elves with just one charge!

"I saw it with my own eyes at the beginning of the year. At that time, the Praetorian Guards were transferred to the east to suppress the uprising of a group of 'old traditionalists'. Three thousand line infantry faced a thousand well-equipped hussars. It cost less than one The casualties of a hundred elves resulted in a complete victory; why is the gap so big?"

Little Leon, who was talking to himself, suddenly turned around and looked at Anson in confusion: "Is it true that in just two months, the strength of the Guards Corps has declined so seriously?"

"Quite the opposite."

Anson looked at the smoke-filled battlefield under the fortress in the distance: "Although I have not seen what the Guards looked like at the beginning of the year, but in any way, their training and quality are not inferior to the regular army of the empire."

"Then why..."

"Because they were unprepared and made the mistake that many armies make - thinking that only what is in front of them is the enemy." Anson sighed:

"Louis Bernard, all he could see was an army that was well-equipped but far less powerful than his, a strong fortress but full of flaws, a battlefield that was difficult for his 40,000 troops to fully deploy... so all he had The preparations are only for the enemies in the fortress."

"In his eyes, this battlefield is probably a chessboard with an 'invisible' wall around it. As long as the fortress is captured, it is considered a victory. This is the limit of his thinking; he...or they can't see it. On the battlefield outside the battlefield, all plans are prepared around the variable 'Eagle Point City Defenders'."

"Therefore, as long as there are changes beyond their expectations and enemies that they can't even imagine appear, the originally invincible army will be crushed and destroyed - because they are unprepared, they don't know how to resist."

So summed it up, Anson Omniscient Bach, deputy commander of the Army of the South.

Little Leon nodded repeatedly, and the pen that appeared in his hand was writing frantically on the notepad: "And you have thought of all this, right, cousin Anson?"

Anson pursed his lips slightly and smiled nonchalantly:

"Of course, my plan is perfect - no matter how many changes occur, I will always be prepared with both hands. This is the quality that a qualified officer should have."

Next to him, Carl Bain pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, silently turning his head to the side.

I don't know which "know-it-all" guy was urging him to keep a distance from the Thun Army just ten minutes ago, and was ready to run away at any time; it was not until he saw the cavalry breaking through the elven defense line that he proudly risked his life. Come out and say "everything is in my plan".

At 14:20, the Thun cavalry, which had ended the battle along the road, immediately stopped their pursuit after encountering resistance from the Ysel Elf Army stationed at the right artillery fort of Eagle Point City's defense line. They all turned around and continued to kill those who were still there. The defeated troops fled in all directions on the battlefield.

At the same time, Thun's army, which had occupied the flanking position, continued to advance. The vanguard of 4,000 troops directly launched a back attack on the Yser elves who were attacking the southern wall of Eagle Point City, and the 3,000 troops who were left to guard the place. Start a fierce battle.

The remaining troops were divided into two under the personal command of Henares. The nearly 10,000 troops formed a column and continued to advance towards the south wall of the fortress. The remaining troops turned around and besieged the city that had been broken by the Yser army just a few hours ago. Right wing position artillery battery.

Even if Louis Bernard was convinced of the coming victory, he also knew how important the position controlled by this artillery fort was. Not only did he station nearly two thousand troops, he also specially allocated three infantry cannons to assist in defense as a precaution. one.

The person responsible for guarding this place is Aldabert, the noble "pure-blooded" elf noble who was deprived of military power after retreating without authorization. Now he is in urgent need of a crime and meritorious service.

"Proud Ysel elves - for His Majesty and for the Ring of Order, prepare to fight! Fight!"

Looking at the defeated troops all over the mountains and plains and the army of at least 5,000 Thun following them, the pale-faced Aldalbert howled at the top of his lungs, using his voice to cover up his mood that was on the verge of collapse.

Sparse artillery shells fell in the array of Thun soldiers. After enduring two rounds of artillery fire with minimal casualties, and still nearly two hundred meters away from the artillery fort, the impatient Henares directly gave the order to charge.

Facing the high-intensity shooting of the Yser elves who fought for their lives and fired four times a minute, the screaming Thun soldiers held their rifles with bayonets and ran wildly across the gap between the two armies. Through the gap, they passed through the fences and breastworks that had long been destroyed in the Ysel Elf's own artillery fire, and collided with the thin lines in the position without firing a shot.

Although these Ysel elves fought bravely, an almost completely destroyed artillery fortress was not enough to make up for the double strength gap. There was no suspense from the moment the battle began; especially when one side also had high With the mobile cavalry, two-thirds of the other side's positions were completely occupied almost as soon as the battle began...

When the 5,000 Thun troops were fully committed to the battlefield, the Yser elves holding on to the forts had basically lost their ability to fight, and relied solely on the fear of what would happen if they were captured to resist.

Now that the people of Thun have now surrendered to Clovis, in order to show their loyalty to their allies, it is absolutely impossible to have even the slightest pity for the companions who once fought side by side. Aldabert, who knew this well, continued to fight despite his fear. , would rather die in battle than have the slightest idea of ​​surrender.

At 14:45, the outer defense line collapsed, and the Ysel Elf Army withdrew into the artillery fort, forming a hollow phalanx with a six-pound infantry cannon as the core.

At 14:55, the artillery fortress was breached, the Yser Elf Army used up their last ammunition, and the two sides entered the stage of hand-to-hand combat.

At 15:10, a group of Ytheir elves coming to support from the eastern battlefield were intercepted by Thun cuirassiers; 600 Yysir elves were forced to defend in place, and the battle lasted for twenty minutes. , ended with the Thun cavalry retreating after being attacked by artillery fire.

At 15:25, more than half of the Yser Elf Army was killed, and the Thun soldiers began to clean up the battlefield; Aldabert, who was hiding in the corner and had one of his legs broken by a lead bullet, dragged his bleeding body to the corner. , ignited the ammunition box...


With a brief explosion and black smoke rising into the sky, the right-wing fort officially declared its fall.

The battle of Eagle Point City has entered the second stage.

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