I will be crowned king

Chapter 253 Louis’ Fate

“Anson Bach——!!!!”

Although he knew it was him, Anson was still a little surprised when he saw Louis Bernard with his own eyes.

This guy...what's wrong with him?

Just like Carl Bain said, it took more than ten minutes for the Storm Division to tear apart the defense line and fight here. What kind of arrogant commander would refuse to retreat? I don't have any deep grudge against him, right?

Well, I can’t say it’s not true…

Just when he was stunned, a scream passed across his cheek - he couldn't dodge in an instant, and a lead bullet tore a bloody mark on his cheek.

The shocked Anson suddenly opened his eyes. Louis Bernard, who was holding a gun, had already rushed fifty steps away from him, and the revolver in his right hand was still smoking slightly; Lisa, who screamed, was already holding Bonny with a bayonet. , pounced forward like an arrow from a string.


The sharp blade of the rifle bayonet sliced ​​across the snow-colored blade, and a long, piercing roar bloomed in the sparks that cut through it.

The girl stared in shock at the tip of the knife that was stuck in front of her neck only a few centimeters away. She almost simultaneously pulled out the revolver from her waist with her right hand and aimed it at the imperial knight's forehead.

But Louis was faster than her.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three rounds of lead bullets all missed Louis' head and temples and flew past; the Imperial Knight suddenly took a step forward and pointed the black muzzle of the gun behind him with his left hand.

Gunshots rang out, and the skirmishers who rushed up from behind him with bayonets fell backwards and fell.

At the same moment, the saber in his right hand had already deflected Lisa's rifle, and the straight silver light suddenly swept forward.

Lisa, who had not yet stood firm, squatted down suddenly, her petite body jumped back suddenly, her little hand pulled the bolt of the gun at the same time, unloaded and reloaded, locked the bolt, and then at the last moment of landing, she pulled the trigger.


The light of the knife flashed, and the girl's eyes were wide and round - this thin guy, the bullet was deflected with one knife? !

But she had no time to be surprised. Almost at the same time as she landed, the snow-colored blades were approaching at the same time; piercing, slashing, slashing... The previous attack was not over, and the next round of attacks came immediately, as dense as three rows. Volley... no, faster than that!

Probably because she had never fought against an enemy who was faster and more agile than herself, Lisa, who could only parry and dodge desperately, looked very embarrassed. Her big round eyes opened even wider due to surprise, almost taking up a third of her face. The extent of the face.

But she didn't know that Louis Bernard opposite her was more surprised than she was.

Who is this little girl... I have obviously exerted all my blood power, but she can still keep up and not fall behind at all!

As a "Sea Knight" talent, and also a talent with the purest bloodline, Louis has absolute confidence in the power of his bloodline; although it is not as intuitive as other bloodline powers, it is the most comprehensive improvement. ——Speed, strength, reaction... are all beyond the reach of ordinary humans even if they reach their limit.

Once you exert all your strength, unless you are a talented person who happens to have the power of blood to restrain yourself, there should be no enemy in the world who can confront you head-on - not counting those who rely on tactics!

So who is she?

Louis, who was trying his best to suppress his surprise, stabbed her straight again, and the girl disappeared a second before the tip of the knife touched her hair.

Lisa, who crouched down to dodge, raised her rifle, jammed the blade with the gap between the bayonet slot and the muzzle, and launched a cat-pounce at Louis in front of her.

It's just that what's sticking out of her two little hands is not a meat pad, but a revolver.

"Dang——! Dang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Two of the six lead bullets were bounced away by Louis, and the remaining four were all empty.

The next moment the sparks burst, the figure of the Imperial Knight had disappeared from the girl's big eyes.

well? !

The messy hair suddenly exploded, and the pale-faced Lisa turned 180 degrees in the air, pointing the two revolvers behind her.

But Louis was faster than her - almost as soon as she landed, the cocked Borne rifle appeared in the hands of the Imperial Knight, and the cold bayonet stopped on her fleshy nose.


The crisp sound of sharp blades clashing sounded, echoing in the chaotic battlefield.

The expressionless Louis Bernard nodded slightly, his clear blue eyes and the fierce emerald eyes of the girl looked at each other. He held Borne's rifle in his left hand, and the snow-colored long knife in his right hand was raised horizontally, blocking the attack. He caught the sharp blade coming from behind.

The knight stood like a marble sculpture in the middle of the battlefield. Under the three-cornered hat that was blown away by a stray bullet, the short golden ponytail fluttered slightly.


“Lisa, go help Karl!”

Anson quickly stopped Lisa's action: "Follow that guy and capture the headquarters. Don't let him die!"

The girl's eyes struggled for a moment, and Anson could see that she actually didn't want to leave, but he still nodded heavily and followed the order.

Looking at the girl's back, Louis let go of the Borni rifle in his right hand and turned his clear pupils behind him.

"who is she?"

The enemy who killed his brother was reflected in his pupils, but Louis Bernard found that his heart was very calm, and even the anger he pretended at the beginning disappeared without a trace.

"Lisa Bach." Anson said lightly:

"My sister."

"Sister...but you two look nothing alike."

"I've been curious about this for a while. Maybe it's because she has the bloodline from my mother's father's side, right?" Anson said seriously.

"Mother and father..." Louis was stunned for a moment:

"You mean your grandpa?"

"Yes, yes...this is a second-generation kiss."

On the smoke-filled battlefield, the two people facing each other with swords chatted like best friends they hadn't seen for many years.


The moment they looked at each other and smiled, the snow-white blade had already pulled out a string of sparks from the blade of the long knife in Anson's hand, and the tip of the knife was pointed directly at the door.

In desperation, he could only retreat, but Louis' blade was too fast, and the violent slashes chased him back.

His temples twitched, and Anson, who had just fought, was forced to activate his superpower - Louis was swinging the knife at a speed that could no longer be seen clearly with the naked eye.

"Why are you still here?"

Gritting his teeth and desperately parrying Louis' blade, Anson, who kept retreating, couldn't help but ask: "The Guards Corps has been defeated, even if you don't want to admit it, it's useless!"

"What's the point of staying here to ambush me? There are 30,000 Tuunga Clovis troops behind me!"

"Killing you is the most meaningful thing!"

The expressionless Louis Bernard finally showed murderous intent in his eyes at this moment; the cold sword light followed the figure, calmly and calmly like a huge wave.

The blade was too fast to react, so Anson couldn't dodge. He used his strength to tear open a bloody mark on his shoulder, and finally managed to avoid having his wrist cut off, and stabbed the imperial knight in the chest with great pain.


There was another crisp collision, and the sparks of the intertwined blades swam between the two blades like living creatures.

Anson, who was purely anticipating, simply couldn't keep up with Louis' speed. No matter how he dodged, the snow-colored long sword always followed his figure, and the saber in his hand kept sliding the fatal blow to the other side.

The moment the blade deflected, Louis, who had no time to defend or had never considered this, was caught in the gap for the first time; Anson flipped his right hand and magically produced an extra revolver.

With a huge caliber and a barrel twice as long as an ordinary revolver - the retreating Anson suddenly stepped forward, aiming the "dagger" in his right hand at Louie's face.

Then he realized that he had made a fatal mistake.


The two people looking at each other had their blades pressed against each other's necks, motionless.

Anson lowered his gaze slightly - the pistol in Louis' left hand was already pressed against his right wrist, and the muzzle of the "dagger" had not had time to be raised.

"Well...I have a proposal."

Anson slowly withdrew his gaze and twitched his throat and looked at the other party with a smile: "Since we are both knights, how about we maintain the tradition and compete with each other with swordsmanship?"

Louis, who looked calm, his eyes flickering, nodded slightly: "Of course."

"I, Louis Bernard, Imperial Knight, heir to the Principality of Adlan, and commander of the Iser Guards, accept your challenge in the name of my family and the Ring of Order!"

Anson looked at him with an admiring smile on his lips.

The two of them raised their guns at the same time, slowly raising them in each other's sight.


Anson flipped his wrist and held the barrel of the "dagger" behind his back.

Louis stood with a knife in his hand and spread the pistol generously in his palm: "Two!"



Two gunshots sounded at the same time!

The screams that tore through the air collided. Louis, who moved his mouth slightly, did not give Anson the chance to fire a second shot. As he stepped forward, the blade fell like thunder.

Anson lamented that people's hearts were not as old as they used to be, and even an honest man like Louis was imitated. Anson took a step back and barely parried the sword; but this was just the beginning, and the crazy slashes came again in succession.

While the two were fighting, the Storm Division had defeated the Yser elves attacking from the flanks and began to outflank the headquarters' position on a large scale.

Facing the condescending Storm Division, less than two thousand Yser elves desperately held on to the extremely thin position - no artillery cover, no trenches, no fences... only a thin parapet.

If it is on a plain or a wall made of stone bricks, it may still play a certain defensive role, but a temporary position established just as a headquarters obviously will not have this level; in the final round of defensive counterattack, it was defeated Later, the Ysel Elf defenders were attacked by the Storm Division.

As the remaining Ysel elves were defeated and surrounded, one company after another lost their combat effectiveness, and finally gave up resistance... The cheering Storm Division soldiers, led by Karl and Fabian, completely took control of the entire headquarters and began to count. Trophies and prisoners.

Then, they discovered that the situation was a little different from what they imagined.

In the main tent of the headquarters, a stunned Carl Bain looked at the several Ysel Elf nobles who were tied into rice dumplings. After verifying their identities, almost all of them were "half-blood" ordinary knights, not even a "pure knight". There is no "blood" - the identity is not as high as that of Matias who was captured before.

"Why are there just these few?!"

"I don't know, but they probably didn't lie." Fabian shook his head. Although time was tight, the former Guards Major was still very confident in his interrogation skills:

"I asked a few specifically, but they didn't know that the camp had been empty for a long time - the nearest guy was sent out from the camp about ten minutes ago to command the guards."

Ten minutes ago?

It seemed like it was almost ten minutes ago that the storm division arrived on the slope and then attacked all the way up.

Karl, who looked stunned for a moment, turned around and found that Fabian was also staring at him. The two people looking at each other saw exactly the same expression on each other's faces.



Cleverly swinging away Anson's straight blade, the expressionless Louis long knife wiped out a string of sparks on the rocks on the ground, and went straight to his right hand holding the knife.

Anson, who barely dodged the fatal blow that severed his arm, repeated his old trick and stretched his right hand behind his back again; but this time Louis didn't give him a chance, and the revolver he just held was knocked away by the tip of the knife like a poisonous snake spitting a message.

The second the blood flew, Anson, who did not retreat, stamped his foot suddenly, and the blue dagger popped out of the boot. Anson, whose hands were full of blood, held the knife in his backhand, and took advantage of the moment when Louis stabbed out, using the back of the dagger. The gauntlet is stuck.

Louis, who looked frightened, instinctively wanted to withdraw, but the biting wind of the knife had already hit him.


This time it was Anson's turn to be surprised - the blade pierced Louis' left shoulder, but the right wrist holding the knife was tightly grasped by him; no matter how hard he tried, the wrist that seemed to be clamped by an iron clamp kept the saber motionless.

"That's it." Staring into Louis' eyes, Anson suddenly realized:

"So this is the real trap?"

"I didn't realize it until now. You have regressed, Anson Bach."

Smiling indifferently, Louis' left hand showed no sign of loosening at all. The saber in his right hand was still wrestling with the dagger in Anson's left hand: "This is not like you."

"The majestic commander of the army actually used himself as bait?"

"Because this is the best way - as long as you can still see the military flag erected here, the morale of the Guards can be sustained for a while; and when as many troops as possible withdraw to the back line, Freya... can Accept the job.”

Louis smiled happily, without the slightest fear of becoming someone else's prisoner and conquering the war: "The Guards Corps can also get rid of a defeated alien commander and regroup under the command of the royal princess - this is a good tactic that kills multiple birds with one stone. , or you taught me."

"Face reality and choose the one that you think is right among all the odds."

"Why do I feel like I've suddenly become a bad guy?"

Anson, who endured the pain in his right hand and held the dagger tightly, said a little depressed - this situation where he was standing on the third floor and the opponent was standing on the fourth floor made him quite uncomfortable.

Well, it's worse than trying to sneeze but not being able to sneeze.

"Instead of thinking too much, let's think seriously about how to defeat a talented person who has no scruples." The blade in Louis Bernard's hand was raised again:

"This time, nothing can interrupt our mutual destiny!"

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