I will be crowned king

Chapter 256 Dividing the spoils

The victory celebration lasted all night long, and they enjoyed their costly victory in a wanton carnival. The Clovis and Thun people, who were once enemies of each other, drank and feasted.

The soldiers called each other brothers, and the officers talked freely about the future of the two countries. They firmly believed that the north and south of the Dawn Mountains would form an unbreakable alliance. Nothing worldly could measure the friendship between the two countries; the Ring of Order witnessed that only the collapse of the Dawn Ice Peak would not lead to the end of the world. Make it end.

Although the alliance has not yet been concluded, many terms have been finalized during the banquet; the drunken Thun nobles and Clovis officers patted their chests and assured each other that all problems were no problem.

But by the afternoon of the next day, when the two sides officially began negotiations, this "unbreakable alliance" almost died prematurely before it could even begin.

The first conflict between the two sides was the disposal and distribution of the spoils.

In order to win this battle, Thun sent 18,000 troops. They have tried their best without mobilizing reserves. It is unrealistic to expect them to use their love to generate electricity.

In the Battle of Eagle Point City, the coalition won three spoils: Eagle Point City itself, a large number of military supplies abandoned by the Guards Corps after their defeat, and the prisoners of the Guards Corps - especially Louis Bernard and a group of "pure bloods" and " Half-blood" high-level elf noble.

As a bridgehead to attack the Elf Kingdom of Yser and to open a passage to the south of the Dawn Mountains, Clovis would not be able to give up Eagle Point City anyway. Thun knew this well and did not try to fight for it. plan.

But the remaining military supplies and prisoners are different - the former is an important material urgently needed by Thun to expand the army, and the latter can be exchanged for huge ransoms and favors, and is an important means of replenishing military expenditures after war in this era.

Especially Louis Bernard, he is the heir to the Empire's Principality of Adlan, the purest talent of this generation of "Sea Knight" bloodline, and the emperor's military attache... His ransom is absolutely a sky-high figure.

As for the trophies - aside from other things, the tens of thousands of rifles scattered on the battlefield and the nearly a hundred artillery pieces in the artillery positions can immediately increase the combat effectiveness of Thun's army by three or four times!

In order not to arouse the resentment of the Clovis people and maintain the alliance between the two parties, Henares prepared a quite "sincere" distribution draft:

First of all, Thun recognized the Clovis people's ownership of Eagle Point City. Secondly, three-quarters of all high-ranking prisoners of the Praetorian Guards belonged to Clovis, but Louis Bernard must be handed over to Thun.

Each side will get half of the spoils of war, but Thun has the right to purchase the rest of the spoils from Clovis at cost price; at the same time, the Southern Army must sign an agreement stipulating that the military supplies for the next year must be purchased from Thun.

Henares fully expected to wait for the other party to sign and agree, or to discuss the specific details with him; Roman, who had never expected to get the draft, just sneered, made random changes on it and returned it to him.

In Roman's version, Eagle Point City still belongs to Clovis - this point will not be discussed - the issue of senior prisoners of the Guards can be discussed from one-third to one-half, but Louis Bernard Must be disposed of by Clovis.

As for the spoils - although Roman, who followed Ludwig, did not have the habit of "picking up garbage", one-half was completely unacceptable, at least two-thirds.

After reading this "revised draft", Henares's forehead was so red that he felt as if the lid of the sky had been pried open and a bucket full of boiling water was poured into it - and his whole body exploded.

The Thun nobles behind him jumped up from their chairs as if they were sitting on nails, slapped the table and kicked their chairs, roaring with red faces that they wanted to "break up" with Clovis.

They even forgot that Thun and Clovis had not signed an alliance yet.

In the excitement of the crowd, Henares expressed "very regretful" to Roman that this clause was completely unacceptable and must be modified; Thun suffered a heavy price in the battle of Eagle Point City and must be compensated.

"It should be at least one-half of Clovis' profit from this battle, no less." Henares said in an extremely sincere tone:

"Since Clovis is willing to ally with Thun, please show the courage and responsibility that a powerful country should have - since Thun has given up ownership of Eagle Point City, it should at least obtain other benefits elsewhere. "

"Of course." Lieutenant Colonel Roman nodded slightly, raised his hand to stop the officers behind him who were about to rush forward to fight with the Thun nobles, and asked them to sit back obediently:

"The formal signing of the alliance has to wait for the Privy Council's reply, but the Southern Legion will not forget that it was the helping hand you extended at the most critical moment - we are willing to make greater concessions on the Yser Elf captives and trophies, and on the Legion's logistics supplies. Sign a trade agreement that is more beneficial to Thun and repay the losses suffered by Thun.”

The Clovis officers who heard Roman's "concession" changed their expressions. They looked at each other and sat on their chairs honestly, daring to be angry and dare not speak; while the Thun nobles opposite cheered and praised Clovis " It is indeed a strong and responsible country.”

Among the cheers, only Henares remained silent, looking coldly at Roman.

He noticed that Roman was talking about "Iser Elf Prisoner".

In other words, Clovis...or Ludwig Franz behind Roman would never hand over Louis Bernard to Thun.

There may be the commander's own considerations in this, but more probably Clovis is not worried that Thun will betray them - he has betrayed two neighboring powerful countries, and whether he has enough allies, waiting for Thun's general It would be a disaster.

The cruel reality made Henares both angry and sad... Obviously, the strength of Fortress Nettun is twice that of the Southern Legion, but he still doesn't have much confidence to argue with the opponent, so he can only say that it doesn't hurt. Itchy protest.

Roman, with a stern expression, met Henares' gaze with a calm posture.

Of course he knew why Thun wanted Louis Bernard so much.

Since Thun can betray Yiser after the defeat of the Yiser elves, of course he can also betray Clovis after Clovis's strength is damaged; then the Grand Duke of Thun will of course need a suitable "meeting gift" to make the empire willing. Troops were sent to support the Francois family.

Louis Bernard was the meeting gift and the talisman used by the people of Thun when they decided to betray Clovis.

Although it is clear that without the reinforcements of Thun, the Battle of Eagle Point City would not have been won so smoothly in any case, but Lieutenant Colonel Roman hated the traitorous behavior of the "fence-riding faction" from the bottom of his heart, and had 10,000 distrust of the Thun people. .

Therefore, although Ludwig was not insistent on this matter, Roman was still determined to detain Louis Bernard and not give the Thun people any more sweetness.

As for whether the interests of the investors in the legion and the officers who contracted to recruit the legion will be damaged by this, that is not within the scope of Roman's consideration. He only makes plans for Ludwig - even if he does not look at the interests, Louis is a person who can make Ludwig Items that enhance your reputation.

After a whole day and night of quarreling, the coalition forces, which had long missed chasing the remnants of the Guards Corps, finally finalized a spoils distribution plan:

First, Thun recognized Eagle Point as belonging to the Kingdom of Clovis.

Second, three-quarters of all Yser Elf captives will be returned to the Grand Duchy of Thun, and one-quarter will be returned to the Southern Legion. Both sides have the right to question each other's captives. They must agree on a time and announce the ransom amount to the other party. They cannot secretly Let him go.

Third, all spoils of war, including but not limited to rifles, lead bullets and gunpowder, artillery, livestock... were divided equally between both parties, but one-half of the proceeds of the Southern Army must be sold to Thun at a discount.

Fourth, Ludwig Franz must sign a unilateral protection agreement and trade agreement with Thun as the commander of the Southern Army, promising not to allow Israel to invade the Grand Duchy of Thun, and within the next year Supplies for not less than fifteen thousand men were purchased on a quarterly basis.

The entire plan is generally quite beneficial to the Grand Duchy of Thun. Even if Eagle Point City had not been captured, the gains of the Southern Army in this battle would have just made up for the previous losses, barely making up for the situation.

This made the officers of the Southern Legion extremely dissatisfied - their recruited infantry regiments were contracted with money, and some even borrowed usury. It didn't matter to Ludwig whether they made a profit or not, but to them it was a blood loss. .

In this regard, Ludwig could only promise to the officers that in the next battle against Iser, he would divide a part of the loot he received to make up for the losses they had suffered.

Among the spoils, Anson's Storm Division received 3,000 front-loading rifles, six six-pound infantry cannons, four twelve-pound infantry cannons and four light howitzers... which was a small gain.

In addition, he also captured the most important prisoner, Louis Bernard. However, in order to appease the officers whose interests were damaged, Ludwig could not give away the ransoms of other Yser Elf nobles to Anson; so he privately agreed to wait for logistics As soon as the supplies arrived, three hundred horses were given to the Stormtroopers as compensation.

Of course, Ludwig's "generosity" is not unreasonable - the Southern Army will attack Yssel next, attacking from west to east. There are many hills and mountains in the west of Yssel, and only the east and north have large areas. plain area.

In other words, before attacking the Royal Court of Yser, it is of little significance whether Ludwig has cavalry. It would be more useful to give it to the Storm Division who is about to attack the Seven Cities Alliance.

This is mixed news for Anson. After all, the Storm Division does need a mobile force that can quickly outflank the battlefield and pursue the enemy after the war to expand the results.

But once the war horses arrived, it would be even harder for him to explain to the other officers why he refused to ride - mainly because it seemed that it was really too late to learn now.

As for the most controversial part between the two parties, that is, the issue of Louis Bernard's ownership, it did not appear in the plan; both parties pretended to have forgotten the matter in a tacit understanding, and focused wholeheartedly on maintaining their alliance.

……That is impossible.



Leon Francois was shocked: "Why did you fall into a coma after everything was fine?!"

"To tell you the truth, we are also surprised by this."

Outside Anson's ward, Major Fabian sighed with a heavy expression, his eyes showing a bit of sadness: "Maybe it's because of the serious injury and being too tired during this time?"

"You have been following the deputy commander recently, and you should know more about his health than me, a subordinate; don't you, His Excellency Leon Francois?"

Fabian paused slightly and looked at the other party.

Leon was startled for a moment, frowned slightly and fell into deep thought: "Indeed, indeed, although he looks very energetic on the surface, it may also be due to excessive overdraft, and then concentrated explosion after injury..."

"That's it." Fabian sighed again, his expression darker than before:

"In order to win the battle of Eagle Point City and completely annihilate the Guards Corps, the deputy commander put in countless efforts and exhausted his energy almost every day; as a result, just after he won, he..."

Speaking of this, Fabian suddenly stopped and pressed his cheek with his right hand with a "pop!"; his head hung on his chest, and his shoulders trembled slightly.

Seeing this soldier who was usually serious and even a little too indifferent became so sad, Leon was at a loss for a moment and could only pat the other person on the shoulder to express comfort.

"But, is there really no other way?" After a moment of silence, Leon couldn't help but say.

"Major General Ludwig wants to hand Louis over to the country. Clovis is currently at war with the empire. Once he falls into the hands of the Clovis royal family, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Leon, who became more and more excited as he spoke, clenched his fists tightly, and his expression was slightly distorted by the painful entanglement:

"The only one who can force Ludwig to take back his life now is Anson Bach, but why... why did he suddenly... at this time..."


At this moment, a faint cry suddenly sounded in the room.

"This is..." Leon raised his head in surprise.

Fabian slowly removed his hand from his face: "It's Miss Lisa."

"She has been taking care of the deputy commander since last night. She has never left the bed. She has not even drank a glass of water until now."

Leon was stunned at first, and then his face became darker again; he looked at the door behind Fabian, hesitated for a moment, and finally left with a sigh.

Fabian watched him leave expressionlessly until Leon's back completely disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Ten minutes later, the former Major of the Guards turned around and opened the door of Anson's ward; Anson was seen sitting on the bed, using gauze to bandage Lisa's little finger that was cut by a fruit knife.

The girl with red eyes pouted her mouth and avoided Anson's gaze as if she was afraid after making a mistake.

There was originally a bowl full of apples on the bedside table, but now only a bowl full of apple cores remained.

Carefully tying a bow with gauze on the little finger, Anson looked at Lisa pretending to be serious:

"Do you know you're wrong?"

Lisa, who was about to cry, nodded vigorously.

"Are you going to sneak some snacks next time so that you can't even eat dinner?"

The girl shook her head vigorously: "Lisa is an obedient and good girl."

Anson patted her little head with satisfaction and turned to Fabian who was standing in front of the door:

"what happens?"

"Nothing." Fabian smiled:

"I just helped you get rid of a troublesome guest."

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