I will be crowned king

Chapter 258 Thalia’s reply

After seeing Louis off and giving him a warning, Anson did not stay at the city gate for long and quickly returned to the castle in a hurry.

He now very much doubts whether Louis Bernard doesn't even know how critical the information he provided is!

The empire is a big country. For His Majesty Herred of Dragon City, the existence of the colony is the icing on the cake - yes, he also needs the iron ore, gold, silver, fur, wood... and needs a lot of fresh blood to maintain the empire. maritime supremacy.

But fundamentally speaking, the empire is still a continental country. The free cities, serfs and small lords under the imperial system are its most important leeks.

Although Clovis is also a continental country, the coastline is not wide, and the navy is only just enough to maintain trade routes. It is a dream to expand; but as a country that is much smaller than the empire, Clovis relies on colonies!

In order to maintain the operation of the factories around the city of Clovis, in order to build railways that will one day connect all the countries, in order to continuously produce large quantities of weapons, ammunition, and light industrial products... Clovis needs a steady stream of tons of raw materials; some Clovis can produce it itself, and the gap needs to be filled by trade and colonies.

The colony located in Ice Dragon Fjord has always been Clovis's most important raw material supplier, and it can even rely on it to lower the price of raw materials purchased from other kingdoms.

Once the empire really sets its strategic goal on the colonies, it doesn't even need to actually fight a war of conquest. As long as there is a problem with the supply of some of the most important raw materials-such as fuel and steel, Clovis will be quickly exposed. Expose one's shortcomings, and then the strength is seriously damaged.

And this kind of damage is chain-linked - if the supply of raw materials is insufficient, factory output will decrease or costs will increase. Factory owners will consider layoffs or raising prices. Layoffs will lead to a wave of unemployment, and rising prices will further increase the number of downstream industries. Or the cost to the end buyer…

When the originally seemingly solid chain is broken link by link, the best result is that the riots will happen again on March 1, the 100th year of the Saint's Calendar.

As for the worst... Anson no longer dares to imagine it. He just wants to tell Ludwig about it as soon as possible, write a letter and send it to Luther Franz, and let this information appear in Carlos II on the desk.

But equipment for 20,000 people? Anson really doubted whether the empire could still mobilize 20,000 troops to go to the colonies at the moment; after all, the cost of cross-sea operations was more than ten times higher than that of land operations.

Compared with this message, the warning he gave to Louis was not worth mentioning - it is still unknown what the Truth Society and the Thirteen Council are going to do, but the "Old God Sect" is keen on making big news I'm afraid his character will no longer be a secret soon.

As for the existence of the Old Gods in the empire, it should not be a secret to the majestic Duke Adlan; rather, the accidental death of his eldest son in Thunder Castle can give him a little bit of warning, and he should pay more attention to protecting himself. The second heir?

His own warning can only make him more vigilant to prevent some spellcasters who failed on Kroger Bernard from starting to have Louis' ideas again - honest people are a rare resource in this world, although this honest person seems Getting smarter and smarter...

Back in the castle, Anson, who had just climbed the stairs, turned around and saw Carl Bain standing outside his room door across the corridor, looking at him meaningfully.

"There's someone at your house."


Anson was stunned for a moment, his attention still not fully recovered from the "big news" provided by Louis.

"There was just a businessman named Erich who claimed to be the deputy commander visiting us on behalf of the Luen family." Karl narrowed his eyes:

"When he appeared, I happened to be right next to Ludwig. You don't know the expression on our commander's face at that time - oh, there were also some officers who had just joined the Storm Division, all of them had chins... okay , I’ll leave now.”

Seeing Anson's thumb extended backwards, Carl immediately showed a knowing smile on his face, patted his shoulder, turned and left the corridor.

Anson rolled his eyes and pushed open the door and returned to his deputy commander's office; Mr. Erich, who claimed to represent the "Lunn Family of Lund Manor", was sitting across from his desk. When he saw him coming in, he immediately Stand up and salute.

Mr. Erich does not look young, he is about forty years old. He is wearing a thick black coat over a dark formal suit, which is already a bit stuffy this season, and is chewing on a corn cob pipe.

The moment he entered the door, Anson quietly opened his fingers to activate the "superpower" and carefully looked at the representative of the Rune family. After repeatedly confirming that there was no reaction from the spell caster, he relaxed his vigilance slightly.

What he was afraid of was not that the representative of the Luen family was a spell caster, but that the other party was a living dead. After seeing the living dead in the room of Lund Manor with his own eyes, Anson doubted whether any of the Luen family were really alive. Servant.

Now it seems that I have been worrying too much. Mr. Erich in front of me looks like a wealthy businessman or small nobleman who has some business acumen and has been chosen as an agent by a big nobleman. He is no different from ordinary business owners in Clovis City.

In other words...he concealed it well enough.

After some polite greetings, Mr. Erich did not directly explain the purpose of his visit, but handed Anson a letter; Anson, who was a little nervous, unfolded the letter under the gaze of the other party, and inside was Thalia, his "fiancée" Reply sent:

"My dear Anson:

You can never imagine how happy Thalia was on the day she received your letter - this was the first time she received a letter from her still living fiancé in forty-seven years in the Christian calendar. letter……"

"Talia is really happy that you are so concerned about the interests of the Luen family; but please do not affect your future and life safety; compared with your life, the arms business worth hundreds of thousands of dollars is completely worthless. Mention it."

"But now that you have spoken, Thalia will certainly not refuse - I have sent the general manager of the August Military Factory to Eagle Point City. You must have met him in person when you receive the letter. If you need anything, you can Bring it up to him directly, no need to discuss it with Thalia.”

"As for the Thirteen Council you mentioned, it is indeed a very ancient organization of the Old Gods. Its members can almost all trace their bloodlines back to some powerful blasphemous mages in the Dark Ages."

"There are two points that you need to pay attention to here; firstly, please do not use my predecessor, your mentor Mace Hornard, as a measure of the blasphemy mage's strength, because his level of evolution is far from Hitting the pinnacle of this stage.”

"Secondly, strictly speaking, blasphemy mage or the etymology of the word 'Tutor' refers specifically to human spellcasters. The elves have a completely different system. All standards can only be used as a reference and cannot be introduced. "

"This involves a very ancient knowledge, or knowledge that is deliberately concealed by the Yser elves - as a race different from humans, elves do not go through rituals, but a method similar to humans' 'bloodline power awakening'" , those who gain favor from the true God.”

"Even if you don't have the blood of an apostle, or your father is not even a spell caster, as long as you have the blood of an elf, it is possible for an elf to naturally awaken the talent of a certain spell caster; the higher the proportion of elf blood in the body, the purer it is, the higher the probability of awakening. Big——According to the records of the Luen family, the probability can even reach up to 50%."

"The reason cannot be explained in just a few words. You only need to know that the power obtained by this kind of 'awakening' is different from that of us as believers of the True God. Although we can obtain strong power from the beginning, there is almost no possibility of further evolution. .”

"The proportion of blasphemous mages that appeared in the history of elves is much higher than that of humans, but Thalia has almost never heard of apostles who evolved from elves."

"And the Council of Thirteen... Before the Ysel elves converted to the Ring of Order in the forty-seventh year of the Saints calendar, it was a group of spellcasters in the Ysel elves, and assumed some of the functions of a religious organization; it had the largest number of elves among the elves. The pure-blooded Ysel Elf royal family has always been their leader.”

"But after the Elf King Yisel defected to the church, this organization was cruelly and ruthlessly oppressed. It is reasonable for him to want to resist."

"Thalia's suggestion is that if there is any benefit, you can try to negotiate with them, but don't go too deep - unlike humans, elves as a race are very extreme in their beliefs, and their spellcasters do not even recognize the three The existence of the old gods is so arrogant that they think the power of magic is omnipotent.”

"If an elf caster awakens power, there will usually be some very obvious signs. A part of their body cannot restrain the distortion of power. At the same time, the overflowing power will be noticed by the talented people and spell casters in a wide range around them."

"Usually, the more twisted and chaotic this 'short-term evolution' is, the more powerful it is. The minds of elf spellcasters who have just awakened their power will also be affected by power to a certain extent. They are extremely easy to become emotional and will do whatever it takes to satisfy themselves. Certain desires that are repressed.”

"When this desire is completely satisfied, the caster's power will diminish and they will return to normal; experienced elf spellcasters are very good at mobilizing their own emotions and always keep themselves on the edge of madness and sanity when casting spells."

"So be careful when coming into contact with them, because the elven spellcasters you encounter are most likely lunatics who have fallen into madness countless times and then been forced to wake up; they may be powerful, or they may have good nature, but they are not related to someone. These addicts are equally untrustworthy."

"Finally, I wish you a speedy return. The door of Lund Manor will always be open for you; I recently heard that there is a stormtrooper fundraising event in Clovis, and Thalia will also attend to give you her blessings."

"In love with your fiancée, Thalia August Rune."

Anson couldn't help but shudder when he read the end of the letter, and a chill ran from the soles of his feet along his spine to the top of his head.

Thalia's information was very timely, which allowed Anson to have a general understanding of the internal situation in the Elf Kingdom of Yser, and by the way, he also figured out what the so-called "pure blood" and "half blood" were.

All systems in this world serve reality; in order to maximize vested interests, or to maintain their own existence and rule, they will naturally evolve all kinds of strange "traditions" or "laws" that are unbelievable to outsiders.

The ruling class and foundation of the empire are "knights", so everything from military to culture is developed around the "seven knights" and the "power of blood".

Even if a commoner - although the probability is very low - is one in a thousand from the bloodline of a certain gifted person, and awakens the power of his own bloodline, he can become a knight, or even become a noble one day in the future.

As for the Iser Elf Kingdom, because the probability of a spellcaster's awakening is related to the purity of the elf bloodline, their "tradition" is naturally much more extreme than that of the empire; even if they have abandoned their past beliefs and started to follow the Ring of Order, they are powerful The inertia still allows them to maintain this outdated system.

If this is the case, then what the Elf Kingdom of Yser will face next is not only the destruction of the old god sect, but also the rebellion of the "pure-blooded" elven spellcasters who once held real power but are now in decline.

Anson put down the letter thoughtfully and looked up at the Luen family representative who had been waiting quietly: "Your Excellency Erich, may I ask..."

"You don't have to be so polite, Deputy Commander." Erich bowed to Anson stiffly, with a flattering smile on his face:

"Miss Talia has said that from now on you are my master. As long as I can help you, I will do my best - the Luen family is my savior and can help you and Miss Talia." It’s an honor to serve!”

"A savior?"

"Yes." Erich, holding the top hat in both hands, nodded vigorously:

"The riots on March 1st destroyed the hard work of my father and me, and two entire generations! It was the Luen family, when we were at our most desperate, who spent a large sum of money to buy our factory and also... Winning the Army order for us prevented my wife, my wife, and our two-year-old son from starving to death in a ruined factory!"

"Miss Talia told me that your army needs 20,000 rifles right now, right? I have prepared them all for you. Don't worry, the price will be absolutely favorable. Even if you don't have cash, loans or IOUs... …”

"No, no, no...Mr. Erich." Anson raised his hand and interrupted:

"You seem to have misunderstood. It's not me who needs these weapons."


"The situation is a little complicated. Let me ask you this - if your August Military Factory is fully operational now, how much output will it produce in a month?"

"Production volume? Large, maybe three thousand to five thousand rifles? More often, it depends on the order quantity and the price of raw materials."

"Very good, Mr. Erich." Anson smiled:

"Then I suggest you write a letter immediately and ask your factory to recruit more workers and purchase more machines - or simply ask the Luen family to buy a few more factories for you."

"Because I will soon have a large order of 100,000 rifles and 200 artillery pieces handed over to you!"

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