I will be crowned king

Chapter 26 Anson’s Speech

This is a field cannon whose wheels alone are nearly a person tall, leaving deep tracks in the mud-filled trenches; a unicorn relief symbolizing the Kingdom of Clovis, and a golden cannon cast in bronze. The head is high and the body is hissing.

Because the gun body is too heavy, even if the attached ammunition box is thrown away, it weighs more than one ton, so we can only walk slowly on the position; the originally spacious gun fort camp was crowded with soldiers, facing The heavy artillerymen who were dawdling in the trenches were either surprised, sighed, or praised each other.

Just her size and the dazzling metallic luster made the soldiers feel a sense of security. They gathered around her and even pulled up the rope to drag the cannon together with the people from the Grenadier Regiment responsible for escorting it.

Obviously, even the recruits who have just joined the conscription army will not find it difficult to find that compared with the artillery of the First Infantry Regiment, this field cannon is definitely not on the same level regardless of its length, weight, or deep and wide muzzle. .

Compared with her, the so-called "Bang Bang Cannon" is simply a shame in the artillery world. It is an inferior existence that can only be called "carrying a gun". The class gap between the two sides is like that of a princess from a kingdom and a country boy who appears out of nowhere. Wild girl, there is a world of difference.

A whole company of grenadiers, with the assistance of almost all the soldiers of the first regiment, tried their best to drag the two field cannons and a twenty-four-pound mortar into the preset position of the fort. Good gun position.

In addition to three heavy artillery pieces, ammunition boxes and corresponding artillery pieces, what was delivered to the First Regiment's position was also ammunition that was supposed to be delivered a few days later, which surprised both Anson and Karl.

Obviously, although the entire artillery position was still in the construction stage, Ludwig obviously couldn't wait; he couldn't wait to arm his troops to the teeth, waiting for the Imperial defenders to take the initiative to crash into him, so that he could take revenge.

"That's all. Weapons and people have been delivered." Glancing at the dark crowd of soldiers behind him, Roman stared coldly at Anson with his hands behind his back:

"From now on, this artillery position is handed over to you."

"I understand." Anson nodded slightly without changing his expression: "This shows Brigadier Ludwig's trust in me, and I will not let him down."

“It’s not just about expectations, it’s about not losing.”

Roman's eyes looked directly into Anson's eyes, and there was a slight sense of oppression in the coldness: "For this victory, the price the Brigadier paid can already form another Thunder Castle levy force."

"Once he loses this battle or any accident occurs, he will be kicked out by the army for a reason, and he will never be able to return to the army again in his life - I will never let this happen!"

Looking at Roman, who was obviously "threatening", Ansen felt wary.

Any surprises...did he discover something?

But thinking about it carefully, Anson felt that it was impossible. The positions of the First Infantry Regiment and the Grenadier Regiment were far apart. His only contact with Roman was when he interrogated Louis Bernard and went to the Brigadier General's camp.

As an officer, Roman could not run into his camp for no reason, and Anson had always carried the diary of "former Anson" with him.

The noise in the camp became louder and louder. Roman, who was leaving with his back turned, suddenly stopped and glanced sideways at Anson, who was also looking at him:

"Besides, this is just my personal suggestion... While there is still time, think about what to do after this siege is over as soon as possible - if you can still survive."

"Thank you, I will think about it carefully." Anson nodded in thanks, but his expression was a little strange.

This crony of Brigadier General Ludwig really never forgets to beat himself up for a moment...

After all the three artillery pieces and the remaining ammunition boxes were handed over, the stern-faced Lieutenant Colonel Roman and his grenadiers quickly formed a column in the crowd, turned around and left with a neat pace that would even shame the honor guard. Didn't stay long.

As the private soldiers gathered around and watched them leave, the artillery fort position that was bustling with activity just now suddenly became much deserted.

at this time……

"First Infantry Regiment, everyone obeys the order!"

Carl Bain suddenly shouted loudly, making everyone stunned:

"Three horizontal lines, tight formation, gather!"


The soldiers who didn't know what was going on reacted instinctively, quickly put on their weapons, arranged their uniforms, and gathered in the artillery position according to their respective queues.

Even Lina, who was still angry with him just now, hurriedly carried a rifle that was several feet taller than herself and stood at the front of the queue. There were still canned meat residues on the corners of her mouth and cheeks. Scum.

Two minutes later, looking at the neat team in front of him, Karl finally nodded and turned around and walked towards Anson.

"What are you doing?"

Anson, who deliberately lowered his voice, asked Karl with an inexplicable expression.

"Do something I think you won't regret." Karl, who spoke lazily, looked at Anson with very serious eyes:

"On the day the main force escaped, our group did not follow the main force to escape. Instead, we believed that you chose to stay and fought at the artillery position with three times as many enemies."

"On the day of the cavalry raid, our group still believed in you; more than 200 scum soldiers held the position against the encirclement and suppression of more than 300 imperial cavalry;"

"Now our group still believes in you and has built a fort under the fortress' artillery; we will continue to believe in you... I believe that you will lead us to take back Thunder Castle instead of going to die..."

Karl suddenly paused and wanted to grab Anson's collar, but he slowly put his hand down. His eyes with dark circles radiated perseverance:

"Anson Bach...my leader, don't you think you should say something to these people who believe in you?"

Looking into Karl's eyes, Anson was silent for a full minute.

He looked at the basically built artillery fort behind him, turned his head, and glanced at the soldiers of the first line of regiment who were lined up in neat formation with his dark brown eyes.

Looking at them, they are either confused, or determined, pretending to be calm, numb, brave, cowardly, anxious, determined...all kinds of expressions.

Some of them are veterans who have gone through two battles with him, some are new recruits who have just been recruited from the rear, and some are just trying to eat so as not to starve to death...

But then they all have to be like themselves - for their livelihood and survival, they have to fight a battle that has nothing to do with them, and to recapture a fortress that they have no idea of ​​the meaning of.

At that moment, Anson felt an impulse surge from his chest, making him tremble all over.


A passionate shout exploded from Anson's throat, instantly focusing all the eyes in the entire fort on himself.

"In less than four days, under the threat of enemy artillery fire, you built this indestructible fort with shovels and shovels; with sweat, you made the trenches stretch towards the enemy's fortress;"

"She is yours now. The flag and horn of the march to Thunder Castle are firmly in the hands of the First Regiment; when the battle begins, the first shot to retake the fortress will be fired by you!"

As he spoke, Anson strode to the edge of the fort, stood directly on the unprotected wall, straightened his waist and looked down at everyone:

"Soldiers! No matter what difficulties we face next, don't be afraid, just face them with a smile! The best way to overcome difficulties is..."


Just when Anson was excitedly preparing to imitate Ludwig and draw his sword, there was a loud noise behind him.

Anson stopped suddenly, his expression froze on his face, and he turned around as if he had guessed something.



A solid bullet hit the fort wall more than ten meters to his right, creating a huge gap.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire fort became quiet.

"The enemy fire is coming, take cover in the trench——!"

Carl Bain's heart-rending shouts sounded, and the soldiers of the private regiment who had just returned to their neat military appearance immediately dispersed!

In the swirling smoke and dust, Anson, who was shocked for a moment, was all stirred up. He quickly jumped from the parapet into the fort, and rushed into the trench without looking back, leaving only an empty fort that had not yet been repaired. position.

On the 15th day of the siege of Fort Thunder, Anson Bach, a prospective graduate of the Royal Army Academy, Lieutenant Colonel of the Army, Commander of the 1st Regiment of the Recruitment Army, gave his first battle speech in his life, and was accidentally fired by a school cannon of the Imperial Army. Zhongcao announced the end.

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