I will be crowned king

Chapter 273 Conquering the Green Valley

At the same time, somewhere on the road east of Carindia Port.

"I said, is it really okay to do this?"

Riding on a horse that was constantly trembling slightly, Carl Bain looked at the Stormtrooper troops advancing lightly behind him, and worriedly said to Anson: "Why am I a little panicked."

"Why panic? Isn't it going well so far?"

Anson, who straightened his back, gave a calm snort, and seemed to be controlling the mount under his crotch lightly; in fact, his hands and feet were trembling violently, and the cold sweat flowing from his temples and the back of his head was already making him nervous. The close-fitting shirt was completely soaked...if his upper body hadn't been completely numb and stiff, he might have been thrown off by a jolt of the war horse.

Although he had practiced it secretly and privately, Anson's mount was a purebred horse selected by Ludwig himself. It was not only docile and obedient, but also very humane.

It is said that the greatest specialty of this breed is that when the battle is unfavorable or the enemy is approaching, it can lead its owner from the battlefield to the battlefield at the speed of light... Therefore, it is very popular among the Clovis military nobles. It is very popular and in demand.

But even such a "sincere" and honest and docile mount still made Anson instinctively afraid - he found that he might not be afraid of "horse riding" itself, but that he was not used to having a living creature under him.

Anson, who was sweating like rain, smiled calmly: "Don't worry, my plan is perfect and everything is under my control."

Karl glanced at him and the mount under him suspiciously, and then took a deep breath:

"My Lord Deputy Commander, I just want to know one thing - how are you so sure that the Carinthians can hold the Green Valley before we arrive?"

"It's very simple. I'm very sure that the Carindians will not be able to hold the Green Valley before we arrive." Anson looked at him seriously, with a dull expression:

"Otherwise, why would I send Fabian to Carindia Port?"

"If they can't hold Green Valley, what's the point of sending Fabian and the cavalry battalion to Carindia Port?!"

Karl looked shocked: "Even at the current speed, it will take us two days to reach the Green Valley. If the Carindia lose their position...are you planning to fight them outside the Carindia Port? !”

"How is that possible? Have you forgotten what the little secretary said - we must not let the war spread to Carindia Port, otherwise we will suffer a big loss!" Anson snorted:

"I don't think you've grasped the essence of my plan at all."

"Then I'm really sorry!"

Karl almost lost his breath: "Then can you tell your chief of staff what the 'essence of your plan' is, my deputy commander!"

"Of course it's no problem, my loyal deputy... chief of staff." The corners of Anson's mouth raised in a pleased smile:

"Look, if you don't know, just ask, don't be afraid of embarrassment; real warriors are those who dare to face the dripping blood and dare to..."

"speak English!"

"As the saying goes, this matter has nothing to do with the Carinthians." Anson tilted his head and glanced at Karl, with a meaningful smile on his lips:

"The one who can decide how quickly and when to capture Green Shade Valley is Duke Eden; with the fighting power of the Carinthians, he can capture that town in just one day."

"For the same reason, if he is reluctant to lose troops or has any concerns, he will naturally slow down the time to conquer Green Shade Valley - so why should I consider the Carinthians?"

Carl was stunned for a moment.

"So you asked Fabian to take the cavalry battalion to the port of Carindia and tell them that the Storm Division is about to arrive in Shade Valley...isn't it to stabilize the Carindia people?" The chief of staff reacted instantly:

"You want to use their mouths to send the news to Duke Eden - because he is the one who can decide when to conquer Green Shade Valley?"

"That's pretty much it." An nodded slightly, his body trembling violently with the movement of his mount, and his face still looked calm:

"Instead of counting on the negligible possibility that the Carinthians' morale will suddenly explode and their combat power surge, it's better to place our hopes on the real enemy."

"Aiden's army is now only one step away from Carindia Port. At this time, if he suddenly hears that Carindia Port has surrendered to Clovis, and the Storm Division is about to rush to the Green Valley battlefield... he will How to do it?"

"Should we continue to advance and have a head-on conflict with Clovis while completely separated from the flanking army? Or should we retreat and let the entire land know that the Ayden people are nothing more than that, and they can only be dejected in front of Clovis?" What about 'escape'?"

After the words fell, Karl finally understood:

"So you are actually betting that Duke Eden will become a coward?"

"...don't say it so harshly...well...although it is indeed the case." Anson's expression was slightly embarrassed:

"In addition, Carindia is a republic, or whether it is a republic or ruled by a feudal prince, it cannot be monolithic after all; it is more difficult for small groups of equals to unite in the face of crisis, and it is more common for them to fly separately when a disaster strikes. .”

Karl raised his eyebrows: "So, there is a mole loyal to Duke Ayden in Carindia Port?"

"To be honest, I really hope there is - otherwise the effect of sending Fabian will be greatly reduced." Anson shook his head, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

In fact, under this situation, it would be more shocking and convincing if I, as the deputy commander of the Legion, could lead the cavalry and guard company and appear at the port of Carindia without any warning. The news reached the ears of Duke Ayden that tens of thousands of troops were approaching Carindia Port and approaching the Green Valley.

But considering that my riding skills are too embarrassing at the moment, and the possibility of accidentally making a fool of myself in the end is higher, I can only regretfully hand over this important task to "my most trusted commander of the Grenadier Regiment." Fabian.

After all, he is a former officer of the Guards. Riding is a basic skill, which is very different from Anson, a country aristocrat and a military academy graduate from the "non-royal officer corps" who studied skirmishers.

"But what if after receiving the news, Duke Aiden finally decides that even if he wants to go to war with Clovis, he must conquer the Green Valley and march into the Port of Calradia?" Karl asked:

"After all, it's only one step away. No one can resist this temptation."

"So you still missed the point, my chief of staff."

In the eyes of Carl Bain, Anson sighed again: "The key to the problem is not Green Valley, it is just a particularly unruly and insignificant town."

"The key is the Port of Calindia - we just need to ensure that after he conquers the Green Valley, the 13,000-strong Aiden Army will not immediately attack the Port of Calindia!"

He slowly straightened up his waist and looked towards the distant horizon with eyes that seemed to be shining with strange light:

"And I have full confidence. No matter whether Duke Eden has captured Green Valley or not, he will not take another half step forward!"


At the same time, the Green Valley battlefield.

As the choking smoke gradually dissipated, although sparse explosions, volleys of gunfire, and the roar of artillery could still be heard in the burning city, the attack that had lasted all day by the Aiden Army had actually come to an end.

When the Aiden Army retreated like a tide, the Carindia soldiers huddled in the collapsed houses and behind the rubbish-like barricades, and the surviving refugees in the town began to carefully walk out of the bunkers, treat the wounded, and clean up the battlefield, with numb expressions. They placed their dead compatriots together and swept away their weapons and their intact clothes and belongings.

The war that lasted for several days not only turned this once prosperous town into ruins, but also made the survivors feel like they were in purgatory.

Although the position has not been lost and the roads to the rear are still open, because Carindia is extremely poorly prepared for the war, there are very few supplies that can be immediately provided to the front line - not to mention the refugees caused by the war. They are.

Clean drinking water, food without rot, medicines to treat diseases and injuries, weapons to resist the enemy... except for the last item, which is no longer in short supply due to the rapid increase in the number of casualties, the rest are in serious shortage.

Exhausted soldiers hugged their rifles and collapsed among the rubble, gasping for breath; hungry refugees searched for anything they could find that looked edible, but staggered when they found the bodies of their relatives in the rubble. He fell to his knees and cried bitterly.

Everyone struggling to survive in this purgatory-like battlefield is fearful in their hearts while cursing the cruel and ruthless Aiden Army.

What they don't know is that the actual situation of the seemingly invincible Aiden Legion in their eyes is not as "good" as it seems.

Outside Green Valley City, Aiden Military Camp.

"About the reason why I was suddenly asked to stop my offensive..."

Duke Eden, who had his back to the long table, turned his eyes with his narrowed eyes and glanced at the trembling knights on both sides of the table behind him:

"Can anyone explain it to me?"

Silence, deathly silence.

"No one said anything? Good."

Cold eyes swept across the faces of every knight who lowered his head and trembled. Duke Eden sneered and turned his head back:

"Count Camilo, you are the person in charge of the general logistics of our army. Don't you think you should explain yourself at this time?"

After the words fell, a tall and thin middle-aged man sitting at the end of the long table trembled all over.

"Duke... I... I have faithfully fulfilled all the tasks you gave me and tried my best to provide sufficient food and ammunition supplies for these thirteen thousand people; but..." Camilo, who was like a bamboo pole The earl stood up tremblingly:

"But our marching speed is really too fast. No matter how many baggage trucks I prepare, it will not help! And I never expected that these Carinthians would resist so fiercely. Ten days worth of ammunition It actually bottomed out so quickly! It’s really…”

"You liquidated all the supplies and mortgaged them...right?" Duke Eden interrupted coldly.

In an instant, the thin Count Camilo's words suddenly stopped, and his pale face looked as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Because we have to march in a hurry, logistics management will inevitably be chaotic." Duke Eden, who had his back to the knights, spoke in an extremely calm tone:

"At this time, as long as you report 'loss' or 'forced to be discarded,' you can easily turn tens of thousands of supplies into golden church gold coins engraved with saints, and put them in your pocket It’s over.”


Before he finished speaking, Count Camilo, who was sweating profusely, collapsed to the ground as if he had no bones.

"Duke, I..."

"Stop saying anything, Count Camelot." Duke Eden turned his back to him and said:

"Take that money as my gratitude for your service for so many years, and go back to your territory to retire."

As soon as the words fell, two heavily armed infantrymen walked into the tent, dragged the Count of Camelot, who was just thirty years old this year, and threw him out.

The tense tent fell into dead silence again.

Looking at Count Mikalo who collapsed into a puddle of mud outside the tent and could not stop wailing, Duke Aiden, who looked complicated, gritted his teeth and tried his best to restrain his inner anger.

Why are things so bad?

It was obvious that he had seized the opportunity to win, that he was only one step away from the port of Calradia, that he was both a native of Hantu, and that his ancestors from the Manuel family were originally from Carindia, and had even held several positions. Archon; but why...

Why did the Carinthians surrender to the Clovis without a fight just when they were about to win a complete victory? !

Why? !

Why? !

What's even more frightening is that in order to pursue the victory and seize the port of Carindia in one fell swoop, the 13,000-strong Aiden Army marched completely lightly and did not carry much baggage at all. As a result, they only laid siege to Green Valley for a few days. Use up all the ammunition!

Of course Duke Eden knows that even if the stupid Earl of Camelot does not line his pockets, it is inevitable that the ammunition will be exhausted; but at this time he must find a scapegoat to kill, otherwise the disadvantaged army will blame him. On.

Originally, this was not a big deal. Even if they ran out of ammunition and food, there was no need to be afraid. As long as the 13,000-strong Aiden Army appeared outside the undefended Carindia Port, the timid Carindia people Naturally, he will surrender obediently.

But now...the Clovis are coming.

They also brought a legion that had just defeated the Yser Elves and the Paya Principality.

And they even captured Carindia Port without firing a single shot!

The young Duke pursed his lips tightly, and the veins on his forehead were exposed one by one.

Inside the tent, it was dead silent and only the violent heartbeat could be heard.

Until Victor Emmanuel pulled out his saber, turned around with a ferocious expression, and roared to his knights in the most ferocious tone:


"No matter what, no matter what happens, no matter how tenacious those scum-like Carindians are..."

"Tomorrow! Before tomorrow evening, I want to see Aiden's Iron Fist flag hanging on the top of the tallest building in this town!"

"Tomorrow, I will conquer the Green Valley!"

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