I will be crowned king

Chapter 288 The sky is sunny and the rain has stopped

When the panicked Aiden soldiers saw the flying thorn flower flag, it was too late.

Hundreds of Thun Cuirassiers formed a conical formation and rushed into the Green Valley. They were like sharp knives thrust out of the night, piercing into the chaotic Aiden Legion.

There is no turning shooting, no fire cover, it is the most direct and head-on cavalry charge!

Generally speaking, street fighting and street fighting in the city are the types of combat that are least conducive to the power of cavalry - the narrow and winding streets will greatly limit the effect of the charge, and the houses on both sides are natural bunkers; and the defenders only need to casually Set up some bunkers or block horses in the middle of the street, and deploy infantry lines... The menacing cavalry are living targets with huge targets.

And in fact, because it was too sudden and due to the heavy rain tonight, after receiving news of the siege of Aiden's Army in Anson's Green Valley, Little Leon, who rushed over on his own initiative, could not bring many troops in a short period of time.

In addition to the "private guard" composed of hundreds of cuirassiers - basically all members of the Grand Duke's personal guard - he could barely gather more than 2,000 infantry that he could assemble immediately.

Therefore, as long as the Ayden Army does not act stupidly and block the main road in the direction of the city gate before the cavalry enters the city, or simply send away one or two infantry companies and let them stop the cavalry with bayonets, there will be less than 3,000 men. Reinforcements cannot make any waves at all.

But tonight's battle has nothing to do with "routine"!

The entire southern city area had been severely damaged in previous battles, and large swaths of houses had been razed to the ground; the bunkers and barricades built by the Carindians and Stormtroopers on the streets were also disturbed by Aiden, who thought they were in the way. The Legion was almost destroyed.

As for the Aiden Legion, which had an absolute numerical advantage and high morale, it destroyed its own organization in rounds of disorderly charges and attacks; facing the sudden attack of the Thun Cavalry, it was basically impossible Unable to organize organized resistance.

So in just five minutes of fighting, Léon Francois, who led the Thun cavalry, crushed the Aydin legions fighting each other, charging back and forth in the extremely chaotic infantry line, ravaging random flies. similar enemy.

On the other hand, after seeing that Leon actually showed up on time - in fact, it was still three hours behind the scheduled time - Karl, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, pressed his old heart that was about to burst out of his throat and walked towards each step. The regiment ordered, together with the Thun infantry who followed closely, to launch a counterattack against the chaotic Ayden Army.

After the balance of victory and defeat continued to tilt towards Aiden, it was heavily pushed back by Leon Francois who suddenly appeared.

Facing the Storm Division, which had a complete structure and still maintained a high degree of organization, the Aiden Army, which had chaotic command and fought independently, could not even organize any effective countermeasures; the troops at the rear could only watch the frontline troops collapse. Then the defense line that he had finally organized was overwhelmed by the defeated troops.

At the same time, the Thun cavalry who were still driving forward no longer rushed and fought, but slowed down slightly and drove the broken troops forward.

The results of the Battle of Eagle Point proved that, compared to lead bullets and bayonets, a rout was more terrifying and devastating to an army; ten rout soldiers could capture fifty hesitant soldiers. , fifty people can coerce a hundred, and a hundred can coerce three hundred...

Even if the remaining troops still want to organize a resistance at the end, they must first show the courage to point the bayonet at their own people; and if the commander does not want to cause a mutiny or be blackmailed by his own people, he usually will not have this courage Yes, they can only flee with the tide.

Until they were overtaken, surrounded, and annihilated.

In the storm, the Ayden soldiers who were scattered in patches were immediately demoralized and scrambled to take shelter in the narrow streets and collapsed houses, or desperately fled towards the north wall; even those knights and The nobles are still struggling to keep the troops around them from being coerced, and collapse is only a matter of time.

So the battle turned from a fight to a one-sided pursuit, from pursuit to round-up, from round-up to massacre - tens of thousands of Ayden's legions were defeated by hundreds of already exhausted cavalry and more than 4,000 storm divisions - The Thun coalition forces pursued them, discarding their armor and fleeing in all directions.

At 3:55 in the morning, Eden's army was completely driven out of the south city; Leon Francois and Carl Bain reorganized their troops in the center of the town and launched an offensive against the north city.

Compared with the southern part of the city, the northern part of the city, which had hardly experienced much war, was relatively well-preserved, but at the same time, it also meant that there were not many defensive facilities here; so the infantry of the Storm Division and the Thun Army formed a line to attack The main streets in the neighborhood were cleared one by one.

At 5:30 in the morning, when the last thousands of Eden's regiments that were still resisting retreated to the northern city wall position, the captured Duke of Eden officially came forward, declared defeat in public, and surrendered to the Storm Division.

In the Battle of Green Valley, from the moment Thun's thorn flower flag fluttered in this town, the fate of the Aiden Army was determined.

Then the sky cleared and the rain stopped.

The small and inconspicuous Green Valley finally ushered in peace on the morning of June 20th after experiencing repeated bloody battles for more than half a month.

Or...temporary peace.

The first thing the Stormtroopers did after winning the Battle of Green Valley was to liquidate Aiden.

"Because a few traitors from the Principality of Ayden who had hatred for Clovis and worshiped the Elf Kingdom of Yser, brazenly tore up the friendship covenant signed by the Deputy Commander of the Southern Legion and the Duke of Ayden..."

"...At the same time, they induced the Duke to misjudge the situation, and shamelessly launched an honorless sneak attack on the kind-hearted, peace-loving Stormtroopers, which resulted in the breakdown of trust between the two parties and serious losses of life and property..."

"...Fortunately, the wise and wise deputy commander discovered their dastardly plot and met with Duke Eden in person as soon as possible; after several hours of pleasant conversation, the two parties who fully exchanged views finally resolved their misunderstanding... "

“...Duke Eden deeply regretted all this, and made a serious request to Anson Bach, that he must make up for all the losses suffered by the Storm Division, in order to restore the friendship between Eden and Clovis. "

"Such a noble and chivalrous act has greatly changed my impression of the Emmanuel family, as Francois, who grew up hearing bad things about the Aiden people!"

"Facts have proved that as long as the misunderstandings between each other can be resolved and there is a sufficient platform for communication, the great cause of the unification of the land is not an unrealistic fantasy, but is happening now and is not in the near future!"

"What is really blocking the great cause of unification is not the division among the Hantu people, but the interference and infiltration of the Yissel elves into Hantu in the past hundred years; only by joining hands with the Kingdom of Clovis can we completely crush the Yissel elves. Only with this shameless conspiracy can Hantu win a bright future."

"I, Leon Francois, an ordinary Hantu, and a close comrade-in-arms of Anson Bach... firmly believe in this!"

These "precious first-hand information" were sent by Anson to Sophia together with his diary, which gave the slightly panicked Franz eldest daughter a little peace of mind.

Although he did join the Luen family, he was still loyal to her.

As for the liquidation of Aiden - now that the two sides have decided the winner, of course the previous agreement cannot count; of course it will not be like the previous Lagar family, but heavy bleeding is certain.

The first thing to bear the brunt is of course the fulfillment of the previous promise, that is, the Aiden Army will immediately cease fire on Clovis and Carindia, and withdraw from Carindia within a week. There is no room for change.

However, the Principality of Eden must hand over at least thirty hostages to the Storm Division, including at least one direct blood relative of Duke Eden himself, as a gesture of goodwill to "make up for the mutual trust between the two parties"; of course, all expenses for these thirty hostages will have to be paid. It must be borne by the Principality of Ayden.

At the same time, the Principality of Ayden must make up for the losses suffered by the stormtroopers in this "disaster" and pay a compensation of 50,000 gold coins - as before, it does not have to be cash, paintings, sculptures and other artworks, or luxury items such as jewelry. Goods, or the Church of Order is willing to transfer payment for the Principality of Aiden... Anson will not refuse anyone who comes.

Finally, the original "verbal agreement" between the two parties must now be fully implemented - Victor Emmanuel promised that if the Storm Division has any needs, the Principality of Ayden will provide no less than 8,000 allied troops (servant troops) ) and coordinated operations.

These eight thousand people will be handed over to Anson Bach himself in the form of mercenaries, and Anson has absolute command rights. In addition to not allowing them to attack Ayden, he can theoretically lead this army to do anything.

Of course, this is really just theory.

To be fair, this condition is many times better than the previous treatment of Carindia and even the Grand Duchy of Thun; this is of course because Anson does not want to, nor is he capable of completely destroying the Principality of Ayden.

On the other hand, it is because Aiden is indeed not rich. Not to mention Carindia, even compared with Thun, it is much inferior. Although the empire is huge, it does not have much trade with the land, and most of them still have All were taken away by Carindia, leaving Ayden, a landlocked country, without much oil and water to squeeze out.

Finally, although this time the secret alliance between Aiden and the Ysel elves was exposed, in a sense this may not be a bad thing.

After all, as the western gate of the land and bordering the empire, the "gatekeepers" Emmanuel family and the Iser elves still represent the old god sect.


"So you really just let that Duke Eden go?"

Carl Bain held a cup of hot coffee in his hand and looked at the deputy commander with some dejection. He complained a little: "He almost killed you...well, he almost killed me too."

"There is no other way. After weighing the pros and cons, this is already the best plan."

Anson looked helpless: "The guy who ordered the elf caster to assassinate me had already run away before we rushed into the camp. Even if we ask this guy more, he won't give us much information; it's no good and he will offend our allies. He won’t do anything like this.”

"No matter how much we have left, there is no point in asking for more. With less than 5,000 Stormtroopers, it is difficult to even occupy a Carindia, let alone control Ayden, the western gate of the vast land - unless we want to destroy the empire Put it in, otherwise killing Aiden will be a thankless task for us."

"What's more..." Anson suddenly paused: "Don't you think something will happen if we continue to stay in Green Valley?"

"Back?" Karl raised his eyebrows and immediately understood what he meant:

"You mean Port Carindia?"

Anson nodded slightly: "Fabian has been there for several days. If he continues to mess around with the Aiden people, I'm worried that those Carindia nobles may have other ideas."

Since they can surrender to the Storm Master because Clovis is strong enough, on the other hand, once they discover that the Storm Master is not invincible, and even have a stalemate with the Principality of Aiden, it will not be easy to change to a "new master". It's not completely impossible.

For example...

"That's why you have to rush back immediately?" Karl took a sip of coffee and said:

"Taking advantage of Green Valley's victory, how can we shock those guys who are particularly good at letting their knees touch the ground?"

"That's pretty much what it means... Oh, and by the way, let them know that although the Principality of Ayden has been defeated, it still has its remaining power; if Carindia wants to remain independent, it must continue to rely on us." Anson said without hesitation:

"To a certain extent, this is one of the reasons why Aiden must continue to exist."

For such a small country that is rich but does not have much strength, the best way to keep them loyal is of course to find a sufficient threat nearby; this threat should have some strength, but not so strong that it is difficult to handle... They have to rely on outsiders for protection.

Of course, this kind of loyalty is definitely not reliable, and something will definitely happen after a long time; but Anson doesn't need them to be "loyal" for a long time - as long as they are obedient and don't make trouble when he is cutting leeks, it will be perfect.

"The most important thing is, don't you think that we were fighting to the death with the Aiden people in the Green Valley, and almost lost our lives; but these Carindia nobles can hide in the rear without any trouble? Isn’t it… particularly uncomfortable?”

Anson suddenly stared at Karl with a burning gaze and said meaningfully: "I don't know what you think, but I feel uncomfortable anyway, and very uncomfortable - this is obviously the territory of the Carindia people, why should we work for them? "

"Uh...you mean?" Carl didn't quite understand what Anson meant.

"I mean, I suddenly regretted it - I promised that as long as Carindia paid one-fifth of the tax for a year, it was only 800,000 gold coins; not enough, far from enough!"

"Get 1.8 million!"

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