I will be crowned king

Chapter 303 Request, Order

"...accompanied by various reasons, the research on the Three Old Gods has hit a bottleneck in modern times; truly high-level spellcasters often avoid talking about the secrets they know, while young and inexperienced newcomers often long for a a simple, self-explanatory 'system' and regard it as truth..."

"…The fact is that all the 'systems' and 'theories' that were born after the forty-seventh year of the Saints' Calendar can be considered far-fetched; the three major paths were not 'parallel' from the beginning, but more similar. At a crossroads extending forward, and even this metaphor is extremely inappropriate..."

"...The followers of the Lord of Blood Magic are the ones who have received the most criticism. They are often regarded as 'imbecile' and 'modified bodies' among the believers of the old gods, and are labeled as 'flesh monsters' or 'vampires' It is a scornful name for a human being, which completely ignores the huge potential of blood magic due to its extremely strong universality..."

"...The main reason for the criticism is that blood magic is completely inapplicable to the 'five-stage theory' that can barely explain curse magic and black magic; this indulgence in stereotypes and theories ignores reality, and even blames the problem on actual ills, probably This is the biggest problem for the believers of the Old Gods in our era..."

——"Seventy-two Years in the Calendar of the Saints, a Study of the Three Old Gods".

Thanks to a "loyal" mentor who works for the blood magic family, Anson has a fairly good understanding of blood magicians; unlike most spellcasters, who basically know nothing except for the category they study.

Unlike black mages and curse mages, who will not undergo "qualitative" changes in their life forms until they reach the stage of blaspheming mages, blood mages will become a "new existence" from the moment of "birth".

They will have vitality beyond ordinary people, bones as tough as steel and capable of self-control, flesh and blood that proliferates rapidly, extremely strong resistance to disease, and... at least one special ability.

Stronger vitality, more controllable and hard bones, strengthened or mutated certain organs... these "superpowers" will become part of their bodies and the cornerstone of the next "evolution".

Using the "five-stage theory" criticized by "Research on the Three Old Gods", which is known as the "Textbook for Spellcasters", the "advanced process" of blood magic casters is a process of flesh and blood strengthening and frequent mutation.

To sum it up briefly from the perspective of a curse mage, a blood mage is probably a type that continuously strengthens and mutates the body, and finally uses quantitative changes to cause qualitative changes.


"You specifically use the power of blood magic to stay young. You are also the weirdest type of blood mage I have ever seen." Anson looked at the young man on the floor of the cell and said with a hint of sarcasm.

Although the types are different, spellcasters can "know" each other's existence through their "sensing" to each other. Spellcasters who are good at this - especially black mages - can even judge the accuracy of each other through this. Position, whether you have discovered yourself, and the strength of your strength are somewhat similar to the mutual attraction between "gifted people" with the power of blood.

But just as a gifted person can hide by sealing the power of his bloodline, spellcasters also have a "secret" method - otherwise they would have been killed by the Church Judgment.

However, no matter how "secret" it is, it is impossible to hide it 100%; for example, in the "Great Magic Book" collected in Clovis Cathedral, no less than twenty methods of "secretness" and detection are introduced.

And the copy of this "Great Magic Book" is in Anson's hands, so he can judge that the "former Grand Duke Myster" in front of him is very weak, and is only slightly stronger than ordinary Imperial Knight officers.

Therefore, his vitality that is so strong that he can "remain youthful" can only come from the superpower he obtained when he was first "born".

"This is the biggest difference between you and us guys who like to show off our power."

Shrugging calmly, the "young" former Archduke Myster laughed at himself:

"Longevity, and eternal youth... have a great appeal to people like us - I would pay any price to be as energetic at sixty as I was at thirty."

"Including the risk of being tried and killed by the whole family?" Anson asked with a slight snort.

"You are really a Clovis, and you don't understand the situation in Hantu at all." The former Grand Duke Myster shook his head:

"The fragmented Hantu was the church's most stable foundation during the 'Sectarian Schism War'. The Old God Sect here was completely killed before the first year of the Saints' Calendar; without the Old God Sect, you How much power do you think the church’s judgment can put into this?”

Dark under the lamp...this word came to Anson's mind.

Indeed, as the other party said, compared to the fragmented and easily manipulated Hantu, the "powerful countries" such as the Northern Empire and Clovis are the "key observation objects" of the church - because any one is even slightly affected by the old gods. The influence of the sect will cause an unimaginable blow to the church.

"The Council of Thirteen came to the door and promised that as long as I 'do things that are in the interest of the Ysel elves', they would give me the chance of 'eternal life'." The former Grand Duke continued:

"It was the fifty-fifth year of the Saints' Calendar. The Seven Cities Alliance was established. However, the threat from the Empire and Clovis was increasing day by day. Hantu was in urgent need of a powerful force that would not really threaten us to provide protection...so I agreed."

"But they didn't tell me that this 'eternal life' would completely... change me, and they would always have a handle to control me; once they made a choice that was not in line with their wishes, they would secretly take this Report it secretly to the church, and then..."

He spread his hands forward and looked at Anson calmly: "Just like you said, my whole family will be killed by the religious trial - the Visenya family that has been passed down for thousands of years will be uprooted."

"I tried to resist, but failed, so I simply chose to let it go; I no longer tried to unify the land externally, and internally I tried my best to meet all the requirements of the Thirteen Council and help them smuggle weapons from the empire."

"They have a great appetite, and there are many people in the Seven Cities Alliance who cooperate with them; Carindia, Mist, Thun... As far as I know, the only country in the land that is against the relationship with the Thirteen Councils is also It seems that the only one who cooperates with the empire is the strong backbone of Aiden’s Emmanuel family.”

Anson raised his eyebrows but did not interrupt.

"Of course, after working together for a long time, many flaws of the Thirteen Council have been exposed... For example, they are not as powerful as they seem. For example, the Elf King of Iser has been sparing no effort to suppress them. For example, this once famous person , the Old God Sect organization that rules the entire Iser has long been weakened by corruption..."

"Until this inexplicable battle between Clovis and Iser."

"The purpose of the Thirteen Council was to use the hands of the Clovis people to eradicate the Elf King Yser and the domestic forces that support the church; as far as I know, their plan has been very successful so far."

"But it's not enough, because their most fundamental purpose is to regain power, and - well, in their words, make Israel great again; they want to defeat Clovis with the help of the Empire, and then pursue the victory with the help of Victory unifies Hantu and establishes the 'Iser-Hantu United Kingdom'."

"And, it's you."


Anson was a little surprised.

"They think you are a serious threat to making the Yser elves great again, even more than Ludwig Franz... although I don't know why." The surprise on the former Grand Duke's expression was not much less than his:

"But this is indeed a fact... The Thirteen Council, or some of their people, are always trying to kill you and your army."

"For this goal, they did not hesitate to sell out more of the interests of the Yisel elves in Hantu to the empire, and instigated more Hantu nobles and Clovis people to become enemies. Although the latter goal probably failed, you started too quickly. , before many Hantu nobles had time to act, most of Hantu had already planted Clovis' royal flag, and the rest have become your allies."

"But they will not give up so easily. The Ysel elves and the Thirteen Council will not give up so easily."

"This war is their only chance to rise...The empire has been unable to attack the Clovis border for a long time, and has even been dragged into a war of attrition; if Israel can defeat Clovis on the frontal battlefield and prove his worth, he will get The empire spares no effort to support you.”

"Because only with the support of the empire and taking the initiative to block the pressure from the church, the Thirteen Council can avoid the situation of being attacked by the entire world of order because of suppressing domestic forces that support the church."

"You and your men, the Southern Legion, Hantu... are the sacrifices they need to offer for their rise." The self-deprecating former justice said seductively:

"And I'm not interested in being someone else's sacrifice."

"So you deliberately ignored us and even allowed your vassals and sons to betray you?"

"That's not true...but if you are willing to take it as such, it will indeed make me feel better." The former Grand Duke shrugged again:

"I have told you so many things, can you also promise me, my defeated general, a promise or two, Sir Anson Bach?"

Looking at his calm eyes, Anson frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment and said:

"Okay, I can promise you."

After he finished speaking, he stretched his right hand to his waist, pulled out the "dagger" revolver, and pointed the black muzzle at the forehead of the former Grand Duke Myster.

The former Grand Duke slowly closed his only eyes, with a slight smile on his lips:

"Remember to cremate my body, and don't leave any clues to the Ysel elves; please take care of the child Luko, and don't let the Vessenian family die in his hands."


After being silent for a few seconds, Anson pulled the trigger with great solemnity.



After slamming the iron door shut, Anson stood alone outside the dungeon door with an expressionless face.

It was already late at night, and the entire Tiezhong Castle was already dark. Under the bright moonlight, only the castle hall in the distance was still full of joy and laughter.

The nobles of the coalition forces, the officers of the Storm Division, and even some of the previous prisoners... everyone was enjoying the banquet to celebrate the end of the vast war.

The expressionless Anson looked at the brightly lit castle in the distance, and took out a letter from his arms; he snapped his fingers with a "pop!" sound, and the faint fire on the tip of his index finger made the letter look slightly scrawled. The handwriting of is faintly visible:

"Deputy Commander of the Southern Army, Anson Bach personally stated:

When I write this letter, I am leading the main force of the Southern Army to retreat steadily and gradually gather the remaining troops; the current organization of the Army is still intact, so there is no need to worry too much.

The siege of Antler Fortress was very unsatisfactory. The rugged terrain was very unfavorable for our army to deploy across the board, and the enemy was very well prepared. Although the firepower was slightly inferior, the large number of defenses made it difficult for our army to achieve results even with artillery cover. .

On the twentieth day of the siege, the Yser Elf nobles, who had already reached a tacit agreement with our army, suddenly launched an attack from behind the siege position; they did not have many heavy artillery, but they had as many as 20,000 troops.

After paying a small price to defeat it, the legion's scouts immediately found signs that the Ysel elves were sending more troops to the Antler Fortress; after going to confirm, they should be the elite of the Ysel elves border army, with a strength of about 6,000.

Faced with this situation, considering that the strategic goal of conquering the Elf Royal Court of Yser in the short term has been unable to be achieved, in order to ensure that the logistics line is not cut off, the legion is steadily moving to the rear.

During this period, our army's marching columns, food collection teams, military depots, and camps... were repeatedly attacked and besieged by small groups of Yser Elf troops. At the same time, in order to speed up the transfer, we had to abandon a large amount of heavy equipment and trophies, and our morale was relatively low. Signs of decline.

The legion is currently marching to the Broken Head Fortress - this is located in the west of the Yser Elf, close to the border. It is a transportation hub and has highland artillery fortresses. It is an excellent frontline base.

My plan is to use this fortress as a foundation to launch a large-scale invasion of the entire Yser Elf Kingdom; this plan requires at least 30,000 troops, and twice that number of reserves.

Therefore, as the commander-in-chief of the Southern Army, I order you to end the war against Hantu as soon as possible, try to stabilize the situation, and recruit no less than 20,000 troops within a forty-day deadline to go north and enter the Elf Kingdom of Yser to fight.

I know this violates a private promise between you and me, but the mission of the Southern Legion is to win the disciplinary war against the Elves of Yser; I can promise you that none of your merits will be taken away from you - but this is not a request , is an order!

At present, our army is well organized and has abundant supplies, which is enough to hold on to the fortress and resist any attack by the Ysel elves; but the longer the delay, the more prepared they will be and the empire will have more opportunities to mediate and intervene in this battle. war.

So no matter what, you and your army must appear at the Cliff Fortress before August 20th, and join the Hantu countries into this war as our allies.

One last time, this is not a request!

This is an order! "

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