I will be crowned king

Chapter 305 Tell the truth

Under the "persuasion" of Lieutenant Colonel Roman, a certain novelist finally escaped the fate of being "shot to death" and met the commander of the Southern Army while he was still alive.

In a jail cell, of course.

Of course, the Southern Legion on the rapid march could not have such luxury as a prison car, but this did not prevent the soldiers of the Grenadier Regiment from using their ingenuity to dig a deep pit half a man's height and surround it with wooden fences. Get up and finally seal the top, this "temporary prison" is complete.

There is no ventilation, no sunshine, a small space, humidity and stuffiness, warm summers and cool winters. You can also be bitten by mosquitoes, scratched by barbs and rusty iron nails on the wooden fence, and have a high probability of suffering from tetanus...

After being beaten up by the grenadiers, stripped naked and tied into rice dumplings, Draco officially moved into this "single-room suite" tailor-made for him.

"Good evening, His Excellency Draco Vertes."

Outside the cell, the expressionless Ludwig clasped his hands behind his back and looked down at the novelist with a silly smile on his face: "Are you used to living here?"

"If you're not used to it, I can ask the engineers to build a better one for you."

"No, no, no... no need! No need, you are too polite!"

Draco, who was covered in cold sweat, shook his head quickly, trying his best to squeeze out a stiff smile of "Don't kill me, I'm very kind" on his face. His eyes full of desire for survival looked clear and pure, making this man look like he was in his thirties. The old smoker seemed to have suddenly turned into an innocent and cute boy:

"I feel really, really good just like I am now!"

"Really?" Ludwig's mouth revealed a trace of mockery.

"Really, extremely true!"

Draco nodded quickly. The speed was so fast and the frequency was so high that one could even suspect that he was actually a gifted person who had awakened the power of blood.

Especially now that there were more than a dozen grenadiers standing around the cell, pointing rifles with bayonets at his head, back and chest.

"Really." Ludwig nodded, glanced sideways at Roman behind him, and after confirming, turned his attention again to this guy who was disgusting just by looking at him.

For some reason, Ludwig was filled with disgust at the first sight of the novelist.

Of course, this is definitely not because of the brother's natural hatred for the object of his sister's admiration - at least Ludwig will not admit it, nor does he think so - but at the first sight, he knows that this person is definitely that kind of person. An unprincipled guy.

To achieve the goal by any means, without any lower limit, without knowing what loyalty and dignity are, the more chaotic it is, the more comfortable it is... Respecting this kind of thing is the most shameful waste.

Like Anson Bach, although he occasionally...well, occasionally used some informal means for victory and benefit, at least he never did anything that went against his principles, and kept his promises, had a sense of honor, and was full of loyalty to the kingdom... In Ludwig's eyes, he belongs to the "salvageable and collaborative" type.

Draco Vertes...that is completely hopeless.

"Say it." Ludwig said coldly:

"You went through all the trouble to come to me, and even went out of your way to get the commander of my Grenadier Regiment first; you...should have a lot to say."

"Yes, yes, yes!" The bruised novelist nodded quickly again and looked at the commander-in-chief with a somewhat flattering expression:

"Actually... it's just one sentence."

"One sentence?" Ludwig, with a "surprised" expression, repeated without emotion.

"Yes, one sentence."

Draco nodded in affirmation and suddenly said seriously: "Run!"

"Don't take anything with you, and never go back to Cliff Fortress! Get a horse and return to Eagle Point City immediately. Be quick, be sure to be quick!"

"It's too late, it's really too late!"

His tone was very urgent, and his expression was extremely solemn. It was as if you could feel the slightest hint of fear in his eyes.

The atmosphere around the cell suddenly became serious.

Ludwig looked into his clear "sincere eyes" and said nothing.

After a long time, he slowly said:

"That's it?"

"Ah...ah! Yes, that's it!" Draco agreed quickly and said matter-of-factly:

"This is it."

"Nothing else to say?"

"Probably...no more."


Ludwig nodded slightly and turned to look at Roman:

"When he's finished, shoot him."


Draco was stunned when he saw Ludwig turn and leave, and suddenly there was the sound of more than a dozen people pulling gun bolts around his head!

At that moment, a biting chill rose from the soles of his feet and rushed directly to Tianling Gai along his spine, making him tremble all over and flop like a dying fish on the chopping board:

"Wait! What I said is true. It's all true without a single lie!"

"I do not care!"

Ludwig turned around suddenly, his expressionless face exuding murderous intent, staring at the novelist who was "exerting violently" in the cell:

"You want to threaten me?"

"Don't dare!" Draco shook his head quickly with wide eyes:

"Absolutely not!"

Ludwig snorted contemptuously: "Is that true?"

"It's the truth!" Draco said as if his neck was cramped.

"I would never dare to lie!"

"Don't dare?!"

"No! I won't lie, I will only tell the truth!"

"Then tell the truth!"

"To be honest... to be honest..." Draco, whose face was trembling with fear, was stared at by Ludwig, and suddenly he was out of breath:

"The truth is...they are coming!"

Ludwig continued to ask: "Who is coming?!"

"Them!" Draco twitched his throat forcefully:

"The Council of Thirteen...the Iser Elf...the Old God Sect!"

The moment the words fell, Ludwig's pupils suddenly shrank.

The surrounding soldiers were stunned for a moment, and then either looked incomprehensible, or were stunned in place, or their eyes were shocked...The atmosphere suddenly became chaotic.

"Everyone, return to the team!"

After a brief period of confusion, Ludwig, who recovered from the shock, immediately issued an order to the soldiers: "I'll give you ten minutes to return to your respective campsites. You are not allowed to discuss the lies of this traitor to the kingdom with anyone. Do you hear me?" !”


The soldiers immediately formed a team and trotted out of the prison "as if they had been granted amnesty."

Looking at the retreating figures of the soldiers, the commander-in-chief, whose face was as cold as steel, waited until they completely disappeared from his sight, then slowly moved his eyes to Roman behind him:

"Did you know that from the beginning?"

The head of the Grenadier Regiment, who pursed his lips tightly, had a slightly complicated expression. After Ludwig looked at him for a few seconds, he nodded slightly and lowered his head apologetically.

Ludwig sighed heavily, his face turned ugly, and he glanced at Draco again - even though the flattering smile on his face made him sick to the point of vomiting:

"What else do you know?"

"How much do you want to hear?" The novelist's throat twitched again:

"It's rough or detailed. To be honest, I really don't have much time!"

"Detailed." Ludwig paused, then added:

"But be more general and don't talk nonsense."


Draco agreed wholeheartedly, full of desire to survive:

"The whole incident can probably be traced back to the forty-seventh year of the Saints calendar, when the second public order meeting was held in that year, and the Ysel elves converted to the Ring of Order. In that year..."

"Get to the point!" Ludwig pulled out his gun and poked the novelist in the head.

"The point is that our Truth Society and the Thirteen Council have broken down in talks!" Draco was so frightened that his whole body trembled:

"Originally they agreed to overthrow the Elf King and the church's power in Yser, but now they want to elect a new king who believes in the old gods, and they also want to defeat Clovis, unify the land, and let the Yser elves once again great!"

"Do you have a Truth Society?"

"It's just a non-profit organization worth mentioning, with only a few people and enthusiastic about public welfare." The sweat on Draco's face fell like a waterfall:

"We do not believe in the empire's theory of 'human speciality', nor do we believe that humans must be superior to other races. We believe that the fate of the Ysel elves is also..."

"What is your relationship with Saint Isaac?" Ludwig interrupted coldly:

"Don't forget, my father is the Archbishop of Clovis - do you think I don't know what the Truth Society is?"

"It just happened to be a coincidence."

Draco was even more panicked: "In short... we have reached an agreement. When Clovis's army defeats the Guards Army of the Elf King of Yither, the Elf nobles of Yither will launch a rebellion and resist the rule of the Elf King. It will be up to the Clovis to capture the royal court and end the war.”

"And our small, non-profit public welfare organization will help the Thirteen Council cover up some of their actions during the rebellion that are likely to be used by church forces to prevent the Church of Order from finding a way to intervene in the war. Let them come to power calmly and rule the Elf Kingdom of Yser."

"Then... they went back on their word."

Draco's expression twitched: "Because of some small 'accidents', they suddenly decided not to overthrow the Elf King, but to continue to deepen cooperation with the empire and completely defeat the Kingdom of Clovis; we who are not worth mentioning 'Public welfare organizations' were simply kicked away."

"What accident?" Ludwig asked.

"It's not very clear... They no longer believe me. It's impossible to reveal such secrets."

Draco replied cautiously: "I guess...I guess, it may be due to reasons such as the internal power struggle, which made some more radical leaders come to power, and overturned all the previous decisions in one fell swoop, intending to use The most direct and violent method is to restore the power of the Thirteen Councils before forty-seven years ago, which means..."

"I know what the Thirteen Council is!" Ludwig interrupted again.

The novelist immediately shut up, not daring to say another word.

Trouble, things are really troublesome.

As the son of the Archbishop, Ludwig certainly knew what it meant for the Thirteen Council to intervene in the war.

The "Second Ordinary Council" in the forty-seventh year of the Saint's Calendar caused the Ordinary Church to lose the authority to intervene in secular affairs - but only if it had nothing to do with faith.

Once heretics and heretics are involved, some fanatics from the Church of Order and the Inquisition will pounce on you like sharks that smell blood!

There is no irony in this, but as a highly tight-knit organization, the rich and powerful Church of Order cannot truly let go of secular authority - this is something my father Luther once emphasized. Like himself, he is also constantly trying to interfere with the finances of the Kingdom of Clovis.

Once the dispute between the two countries turns into a religious matter, the war will not be as easy to resolve as it seems, and it is likely to become a political incident; especially in response to the invasion of the empire, the Kingdom of Clovis is in urgent need of a church In terms of financial support, once the church is determined to intervene, Clovis currently does not dare to openly disobey.

The only question is, why would the Thirteen Council be so stupid as to think that the Empire would fight against the Church for them?

The sectarian schism war happened hundreds of years ago. Whether voluntarily or forced, each sect has been integrated into the Church of Order system. It has the most cutting-edge knowledge and research in the world, and has the only information that can be circulated in the entire world of Order. The monetary system controls the supreme right to speak...

What kind of madness must the Emperor Hred of the Empire have to go out of his way to fight for a bunch of Ysel elves and the old gods?

Even if he agrees, will those knight lords agree?

Ludwig was very puzzled by this, and he couldn't figure out what these Yser elves were trying to do.

"Your Excellency Draco Wilters, I have one more question."

"I will tell you everything I know!"

The novelist who was tied into a rice dumpling behaved like a teacup cat - and he was a teacup cat in his thirties who loved smoking. Of course, Ludwig was not interested in this.

"Why do you want me to run?"

"Because they are going to launch a raid on you tonight." Draco's eyes suddenly became anxious:

"This was a plan that was made a long time ago. It was almost at the same time as the disastrous defeat of the Guards at Eagle Point City - they put you and...another commander of the Southern Legion..."

"Anson Bach?"

"Yes, it was Colonel Anson Bach. He regarded it as the biggest obstacle to the Thirteen Council's taking power, so he organized a raid against the Southern Legion and you personally!"

"Of course, I know that you are a very good commander, and the soldiers under your command are also absolutely elite. In frontal combat, you will never be afraid of a group of despicable and shameful Yser elves; but this time it is really not the case. In the same way, they have indeed been carefully preparing for a long time, and they also have some... uh... things that they didn't have before!"

"I don't know exactly what is happening in Hantu, but right now they have definitely concentrated most of the power of the Thirteen Council - including the army and spell casters, to carry out sneak attacks, today!"

Draco was suddenly startled when he said this, and looked up at the night "outside the house": "What time is it now?!"

Roman, standing behind Ludwig, took out his pocket watch: "Twenty-fifty-five."

"That means it's almost nine o'clock?" The novelist blurted out and suddenly took a breath:

"Uh...if that's the case..."

"Just what?"

"Just...I don't think you need to run away, because they have already..."


Before he finished speaking, a golden-red light lit up the night.

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