I will be crowned king

Chapter 307 Queen

Amidst the loud shouts of killing, the dust and gravel on the ground also trembled.

Under the dark night, countless Yisel Elf soldiers walked along the wide roads and muddy trails, from the grass, the beach, the dense forest... from all corners and all directions, towards the burning fire shrouded in billowing black smoke. The position rushed forward.

"The enemy is attacking——!"

Roman's hoarse roar echoed in the roaring sound like a huge wave:

“Clovis—prepare for war!”

"Meet the enemy!"

The soldiers on the ground were in panic.

It was impossible for them not to panic - they endured a devastating bombardment for more than ten minutes without any warning, and then the sound of an enemy attack was heard from all around; at this time, any ordinary person who still has a little sense and has received good treatment can't help but panic. Veterans who train, or have trained, know this means one thing...

This was a prepared ambush.

And they're surrounded!

In the shadows of the dancing firelight, the figures of the Yser elves in groups were like evil ghosts wandering in the darkness, blurry and indistinguishable; they roared and roared, pouring into the battlefield shrouded in thick smoke.

In order to resist possible ambushes and sneak attacks, the Southern Army's preparations on the outer positions of the military camp were not unreasonable - from fences to trenches, to parapets and foxholes at ambush points... all kinds of facilities were available.

But now all those carefully prepared fortifications have been blown into ruins in the shelling just now; there are only a few extremely simple trenches standing between the southern legion camp and the enemy.

The only people guarding these trenches were the soldiers he had barely gathered together in a hurry. Thousands of soldiers were scattered, and the command system was a mess.

Roman's face was as dark as water.

He ignored the panicked mutterings of the young grenadiers behind him, and did not disturb the veterans who were kneeling on the ground in the trench and praying to the Ring of Order over and over again. Through the cold eyes of the telescope, he kept observing the people running towards the position on the opposite side. The Elves of Iser.

Then...a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth that made the young grenadier behind him tremble.

"Send the order!" Roman said without turning his head.

"The 3rd and 7th Infantry Regiments enter the left-wing position, and the 5th and 8th Infantry Regiments enter the right-wing position. Release the central line and leave the flags of each unit on the position, but do not leave a single soldier behind!"

"The grenadiers and guard companies all enter the central position and spread out. Each company operates independently and maintains suppressive firepower. Once the enemy begins to try to penetrate and break through, do not block it, but maintain the structure and cannot break up. Retreat to the two wings in an orderly manner. Avoid the enemy's front;"

"The artillery company...if there are still people alive, let them aim their fire at the road. Use solid bullets, grenades or shrapnel shells. Don't worry about the poundage. Shoot as many as you can until the cannon explodes!"

"As for the rest of the troops...if they are reorganized and can go into battle, let them all wait at the last line of defense; if there is no attack instruction, no counterattack is allowed unless the enemy is close to fifty meters!"


The young grenadier quickly replied, beating his chest with his right hand in salute; then he lowered his head and looked at Roman cautiously: "So...how long do we have to hold on until we can break through?"

"When will we break out? It's up to our enemies to decide."

A flash of "smile" appeared on Roman's face again: "Speaking of which... I'm actually as curious as you are about how long they can persist."


The grenadier's face was startled.


At the same time, the dense forest outside the military camp.

Dizziness, tinnitus, numbness... all kinds of familiar feelings made Ludwig think he was back two years ago.

At that time, I relied on my personal strength to successfully become an army colonel and the artillery commander of the Lion Fortress. When inspecting the warehouse, I was almost sent to the sky by a corrupt quartermaster using crudely made artillery.

That was his first "personal experience" of how terrifying the twelve-pounder cannon was.

Desperately trying to get up, he found that his chest was pressed tightly by something heavy. The expressionless Ludwig raised his hand, pushed the unconscious Draco aside, and struggled to support his body with his legs. , staggering towards the burning military camp.

"Wait...cough cough cough...wait a moment!"

Draco, who was pushed away and hit his head, woke up instantly and hurriedly got up from the ground using his hands and feet. He quickly stepped forward to stop Ludwig who wanted to leave:

"What are you going to do?!"

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Ludwig glanced at him with disgust:

"Go away! For the sake of telling the truth, I don't have to shoot another Clovis man."

"It's relevant, it's very relevant!" Draco, who was still in shock, swallowed:

"I can't just watch you die here!"

"Why?" Ludwig said coldly.

"Because, because... because..." Draco was speechless.

Yes, why?

Looking at the embarrassed but murderous Ludwig in front of him, the novelist immediately realized that although he had a thousand very appropriate and reasonable reasons, none of them could stop the commander-in-chief. .

He couldn't let himself survive from his gun after he finished speaking.

Draco could not tell the biological son of the Archbishop how important his existence was to maintaining the chaos of the world, destroying the original order of the Elf Kingdom of Iser, and breaking the shackles of the Church of Order on the world.

There is no way to tell him that someone he particularly trusts is actually...well...

So he had to think differently.

"Because I am Anson Bach's friend!" Draco blurted out with a sincere face:

"It's a close friend! That's why I can't stand by and watch my close friend's boss and friend, you! Ludwig Franz, die at the hands of the despicable and treacherous Iser Elf!"

"Best friend?"

Ludwig's expression was very subtle when he spoke.

"That's right!" Draco nodded quickly and patted his chest without any objection to show that he was definitely not deceiving:

"Best friend!"

"When did this happen?"

"...It was almost a few months ago, I can't remember exactly."

"months ago……"

Ludwig nodded slightly and narrowed his eyes slightly: "So you two have been hooked up since the Steel Sky... right?"


Draco was in a trance for a while, and heard the sound of the revolver magazine turning in his ears; when he lowered his head, he saw that the gun in Ludwig's right hand was pressed against his throat.

"Your Excellency Draco Wilters, you can really surprise me." Ludwig said coldly, with a hint of ferocity flashing in the corner of his eyes:

"So I can guarantee that you are still not telling the truth 100% - tell me, what is the Council of Thirteen going to do?"

"I said I don't know!" Draco looked anxious:

"Please! Run quickly, it's really too late!"

"It's better not to say it, right?"

"What did I say? I really don't know!"

"Really?" Ludwig snorted, scornfully looking at the collapsed novelist, and then...

He pointed the gun at his temple.

"Stop, stop! Don't do this, don't do this, okay?!" This time Draco really broke down and was about to cry.

It was obvious that the Commander-in-Chief was sure that no matter what the price, he could not let him die here.

"Are you going to say it?" Ludwig, expressionless, put his thumb on the hammer.

"Talk about it!" Draco raised his hands in surrender:

"Well, what do the Thirteen Council want to do? They want to take power, overthrow the current Elf King, reestablish a new king, want to start a full-scale war against Clovis, and want to cleanse all the forces in the country that support the Church of Order... They want more It's over! And the most important thing to do to accomplish all this is to completely annihilate the Southern Army and get the head of your commander-in-chief!"

"Only your head can unite the entire Ysel Elf Kingdom, enlist the empire to fight for them against the Church of Order, show their loyalty, prove that they will fight Clovis to the end, so that the empire no longer has any worries, and fully supports the Ysel Elf kingdom!"

"So, General Ludwig Franz, you must not die! As long as you are alive, the Southern Army and Clovis have not been defeated, and the Elf Kingdom of Yser will not be completely united; this Yser There will be a turning point in your Elf Punishment War!"

What's more important is that as long as you, the biological son of the archbishop, are still alive, the archbishop of Clovis will not fully support the church's intervention in this war, thus preventing the expansion of the church's power and allowing the world of order to continue to be turbulent - of course this Can't say...Draco thought secretly in his heart.

"You want me to abandon the army and run away alone?" Ludwig put away the gun and looked at Draco with contempt in his eyes:

"This is impossible, not to mention there are enemies everywhere now. What's the difference between escaping alone and actively seeking death?"

"You are right, if you just run away like this, it will be true." Draco finally showed a smile on his face:

"The enemy is the Thirteen Council - the spell casters of the Ysel elves. In some aspects, they are even much stronger than the Old Gods in other parts of the world of order. For example, if you run away like this now, they have many ways to capture you. to your traces."


"But!" Draco snapped his fingers:

"I have a perfect way to help you escape their pursuit."

Ludwig's expression moved slightly, and he quietly pressed the revolver trigger with his right hand.

"The principle is very simple and not very complicated; generally speaking, it is to take advantage of the usual blind spots of these spell casters - you may not know that this kind of guy is just like some particularly stubborn talented people, who are not very interested in their own abilities. 'You have a kind of mysterious self-confidence, so as long as... Oh, why did you interrupt me, why did you take out the gun again? Are you going to..."

Without giving the gushing Draco a chance to continue, Ludwig, who raised the revolver, raised his hand expressionlessly and pointed behind him.

Suddenly realizing something, the novelist twitched his lips, turned around slowly, and looked behind him - the smiling elf girl had appeared behind him at some point.

Draco let out a long sigh, looked at the elf girl in front of him as if he had completely given up, and slowly bowed to her:

"Good evening, Her Royal Highness Princess Freya Moses Field!"

"And... Her Majesty the future Elf Queen of Yser!"

The elf girl was smiling, but her eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Ludwig's pupils shrank suddenly, and his right hand held the handle of the gun harder.

"This kind of 'guy' is like some particularly stubborn geniuses. They are so confident in their own 'abilities' that they just want...what?"

The innocent and lovely elf girl spoke softly, her blood-red eyes staring at the novelist with trembling power: "Continue, Your Excellency Draco Wilters."

"Oh, Louis said...it's not a good habit not to finish what you say."

"As long as... you show enough kindness, you can become friends with them." Draco bowed deeply and cautiously said to the elf girl, "So, Your Majesty the Queen..."

"It's so late, would you be honored to treat you to a casual dinner nearby - I'll treat you."

Until she stared at the novelist's pitiful, fawning face, the elf girl's lips blossomed into a smile like a blooming flower.

Then... he held down the hilt of the sword at his waist!



The long and narrow saber knocked away the oncoming rifle and stabbed straight into the chest of the Iser elf; the elf soldier gushing blood was kicked down in response, and the heavy military boots stomped directly on his face.

"Grenadiers, attack!"

Roman, who was covered in blood, roared, and the long knife that was already full of chips slashed like fangs. The broken blade tore apart the elven soldiers who rushed up one after another; the gushing plasma poured into his body from all five senses at the same time. .

For a talented person who has inherited the bloodline of "Wild Hunt Knight", this kind of stimulation is the best nourishment to encourage him to continue fighting.

Encouraged by their superiors, the grenadiers on the entire position fought desperately and fought bloody battles, using rain of bullets to turn the fanatical Ysel elves into pieces of meat lying in a pool of blood that gradually became cold.

But the number of enemies was so great that even if the entire grenadier regiment, guard company and some elite skirmishers were spread out across the entire defense line, they still could not stop their attack.

Fortunately, most of these enemies were not elite, and their combat effectiveness was significantly lower than that of the Yser elves during the Battle of Eagle Point City; therefore, almost from the beginning of the war, the two sides quickly fell into a shooting phase.

They hid in the trenches, firing and mobilizing small groups of troops in an attempt to launch a surprise attack. If they failed at all, they quickly retreated and did not dare to advance.

This is also a common problem among most recruits who have received "modern training" - they only dare to shoot from a distance and have no courage at all in hand-to-hand combat.

Therefore, many old-style armies - especially the old-style armies of elite noble knights - can easily defeat the "new army" that is at least two or three times their own size as long as they dare to withstand a few rounds of volleys and charge within twenty meters without any hesitation. .

But this also has an upper limit, not to mention when the enemy is several times greater than ourselves... In less than a quarter of an hour, more than half of the central position has been lost, and it is only a matter of time before it is penetrated.

At this moment, Roman, who was covered in blood, suddenly picked up the rifle of the Yisel Elf on the ground and pulled the trigger towards the sky.

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