I will be crowned king

Chapter 313 Kill them all

"Dear Miss Thalia, I am so flattered by your arrival."

Slowly regaining his composure, Anson jumped off the table with a little embarrassment and found a chair to sit down. He looked into the eyes of the girl in front of him: "If you don't mind, can you allow me to ask, Lisa..."

"She's fine. I'm just borrowing her body temporarily, and with her consent." Thalia...er, no, "Lisa" had a slight smile on her face, playing with the messy hair:

"Don't forget, we are close relatives - 'blood connection' for an ancient family of spellcasters often means literally."

Is she warning me? Anson sat up straight and nodded to her with a solemn expression: "Thank you."

This was not just for Lisa, but also for Anson himself - thanking the other party for agreeing to his request and showing up "as promised".

When she was still in Green Valley more than a month ago, Anson, who was assassinated by the Council of Thirteen, wrote a letter to her, hoping that the Rune family could provide a more convenient way to transmit information over long distances and answer questions she encountered more quickly. The problem.

The subtext is that Anson is willing and hopes to "go further" closer to the other party and willingly become a member of the "Lunn Family" camp.

For him, this was a risky move that he had to make.

The Yser Punishment War is currently intensifying, but Anson does not have much information about the Yser elves, especially the Thirteen Councils; this is really too disadvantageous for a commander who is currently involved in this war. situation.

At the same time, as a spell caster who has not yet become a "blasphemy mage", he recently lost his mentor due to "some accidents". When he gained freedom, he also cut off contact and protection from the "old world of gods", so he was in urgent need of a new one. force to provide this guarantee.

The Luen family is this guarantee.

The reason why it is a "risky move" is because the opponent is too strong, and Anson is also very clear that the benefits he can provide are not many; once the opponent decides to abandon or betray him, he will not even be able to do it like he did when dealing with the black mage. There is some room for maneuver.

Even whether you accept it or not depends entirely on the other person's wishes.

And now the appearance of "Lisa" - Thalia August Rune - is the official response of the Rune family, expressing its willingness to accept Anson Bach's surrender.

"No need to say thank you, dear Anson."

The soft-spoken girl blinked her clear, red eyes; for some reason, Anson couldn't help but shudder every time she said "dear":

"You don't know how happy I was when I received your letter...ah...this is the first time for Talia. The first time she has received a letter from her fiancé saying that she wants to be closer to her."

Anson shuddered again...but held it back.

"Let's get down to business, regarding the questions you raised." The girl's expression became a little serious:

"First of all, the Old God Sect of Hantu - the Luen family is not closely connected with Hantu. This land has not been very important in the past hundreds of years; because of the blocking of the morning light by the ice peaks, her connection with the entire world is too severe. "

"In some collections of the Rune family, there are indeed several genealogies of the spellcasting families of the Vast Earth; but almost all of these families were expelled and massacred in the so-called 'sectarian schism war' by the blasphemers; even if there are still The continuation should have left that land and moved to the empire or the Kingdom of Clovis."

Anson nodded slightly. Before this incident, Grand Duke Mist had also mentioned that Hantu was the foundation of the Church of Order in the sectarian schism war. They could make concessions to the lords here, and even grant very relaxed religious and economic policies.

but! But they would never allow a group of spell caster families to remain within their base. This is also easy to understand. The sectarian split at that time had greatly shaken the church's dominance; in order to demonstrate authority, the persecution of heretics It may even get worse.

All the caster families who wanted to take root in the vast land had already been besieged by the local lords, the Inquisition and the Church Knights, and they had all been killed.

On the contrary, after reunifying the church and re-establishing its authority, the once murderous church suddenly became gentle. It was even able to reach an agreement with a caster family such as the Luen family, which was definitely a deadly enemy in the past, and acquiesce in the other party's existence.

"As for the Thirteen Council... they are an organization that cannot be judged by common sense." The girl curled up in the chair continued to smile:

"Because there are fundamental differences between us and them."

Essentially different... With a blank expression, Anson chewed on the explanation proposed by the other party, frowned slightly and said: "What do you mean..."

"Origin." She gave the answer softly:

"About faith, about magic, and about the definition of their respective identities... Humans and elves can even be said to be completely opposite at this level."

"We..." Thalia opened her hands, let the red dance shoes on the chair fall gently, and stretched her petite body:

"We have our own story, and our connection with the three old gods is faith, a contract, God and his followers, the savior and his followers; they are signs, ideas, the direction of progress, and An ancient wonder and a…change.”

"Mut, the King of Dark Magic, makes there no more secrets between one life and another;"

"Pluto, the master of blood magic, pointed out the way to change yourself and adapt to the world;"

"Ayton, the master of destiny, gives his followers the opportunity to change the world."

"We...may not have embarked on different paths because we agreed with His philosophy; but the moment we embarked on this path, it represented a new and different attempt."

"That's us, spellcasters, believers of the true god." Thalia said softly:

"But elves... they're not like that."

"Their power does not come from the contract, but from the bloodline; the purer the bloodline of the elves, the more power they can 'awaken' from an old god. The awakened powerful bloodline will strengthen their descendants and create a more powerful family. ;From one to thirteen, from thirteen to a thousand, from a thousand to millions..."

"That is the elves - for us, the three old gods are faith; for them, the three old gods are history; they...the elves...are the blood, descendants and chosen people of the gods."

The girl shook her head slightly: "For them, ideas are not important, what is important is how much 'blood of God' flows in their bodies; the miracles in our eyes are not miracles to them, and the changes we think are natural to them thing."

"So dear Anson, you can think that the elves are the earliest true believers and spellcasters of the true god, or you can think that there has never been a true believer of the true god and spellcaster among the elves; for them, we...in a sense …are more hateful existences than the blasphemers of the Circle of Order.”

"What about us?" Anson thought for a while and said:

"Are the spellcasters among the Yser elves also special beings?"

"For some people, yes." Thalia looked at Anson with great admiration:

"These spellcasters are roughly divided into two groups. One group believes that the elves are the blood descendants of the three old gods. Only when the elves come back to rule the world can the glory of the original ring be restored."

"The other group feels that the elves usurped the power of the three old gods, which led to the weakening of the original ring and the rise of the ring of order. They believe that the only way to go is to kill all the elves."

"But in the final analysis, these are only a small number of voices; for the vast majority of spellcasters and true god believers, the survival and continuation of elves has never been a very important matter - they... are only among true god believers. , a very, very small part, no different from the rest of the believers.”

There was a hint of sigh in Thalia's smile: "Perhaps, this is the real reason why the elves hate us 'spell casters' so much."

Anson nodded slightly, and the girl's explanation made him understand a lot of things at once - such as why the Yser Elf, or the Thirteen Council, wanted to assassinate him.

During the siege of White Tower City, he not only persuaded Grand Duke Thun to give up the siege of the Iser elves in White Tower City, he even took the initiative to reveal his identity to the opponent, tried to contact the Thirteen Council, and transferred tens of thousands of Iser elves from White Tower City to The elves handed it over to them.

In Anson's eyes, he showed great sincerity and willingness to cooperate with the other party; after that, the Thirteen Council never contacted him again, and he thought it was because Ludwig was advancing too fast, which led to There is not much room for cooperation between the two sides.

It now appears that the bomb was planted at that moment; the Council of Thirteen does not regard the Old Gods except the elves as "one of its own", but is closer to heretics, and heretics are more hateful enemies than heretics. !

By revealing his identity at that time, he was tantamount to telling them that the most powerful old god sect in the Kingdom of Clovis, the Rune family, had also intervened in the war against the Yser elves; the "sincerity" he showed was recognized by the Thirteen Council It may look similar to "intimidation" in the eyes.

This is no wonder why they cooperated with Duke Eden and the former Grand Duke Myster, and wanted to kill themselves regardless of the consequences.


The silent Anson's expression suddenly became startled - if the Council of Thirteen decided to kill him because he revealed his identity, then now that they have jumped out and want to win this war regardless of the consequences, does it also have something to do with him? !

Because of his appearance, the Thirteen Council made a misjudgment, thinking that the Clovis Old God Sect was ready to intervene in the war; so they had to step forward and show off their force to "shock" the Clovis Old God Sect, so that The Luen family dare not act rashly?

Uh... If that's the case, then Ludwig's current bad luck is also because of himself...

"What's wrong?"

Thalia asked softly, noticing that Anson's expression was a little strange.

"No, it's nothing!"

Quickly returning to normal, Anson changed the subject unnaturally: "I mean... there is an elf spellcaster who has openly used magic in public, and she may very well be my enemy... Do you have any suggestions? "


Thalia gently pressed her lower lip with her index finger, remained silent for a few seconds and said:

"Of course the best way is not to be her enemy, but this is no longer possible for dear Anson... right?"

Anson nodded silently.

"That being the case, my advice is...to know as much as possible about your enemy, the more detailed the better."

Thalia, or "Lisa", had a very serious expression, and her stern little face didn't look fake at all.

"The spellcasters of the Ysel elves...of course, they would never call themselves that; they are completely different from us. Their power awakens from their own blood and has nothing to do with spells or contracts; their power does not come from evolution or the level of thought. It’s the sublimation of emotions.”

"Emotions are the source of motivation for an elf caster; if the emotion that awakens an elf caster's power is happiness, then the happier he is, the stronger his power will be, and vice versa." Thalia explained:

"So, if you know enough about an elf caster, or know some clues that may affect his emotions, it is possible to limit his power and prevent him from displaying his true strength."

Oh, can this still happen?

Anson's eyes lit up... This means that the strength of the spell casters of the Ysel elves is not stable, and it is very likely that unexpected changes will occur due to large fluctuations in emotions, and it will easily be greatly weakened.

Of course, it is possible that it will be greatly enhanced - but no matter what, this is a turning point.

As long as you are lucky enough, you won't even have to confront the elf spellcaster head-on. You can solve many problems with just a few words.

And my luck has always been very good.

Of course, to do this requires sufficient intelligence, and there are also extremely high requirements for people who collect intelligence. They must be the type who can sensitively capture the most important details and be able to make summaries and judgments.

Well, Anson had someone in mind.

To be precise, a certain novelist.

From that person's point of view, it must be easy... No, I'm afraid he doesn't even have to ask, he probably knows what he wants from him.

As for how to find this guy, and the Truth Society behind him?

There is no need to worry about this, because they will come to us on their own initiative - the goal of the Truth Society is to use this war to weaken the power and influence of the church. Now the self-destruction of their "close allies" has given the church an excuse to kill people. , the one who is really anxious should be Draco Vertes himself.

But... wait.

"Miss Thalia?"


"You... don't seem to have asked me her... name of the elf spellcaster?\

,""Ah, that's not important."


"That's right."

She paused for a moment, then smiled in the gentlest and calmest tone: "Because of her, them, the Thirteen Council, and their followers..."

"It is destined to be driven out and exterminated, just like the spellcasters of the vast land."

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