I will be crowned king

Chapter 324 Supreme Staff

"My purpose is simple, that is to annihilate all the empire's legions."

Raising his hand and tapping the map board behind him, Anson said to everyone.

"Total annihilation?!"

Little Leon's eyes suddenly widened, he subconsciously stood up and spoke in shock.

He was not the only one, everyone present - except Storm Master - was stunned the moment he finished speaking.

This guy...Anson Bach...he...this...


Yes, you Clovis people have indeed been victorious in previous battles. From Eagle Point City to Iron Bell Castle, if you don't count Ludwig Franz, who suffered a recent setback, you can almost say that you have never been defeated since the beginning of the war, even if The Guards Corps, which the Ysel elves spent a lot of money to build, was almost completely annihilated.

But...that's just the Ysel elves and Hantu's army.

Although the Hantu nobles here are full of pride and pride, they have to admit that in the entire world of order, the combat effectiveness of their army is definitely at the bottom... A few elites can be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the vast majority can be said to be so. They are nothing but rotten fish and shrimps, worthy only of competing with robbers and robbers in a battle of wits and courage.

This time, their opponent is the Empire.

And there are not even two or three thousand people. The small infiltration force composed of the remnant infantry division... is a well-prepared, regular army that can advance by sea and land, tens of thousands of people, and can open the front line and organize a large-scale battle!

In comparison, the troops were stretched thin. Without the Hantu Army, the Storm Division could not even organize a big battle, so it was more like a cannon fodder.

In fact, many Hantu nobles have expressed doubts about this point.

"Yes, total annihilation." Anson repeated it matter-of-factly, waving his hand for little Leon to sit down - he blocked the people in the back row:

"What if?"

Otherwise... everyone looked at each other in shock.

"Yes, I know this plan sounds a bit overestimating; our enemy is the empire, the nominal emperor of the entire ordered world; and we...haha." Anson smiled and shrugged, spreading his hands:

"There are just a few thousand Clovis troops, plus the armies of the three principalities. The total strength is only about 100,000, and the elites are no more than 30,000. Even this small amount of troops has to be used to maintain control over various places, plus Due to supply restrictions, the number of troops that can be invested in a battle cannot exceed 20,000..."

"How can we stand up to the empire and even brag about how we can annihilate them all?"

Anson's smile gradually turned cold as the corners of his mouth rose, and there was a little sarcasm in his eyes:

"Yes, I can also give you a plan that sounds very feasible and very 'sound' - shrink across the board, build a defense line at the border of Thun and Mist, extend the empire's supply line as much as possible, and fight a positional war with them."

"In this way, after destroying most of the vast land that was finally unified and handing it over to the Empire, we can hide behind the 'safe' defense line and slowly consume; haha, and then continue to consume until the Empire feels that it can no longer If this continues, it is a very uneconomic thing to do.”

"The brand-new Hantu Kingdom can really be 'born out of the ashes of war' - literally."

No one spoke.

Grand Duke Mist and his followers looked terrified, like stray dogs about to be abandoned;

Archduke Ayden was silent, lost in thought;

The nobles and knights of Thun evaded their gazes, and their complicated expressions seemed to reveal their thoughts.

"So much for the cynicism."

A deep, powerful voice broke the brief silence.

The former Grand Duke of Thun, now the Lord of Vast Earth, Claude I said in a deep voice, his sharp eyes sweeping towards Anson: "If, if we agree to confront the empire head-on and annihilate all invading enemies, you..."

"...What are you going to do?"

Little Leon immediately became excited, his eyes kept switching between Anson and his father, and he pursed his lips tightly and did not dare to make a sound.

"I will tell everyone the plan, but before that I hope everyone will give me a guarantee." Anson took a deep breath, with a sly and confident smile on his face:

"Before I finish speaking, no one is allowed to speak - well, no one is allowed to say 'I'm crazy', or 'you're crazy' or 'all crazy', 'this is asking for death'... okay? ?”

Kal Bain rolled his eyes and turned his head away.


Claude Francois, whose face was as heavy as water, glanced at the people behind him, and said in an unquestionable tone: "As the King of Hantu, I guarantee that everyone here will remain silent... until you finish speaking."

Everyone present had different expressions, especially Aiden and Grand Duke Mist, who showed very unnatural expressions when they were caught by Claude I's gaze... but no one raised any objections.

"Thank you." Anson nodded slightly and expressed his gratitude:

"This plan is very complex, but also very simple - to sum it up in one sentence, since the ultimate goal is to eliminate the empire's invading army, the best way is of course to take the initiative! Therefore..."

"What did you say?!"

The stunned Henares suddenly stood up from his chair: "Take the initiative, are you going to..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Feeling the silent gaze of Claude I beside him, Henares felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his trembling body seemed to be frozen, and he sat back down little by little.

"Therefore..." The smiling Anson raised his right hand and lightly tapped his temple: "We first need to know, what is the purpose of the empire's invasion of Hantu?"

"Conquer Hantu? Capture a southern seaport? Loot wealth? Or simply look at the land in the south of the map that is not marked with the color of the empire. It doesn't suit your eyes, so you want to capture it?"

Everyone's faces showed disapproval.

"Yes, none of them; in fact, the purpose of the empire is very simple. They just want to open a stable channel from Hantu to support the Yiser Elf Kingdom that is in a bitter war... It's that simple." Anson patted Hantu behind him. picture:

"For this purpose, they don't mind turning the Seven Cities Alliance into a Six Cities, Five Cities or Four Cities Alliance; because the Seven Cities Alliance can only pose a threat to the empire when they are united, and any one of them alone... is not worth mentioning at all. .”

"What's more, not all Hantu countries are willing to fight against the empire in order to maintain their independence. Carindia has set a very good example for us in this regard."

Grand Duke Aiden snorted coldly.

"But now the originally divided Hantu has established a unified country and officially declared war on the empire that invaded Carindia Port."

"So they must either give up their interests in Hantu and the Yser Elf Kingdom, or they must withdraw their troops...the current empire has only these two options."

"But...are they really ready?" Anson asked:

"Everyone who is doing it knows how difficult it is to mobilize tens of thousands of legions to fight in the enemy's territory; how much preparation needs to be done in the early stage, how many different response plans need to be formulated, how much logistical supplies are needed, and how much How many marching routes should be designed for these tens of thousands of troops?”

"I don't know anything else. I only know one thing, and that is that this invasion is definitely not a sudden thought of His Majesty Emperor Hred, but has been prepared for it."

"What does this mean? It means that the enemy's strategic deployment is still in accordance with the previous plan; in that plan, Hantu must still be a divided seven-city alliance, rather than a unified kingdom."

Anson drew a circle on the map with his hand:

"This...is our chance."

"It must be admitted that the empire's army is very strong, strong enough to advance both by sea and land, and at the same time allow tens of thousands of troops to work together to attack the port of Carindia and the border fortress of Aiden at the same time with only two or three days of error, and even There is still enough energy left for the partial troops to land from other locations, cross the Dawn Mountains, and penetrate directly into the hinterland of the vast land..."

"Once they gain a foothold in Hantu and complete their assembly...to be honest, we don't have much chance of winning in a head-on confrontation."

Lenore Emmanuel nodded slightly, with an expression of deep understanding.

"So, we must not let them achieve their goal - the enemy is divided into four groups to attack, including the counterattack of the Iser Elf Kingdom, that is five groups; we must defeat these five groups one by one before they gather. "

"The empire has come from afar, but we are fighting locally. We have absolute advantages in mobility, supply, reconnaissance, and intelligence transmission. We are fully capable of gathering superior forces before they can react, or before they can react. Complete the transition before the main attack to avoid its sharp edge."

"In other words, as long as we remain united, we can fully control the initiative in this war; how to fight, when to fight, where to fight..." Anson snapped his fingers:

"We have the final say!"

Little Leon's eyes lit up.

Claude I nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

"Therefore, for us, there is no need to care about the gains and losses of a city or a pool, or the outcome of a battle... As long as we can strategically isolate several enemy armies, cut off their communication with each other, and disintegrate their logistics supply lines, Continuously gather superior forces on small battlefields to surround and annihilate them one by one."

Anson's expression was extremely solemn: "Victory is ours."


Everyone is silent, everyone is deep in thought.

The cold-eyed Grand Duke Aiden stared at the map behind Anson. The elderly Grand Duke Myster's expression was full of doubts, as if he was in a dream.

Little Leon was holding the diary in his arms. He was so excited that he had not yet woken up from the dream of "annihilating the imperial invaders"; next to him, Renault, whose wrist was tightly grasped by him, was very awake, or was gradually becoming The cold left hand kept him awake.

The rest of the Hantu nobles also had different expressions: some were still in shock, some were dismissive of "this arrogant Clovis man", and some had eyes full of suspicion, thinking that he had ulterior motives.

But... no one stood up to refute his plan.

No matter how arrogant the Hantu nobles are, whether they are willing to admit it or not, they must face the fact that the Clovis man in front of them destroyed most of Hantu almost by himself.

In Eagle Point City, the Ysel Elf Guard Corps was completely annihilated; in White Tower City, the defenders surrendered without a fight;

In Lagar, tens of thousands of troops did not even last an afternoon; in Green Valley, Duke Eden who attacked him was captured alive;

Finally, there is Tiezhong Fort...an ancient city that has lasted for thousands of years and only lasted for one day.

To a certain extent, it was precisely because of the Storm Division's almost terrifying winning rate that they were able to "abandon their prejudices" and "unite as one" despite their huge differences.

The guys who can't do it have become this guy's stepping stones.

"So what do we do now?"

Grand Duke Aiden was the first to break the silence and asked coldly.

"Speed...or efficiency, this is the key to whether we can defeat the empire." Anson took a deep breath and stood up, his eyes serious:

"Only by maximizing our strategic advantage can we thwart the empire's plans, or even go one step further...annihilate them."

"Therefore, I propose to establish a 'Supreme Staff' to increase the efficiency with which we mobilize our troops and resources."

"This department should be responsible for the unified coordination and guarantee of the logistics of all armies, and at the same time conduct unified training for all armies to ensure that all armies can coordinate and cooperate; it should use unified passwords and a unified command system to manage and control all belonging to The army of Hantu.”

“It should be responsible for collecting, collating and providing intelligence, and ensuring that this information is delivered to the right people; it should provide stable communication guarantees so that all troops can know exactly where they and other troops are. "

“It should be responsible for formulating operational plans, assigning tasks to all the armies under its jurisdiction, turning the supreme commander’s orders into detailed strategic guidelines, and ensuring that all armies are not fighting independently, but are moving towards the same goal. "

"All in all, it should make the people of the empire not face a divided alliance army, but a united Hantu Army."

"This... is what we have to do now, which is the key to whether we can defeat the empire!"

"And only by relying on its own strength to defeat the invasion of the empire and defeat the invading enemies, can the new Kingdom of Hantu gain the respect of everyone - including Clovis. Otherwise, a country that cannot even maintain its territory if it does not receive support, How can we talk about dignity and independence in front of our ‘allies’?”

If you want to win this battle, or even dominate the entire war, it is not enough just to get rid of Ludwig's shackles; you must completely integrate the forces in your hands and unite the entire army under one banner, one flag. Below the slogan.

Everything before was just a preparation for this moment.

Defeating the elven kingdom of Yser is meaningless, because in the eyes of all Clovis people, victory is a matter of course;

There is no point in conquering Hantu, because many Clovis people have not even heard of the term "Hantu", and only some people know that the coffee and wine they drink are specialties of the "Seven Cities Alliance";

Only by defeating the empire, or even annihilating an empire's legions, can the entire Clovis be shocked, and be able to completely get rid of the shackles of the Franz family and the prejudice of the army, and let the two "Anson Bach" and "Storm Division" Names become important.

This is what Anson wants to do.

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