I will be crowned king

Chapter 328 Trap

August 12th, the 100th year of the Saint's Calendar, Jiaoshi Town.

Twenty thirty-five, sunny.

"Boom!!!! Boom!!!! Boom!!!!"

The thunderous sound of cannons tore through the midnight silence without warning.

The fishing village that had been turned into scorched earth by the imperial ships during the day was once again ravaged by the cannonballs that streaked across the starry sky; the sleeping earth trembled violently in the screams that tore the air.

As the roaring gunfire lit up the earth, murderous shouts exploded in the wilderness of Jiaoshi Town, rushing towards the fishing village dock without warning.

"Sure enough, it's here."

Looking at the firelight that was constantly lighting up on a high ground in the distance, with the roar of artillery shells filling his ears, Tashien lay on the edge of the trench, muttering to himself with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The muddy trench was filled with a strong smell of fish and burnt corpses, which was comparable to a biological weapon. However, the fleet commander who was holding a monocular and staring at the battlefield not only showed no pain at all, Instead, it shows the ecstasy similar to that of an addict at the moment of ultimate enjoyment.

Under the firelight, the shadowy Clovis line soldiers waved the bloody unicorn battle flag, arranged in a loose column formation, spread out densely in the wilderness, and advanced towards the villages and towns, reflected in the smoke and sand mixed with the scene. On the telescope lens.

Everything is exactly as I guessed.

Although it was strange why this Clovis army suddenly appeared in Carindia instead of Mist or Aiden - according to the information he received, this group of Clovis people seemed to have also participated in the siege of Iron Bell Castle. War——but if you think about it seriously, the reason is nothing more than supporting Aiden, or trying to recapture Carindia Port.

Probably because the newly crowned King of Hantu was unable to immediately mobilize those powerful lords, so he could only let this Clovis mercenary army take the lead.

Yes, according to the empire's intelligence, the Stormtroopers were "mercenaries" used by Clovis to win over and support Thun; otherwise it is impossible to explain why a group of Clovis people burned, killed and looted in Hantu, and finally let the entire Han The soil is unified.

As for why they launched a sneak attack on themselves so hastily, when a group of Clovis met a group of Imperials, was there another possibility besides killing them to the death?

Everything that happened at this moment was basically in line with his prediction... It took only a few rounds of shelling to attack the entire line. From what he saw, there were no less than twenty infantry companies in the offensive line, at least more than 2,000 people. According to the intelligence, this The total strength of the Clovis army did not exceed five thousand at most.

Judging from the offensive on the other side, they probably planned to use a fierce attack to force themselves to retreat. Fortunately, they had no worries when they entered Carindia Port.

But this bunch of Clovis scum could never imagine what kind of "gift" he had prepared for them.


With a deafening roar, a twelve-pound solid bomb landed in a trench not far from Tasien; the bursting air waves mixed with explosive sounds shattered the hastily built fortifications, and in the miserable screams of the soldiers, Amid the screams, a "geyser" tens of meters high was rolled up, and countless pieces of rubble mixed with dark red plasma and minced meat were scattered all over the sky.

"These idiots, even though they were warned, they actually made the trench so vulnerable!"

Looking at the front trench that had been destroyed by a single shot, Tashien, who was almost hit by flying bayonet fragments, cursed loudly. He took a handkerchief from the body of the adjutant behind him who was hit by an unknown piece of gravel, and wiped his head. A plasma-soaked telescope.

Of course he could stand on the flagship deck, drink red wine and eat seafood stew, direct the ship's guns to cover the shore with indiscriminate fire, and use the screams of the Clovis people as a sideshow for dinner; but that would only make Clovis miserable at most. The Uighurs were frustrated.

Therefore, despite the adjutant's efforts to dissuade him - the one who had just been headshot - Tasien still insisted on personally commanding the front line, building defensive positions, and investing all four of his infantry regiments plus some sailors, with a strength of nearly 4,000, "Welcome “The Clovis came to visit.

He wants to wipe out these bastards!

As an experienced general and Imperial knight, he has seen through the nature of this war; it is said to be a war between Hantu and the Empire, but in fact it is still a competition between the Empire and Clovis.

The two sides have deployed tens of thousands of legions on each other's borders. After nearly a year, they are still locked in an inseparable battle. No one can advance even an inch, so both sides are in urgent need of a breakthrough, a bargaining chip that can break the balance of power.

Hantu is this bargaining chip.

If Clovis wins, they will have an extremely reliable ally and bridgehead in the south, directly deterring the empire's southern frontier;

If the empire wins, Clovis's already not very good diplomatic situation will further deteriorate, and he will be outflanked by the empire's east and west.

But now their main force is trapped in the quagmire of the Yser Elf hinterland, and they are in a dilemma; the only tentacle reaching out to the vast land is the Clovis mercenary in front of them!

Defeating or even annihilating them would deal a heavy blow to the Hantu people who had just founded their country with the support of Clovis, and would deal a heavy blow to their already low confidence.

How could Tasheen, who was aware of this, let go of such a golden opportunity to make meritorious deeds!

That old guy Casper looks down on me and sends me, a dignified army general, to do such logistical chores, right?

Okay, then I will let you take a good look and see how I can change the entire situation of the war with only four thousand people!

Thinking of this, Tasien suddenly looked back: "Commander!"


A new recruit with a rifle on his back emerged from the shelter with half his head, and cautiously saluted the commander. His horrified eyes could not help but look at the body of the adjutant on the ground.

"Immediately give orders to the forward positions and prepare to meet the enemy; without my order, no unit is allowed to leave the position without permission or launch a counterattack!"

"Send a signal to the fleet. All ships are to be anchored. The gunfire range covers all surrounding areas except villages and towns. However, no ship is allowed to fire or evacuate without permission. Any sailor who violates this rule can shoot it to death - —Did you hear that clearly?!”

"Listen clearly!" The recruit stood up and stood up straight like a spring.

"Go and give the order!"

"As you command!"

Looking at the backs of the messengers running away, the smile on Tasien's face became more ferocious.

Come, you scum of Clovis, attack with all your strength; smash your head and bleed on my impregnable position, and then be blown to ashes by naval guns!


With his arms outstretched, Tasheen looked up to the sky and screamed. Almost at the same time, a six-pound solid bullet fell next to him.


When the last shell hit the ground, the Storm Division soldiers who Xu Jin was shooting finally stopped maintaining the line, picked up the bayonets on their rifles, and under the cover of the skirmishers, they began to assault the Jiaoshi Town position in company units.

Because it was a temporary and hastily built trench with no prior preparation and the fact that the empire did not value infantry, the entire position was "made from scratch" - there were almost no defensive facilities to hinder the attack, and the trenches were also deep and shallow, and twisted. Even many trenches had turned into muddy ponds before the war started due to water seepage, leaving soldiers standing in knee-deep muddy water to line up to face the enemy.

But it was such an extremely crude and seemingly ruined position, but it was not as easy to defeat as the Storm Division officers imagined.

On a position full of bomb craters and muddy ponds, the soldiers of the Storm Division rushed towards the position one by one. Before they could open a gap, they were stuck to the imperial line soldiers who rushed towards them from both sides; the two sides were locked in the narrow trench. Fighting with bayonets, fists, and even teeth and boots.

The imperial line soldiers who clung to their positions had no intention of repelling the Storm Division. Their crooked positions could not even constitute a complete crossfire. There were no steps or a wide enough front, and the matching infantry artillery made it difficult for the Storm Division. near.

It was like a huge swamp, and the Storm Division, which had invested nearly half of its troops, was trapped directly in it, unable to advance even an inch.

The imperial defenders of Reef Town certainly suffered a lot of losses during the melee, especially the frontline troops who suffered heavy casualties under the double blow of Xu Jin's shooting and bayonet charge; but in contrast, the storm division's charge momentum also suddenly sharpened. Minus, especially in the night environment, the support efficiency of the Empire, which clung to its position, far exceeded that of the Storm Division, making the Storm Division's attacks gradually weaker.

This is Tashien's tactic.

He had many experiences with Clovis, and he knew very well that the empire relied on the deterrence of artillery fire coverage, as well as cavalry shocks and rapid maneuvers; infantry...in most cases were just consumables used to fill the battle line.

If the cavalry does not have room to outflank, and the artillery firepower cannot severely damage the enemy's morale and open a breakthrough in the front line; if only the infantry line is in head-to-head confrontation, in front of Clovis, the empire...it will be difficult to take any advantage.

Therefore, Tasheen simply gave up the idea of ​​holding on to the front line, let the enemy in, and used sufficient troops to stick to the opponent until the Clovis people's physical strength and morale were exhausted.

As the battle shifted from line shooting to hand-to-hand combat, the decline of the Storm Division's offensive became more and more obvious. The besieged Storm Division officers kept trying to break through, but failed to break through the heavy siege of the Imperial soldiers and fell into a quagmire. Unable to move.

And once they tried to stop and regroup, the trenches like muddy ponds under their feet immediately became their nightmare; this position with air leakage from all sides was simply undefendable, and it also fully exposed the attacker's military inferiority, so they could only continue. Enduring the relentless pursuit of Imperial soldiers.

Faced with this kind of opponent, Chief of Staff Carl Bain, who finally knew what Anson Bach wanted to do, simply slowed down the offensive and ordered the front line to switch from defense to offense.

At the same time, he accelerated the speed of follow-up reinforcements, splitting Fabian's grenadiers into companies, mixed with skirmishers to clear the way, and continued to penetrate positions further back from positions with air leakage on all sides.

After losing the momentum of the initial charge, the Stormtroopers and the Imperial defenders who were caught in the melee were no longer able to distinguish each other; especially the "distinctive" gray coat uniforms of the Stormtroopers made it extremely difficult to distinguish them at night; if they were covered in mud again, , then it is more difficult to distinguish.

In contrast, the Empire's iconic bright blue military uniforms are very eye-catching at night, which allows soldiers on both sides to find a good way to distinguish between friends and foes, greatly avoiding the possibility of accidental injury.

When the Storm Division slowed down the pace of its attack, the Imperial soldiers who strictly followed orders no longer made crazy counterattacks, but instead focused on repelling subsequent attacks from the opposite side.

This surprised Tasien, not because of the Storm Master's "flexibility", but...

"Are the guys across the street from Clovis? Why don't they look like them?"

The fleet commander looked confused... In his memory, Clovis's regular army's attacks were quite ferocious, and they were often able to divide and break through enemy positions at extremely fast speeds, leaving the imperial line soldiers who could only maintain a dense formation in a hurry.

In fact, Tasheen was even prepared for a series of defeats at the beginning, sacrificing two infantry regiments to delay the Clovis attack.

But now, the opponent's attack was only slightly interesting in the first round, and then stopped unexpectedly; even though they could continue to break through, they were unwilling to make any sacrifices to open up the situation.

Facing such an enemy army that was "fearful of death", Tasien now seriously doubted this group of fake Clovis people.

"Could it be a trap?"

This idea flashed through the fleet commander's mind, and then was quickly denied by himself - or whether it was a trap or not, the current situation did not allow him to think about it anymore.

The battle has been going on for an hour, and the frontline troops of both sides have been completely entangled. There is no possibility of safe retreat; issuing a transfer order at this time will definitely cause chaos and turn into a one-sided massacre.

As a knight, if he had to be killed by an enemy's bullet, he would rather have the bullet hole hit between his eyebrows rather than his back.

What's more, my goal has actually been achieved.

As time passed, the battle began to shift from an initial raid to a positional battle. The Clovis people, whose offensive had declined, began to organize their fronts and continued to advance towards the empire's defense lines without haste.

Although this was different from Tasien's original plan, it also meant that the Clovis scum on the opposite side had completely exposed themselves to the broadside fire of the surface fleet.

All he has to do now is wait silently for the sun to rise.

The moment the sun leaps over the horizon, that's when the Clovis go to hell.

"Hehehe...hehe...hehehaha...hahahahaha...hahahaha! Hahahaha..."

Amidst the loud shouts of death and gunfire as dense as a torrential rain, Tasien was laughing wildly; his crazy posture made the orderly soldier behind him, who replaced the adjutant who was shot, tremble with fear. Mixed with the smell of the trench, the orderly person looked extremely pale. Bing felt the urge to vomit.

at this time……


The roar of artillery fire and the dazzling light of fire came from not far away.

Tasien was slightly startled... There was nothing wrong with this in itself. The Clovis scum who was stubbornly resisting was forced to use artillery fire to open up the situation. It was really a normal method.

The problem was that the direction of the explosion and fire was... behind him.

The stunned fleet commander slowly turned his head, and countless roars immediately sounded in his ears; at that moment, the light of the explosion even made him couldn't help but close his eyes.

The sky full of artillery fire turned the sky into daylight.

The calm sea burns under the daylight!

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