I will be crowned king

Chapter 333 Victory lies in “hope”

"What are you talking about? The attack on the city has already begun?!"

Anson looked at the cavalry lieutenant in front of him in astonishment: "Didn't we agree to let them surround us first and wait until we arrive before starting?"

"That's true, but..." Out of breath, Jason's eyes widened. His expression was even more exaggerated than Anson's as he had just received information from the messenger:

"But Sir Lenore Emmanuel is not going to wait any longer. He said that heavy rain is an excellent cover. With the rain curtain, the firepower of the city walls and forts can be reduced by at least two-thirds - as long as the first one can be broken through. With one line of defense, he can take the remaining port of Carindia on his own, without the need for coalition support.”

"What's more, more importantly, the heavy rain in Carindia Port often lasts for more than a week; if we wait for reinforcements, by the time we arrive, the entire area around Carindia Port will become an impassable swamp, and then It will be difficult to win; so...so..."

Seeing Anson's obviously increasingly ugly expression, the hesitating cavalry lieutenant did not dare to continue speaking.

"So he didn't wait for us and decided to attack Carindia Port quickly, right?" Anson rolled his eyes.

To be honest, Lenore Emmanuel would decide to do this, and it's not hard for Anson to understand why.

Claude Francois, who was crowned king, seemed to generously keep his promise and cede the port of Carindia to the Emmanuelle family, and even gave Renaud an army of 10,000 people to facilitate his recovery. This is the richest city in the world.

But in fact, Claude I had evil intentions - he gave Renault 10,000 soldiers, but did not give him the heavy firepower necessary to attack the city, not even a six-pound infantry cannon.

However, the Storm Division coalition that nominally "cooperates" in the siege has the most powerful heavy firepower in the entire land; so unless Leno is willing to fill the trenches with human lives, he will have to use the power of Anson Bach to take away this. A port city belonging to the Emmanuel family.

If these 10,000 soldiers were all Aydin, Renault would probably do that; but what Claude gave him was a "miscellaneous army": one-tenth Ayden, one-fifth Tu Benefactor, the rest are all the troops of the original Grand Duchy of Mist.

Although Hantu has been unified now, relying on the banner of the François royal family and the power of the Emmanuelle family, Renault will not be able to command them; but if he clearly asked them to die for his family...

Rebellion on the battlefield even led Renault to "shoot himself six times in the back"... The Mist who had just been severely punished by the Emmanuelle family could definitely do it.

And if Anson relies on Anson's strength to capture the port of Carindia, the Emmanuel family will definitely have to pay a heavy price - there is Carindia who was skinned and cramped, and Mist who barely left a layer of skin. Previously, Anson Bach and his Stormtroopers had long been notorious.

"When does it start?" Anson asked a little depressed.

"Today, at eight o'clock in the morning, the attack will be launched on time."

Jason, who was covered in sweat, replied quickly. He took out his pocket watch from his arms while calming his breathing. The two brass hands were firmly stopped at the "twelve" and "two" positions:

"It's two o'clock in the afternoon."

Well, so it's definitely too late... Anson sighed in his heart again.

"Deputy Commander, since the Emmanuel family plans to attack the city alone..." Jason put away his pocket watch and looked at Anson carefully:

"Then...should we go to Carindia Port?"

Although he knew that the port of Carindia was very important, the cavalry lieutenant knew that there was actually nothing left to rob in this port city. Those who could be robbed had already been robbed several times by the Stormtroopers. From the nobles to the citizens, there was no profit or water. Squeezed.

Compared with fighting against a port city with little oil and water, it is more popular to have a head-on confrontation with the Imperial Expeditionary Force on the Western Front.

If this port can be turned into an enclave of the Clovis Kingdom, Anson becomes the governor of Carindia Port, and the Stormtrooper is transferred to the port garrison, maybe the cavalry lieutenant can still be excited for a while... But unless Anson is the long-lost Carlos II Brother, otherwise it can only be pure dreaming.

It's one thing to send one or two expeditionary legions to invade, but to send tentacles deep into the hinterland of the vast land to confront the empire head-on... Clovis doesn't want to, nor does he have the strength.

"Go, why not go!"

Anson's mood was a little irritable, and some kind of horrible memory of being led by the nose by incompetent allies and superiors - definitely not scolding Major General Ludwig, definitely not - seemed to come back at this moment:

"The target is the Green Valley. The light cavalry will open the way. The Storm Division will serve as the vanguard. All unnecessary baggage will be thrown away. Only infantry weapons and three days' worth of ammunition and supplies will be carried. The entire army will march out!"

"As for the Hantu people of the coalition... one-third maintained the original speed, one-third followed behind, and one-third was thrown into the baggage unit for me - the cavalry pulled the baggage train, and the infantry carried the infantry cannon on my back. Charge up and move forward at full speed!”

"Get ahead of the Hantu Army and capture the Port of Carindia?!" The cavalry lieutenant suddenly became excited, his heartbeat accelerated exponentially, the blood all over his body seemed to be boiling as it was soaked with sweat, and his cheeks turned red. .

"No!" Anson poured a basin of cold water on him directly:

"I want to get to Carindia before the entire Hantu Army is wiped out - I don't want to collect their bodies for them!"


"Hantu people - move forward!!!!"

The hoarse shouts penetrated the layers of rain, shaking everyone's mind, and swept the Carindia Port along with the roaring tsunami.

In the violent storm, thousands of figures were roaring, charging, and pouring out stars with gunfire... The running footsteps were hysterical, beating the ground continuously, and accompanied by the hunting wind, another round of torrential rain rolled up from all directions.

In the early morning of August 15th, the 100th year of the Saint's Calendar, the anxious Renault launched an attack on Carindia Port half an hour early after staying up all night.

Relying on their familiarity with the surrounding terrain, nearly 10,000 people used the rain curtain to avoid the scouts and sentries of the Imperial advance army. Using gunfire as a signal, each infantry regiment launched a general attack in turn.

When the Imperial advance army discovered that something was not right, Lenault's legion had already rushed to the city wall; the frightened Hantu soldiers straightened their bayonets, fired chaotically to embolden them, and concealed their inner fear with charges and roars.

The effect is... surprisingly good.

Because it was confirmed that the Hantu army on the opposite side had no artillery, the advance army generally maintained a strong internal advantage and determined that these rotten fish and shrimps would never dare to attack the city without artillery support.

But in the end, they not only attacked the city, but also attacked across the board without leaving any backup or reserve forces!

Tens of thousands of people swarmed up from the position, and the advancing military line almost covered the entire outer front of the city wall. The horrified scouts lay on the city wall, dumbfounded as they listened to the roar of the mountains and the tsunami of killing voices beside their ears, and watched as more and more people , densely packed figures broke through the rain curtain...

The unprepared Imperial Expeditionary Force was caught off guard in shock and panic, and did not even notice the direction of Renault's main attack... By the time the northern city gate was captured, thousands of Hantu Line soldiers had already poured into the city and began to advance along the main road.

Carindia Port is a port city, a trading city... Transportation in such a place is always a top priority; in order to reduce transportation costs, she must have a road that connects the port and trade roads, and even the entire city should be centered around this Roads were built.

Therefore, when attacking Carindia Port, there is no need to occupy it piece by piece like other towns - as long as you follow this main road, you can penetrate the entire city.


Gun flames spurted and flickered in the heavy rain, and in the choking smoke, dozens of figures stood upright and fell to the ground wailing. Among them were Hantu people wearing different clothes, and some Imperial line soldiers wearing blue and white uniforms.

The hot gun barrel continued to spray out fury and bursts of white smoke; the bodies that fell to the ground one after another were repeatedly washed away by the heavy rain, and their muscles had lost their temperature due to muscle spasms and twitches.


The lead bullets in the barrels were shot out as quickly as possible. The phalanx of these Hantu soldiers immediately burst out with a shout. They no longer maintained a linear formation, picked up their bayonets, and rushed toward the expeditionary force's barricades like a tidal wave. .

"Forward! Forward! Keep going, don't stop!"

Amidst the chaotic sound of gunfire, Renault, who was eager to wave the saber in his hand, screamed at the top of his voice, which was already hoarse: "Fire the bayonet!"


The moment he shouted, the flash of artillery fire lit up behind the barricade.

Facing the tide of enemies, the hot six-pound solid bullets carried a heart-shaking scream, and everything in front of it was instantly shattered into pieces. It penetrated everything faster than before, tearing open a "road of flesh and blood" in the dense crowd. .

Blood was splashing, minced meat was flying, and the wails and screams were completely drowned out by the thunderous noise...until the gunpowder smoke dispersed.

When the frightened Lenore desperately pushed the body away, except for the enemy behind the barricade, there was no one standing in front of him.

But the Imperial Expeditionary Force behind the barricade could not be happy for long... In just ten seconds between artillery firings, hundreds of thousands of Hantu legions had once again surged up like a tide, carrying the slightly scattered troops. A volley of guns was fired, and under the crossfire of the left and right flanks, they howled and rushed into the barricade.

Struggling to get up from the icy rain, the pale-faced Lenault supported his body with a saber; beside him were soldiers who continued to attack, and at his feet were corpses that were already cold in the dark red rain... The battlefield has never felt like it does now. Such intensity.

Did he think a lot at this moment? He seemed a little regretful, but also very determined. There seemed to be some uneasy restlessness of power surging in his blood, and he couldn't wait to wake up from his deep sleep.

He squatted down in a daze, picked up the soaked military flag from the corpse of the one who had just saved him, and shouted loudly among the countless charging figures:


As the 3,000-strong Hantu Army completed its central breakthrough, the entire siege battle had already entered a white-hot stage within thirty minutes of the start of the battle.

On the left and right wings of the battlefield, the Imperial Expeditionary Force, who had noticed that the North City Gate had been breached, desperately wanted to return to defense, but they were tightly entangled by the enemies in front of them - as long as they dared to retreat, the crazy Hantu people even dared to retreat. Go straight up the wall.

Bursts of roaring artillery continued to tear through the rain, but the extremely poor visibility made these heavy firepowers useless from a hundred meters away. They could neither achieve effective killing nor boost the morale of the attacking Hantu army. aspects of the blow.

They couldn't see where the enemy was, let alone how many enemies there were. They could only choose to defend the fort, but in this way they completely lost contact with the friendly forces in the rear... So one fort after another was quickly divided and surrounded, and fell into each other. The desperate situation of fighting.

In fact, the Imperial Expeditionary Force that occupied Carindia Port had two infantry divisions and nearly 10,000 people. In terms of strength, it was no less than Renaud's legion. A head-on confrontation could even leave him without a place to die.

But the problem is that the expeditionary force cannot only control the outer city walls. In order to ensure the actual control of the Carindia Port, they must deploy the entire city. The result is that the troops are greatly dispersed, and the frontal defense line is fully attacked. Renault, who had left a way out, was overwhelmed by the sea of ​​people.

Seeing that the city gate was breached, more follow-up troops also changed directions, poured into the city from the north gate, and extended to the left and right, trying to surround the imperial defenders on the front line of the city wall and completely annihilate them.

However, for the Hantu Line Soldiers who have been trained for less than three months and basically only know how to point their guns at the enemy and pull the trigger, this "backline outflank" tactic is still too complicated, and its level of inferiority is only worthy of fighting and defeating the enemy. The gangs in Lowe City have their pros and cons.

So under Lenore Emmanuel's "exquisite tactics", the soldiers who rushed into the city began to lose contact one after another, and the system collapsed... The soldiers, led by the officer lord, turned into robbers and bandits one after another, burning in the outer residential areas. Killing, looting, and firing on all living people who stood in their way.

However, at present, the order of Carindia Port has completely collapsed in the previous riots, and those who are still alive are almost all vicious thugs, or servants serving the Imperial Expeditionary Force... These soldiers who are "engaging in side jobs" unintentionally, in fact, It is also destroying the foundation of the empire's rule in the port of Carindia.

At this moment, the expeditionary force, which had just woken up from a dream, was still worried about Renault, who was advancing rapidly, and the elite defenders on the outside who were completely besieged, and had no time to care about these scum.

Because they never expected that the other side would dare to attack the city with only a group of infantry, many of the expeditionary soldiers in the city were completely unaware of what was going on. When many troops were assembled, they thought they were going to suppress a group of soldiers. Unarmed rioting citizens.

At this point, only an hour after the war started, Lenore had captured one-third of the Carindia Port, and the core main force continued to advance towards the port; the Imperial Expeditionary Force did its best to mobilize troops for a frantic containment, and They can only barely slow down their progress.

The balance of victory seems to be tilting towards Leno with an irreversible momentum.

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