I will be crowned king

Chapter 340 Before the heavy rain stops


Amidst the billowing smoke, a messy brown streak stepped on the explosion point of the falling shell and rushed through the ruins of the North City Gate and broke into the Carindia Port.

Lisa, who was screaming, moved her short legs desperately, carrying three rifles, four revolvers and six grenades, a helmet that was a little bigger than her little head, and a bayonet in her arms. She kept pulling the trigger, and the fire-breathing lead bullets penetrated one after another and rushed to block her head.

Almost at the same time, the soldiers of the guard company followed closely behind, launching an assault into the city at a speed second only to the "Company Commander", advancing rapidly with a loose skirmish line on the girl's left and right like the wings of a phoenix.

Colonel Anson Bach, deputy commander of the Southern Army Corps, his direct guard company is equivalent to the commando team. This is a well-known secret throughout the Storm Division.

This unit generally has the following characteristics: the salary is very generous, and the selection requirements are relatively strict - only stragglers or veterans of more than two years are accepted, and the death rate is ridiculously high.

All the recruits who joined the army were first surprised that the company commander was a little girl, and then they were even more surprised to find that they probably couldn't defeat this "little girl." Finally, they were comforted by some veterans' sincere words, "Be prepared to die at any time."

The guards of other commanders often face battles only at the most critical moment, but under the leadership of Lisa Bach, almost every battle of the Guard Company is "the most critical moment"... many are "not skilled enough in business" New recruits often fall behind and get lost on the battlefield because they cannot keep up with the company commander's speed, and then find themselves surrounded by enemies more than ten times their size.

Under this high-intensity training and screening mechanism, in just a few months, Anson obtained a skirmisher assault team with a huge number (250 people), rich combat experience, and extremely good luck. Team...even though this was not his intention.

The price was that the whole Storm Division "changed their expressions when hearing the guards", and he himself did not have much sense of presence in front of this troop - they only listened to Lisa alone, and they were all able to tell the girl "Wow——!!!" !" The madman who attacked together.


The roars of more than two hundred guard companies penetrated the rain curtain, and the flames of their guns kept flashing in the billowing smoke, like a roaring steam train, running directly over the face of the fragile defense line of the advance army.

In the rear row of the guard company, two infantry regiments kept advancing in column under the flank cover of a skirmisher regiment. The chaotic and roaring footsteps were like "train carriages", rapidly expanding the breach torn by the guard company, controlling both sides of the street, and preparing for the follow-up. Troops pave the way.

The most fatal mistake in the failure of Leno's raid was that he did not systematically destroy the outer defense system of the advance army at the first time. After the initial setback, he decisively gave up annihilation and turned to encirclement, leaving the enemy's organization intact, which caused the advance army behind. There is a basis for counterattack.

Of course, this is also related to the quality of the Hantu Army itself. This kind of army lacks training and rectification, relies on the commander to maintain morale, and can only fight with the wind most of the time. If the army is frustrated at the beginning, it will easily lead to an avalanche across the entire line. It is very likely that He had just taken down two turrets, and was forced to retreat due to declining morale... Although that end might be better than the current one.

Although the Storm Division is a conscripted regiment, it is at least trained according to the Clovis military system like the regular army, and has a complete and efficient command system... The most important thing is that Anson has enough heavy firepower in his hands, and he can even fire in the wild. Form temporary fire suppression on the fort and cover the infantry attack.

This is not just a matter of the power of the artillery itself, but also about morale and deterrence.

"The artillery company continues to maintain fire coverage of the city wall, and all artillery is not allowed to stop firing until the enemy's forts and positions fall!"

"Once the 3rd and 4th Infantry Regiments enter the city, they will immediately launch an offensive against the forts and positions with the help of artillery cover; remember! Don't divide your troops, concentrate your superior forces as much as possible and crush them!"

"Instruct the cavalry battalion to continue to gather the follow-up troops, let them rest for an hour and then go into battle immediately... What does it mean to rest, as long as they can still breathe!"

"What, there are troops from the Hantu Army rioting in the city? Put up the Unicorn flag at the north city gate and tell them to assemble under the flag, prepare their own weapons to complete the reorganization, and follow the Storm Division to launch an orderly attack—— We have to attack now, attack! There is no time to deal with them!"

Anson, who was carrying Leopold, ran wildly while delivering orders. Lisa and the guards rushed too fast, and the advance army's defense line collapsed too quickly. He didn't even have time to reorganize the attacking troops on the spot.

The current situation seems to be that Renaud has taken down the Lighthouse Palace, and the Imperial advance troops who have lost their headquarters are counterattacking crazily in extreme chaos. As a result, the entire peripheral defense line is empty and undefended. It can be captured with a few rounds of gunfire and a bayonet charge. An "impregnable" fort.

They didn't even need to occupy the city... After seeing the Clovis flag flying on the north city gate, the Hantu Legion and the Carindia Port thugs who were causing chaos in the surrounding city immediately "joined", three points The port of Carindia instantly turned into the color of Clovis.

But Anson was not overjoyed by this, and was even more worried... The fact that the defense line was so empty proved that the entire empire's advance army had completely assembled, and he no longer had the chance to cut through, divide, and gradually annihilate them!

What he was about to face was an advance army with efficient execution and all the heavy firepower, and he had to fight them head-on in a head-on positional battle.

This is very disadvantageous for the Storm Division, which has just experienced a forced march and is on the verge of physical exhaustion and has only taken a short rest!

Therefore, Anson's plan is to quickly attack and capture most of Carindia Port. While the advance troops are still besieging the Lighthouse Palace and have no time to turn around to confront him, he will use a relatively strong offensive to force them to retreat and drive them to Carindia. Hong Kong direction.

All that's left is to see when the weather clears up, or how long the enemy can hold on without supplies and retreat.

This is a perfect plan in every sense - at least that's what Anson thinks - the only uncertain factor is whether Lenore, who is guarding the Lighthouse Palace, can discover it in time and take the initiative to "cooperate" with him.

After all, only if the advance army is completely trapped by the Lighthouse Palace and cannot escape, the Storm Division will have time to safely clear out the remaining imperial soldiers in half of the city while making a detour to raid the rear of the advance army.

As for how they are going to cooperate, well...well...


"Hantu people - attack!"

Accompanied by the deafening sound of gunfire, Lenault, who was already on the verge of reaching his limit, raised the military flag high and let out his last roar.

The moment he confirmed that the sound of artillery came from the direction of the North City Gate, he no longer hesitated and proactively issued an attack order - using a countercharge to distract the advance army.

Regardless of whether it is Anson Bach and his Storm Division who appear, if you want to defeat the advance army or win the battle of Carindia Port, you must buy time for them!

"Long live Hantu——!!!!"

The roar of the explosion resounded through the Lighthouse Palace. The Hantu soldiers who had already been killed roared and picked up their rifles with bayonets. Under the full cover of the artillery, they rushed out of the position like a flood.

The effects of the power of blood have long since faded, but the soldiers' eyes are still filled with blood-red... Needless to say, everyone understands that this is the final battle.

The ownership of Kalindia Port will be decided within the next hour.

Relying on the absolute terrain suppression, the counterattack started extremely smoothly; before the unexpected Imperial advance troops could react, they were pushed down the steps by this "sap". They had to pay heavy casualties before tightening up a little bit. The encirclement network immediately showed signs of being breached.

At this moment, the advance army, which had also fought for a whole day and night, was at the end of its tether. It relied entirely on inertia and dead orders to remain undefeated. The forward troops were unable to effectively respond to the enemy's counterattack and retreated almost all the way.

At the same time, the artillery positions on the back line and the waiting reserve forces had also noticed that the north city gate had been breached. A Clovis army was advancing here at an alarming speed, falling into a panic at a loss.

"Ignore those Clovis scum and continue attacking Beacon Palace!"

Faced with the panic of his subordinates, Lawrence, who was almost crazy because of the death of his eldest son, was unusually calm at the moment: "They should have just broken through the city gate now. They will not attack until they have completely annihilated the defenders on the position and effectively controlled the position. We launched an attack!"


"It's nothing! The advance army must capture the Lighthouse Palace in order to regain the initiative in the battle of Carindia Port and gain a firm foothold!" Lawrence roared firmly:

"Trust my judgment... Unless the Clovis scum are in front of us, no troops are allowed to turn back and attack the Lighthouse Palace with all their strength!"

"Lord Lawrence!"

The eager "Luthor" knelt down in front of Lawrence again, with an extremely excited expression: "Leave the Lighthouse Palace to me. Please lead the reserve army to withdraw towards the port as soon as possible... turn in!"

"The port is the lifeline of our army. Once the Clovis Army lets us besiege the Lighthouse Palace and occupy the port, the danger will be far greater than if they simply capture the city!"

For Lawrence Igor, who was immersed in the pain of losing his son and lost his mind, "Luthor" no longer expected that he could persuade him to give up.

In any case, the Imperial advance army cannot be destroyed here. Even if they insist on waiting for reinforcements at the port, they must persist, otherwise they will have no other option but to surrender.

Once surrendered, the advance army started this Hantu War and became the first organized imperial regiment to surrender to Clovis and the Hantu people. This responsibility was shouldered by Lawrence and the entire officers of the advance army. Sorry.

Of course, if they knew at this moment that the Imperial Fleet had surrendered, and under Fabian's "warm hospitality", everyone from the fleet commander to the mid-level officers collaborated with the enemy and revealed the expeditionary force's combat plan, maybe it would be slightly relieved. Inner burden.

"Well... what you said makes sense. We should really focus on preventing the Clovis from controlling the port." Lawrence was stunned for a few seconds because of "Luthor"'s words, and instinctively said to himself.

After the words fell, his expression suddenly changed, and he patted "Luthor" on the shoulder with great satisfaction: "I didn't expect you to be one step ahead of me and think of such a crucial point... This is good."

"It seems that only real combat can make people grow up. Say goodbye to fantasy and immaturity... You will definitely become the pride of the Igor family, my dear Luther!"


"Luthor" who was kneeling on one knee laughed miserably, and then looked at Lawrence seriously: "Please set off as soon as possible, I will leave the Lighthouse Palace to me!"

"Yeah!" Lawrence nodded heavily and didn't forget to add:

"When you capture the Lighthouse Palace, the enemy will definitely put the main attack direction on your side... Be sure to hold on. The imperial fleet will arrive at Carindia Port in two or three days at most. At that time, I will personally lead the troops and Take it back!"

"As you command!"

Soon, Lawrence Igor, who led 3,000 line infantry and half of the artillery, left the artillery position and went to the port to hold his position, waiting for the rescue of the imperial fleet.

Watching them leave, "Luther Igor" bit the last cigarette in his pocket, exhaled a long puff of smoke, stamped out the cigarette butt with the sole of his boot, turned to look at the adjutant behind him: "Get ready to fight. Bar."

"We will die, we will all die."

The fearful adjutant's face was pale and his lips had turned purple: "With the current strength of the troops and the condition of the soldiers, even if we can capture the Lighthouse Palace, we will never be able to stop the Clovis attack... We are dead. "

"Dead, yes." Nodding slightly, "Luthor" showed a self-deprecating smile on his face:

"It would be better to say that we are already a group of dead people now."

"Then, in that case..."

"In that case!" He blocked what the adjutant wanted to say:

"The last thing we dead people can do is to attract the enemy's attention as much as possible for the troops retreating to the port and gain time to consolidate their defenses!"

"By the way...kill a few more hateful Clovis people, and the bedbug-like Hantu people...well, that's all."

"grown ups……"

The adjutant looked at "Luthor" with a calm face, choked with sobs...or trembling, unable to speak half a sentence.

"Oh, one more thing."

"Luthor" who suddenly stopped turned around and smiled at his adjutant: "When you are captured by the Clovis people, don't tell them that I am Luther Igor. "

"Edward, my name is Edward Lodge, don't forget it!"

After saying that, the knight holding the blood-stained saber strode towards the smoke-filled Lighthouse Palace.

Fifteen minutes later, the Storm Division Guard Company arrived at the Beacon Palace battlefield and captured the artillery position.

At 5:45, the remaining Imperial advance troops outside the Lighthouse Palace were attacked from the front and back by the Storm Division and the Hantu Army. The battle line collapsed like an avalanche and they were all annihilated.

The heavy rain that enveloped Carindia Port has gradually begun to subside.

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