I will be crowned king

Chapter 345 Rest and Asking for Help

Facts have proved that Anson still seriously overestimated the communication level of Hantu and the efficiency of the newly established "Hantu Supreme Staff" in processing information - the intelligence that was originally thought to be delivered within three days, turned out to be stuck in the storm division. Lindia Port stayed for seven more days before receiving news about the fall of the Summit Tower.

Shock is no longer enough to describe the mood of the Hantu people...especially the Hantu nobles at this moment.

Scary enough.

If the Eagle Point City incident was just an accident, a conspiracy and betrayal created an internal and external cooperation, a strategic alliance reached with consistent interests, coupled with Anson Bach's own madness and overwhelming luck, this was an insurmountable and insurmountable place. The fallen fortress fell at an alarming speed... The Hantu people were generally able to maintain their emotional stability.

After all, Eagle Point City is a natural transportation and trade hub and has the conditions for large-scale legions to pass through. Although it is not convenient, the barrier of the Dawn Mountains can only protect one side of it, and it itself will be besieged and fall. risks of.

What's more, Eagle Point City was previously in the hands of the Ysel elves, and its relationship with Hantu was not that strong. In addition, the Ysel elves also relied on this "toll station" to exploit Hantu, so her fall would naturally be difficult to attract the majority. The resonance of Hantu people.

The summit tower is completely different.

First of all, she is controlled under one of the most powerful principalities in Hantu, the Ayden Principality of the Emmanuel family, rather than an "alliance"; secondly, the summit tower has rugged terrain, narrow roads, and large-scale legions are not It is difficult, but impossible to launch at all; secondly, the geographical location of the summit tower is perfect. The complex terrain means that the enemy can only attack one or two sides at the same time, and there is no possibility of being completely surrounded and cut off support.

Finally, and the most important part - the empire's army also successfully climbed the Dawn Ice Peak!

It's not a derelict infantry division that can barely scrape together more than 2,000 people; it's a fully equipped infantry division that's well-equipped, well-organized, and has intact combat effectiveness.

The shock brought by this is far greater than the collapse of a hundred summit towers and the conquest of ten thousand Carindia ports!

If Anson's climb over the Dawn Ice Peak last time could be explained as luck, a chance, "blessed by the ring of order"; then the empire's success this time proves a truth that no Han native wants to believe. .

The Chenxi Mountains, which the entire Hantu relies on to maintain peace, can no longer stop the invasion from the north.

The Hantu people, who have relied on this ancient mountain range for nearly a thousand years to enjoy peace and prosperity, have long been more than just a mountain range for the Dawn Bingfeng; it is a wall that separates the entire world from Hantu, allowing Hantu to A sacred wall that protects the earth from the destruction and ravages of war.

And now this cruel reality is tantamount to telling the emperor in new clothes that he is actually naked - it brings not only "facts", but also the collapse of cognition and belief.

So the port of Carindia, which was peaceful and peaceful just seven days ago, returned to a state of trembling and panic overnight; the nobles of Carindia, who were usually feasting and drunk, suddenly collectively became extremely pious and went to Churches began to outnumber the frequency with which they held various dances and drinking parties.

According to the information sent back by the little secretary, a similar situation seemed to have occurred in Iron Bell Castle and Jinshi City... A large number of nobles and knights fell into a state of confusion, and their original highs suddenly fell to the bottom.

From top to bottom, from west to east, the Hantu Kingdom, which was just born from the flames of war, is filled with an atmosphere of "doomsday is coming", sinking and unable to extricate itself.

On the contrary, Lenore Emmanuel, who was the "participant", was very calm about the fall of his fortress because he had been mentally prepared for this. He even began to study the tactics used by the Imperial Expeditionary Force.

Anson has not been idle during this period. In addition to sorting out various intelligence dug out from the Imperial fleet and advance army prisoners, continuing to inquire about frontline news, and rebuilding the Carindia Port, he is mainly busy with another thing.

That's the military draft.

Since Eagle Point City went south, his Storm Division has not received any new blood for several months except for one expansion; months of fighting from White Tower City to Carindia Port, although Anson has tried his best In order to avoid casualties, the regiments and division-affiliated companies still inevitably experienced shortages.

The most direct manifestation of this problem is that when Lisa went to each regiment to ask for people to supplement her guard company, all the commanders of the Storm Division knew that the deputy commander's sister was more difficult to mess with than himself, but they still raised the courage to Courage rejected her.

Just kidding, with the terrifying casualty rate of the Guard Company (commando team), their troops are already short of manpower. If the Guard Company is forced to allocate more manpower, they will be drained sooner or later.

Of course, the domestic war in Clovis is tense at the moment. The city of Clovis and even the entire central province are speeding up production for the war. It is simply impossible to allocate more manpower to replenish a levy regiment like his.

So Anson could only focus on the Hantu people... to be more precise, the refugees in Carindia Port at the moment.

As the only city in the entire Hantu, although it is much smaller than Clovis City, it still has a population of close to 100,000; even though it has been ravaged by many wars, more than two-thirds of the people still survived.

Among them there are naturally the elderly, women and children, and the sick and injured who are weak and unable to move... But the more survivors are still relatively healthy young adults with sufficient physical strength and slight malnutrition.

Although even according to the standards of the conscripted corps - thirty days of rapid recruit training - it is impossible for these people to immediately add them as new recruits to each company, but if they are simply used as labor to replace the heavy troops, it would be perfect.

In addition, Anson is also trying every means to pry corners from the coalition's Thun and Aiden legions; commanders at all levels who have received "hints" from the deputy commander have also shown their wisdom and used various methods to poach people from friendly forces.

The stormtroopers have at least two meals a day, including bread and fresh vegetables, canned goods once every two days, and cigarettes and beer once every three days. They have a change of military uniforms to wear, and their feet are worn out and their shoes are damaged.

The soldiers of the Storm Division usually receive military pay, and can be divided into spoils after winning battles. If they survive three battles, they can go home and buy land, and if they survive two months, they can make a fortune;

The Storm Division advocates equality and never bullies newcomers. From the deputy commander to the frontline vanguard, everyone is a "worker" who works hard to earn money to support their families and contribute to the kingdom and investors...

Anyway, after the Battle of Hantu, the entire Storm Division had already made a lot of money, and they no longer needed the "little money" to recruit new soldiers; not to mention that the recruiting corps was originally an "emergency supply" and would be disbanded when the war was over. It is inevitable, there is no need to worry about what to do with these "foreign soldiers" in the future.

Of course, self-reliance to "replenish blood" is one thing, and taking the initiative to "replenish blood" certainly cannot be left behind. Alan Dawn, who was entrusted by Anson, once again fulfilled his responsibility as a secretary and sent the Army a letter as long as An eight thousand word letter asking for help.

The letter first mentioned a series of achievements accomplished by the Storm Division: alliance with Thun, conquering Eagle Point City, integrating the eastern part of Hantu, accepting the surrender of Carindia, forcing Aiden, and ending the Mist Civil War...

Then there is a series of difficulties encountered at present: the supply of troops is interrupted, the difficulty of replenishing weapons, the lack of various ammunition, inconvenient transportation, the fierce enemy force, we must fight on multiple fronts at the same time, and we cannot get any reinforcements...

At the end of the letter, the little secretary also analyzed the current form of the war in Hantu. The original punishment of the Yisel elves has turned into another battle between the empire and Clovis; the ownership and victory of Hantu , will directly have a huge impact on the security of the southern part of the kingdom.

In a word, the situation has changed.

The arrogant Yisel elves have become secondary enemies; what Clovis really wants to fight is the empire's invasion of Hantu, and I, the Storm Master, are the absolute main force in this battle.

Therefore, generals of the War Department and adults of the Privy Council, if you don’t want to see the imperial army marching from Eagle Point City to the South Gate of Clovis with “300,000” earth servants, please help us quickly!

We fought the battle you wanted to fight, we paid the compensation you wanted to pay - although it changed from 600,000 to 200,000 - and we also defended the fortress you wanted to defend.

For the sake of our Stormtroopers being so loyal and hard-working, can you give me a hand?

In order to ensure that the letter would appear where it should appear, instead of being "disappeared" in the countless piles of documents submitted to the Army and the Privy Council, Anson also made a copy of the letter and sent the appendix to Sophia Fletcher. Lantz's diary.

Of course, he also knew that just a letter plus crying and expressing loyalty would not be enough to impress those gentlemen and generals; even if they could be impressed, they might not really be willing to provide assistance, and the assistance would most likely be discounted. I'm afraid there will still be a bunch of additional conditions after the discount, and it's still unknown whether you can get assistance if you agree to the conditions...

Therefore, this "letter for help" is just an attitude in a larger sense. It's good to get it, but it doesn't matter if you can't get it. Anyway, Anson's purpose of increasing his presence has been achieved.

Victory on the battlefield is only the prerequisite. In order to obtain the maximum benefits from this war of vast soil, Anson must also strive for a victory in propaganda; let the war of vast soil be more than just an invasion or a competition between two major powers for a neutral country. But to make it a symbol, a sign, something that everyone in Clovis and even the world knows.

Only in this way can people forget the cause of this war and forget that the commander-in-chief of the Southern Army was Ludwig Franz; only then can Anson, who has completely dominated this counterattack, enter everyone's field of vision.

He wants the Hantu War to become Clovis's "first shot" from passive defense to a full-scale counterattack against the empire!

"Therefore, unless we want to be deprived of most of the credit by Major General Ludwig's officer corps after the war and be treated as an insignificant 'second battlefield', we will be dismissed as soon as the war is over and all go away. If we go back to our hometown or become unemployed again, we... the storm divisions must participate in this final battle that determines the fate of the vast land!"

Anson said solemnly to Fabian with a solemn expression.

Regarding this point, the former Guards officer raised his hands in agreement. As an old unlucky man who is often robbed of credit by his colleagues and superiors, he can understand Anson's sense of crisis at this moment, but at the same time he also has some concerns:

"What if we decide to march west and start a decisive battle with the Imperial Expeditionary Force, and at the same time, a new situation occurs on the Yser Elf battlefield and we need to rush to Eagle Point City immediately to garrison...?"

"After all, Major General Ludwig is the boss of you and all of us, no matter what. We cannot ignore his orders and act on our own."

Fabian spoke very implicitly and thoroughly.

His subtext was: If Ludwig fails again, even worse than the last time, and loses all the main force of the Southern Army and Thun's reinforcements, the Ysel Elf army will besiege Eagle Point City. Our retreat, what should we do?

Although based on the current situation, no matter how you look at it, the Ysel Elf doesn't look like it can make a comeback, but it's not afraid of ten thousand, just afraid of the worst, not to mention that both of them are more "following the heart" type, but for this small probability, Very serious things.

After all, Eagle Point City is the most important lifeline for the Storm Division at the moment. Once the retreat is cut off and the Hantu Kingdom does not receive support from Clovis, it is not completely impossible for the Hantu Kingdom to fall out on the spot.

"Well, what you said makes sense." Anson nodded slightly and agreed with Fabian's idea.

Although he had 100% trust in his superior, Major General Ludwig, caution was always necessary.

What's more, the port of Carindia needs to be rebuilt and the Storm Division needs to rest and recuperate. The battlefield situation at the east and west ends is not yet clear, and there is no urgency to set off immediately.

"Then we will wait for a while to see if the situation in the Ysel Elf war begins to improve, or when Claude Francois asks for help, and then decide where to march." Anson said solemnly.

"Yes!" Fabian nodded in agreement and suggested at the same time:

"And if both sides send people to ask for reinforcements at the same time, you can immediately lead the army westward. I will lead the Grenadier Regiment and Hantu's reinforcements to go to Iser on your behalf to support Major General Ludwig Franz."

"you sure?"

"The most suitable candidate is of course Chief of Staff Carl Bain, but it would be too deliberate to immediately transfer him back from the front line...I mean it would be a waste of time, so I am the most suitable replacement at the moment."

Fabian said cautiously: "Of course, in order to avoid being 'misunderstood' by the Major General and thinking that we did this on purpose, I may not say anything good about you, and I may even complain to the Major General about my dissatisfaction with you... Please Forgive me."

"It's okay, I can understand this." Anson waved his hand: "Is there any other information recently?"

"As for the Western Front...it's gone for the time being."

Of course Fabian knew what Anson was asking: "The Empire seems to be resting on the summit tower. Chief of Staff Carl Bain has not received any more letters since the last urgent letter...probably because he is too busy. "

"Haha... But even if he is only serving as an advisor and staff officer, he can command an army of 300,000 people and designate a battle that will determine the future and destiny of a kingdom. No matter how busy he is, he must be very excited at the moment, right?"

Fabian said with great envy.

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