I will be crowned king

Chapter 35 Interlude

In the relatively spacious tent, the three satisfied people breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the corners of their mouths that were full of sauce.

Although the meat is a bit hard, and the sauce only remains on the surface, it has no flavor at all. When grilling, I don’t dare to use an open flame and use a smokeless stove... But compared with the same marinated meat all day long, the taste of fresh meat is really great. .

If I had to say that I was dissatisfied with anything, it would be that the roasted pigeon was too little for three people, so I had to make do with it.

After gnawing away all the bones, the three of them took a short rest and started their own business; Lisa, who was carrying a bag of cans, was ready to continue to expand her "skirmishing company", or to expand her can storage. And as the commander of the 1st Infantry Battalion and the adjutant of the regiment, Karl also had to find a way to arrange the establishment and positions for the corner that Lisa had poached.

There is also an episode - John Ness, the regimental secretary, disappeared.

This is a man with little sense of existence, and Anson’s impression of him is limited to the day of the fort defense battle. Carl once mentioned his name; in addition, it is said that the division chief came with Commander Willen Small. Yes, very few people would care about him.

The key is that the time when this person "disappeared" happened to be before and after the cavalry raid, which was the day when the "Black Mage" had to meet Anson.

This is very subtle.

In the infantry regiment, the chief of staff is a neither big nor small position, managing daily life, food, accommodation and even finances; in theory, he can appear in any corner of the position as long as it is not wartime.

In other words, the "Black Mage" was most likely hiding next to him and keeping an eye on him under the guise of the "Secretary General"; until the Imperial Cavalry launched a surprise attack, he noticed that there was a problem and took advantage of the chaos of the war to escape from the siege position. get away.

Considering the time it took the other party to send the letter to himself, this is not impossible!

In addition, the "former Anson" still has an impression of his former history professor, but he has never been familiar with the appearance of the Secretary. It is possible that this "black mage" also has certain disguise skills.

If this is the case, then it is quite consistent with the "secret-seeing" attribute of black magic, and it is very likely that it is one of the magic mastered by the opponent.

With such a conveniently hidden identity, coupled with the black magic that is good at "peeping into secrets", it is no wonder that I have never been aware of the "black mage" before. Even if the other party had to reveal his whereabouts for the last time, he could not catch his tail. .

Anson, who was left alone in the tent, meditated to calm himself down and began to prepare memory magic.

According to the advice left to him by the "Black Mage", a qualified conjurer should treat his rifle like a line soldier, preparing his next magic all the time.

Although there is only one magic he has mastered now, and it is "Condensing Flame" which is more of a trick than a magic.

It allows Ansem to imprint magic on anything within his controllable range, and it will spontaneously ignite after three to five seconds - but in Ansem's opinion, it is actually closer to a small-scale explosion.

If it is an item that is inherently flammable, such as letter paper or dry firewood, it will also be ignited after the spell is successfully cast; but if it is not that easy to burn, it will most likely just melt or become hot.

The magic that completed the "rubbing" will gradually begin to dissipate as time goes by; Anson specially conducted a set of comparison experiments. The letter paper that has just been cast will be burned to ashes in an instant; if it is left to stand for five minutes Finally, only some burn marks will be left on the corners.

Generally speaking, it is a match-like spell that is relatively practical but not very powerful. It is probably the basis for beginners. Anson guessed that after he becomes proficient in it, he might be able to make this spell more powerful.

But even this "little magic" that is not worth mentioning now takes him nearly thirty minutes to prepare, and every time it gives him a splitting headache, and his heart is so hot that it feels like it is about to explode!

And the range of the spell must not exceed the distance limit that he can control - after several tests, Anson can basically conclude that the range is centered on himself and all corners within a radius of 20 meters; beyond this range, the magic will instantly fail. .

Can he really stop the old god sect in the fortress with such a small trick-like magic, plus himself as a "new caster"... No matter how well-planned, Ansen can't help but feel a little pessimistic.

Just when he finished the first magical memory and was about to continue, there was a sound of slightly hasty footsteps outside the tent.

Anson, who reacted quickly, stood up immediately, picked up a piece of letter paper from the table, and raised his pen as if thinking deeply.

Ten seconds later, an uninvited figure burst into the tent; Anson saw the other person out of the corner of his eye and his mouth twitched slightly - it was indeed Roman.

But when he turned back to look at the other party, he still couldn't help but show a shocked expression:

"You are hurt?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Roman, expressionless, said coldly, his voice a little weak:

"I'm here to relay the brigadier general's order. I'll report to the camp in fifteen minutes and explain your next plan to the general. If there is really such a plan..."

His eyes "casually" glanced at the letter paper on the table, which was empty.

The atmosphere in the tent became a bit awkward.

"Understood, I will..."

"I was ordered to immediately lead the Grenadier Regiment to Oak Town, put down the rebellion within two days, and repair the train tracks damaged by the Imperial Cavalry." Roman, with a stern expression, directly intercepted Anson's words:

"Based on my understanding of the Brigadier General, this means that I will probably not be able to catch up with the next siege of Thunder Castle - so I don't care what little calculations you are making, please listen to me clearly!"

"There is a problem with the imperial garrison in Thunder Castle, especially their commander Kroger Bernard. You must be extremely vigilant about this man; not only his tactics, but also his personal strength .”

"Right now, I don't have any evidence, and all of this may just be my hysteria... Kroger Bernard, or the Imperial defenders in the city, are likely to be involved with the Old God Sect!"

"Old God Sect?!"

Anson, who looked slightly frightened, desperately resisted the urge to reach behind him to draw a gun.

"Anyone who has graduated from a church college should have some understanding of the Old Gods... You don't need to pretend to me here."

Roman spoke word by word with a slight breath in his voice: "Anyway, I must remind you that no matter how perfect your plan is, you must consider one thing..."

"This battle at Thunder Castle is probably a trap for the enemy!"

After saying that, he left Anson, who was still in shock, and turned around to walk outside the tent.

But at the moment when he was about to leave, Roman, who suddenly paused, suddenly turned around.

"By the way, there's one more little thing." He said as he took out a small cylinder from his coat pocket: "This is a letter, and I won't tell you the content because it's confidential. It's roughly Brigadier General Asking for help from the Southern Army."

Anson nodded, not quite understanding what the other party meant: "Then what?"

"In order to ensure safety, we did not send cavalry, but specially prepared a homing pigeon, almost an hour ago." Luo Manping held up the small cylinder in his hand, and his tone seemed confused after a slight pause:

"But on the way here, I picked it up nearby, so I wanted to ask if you found anything?"

"..." Anson.

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