I will be crowned king

Chapter 351 Everything goes well

"Soldiers, I believe many of you have heard the rumors and various rumors; rumors about a nasty 'neighbor' breaking into our friend's 'home'."

"Now, let me tell you that all these rumors...are true."

"The Imperial Expeditionary Force of 20,000 people successfully crossed the Chenxi Mountains in just three days, conquered and bloodbathed the Western Gate of Hantu, the Summit Tower Fortress known as the Iron Wall and Iron Wall!"

"And just a few days ago, they had launched an offensive from the fortress and invaded the territory of Ayden. In just a few hours, they defeated the vanguard of the Hantu army."

"More than 20,000 Hantu soldiers equipped with Clovis weapons were completely wiped out!"

"This war, which is related to the rise and fall of the land, has reached its most critical moment. King Claude Francois has sent a letter asking for help, imploring his only ally...that is, us, to rush to the battlefield on the western front of Ayden to fight with him. Fight alongside."

"Yes, I can see the doubts on your faces, and I know very well what everyone is thinking - this is a war between Han Tu and the Empire, what does it have to do with us Clovis people?"

"As allies, we have fulfilled all our obligations, defeated the empire's fleet, and annihilated the imperial advance army entrenched in the port of Carindia. Why should we, the Clovis people, pay more for Hantu? "

"Let me answer this question in the shortest possible language: Because their enemy is the empire!"

"Why the weak Yser elves dare to challenge Clovis, it's because of the empire; why the Carinthians surrendered to us first and then rebelled, because of the empire."

"Why is the Kingdom of Clovis always surrounded by enemies? Why are we always belittled and ridiculed by the entire world of order as uneducated barbarians? Why do the Clovis people always seem inferior? Why are we bullied everywhere...because of the Empire!"

"Because the empire doesn't want to see the Clovis people rise, doesn't want to see anyone more powerful than her, doesn't want to see the Kingdom of Clovis that gave birth to Saint Isaac... surpass it!"

"So she suppressed us, belittled us, deceived our trust, and hurt our feelings everywhere! In the ninety-fifth year of the Apostolic Calendar, she interfered in our internal affairs, and in the ninety-nine Apostolic Calendar year, she went to undeclared war and wooed her neighbors everywhere. The kingdom has become our enemy, targeting the interests of the Kingdom of Clovis in all matters."

"Therefore... as long as it is a war against the empire, it is our war; as long as anyone is willing to fight side by side with us and resist the injustice and tyranny of the empire, they are partners of the Clovis people!"

"In Eagle Point City, I once called it our cause to liberate the fragmented Hantu and destroy the decadent and incompetent rulers of the Seven Cities Alliance; now the future of Hantu has reached the most critical juncture. If the invasion of the Imperial Expeditionary Force is allowed, , everything we have gained through hard work will be wiped out in the next few months."

"I cannot accept it, let alone such a result; I will not watch the bloody unicorns flying on the city wall be replaced by golden iris flowers; I will not accept it, like the defeated generals, who are as dejected as the defeated soldiers. Expelled from Hantu by the empire!"

"Soldiers, the soldiers of the Storm Division who have been fighting alongside me unswervingly since we climbed the Dawn Ice Peak, please hold on to the rifles in your hands, be fully prepared, and work with our allies to conquer the empire... "

"Kill them all and leave no trace behind!"

The moment the words fell, thunderous cheers erupted from the deck of the Hantu Fleet, and the blasting sound waves were like a storm rolling on the sea, constantly vibrating and echoing in the air.

The next second, Anson, who was holding his hands above his head on the podium, suddenly seemed to be being held up, his face was bloodless, and his standing upright body began to tremble unconsciously... But with the fluctuation of the waves, it didn't look very obvious.

Fabian, who was standing in the front row, frowned slightly, said nothing, and immediately gestured to the cavalry lieutenant opposite.

Immediately afterwards, the two people who had a "tacit understanding" immediately walked behind the podium, and while the atmosphere on the deck was at its hottest and most chaotic, they "drag" Anson down from above with their arms.

Without saying a word, the two people left the deck as quickly as possible, avoiding the attention of all soldiers, and entered the captain's cabin along the stairs.

The commander of the Grenadier Corps expressionlessly "hanged" the unconscious deputy commander on the shoulders of the cavalry lieutenant, raised his foot and kicked open the door with a "bang!"

When Lisa, who was hiding in the room, saw the three of them, she immediately poured all the secretly opened cans into her mouth as quickly as possible, opened all the windows very skillfully, took out a wooden bucket from under the bed and handed it over.

Just as she took out the nasal plug from her coat pocket and turned her back, Anson, who was in a daze, had his face pushed into the barrel by the cavalry lieutenant, and then...


I don’t know how long it took, but Anson woke up from his coma after vomiting and found himself lying on the bed; Lisa, holding a can with crumbs of bread hanging from the corner of her mouth, came into his sight.

"what time is it now?"

Anson struggled to open his eyes and said weakly.

"Seven-thirty, it's just time for dinner!" Lisa happily pointed at the rising moon outside the window and said:

"Today's dinner includes canned food and fresh fish soup. Do you want Anson?"

"...Still not."

Before he finished speaking, his drowsy head hit the pillow.

In order to catch up with the final decisive battle that was about to determine the fate of Hantu - or to avoid the tragic fate of being "caught" by Major General Ludwig Franz, the Storm Division and the Allied Forces joined forces the day after receiving the letter asking for help. A total of more than 20,000 people immediately set off and rushed to the Principality of Aiden as quickly as possible.

However, there is a small trouble here, and that is that the infrastructure of Aiden...or the entire Hantu is very poor, and even unified roads are very rare; the direct result is that it is very difficult to transfer materials to the rear, even if there is sufficient transportation capacity and Supplies cannot be sent to the front line quickly.

Therefore, Anson Bach had to open up a new marching route in order to avoid "grabbing supplies" from the vast army that was fighting the Imperial Expeditionary Force, and pitting his own people against his own.

Of course, this problem is not a problem for Anson - he has an entire fleet at his disposal.

Although the Battle of the Reef caused heavy losses to the fleet, especially the three-masted cruiser that was the flagship was sunk, at least most of the cargo ships were still intact. They could sail short distances and transport thousands of people or supplies of the same weight without any problem.

In this way, the logistics materials can completely depart from the Iron Bell Castle, arrive at the Carindia Port together with the reconstruction materials, and then "distribute them as needed", leaving only the parts needed by the Carindia Port and putting the rest on board.

In order to further improve the efficiency of the march, Anson directly divided the coalition forces into two. He led the Storm Division and the 5,000 Thun Army by boat, and the remaining 8,000 Aiden Army was handed over to Lenore Emmanuel who insisted on coming. Command, prepare supplies for seven days, rush overland to meet at the designated location, and head to the Wild Stone Castle together.

This "sounds perfect plan" has at least two advantages in Anson's opinion.

First of all, of course, it improves the marching speed and efficiency, and there is no need to compete with friendly forces for logistics; at the same time, to a certain extent, it can also prevent my dear uncle Claude Francois from using logistics to "blackmail" and deliberately let the Storm Division To fight some tough battles that would obviously involve heavy casualties.

Even if you don't think bad things about people, having independent logistics is always a good thing without being controlled by others.

Secondly, it is to have a backup plan.

A perfect plan always has alternatives - relying on the fleet and a steady stream of supplies, the Storm Division will be able to have a bridgehead close to the front line that can be attacked and defended; even if it retreats, it can There is an absolutely safe direction, so that you won't become a headless fly who has no choice but to go in a panic.

With the cover of naval guns and defensive positions, even if the Imperial Expeditionary Force devoted all their efforts to pursue him, Anson was confident that they would pay a heavy price that would turn victory into defeat.

Of course, considering that most of the sailors on the original fleet were young men who jumped over and over again, all the sailors have been replaced by Anson.

The gunners were all Thuns, and the rest of the sailors and crew were refugees recruited by the Storm Division from Carindia Port after the war, as well as some Clovis Storm Division soldiers who were "supposedly good at water" - after they were sure that their backhand was safe enough Anson has always spared no effort in protecting his own life.

Victory is just the result.

Living is the basic condition for everything.

Whether you can survive to win is the criterion for measuring the perfection of a plan.

And Anson's plan had been perfect.

But it is a pity that the world is unsatisfactory nine times out of ten. No matter how perfect the plan is, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of mistakes. And the most unconsidered part of this plan is...

Well, he got seasick.

It is not a simple dizziness, headache or drowsiness that can be overcome with willpower, but as long as you stand on the deck for half an hour, you will vomit non-stop, your limbs will be cold, your whole body will be exhausted, you will have difficulty breathing, and finally you will be in a trance, and finally completely Passed out.

In this life, "Anson Bach" had only done carriages and steam trains in his limited memory, and occasionally had the experience of riding a horse... Although there was a little dizziness and an urge to sleep, it was not as scary as seasickness.

Of course, as his body continues to adapt to this state - considering that he is now on the ship twenty-four hours a day, he has to adapt - he has become much better than at the beginning.

From vomiting in public on the night of boarding the ship and convulsing all over, to at least being able to insist on returning to the cabin to vomit again; from being unconscious for most of the day to just a few hours, progress can still be seen... although he seriously doubts that it is because he has already There is nothing to vomit, plus I slept for too long.

It was now the second day of the voyage. According to the plan, they would have to continue sailing for two days to reach their destination; in the current state, Anson even doubted whether he could reach the destination alive.

Thirty minutes later, Fabian opened the ajar door. He could only smell a faint smell of alcohol but no fishy smell - obviously, he hadn't eaten dinner either.

This former Guards officer who claimed to have "served in Northport" was actually a little better than Anson. He could stay awake most of the time and only ate two or three biscuits a day to barely keep from vomiting.

"Are you feeling better?"

"It's much better than at the beginning. I just don't know why, but my throat is very dry." Anson nodded and leaned weakly on the pillow: "How are the soldiers? Most of them can still adapt to it, right?"

"Basically, it's just general nausea and vomiting. You'll be almost better after a night's sleep at most. There are only a dozen or so people in particularly serious cases like you... It won't affect the Storm Division's combat effectiveness."

Fabian replied briefly: "Several military doctors accompanying the army have already gone to see him, and there is nothing serious. At most, he can rest for two days after getting off the ship, and he should be able to return to his original condition... which is just right."

Anson nodded slightly - whether he was building a forward position or waiting for Renaud's eight thousand Aiden Legion to come and join him, he would have to spend at least two to three days on the beach, which was enough to make these dozen unlucky ones similar to himself. The egg returns to normal.

"Let's not talk about this for now." Anson breathed out and said weakly with a slightly hoarse voice:

"Tell me, what bad news has come from the front?"

"Bad news?" Fabian was obviously stunned for a moment. After thinking seriously for a second, he looked at Anson with some surprise:

"Deputy Commander, we are still at sea."

"...Sorry, I'm used to it." Anson twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling seasick and stunned.

"Then why did you come to me?"

"Nothing, I just want to see if you have woken up and if you want to ask a doctor to come and take a look - your health is always the most important thing for the Storm Master."

Fabian complimented him calmly, and then said: "Since you are no longer in a coma, and you seem to be quite healthy, I would like to inform you that the fleet has arrived at its destination, and it will be officially landed early tomorrow morning. ”

"Oh, that's it, it will be official tomorrow...what?!"

Anson was stunned for a moment, then turned pale with shock: "Tomorrow?!"

"Yes, tomorrow." Glancing at the moon outside the window, Fabian nodded:

"Actually, if we weren't worried about possible accidents during the night landing, we could actually take action now. In fact, many officers wanted to do this. It would be safer under the cover of night. However, I suppressed it. After all, you were still in the dark at that time. In a coma... I mean, in a deep sleep."

"Then how long did I sleep for?!"

Anson's expression was extremely ugly.

"Two and a half days... to be more precise, fifty-eight hours." An awkward yet respectful smile appeared on Fabian's face:

"Originally we planned to wake you up that day, but considering your physical condition at the time, I, Lieutenant Jason Cavalry, and Miss Lisa Bach all agreed that it would be better to just let you sleep... Now it seems , this is indeed a very correct decision.”

Anson froze.

On August 28, the 100th year of the Saint's Calendar, the Stormtroopers arrived in the Principality of Ayden smoothly, and everything went well.

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