I will be crowned king

Chapter 353 Just a glance

"Stormmaster - prepare for battle!"

After experiencing the initial shock and brief confusion, as Anson roared with orders, all the soldiers dropped what they were doing, picked up their weapons, and entered their respective positions as quickly as possible.

The messengers running wildly in the trenches began to blow harsh bugles, mixed with chaotic footsteps and the sounds of urging and cursing from the officers, and the entire salt village was in chaos.

"The Second Line Infantry Regiment has entered the position and is requesting combat instructions!"

"Enemy troops have been spotted due to the north and west. It is suspected that a large number of cavalry are rapidly approaching the position. The position of the third line infantry regiment has been attacked and is currently engaged in battle with the enemy!"

"All the artillery in the artillery position have been loaded, and everyone is on standby!"

...The soldiers of Thun who rushed to the position in a hurry raised their Leyden and Leopold, and pulled the trigger amidst the hoarseness of the officers; the messy gunshots were accompanied by the deafening shouts of killing from the opposite side. Suddenly, the rustling golden iris disappeared without a trace in the choking smoke accompanied by a shrill scream.

Immediately afterwards, without giving the opponent any room to breathe, these Thun soldiers and their officers roared and picked up their swords, bayonets, hoes and engineer shovels, and launched a countercharge towards the enemy who was still attacking.

The soldiers of Thun, who have received standard "Clovis Military System" training in White Tower City and have fought side by side with the Storm Division for several months, still retain some of the "old habits" of the past - that is, after fighting After a volley, no matter whether the enemy is attacking or retreating, they will charge directly without hesitation.

This was originally caused by the slow rate of fire of the rifle. A round of volley was used to disrupt the enemy's formation, and then the opponent took advantage of the gap in reloading ammunition, sacrificing a round of shooting to close the distance, and used hand-to-hand combat to rush into the enemy line that was caught off guard, resulting in Morale-destroying tactics.

But at the 100th year of the Saints calendar, this method of making up for the shortcomings of weapons is obviously a bit... out of step with the version.

In the fierce hand-to-hand combat, the imperial line infantry who were caught off guard at first quickly regained their footing and relied on the dense bayonet phalanx to withstand the counterattack of the Thun Army. At the same time, the soldiers from the rear row came from the front row. He fired from the gaps, shattering the heads of the Thun soldiers who rushed forward one after another, shouting.

Although these Thun line infantry have popularized Leyden rifles that are not inferior to the Imperial soldiers, a small number are even equipped with Leopold and the latest August, and the equipment level is even higher than that of the Imperial soldiers on the opposite line. .

However, it is obvious that sophisticated equipment alone cannot make up for the gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides - especially if they do not know how to unleash the true power of the weapons.

So although the soldiers of the Thun Army were still counterattacking again and again, the Imperial Line private companies that formed the square formation still used bayonets to push them outside the square formation, and then relied on the cross fire between the square formations to defeat them one after another. These Hantu warriors are not afraid of death.

But the strange thing is that after defeating the counterattack of the Thun Army, the Imperial Expeditionary Force did not continue to attack the Salt Village position, but seemed to be trapped in some kind of confusion.

"Uh... these Hantu people, and this position... where did they come from?"

Holding up a brass-cased telescope, Arthur Herred, who was talking to himself, looked extremely confused.

According to the order of Commander-in-Chief Caspar Herred, the Imperial Expeditionary Force abandoned the Summit Tower Fortress and began to detour across the entire line after defeating the outpost of the Hantu Army (Mist Army), using mobile operations to form a local advantage. , and gradually eliminate Hantu’s resistance.

Naturally, the most critical aspect of this combat method is time. It must maintain a high frequency of combat and extremely high operational efficiency. It cannot give the enemy any room to breathe and rectify, and the error tolerance rate is very low.

So Arthur Herred, who was on the battlefield for the first time, unsurprisingly made the most serious mistake - he got lost.

And I got lost right from the beginning!

On the night of the battle to ambush the Mist Legion, in order to pursue the escaped Archduke Mist, Arthur Herred led his own infantry regiment and nearly 500 people chased and intercepted a two-wheeled carriage... although he still let him run away. .

In order to save his own life, the 70-year-old Archduke Ruco Vesenia showed off his hidden superb driving skills. He soared up and down the rugged Mount Aiden Road and advanced rapidly, reaching the edge of the cliff. Cut and bend...

The more than 500 imperial soldiers who could not catch up with him, including many talented people who had inherited the "power of blood", could only look at the smoke and dust rising on the mountain road and marvel.

But when they returned to the camp out of breath and hungry, they were shocked to find that the Imperial Expeditionary Force had disappeared.


More than 20,000 people... disappeared in the blink of an eye!

For a moment, countless questions popped up in Arthur Herred's mind: Where am I, where am I, where should I go now?

There were only two ways left in front of them: either they could return to the Summit Tower Fortress obediently, or they could go to the Wild Stone Castle according to the planned battle plan and find a way to keep up with the large army.

After some tangle, Arthur, who was very confident in himself, chose the latter.

Then he got lost.

And in order to avoid being noticed by the vast army, they did not dare to take the main road. The twists and turns of the Aiden Mountain Road were as complicated as a large maze. After going around for a few days, apart from knowing that they were walking eastward, they could not tell where they were. Where is it.

Originally, he would leave these "trivial troubles" to Louis Bernard to deal with; but because this "best friend" always held him back, the two of them stopped talking much before the war started.

Some things can only be known how important they are if they are lost once... Although he didn't know who said this nonsense, Arthur Herred now felt that it was so correct.

When they finally went through all kinds of hardships and were tricked by the fourth "simple local guide" into a ravine in a god-knows-where place, they finally felt that they were not far from the Barren Stone Castle. They were surprised to find that , there was an army nearby.

Arthur Herred, who was very confident in himself, planned to launch a probing attack to see where these enemies would come from.

After withstanding the counter-charge of the Thun Army, they gained a firm foothold and pushed back to the enemy's defense line little by little. They were surprised to find that it was not at all a poor and run-down fishing village like the guide said before - this was clearly It's a semi-permanent camp for a certain legion!

"Boom!!!! Boom!!!! Boom!!!!"

Along with the deafening roar, the artillery positions above the hills began to pour firepower in the direction where the Imperial Expeditionary Force appeared. Hot air waves raged around the trenches, and violent vibrations shook the earth.

However, the artillerymen of the Storm Division did not expect that the Thun Army would launch a counterattack. As a result, Arthur and his men successfully broke through the defense line and all hid in the trenches... The seemingly ferocious fire coverage did not change the terrain at all. to any effect.

Not only that... because the artillery position opened fire in advance, the surrounding troops who were supposed to rush for reinforcements were also forced to stop. They could only watch helplessly as the Thun soldiers, who were first defeated and then hit by their own artillery shells, were billowing with smoke and fire. He screamed in agony and did not dare to take the initiative to die.

The Imperial Expeditionary Force on the opposite side also faced a similar dilemma - they just wanted to test the enemy and organize a round of fire reconnaissance for this suddenly appeared position, and never thought about actually attacking.

Unexpectedly, the Thun Army collapsed too quickly. These four to five hundred people had already invaded the position. Coupled with the "cover" of artillery fire, the enemies on both wings did not dare to launch a counterattack against them. The entire position was wide open. .

So should they take this opportunity to retreat, or continue to pursue the retreating Thun Army?

"No need to ask, of course it's an attack!"

Amidst the sound of artillery fire in the sky, Arthur Herid looked extremely excited: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We defeated an entire Hantu army with just the strength of one of our infantry regiments... Aren't you all excited and excited? ?ah?!"

"Uh...well...of course we are very excited too."

Facing Arthur's eager and ambitious expression, the surrounding officers looked at each other and replied with a wry smile: "But..."

"No but!" Arthur waved his hand:

"You're all my best friends, right?!"

"That's right."

"And we all want to be the heroes who end this war, right?!"

"This... you can also say that, right?"

"That's what we should say, and we should do the same - because we are knights! Knights...are born to face difficulties!" Arthur, who was wearing his waist, had a heartfelt smile on his face:

"Now, it's up to us to prove all this with facts; of course, we must also let Louis Bernard see that the war is not what he said at all - the times have not changed, knights... we! Can still end this war!"

"You wait first..."

"This opportunity is rare, let us rush out now and defeat them in one fell swoop!"

"Wait a minute, can you first..."

"We can't wait any longer! Now is the time for us to show our loyalty to the empire! As long as we successfully defeat this Hantu army, we will not only avoid the responsibility of falling behind and offset the merits and demerits; we can also cover the flanks of the main army when they attack the Wild Stone Castle. when……"

"I asked you to look back first! Just one look, one look!"


Arthur, who was forcibly interrupted by his companions, turned his head unwillingly and looked in the direction of the beach in the direction of their slightly frightened eyes and fingers, and then...

Then his expression froze.

On the calm sea, the Hantu fleet, which was loaded with supplies and arrived in time, had anchored at an offshore position. The gun ports on the side of the ship aimed dozens of naval guns at them neatly.

Arthur Herald: "...withdraw!"

I went on a long trip today and it was too late, so I will update a little less, sorry...

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