I will be crowned king

Chapter 374 Fireworks

Looking at the girl rushing toward them with a rifle, everyone was stunned and stood there with their eyes wide open like a fool.

"Chong wow!"

The girl jumped up and let out a milky cry. Borni in her arms had completed the entire reloading action in a few tenths of a second. Arthur, who stayed in place, only had time to hear the sound of pulling the bolt of the gun. Crisp.

That is the note played by Death, the movement leading to the Kingdom of Heaven.


Accompanied by a scream, Arthur woke up before he had time to turn his head. The corner of his vision was already smeared red by the plasma spurting from the eye sockets of his companions. There seemed to be some "white stickiness" in the plasma that hit his face. .

And this is just the beginning.

Almost as soon as the "Angel" pulled the trigger with his right hand, the "Angel" threw the empty bullet into the sky. Soon enough, his strange left hand had already pulled out the revolver at the same time, and the muzzle of the muzzle spitting flames was lowered towards the crowd. Thunder.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The hot lead bullet fell together with the girl, and six astonished heads exploded in blood mist around her at the same time.

Just like when angels come, they are always accompanied by petals burning with fireworks, scattering into the world.

When Arthur, whose face was covered with blood, recovered from the shock, several "sizzling and smoking" things appeared in the right hand of the "arrived" girl again like a magic trick, and they were thrown to the surrounding crowd.

"Concealed! That's a grenade..."


Accompanied by shrill screams, a huge ball of fire rose among the crowd.

Deputy Commander Bernard, who was still trying to command and maintain order, was thrown to the ground by Arthur who rushed up from the side before he could even scream.

In an instant, all the people around who had no time to hide were swallowed up by the expanding fire, leaving only sharp sounds and rising fire.

Then disappeared without a trace.

Before the choking smoke and the burning smell that penetrated his nose had dissipated, Arthur, who used his brother-in-law as a meat pad, heard many footsteps around him, approaching them on the left and right wings at an alarming speed.

Obviously, the other party came prepared.

"Dragon Roar Infantry Regiment—stand up!"


Throwing Bernard, who was still semi-conscious, on the spot, Arthur picked up the weapon from a charred corpse and shouted loudly to the surroundings.

But his reaction was still a step too slow... Before the smoke from the explosion had dissipated, the Storm Division guard company had suddenly rushed out, outflanking them from the front and both wings with an extremely loose infantry line.


Powerful roars echoed over the battlefield, mixed with gunfire that constantly penetrated the smoke screen, swarming in from all directions.

In the thick black smoke, Arthur, who was holding the rifle tightly, stood helpless. The sound of someone being shot and falling kept coming to his ears. His eyes were illuminated by the fire, and the horrified faces of his companions...

So he threw away the useless rifle, clenched his hands into fists, crossed his arms to block the downward facing door, and slowly arched his back with his trembling body.

The soldiers of the Guard Company, who were still shouting "Wow!!!!" and rushing fiercely around them, noticed the abnormality around them and rushed towards them one after another.

Cold bayonets struck the young knight from all directions.

Just when he was about to be penetrated by countless bayonets, the soldiers rushing towards him suddenly felt a dazzling light coming towards them, and the whole world turned into boundless pure white...



A loud noise like thunder came, and Jason Fruhauf, who was shocked, turned his head in panic and stared blankly at the sudden fire behind him.

Before the cavalry lieutenant could figure out what was going on, a rough hand grabbed him by the collar and almost lifted him off the ground.

"What's going on - reinforcements, where are the reinforcements?!"

"I-I don't know!"

Jason, who was being pulled by the collar, looked at the angry middle-aged man in front of him with fear. He shook his head desperately to show his innocence, but his eyes couldn't help but stare at the bandage on the other man's head that was still "sizzling" and bleeding:

"I was just ordered to convey the deputy commander's instructions. I don't know when exactly they will be implemented, Commander Alexei!"

"You don't know?!" The man known as "Alexei" looked ferocious as he tugged harder on the right hand of the cavalry lieutenant's collar.

Jason was almost scared to tears: "I really didn't lie, I really didn't know!"

Of course Alexei knew that he was not lying. Lying about military information was a serious crime that was punishable by military law - not to mention a lieutenant, even a school officer would be dismissed from the military rank and shot on the spot.

"But the battle line really can't hold on anymore!" Alexey, with a twitching expression, gritted his teeth with hatred, pointed behind him and said angrily:

"It's only been half an hour, and nearly a quarter of my second-line regiment has suffered casualties. One company each of the two skirmisher battalions responsible for covering has lost its combat effectiveness... So tell me, when will we retreat?" ?!”

The craziness of the battle has exceeded everyone's imagination. It is not like the conventional blockade that everyone thought, but a true fight to the death.

The unprepared Stormtroopers could not stop the desperadoes on the opposite side, but they never received Anson Bach's order to retreat. They could only hold on and watch the casualties rise rapidly like a rocket.

The officers of the Storm Division were bleeding from the inside. All the losses from the time they entered Hantu to now were added together, less than two-thirds of the casualties in just one hour!

Of course, the Hantu army is too rotten and has no difficulty in fighting; and the new recruits added after several consecutive battles (especially the Hantu recruits) have led to a decline in the combat effectiveness of the army... But this is not the point!

The Storm Division is a conscripted regiment. Strictly speaking, each regiment is the "private property" + "team" + "profit base" of its respective regiment leader... In addition to their wartime command tasks, they are also responsible for their own profits and losses. Every battle They all have to live on a budget.

Because of this, Alexei, the commander of the Second Line Infantry Regiment, was so excited when faced with the rapidly rising casualties.

According to the Imperial Expeditionary Force's style of fighting...if we don't withdraw, the Storm Division will really be wiped out!

"No need to wait for Anson Bach's instructions...there will be no reinforcements."

Just when Alexei wanted to strangle the cavalry lieutenant, a somewhat indifferent voice suddenly sounded between the two of them; Lenore Emmanuel, with a hint of determination in his eyes, raised his head and looked at the two pairs of terrified people. Eye.

"What did you say?!"

"I said... there are no reinforcements left."

Repeating what he said, the expressionless little Renault pointed behind him: "An infantry regiment of the Imperial Expeditionary Force launched a surprise attack from behind us, and the guard company responsible for covering your retreat was held back by them."

"What should we do?!"

Alexei's face was filled with despair.

"There's only one way."

Renault pulled out the hilt of the sword from his waist and said in a deep voice without hesitation: "I'll cover you."

Before he finished speaking, the sharp long sword was drawn out of the scabbard, and he raised it high above his head like a war flag fluttering in the wind.



With intensive gunfire all around, hundreds of Aiden soldiers rushed out of the smoke of rifle volleys with bayonets drawn and rushed towards the Imperial Expeditionary Force who were storming the position.

The Imperial Expeditionary Force, which was attacked from behind, was forced to stop the attack and spread its lines to the flanks, trying to block the Ayden counterattack with volleys and bayonet walls.

However, this slightly "calm" dismissal had little effect compared to the Aiden people who were better at "suicide attacks"; there were constantly maddened Aiden soldiers rushing across the line and engaging with the Empire in the back row. The soldiers' bayonets were red.

The sky-shattering shouts of killing, the spewing of blood, the crackling of bones and flesh, combined with the hot lead bullets and cold bayonets, turned the battlefield into a living hell.

"It's now!"

Lenore shouted to the two.


Alexey and the cavalry lieutenant did not hesitate at all and decisively issued orders to the Storm Division defenders on the position; a few minutes later, the rapid bugle sound representing the retreat spread throughout the right-wing position.

Retreating on the battlefield, especially an orderly retreat during the enemy's attack, has never been a very easy task. The complexity of it is far beyond a countercharge in a disadvantaged battle. .

Although the Aiden Legion, which had been reorganized after the defeat, rushed out from both sides of the position to bite the edge of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, it was simply impossible to completely stop a group of lunatics who could step on explosive points to attack. .

Considering that they did not want the retreat to turn into a rout, the bleeding officers and regiments of the Storm Division could only continue to support themselves, fight and retreat, and constantly mobilize troops to the rear line to conduct a staged retreat.

Their wishful thinking was to give up the position bit by bit, allowing the Imperials to "capture" trench after trench and fort after fort; in this way, the enemy would have to divide their troops and garrison them in order to control the position and gain a foothold.

In this way, both the retreating Storm Division and the covering Aiden Corps can reduce a lot of pressure, and the Imperials can occupy the right-wing position with much smaller casualties than the current suicide attack.

The whole plan is perfect, but there is one small problem...

The Imperial people across from him didn't seem to agree.

Almost as soon as the Storm Division implemented its retreat plan, Lieutenant Walton, the left wing commander of the expeditionary force, who was keenly aware of the reduction in frontal pressure, immediately concentrated his forces and launched a fierce attack on the exposed gap of the Storm Division.

Facing the swarming secondary sword wall and the sky-wide artillery fire, the retreating Storm Division soldiers almost collapsed. Many soldiers with no morale even rushed to escape, and then were blocked back by their own people in the back row supervising the battle.

But Sir Lead Wotton, who smelled the scent of prey, did not intend to let the military exploits he obtained just run away - he just wanted to capture the position and get hundreds or even thousands more of Clovis's miscellaneous heads. Essential difference!

Following the opened breach, one Imperial infantry company after another rushed into battle frantically; no matter how hard the Aiden Legion on both wings tried to block it, they could not stop the Imperials' ferocious offensive, which was like breaking a dam and releasing floodwaters.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the Storm Division had been completely driven out of the position and had lost at least one-third of its combat effectiveness. Nearly a quarter of the remaining troops had lost their organizational structure.

Sporadic gunfire continued to sound, but it no longer posed any threat to the Imperial Expeditionary Force... After repelling two counterattacks in a row, the Aiden Army, which suffered heavy casualties, had to begin to retreat.

The Imperial Expeditionary Force, which had no intention of resting, controlled the position and launched an offensive in the direction where the coalition forces fled, preparing to pursue the victory.

"These damn Clovis bastards, they really didn't even forget to cause trouble for others when they ran away!"

In the fort where there were embers and corpses everywhere, Sir Lidward Wharton looked angrily at the twelve-pound cannon that had turned into a pile of scrap metal in front of him, and couldn't help cursing.

The gun holes were nailed shut with iron nails, and the gun chambers were filled to the brim with sand... Even the gun carriage used to tow the guns had only its skeleton left, with both wheels missing.

"Are all other artillery pieces like this?"

Lid turned to look at the adjutant who had just come over.

"Uh..." The adjutant with twinkling eyes hesitated, looking troubled.

"Okay, you don't need to say anything." Lead Walton rolled his eyes and sighed helplessly.

Although he was angry, this situation did not surprise him - if he had retreated on his own, he would have definitely nailed all the artillery pieces, leaving no chance for the enemy to shoot him from behind.

This just shows that the enemy's retreat was not in a hurry, but was planned and premeditated. It might just be a coincidence that he launched the offensive just when they were preparing to retreat, or...

Is there a trap?

Lead Wharton, who frowned slightly, turned around and looked at the central position below the high ground, which was also losing ground. He couldn't help but reveal a self-deprecating smile.

This is really... Could it be that because I am about to get married, am I a little too cautious?

When he thought of Miss Therma Wharton's fair skin and good figure, Sir Lead Wharton couldn't help but smile happily; after more than thirty years, he could finally become a Wharton from a remote branch. A member of the Don family.

Just wait, my dear Miss Therma, your lover will appear at our wedding in an upright and dignified manner as the conqueror of the vast land...

"Sir!" The adjutant suddenly spoke, interrupting his fantasy:

"We also discovered a situation where all the ammunition trucks and arms on the position have been evacuated!"


Lid looked shocked - it was still understandable to destroy the artillery, but what kind of operation was moving the air force artillery?

Is it possible that they are so rich in manpower that they can still dedicate many people to remove the ammunition from the position while retreating?

"But speaking of this, have you noticed that the smell nearby is a bit strange? I always feel that I can smell the smell of a fuse being lit..."


Accompanied by the sudden loud noise, the "internally exploded" position was shattered like paper by the blast of air; the imperial soldiers who had just rushed into the position were not even able to scream with the rubble and rubble. , was instantly torn into pieces by tongues of fire.

Brilliant sparks shot straight into the sky, illuminating the entire battlefield.

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