I will be crowned king

Chapter 379 Anson’s Faith

Amidst the deafening shouts of killing, the unstoppable imperial cavalry followed closely behind the golden fleur-de-lis flag, tearing apart the central line of the coalition forces in an almost crushing manner.

Although the Ayden soldiers, who have always been known for their "stubbornness", were incredibly brave and used infantry lines to launch a countercharge against the breaking Imperial cavalry... it was still to no avail.

In this purely head-on battle, these knights proved their illustrious reputation with facts; the tidal-like dense infantry line was just a small splash of water lapping against the side of the giant ship under the impact of the imperial cavalry.

Soon, piercing bugles sounded from behind the coalition lines... The coalition commander on the opposite side obviously noticed something and began to consciously make the troops retreat slowly.

The Imperial cavalry, which were advancing furiously, immediately noticed that their frontal pressure had dropped sharply. Except for the Aiden people who were still rushing forward at the risk of their lives, the truly difficult "grey shirts" were systematically avoiding the sharp edges and moving towards the rear of the defense line. Regroup.

Damn...these Clovis bastards are so slow to react!

Gritting his teeth, Caspar Hered quickly slashed the sharp blade in his hand while galloping on his horse; the saber with the right length and curvature was a more perfect weapon for the cavalry than the carbine and the revolver.

The cold blade used the inertia of the charge to tear apart all the flesh and blood in front of her. The hot plasma soaked the bright silver blade and turned into petal-like blood droplets, flying all over the sky.

Under the long sword of Rondo, there are the backs of the coalition soldiers scrambling to flee, and their frightened faces that turned their heads when they found themselves being overtaken.

But these "spiritual enjoyments" that made him extremely happy in the past could not alleviate Casper's anxiety at the moment.

Because the time left for him is really running out!

The reason why this "decapitation operation" was carried out at all costs was because the expeditionary force, which was running out of ammunition, food and fuel, had nothing to do; unless the coalition forces broke up and mutinied on the spot, they would have no hope of a comeback.

This is not about winning, this is about dying together, trying to survive in death.

"Ignore those rotten fish and shrimps, just stare at the Clovis people's one-horned military flag and tear it up for me!"

The hysterical Casper roared angrily, and the tip of the stabbing knife smashed the head of an Aiden knight, and blood bloomed brilliantly in the center of the pupils that reflected the fear.

The imperial cavalry, who had mutinied before the battle not long ago, betrayed and ignored their commander, faithfully carried out the orders of the grumpy old man, and frantically opened a breakthrough for him. The stubbornly resisting Aiden Army began to retreat in large areas.

The "grey shirts" who were retreating in an orderly manner noticed the shaking sounds getting closer and closer behind them, leaving an infantry battalion responsible for breaking up the rear and forming a hollow square array in front of the "lance tip" of the cavalry conical array.


The shouts of Guillaume Lowes rang out in the cone formation. Covered in blood, with only his right arm and one eye left, the cuirassier commander charged with his few remaining men with guns and turned into guard Cass. The strong shields on both sides of Pa rushed towards the bayonet wall first.

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, the gushing gun flames made bloody holes in the breastplates and mounts of the cavalry, and the blood surged wildly amidst the screams.

The 2nd Cuirassiers Regiment of the Expeditionary Force was completely wiped out.

Their sacrifices were not meaningless... A gap was torn open in the phalanx that had not yet established its position in a hurry. Casper, who was stepping on the bones of the cavalry commander, crossed directly across the phalanx and rushed to the rear.

"Move forward - don't stop, the goal is close at hand!"

Casper, who was still roaring as he charged hard, did not notice that there were not many cavalry left behind him.

Either torn apart by artillery fire, or knocked down by volleys of fire, or pierced by a wall of bayonets, or trapped in a bitter battle, or surrounded by layers of layers... Nearly a thousand cavalry, who really followed Casper through the layers of siege. , there are only a dozen riders left.

The seemingly vulnerable coalition defense line was like a water-absorbing sponge, draining the unstoppable torrent bit by bit, and only one or two drops finally fell to the bottom of the bottle.

But to Casper, it didn't matter.

“Anson Bach!!!”

The figure of the prey was reflected in the fiercely trembling pupils.

The deputy commander of the legion with a calm expression stood in front of the formation. He was wearing a gray long-sleeved coat and a three-cornered hat that were almost the same as those of a soldier. Under the coat, he was wearing a red and black Clovis uniform and calf-length black military boots.

He put his left hand behind his back, and held the muzzle of Leopold's gun with his right hand like a saber. There were three rows of lines behind him and on both sides. Thousands of rifles stretched out from behind and on both sides of him, aiming at Aiming at the oncoming Casper.

This seemingly "ordinary" scene was full of irony in Caspar Hered's eyes, as if the Ring of Order was playing an unfunny joke on himself.

Is this a sign that he will be like Claude Francois and lose even his underwear?


I don't accept...I don't accept this result...I...Caspar Hered...the blood descendant of the majestic Dragon Knight...will not...

He won't be defeated by a mere levy regiment!


The calm Anson raised his right hand behind his back and waved it down hard.

Two infantry regiments and 1,200 rifles were fired simultaneously.

Thick white smoke instantly enveloped his figure, and the torrent of gunfire directly penetrated the chests of the cavalry; the Imperial hussars who had traveled through most of the battlefield fell in the mud less than twenty meters away from their prey. The pit turned into a pile of rotten flesh that could only twitch and spurt blood.


Amidst the burning flesh and choking smoke, Casper Herred, who had fallen from his horse, stood holding a knife; a faint red light surrounded him, preventing the fire and lead bullets from injuring him at all.

"Anson Bach—come on!"

"Come and kill me!"

"I am Caspar Hered, the blood descendant of the Dragon Knight, the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force!"

"If you still think you are a gifted person, come up and kill me yourself, don't let your subordinates die!"

Casper was hoarse and covered in blood. Sparks and ashes were flying all over him. He stepped out of the sea of ​​​​fire, like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

In the brief silence, Anson, who felt the eyes of the soldiers behind him, was completely unmoved. He raised his right hand expressionlessly and gave the order to fire behind him.

"Dang! Dang——! Dang——!"

The bloody blade was swung wildly with Casper's right hand, and with the burst of fire, all the lead bullets that came towards him were shattered.

Anson, who was watching with cold eyes, still stood there, ignoring Casper who rushed towards him, and leisurely took out his pocket watch, and the hands happened to stop at six thirty-five.

In fifteen minutes at the latest, Archduke Aiden's border army will begin a counterattack.

It seems that little Leon's troops have not yet fully entered combat status. I don't know if it is too late... Forget it, I have done what I need to do anyway. Even if it is really too late, it is still a headache for the Francois family.

Having said that, the information I obtained from Imperial Fleet Commander Bronn was wrong. Didn't it mean that the Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force was not a genius?

Could it be that because time was too tight, Fabian, who was responsible for "entertaining" the fleet commander, did not entertain him well?

Hmm... After this battle is over, we need to give Sir Brone a good treat - don't take him back home, just hand him over to the sailors of the Carindia fleet.

They had been tortured so miserably by the Imperial advance army before, so they must have a lot to talk to the fleet commander.

“Anson Bach!!!”

Casper stepped through the sea of ​​​​fire like a ghost rushing out of hell, wielding a blood-soaked long knife to attack him.

Sixty meters... Anson focused his eyes on the pocket watch in his left hand without raising his head: "Fire!"

The gushing gun flames once again lit up the battlefield, and thousands of lead bullets tore through the smoke screen, rushing like a colony of ants toward the figure who left a long bloody trail behind him.

The broken sparks bloomed again, like fireworks blooming on the earth.

The faces of the Stormtrooper soldiers, who were mechanically repeating shooting movements, showed a bit of panic, and they looked anxiously at the "fierce ghost" on the opposite side who was still slowly approaching.

The expressionless Anson remained indifferent, mentally calculating the distance between the two parties.

The opponent's surname is "Hered". In other words, unless there is an accident, his bloodline power should most likely be related to the "Dragon Knight".

Louis Bernard once said that the ability, conditions or price of all gifted people's "power of blood" are closely related to their subconscious understanding of themselves.

This is an innate power that is no different from body organs and is part of the body of all "gifted people"; therefore, the use of this power cannot be without cost.

According to the opponent's performance, this ability can be said to be quite tough - it can basically be regarded as a range-based skill, and the smaller the defense range, the stronger the protection.

From the beginning, it only weakened the aftermath of shell explosions and stray bullets, but now it can withstand hundreds of rifles and fire volleys. This defensive power is already terrifying; if it is a spell caster, even if there is a blasphemous mage standing opposite, Anson There won't be any surprise.

But this is not magic, this is the power of blood.

The stronger the power, the greater the side effects and costs... Anson, who was thinking silently in his heart, raised his eyes and focused on the position fifty meters away:


The dazzling gun flames ignited again, and hundreds of lead bullets tore through the air, roaring shrilly at Casper's side, trying to stop his footsteps.

No...this is not the point of the question. The real key should be where is the "weakness" of this ability?

If this was enough to make Caspar Hered invulnerable, then he could charge into the battle alone and complete the beheading operation without having to use the few soldiers left in the expeditionary force.

Anson could feel the aura of despair from the opponent's desperate move... Forty-five meters away, the Stormtrooper soldiers behind him pulled the trigger again.


The tinkling sparks continued to explode, and Casper's speed was obviously slower than before. The range of his sword swings became smaller and smaller, and every step seemed extremely laborious.

No matter how violent, ferocious, and terrifying...it can't change the fact that he is already an eighty-year-old man.

So the key point is still intensity?

"...This is a kind of power contained in your blood...a part of your body...Some focus on strengthening the body, some will affect the people around you, some exist on the spiritual level, and some can even predict certain events. These things that are about to happen...The power of each person's blood is unique...It is inseparable from the degree of understanding of oneself..."

In my memory, Louis Bernard said this.

The understanding of power, oneself and the power of bloodline will shape the power of bloodline itself, and ultimately use the ability to influence the outside world... This is the power of bloodline power, and it is also the strong foundation of the empire.

In the Dark Ages, the Empire, which had the most bloodline power, relied on this power to crush the whole world, establish its unique status, and was named the "Empire".

There are no redundant affixes or pronouns, because her name itself shapes everything, because the entire world of order is the "emperor's country."

The power of blood is the starting point of all this and the pride of all "knights".

Therefore, in desperation, they did not choose to surrender honorably, but made a desperate move, risking the dignity of the knights, and used "duelling" to regain the dignity they lost on the battlefield.

When everything is lost, I hope that my personal power can make a comeback and create a "miracle".

Thirty meters... Anson, who was counting the time, suddenly stepped forward and walked towards Casper Herred, who was covered in blood.

"Very good, that's really cool!"

Casper praised loudly and stopped at the same time: "Let us speak with our swords like true geniuses!"

"Everyone has it - cease fire!" Ignoring the screaming ghosts on the other side, Ansen, expressionless, shouted in a deep voice:

"Form an offensive column, prepare to cover the border army's counterattack, fix your bayonets!"

After saying that, he threw away Leopold in his hand, took out the "Dagger" revolver from the back of his waist, and pointed the black muzzle at Casper's eyebrows.

The old man was stunned for a moment, then smiled disdainfully.

"The gun of the trial...is this your trump card?" Casper snorted coldly, pointing the bloody tip of the knife directly at Anson:

"As a gifted person, don't you feel that you have shamed your bloodline...or are you worried that I will see through the power of your bloodline?"

"Of course I don't think so." Anson said matter-of-factly:

"I'm Clovis and we don't believe in this."

"Ah...that's very reasonable." The old man continued to sneer:

"After all, Clovis bastards who have forgotten their ancestors for countless times have no sense of dignity and honor at all - you are all born with lowliness and inferiority, and you stole a country by relying on the blood of others. "

"You are right, but I also have faith." Anson nodded slightly and tapped the hammer of the revolver.

"What do you believe?!"

Casper sneered and pulled up the bloody sword light, and his whole body was wrapped in a faint red light and struck from the front.

"Letter..." Anson paused slightly:

"Times...have changed!"

Before he finished speaking, gunfire rang out.

Also rang out were two twelve-pound cannons hidden behind the infantry martyrs.

Twenty-five meters, just outside the radius of the explosive bomb coverage... Anson thought at the moment when he was blown away by the air wave.


I finally said this line. I’ve always wanted to write it but couldn’t find a good opportunity!

And thank you to the book friend in the previous chapter for reminding me that Casper’s having the power of blood is a waste of time in the setting. He was originally designed to be a vampire-type blood mage, but he always thought it was too nonsense and gave up... As a result I was so tired yesterday that I forgot about this and ended up eating books. Sorry, sorry, sorry! ! ! !

Finally... the Hantu War is about to end, and the next step is to return to the cause of the entire war, the Ysel elves and the Thirteen Council.

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