I will be crowned king

Chapter 381 The Second Step

Coalition military camp, outside the medical tent.

late at night.

Beside the campfire, Léon Francois, with his head lowered, stared at the closed curtain of the tent and the faintly visible figure inside with red eyes.

Compared to the other densely packed people outside the tent, he had almost no obvious injuries from head to toe, but his complexion was extremely poor, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

Claude Francois, King of Hantu, Grand Duke of Thun, his father...

Still alive.

"...In the final stage of the breakout, His Majesty Claude still did not completely defend the central garrison, and tried to break out to the west instead of the east; this would not only avoid the empty fort of the deserted stone castle from being besieged by the main force of the enemy, but also compete with Archduke Ayden's The border regiments converge..."

"...But he failed. To be more precise, we failed..."

"...His Majesty's plan was very successful. It even caught the expeditionary force off guard for a time, and we almost managed to break through the defense line..."

"...But at the last moment, the morale of the Central Garrison Corps collapsed and chose to surrender to the enemy, completely exposing the two wings of the breakout force to the front of the enemy's line..."

"...The Royal Legion responsible for blocking the enemy finally couldn't hold on any longer...the battle line collapsed completely, and I only had time to assemble a small number of cavalry to protect His Majesty and break through the encirclement..."

These are the original words of Henares, which are roughly similar to those of some prisoners of the Royal Legion and the expeditionary force, but there are some slight differences.

But whether it was true or not, it no longer mattered to Leon Francois; the glory of the family, the revival of the land, the desire for glory... these were all left behind now, and all he thought about now was One thing remains.

Not far from the bonfire, little Lenore, who had received his father's acquiescence, slowly stood up and walked towards Leon, who was in a daze.

He actually didn't know what he could say, but as a friend - at least he thought so - even if he couldn't empathize, he shouldn't be indifferent.

Even if you can listen to him cry, it would be good, even if...

At this moment, the tent door curtain was suddenly opened.

Hank, the bloodstained Storm Division medical chief, appeared at the door of the tent. This middle-aged man, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and with only a few hairs on his temples, looked more like a butcher than a doctor while breathing heavily. Wiping the sweat with the towel on his neck, he looked very tired.

Almost at the same time, Leon, who had been in a daze a second ago, immediately regained consciousness and stood up suddenly: "Sir! My father..."

"Your Majesty Claude Francois, your father has regained consciousness." The military doctor, whose face was stained with sweat and blood, interrupted him directly and pointed to the tent behind him:

"He asked me to call you in... just you."

Little Leon was startled, his hurried footsteps suddenly stopped in place, and there was a flash of fear in his eyes.

The next second, he gritted his teeth and stepped into the tent that smelled strongly of alcohol, potions, decay and blood.

Chief Medical Officer Hank, who was panting softly, looked at his back, sighed and closed the tent door.

Outside the silent tent, the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

"Hank...Your Excellency." Little Leno was the first to break the dead silence:

"Your Majesty Claude, how is...his situation?"

"Just call him Hank, I'm just a humble affairs officer."

The military doctor waved his hand and said there was no need to be so polite: "Except for the bullet hole on the shoulder and a few scratches, the patient did not suffer too many serious traumas; the only wound was treated very promptly and it was nothing serious."

"But..." Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the military doctor changed the subject:

"The patient does not seem to have often lived such a difficult life. The malnutrition, excessive fatigue and severe lack of sleep caused by living in the open air for more than ten days have had an extremely bad impact on his health!"

"Furthermore, he seems to have a habit of drinking and smoking. His kidney function and lungs are also in very poor condition, coupled with the damage caused by a strong mental blow."

Before he finished speaking, everyone's expressions became solemn again, and the heartstrings that had just been loosened were tightened again.

"But..." In the dead silence, the military doctor paused again:

"The above are just symptoms that have accumulated over the years. Although they may not be able to be cured for a while, they are not serious. At least they are not particularly fatal problems."

"As long as you get more rest, supplement nutrition, and take careful care for a period of time, I think it won't take long for the patient to return to normal."

Everyone suddenly realized that although they were looking at each other with different expressions, they finally felt a lot more at ease.

"Of course, this doesn't mean you can feel at ease!"

The military doctor's expression suddenly became serious again: "After all, the patient is already an old man no matter what; any small problems that ordinary young people have will be infinitely magnified in him, even if there are any small problems, they will be magnified infinitely. Negligence may cause irreparable damage..."


Archduke Aiden on the side suddenly raised his hand to interrupt the military doctor, and asked coldly: "Just say that his current condition is fine, Claude... Your Majesty, is there any fatal risk to him?"

"This..." The military doctor thought for a second, and then answered decisively:

"I do not know about this."

Um? !

Everyone's eyes widened in unison.

"I don't know?!" the astonished little Leno blurted out:

"What do you mean you don't know?!"

"It means I don't know - yes, I performed an operation on him, re-sutured a few wounds, and did a full-body examination, but that doesn't mean I know his condition."

The military surgeon looked matter-of-factly: "I am the military surgeon, not a surgeon or a nursing doctor; I am part of the administrative staff."

Administrative Editor... The stunned Lenore pursed his lips, paused and said, "Then why are you the one who performed the surgery?!"

"Because in the entire damn Storm Division Medical Department, apart from me, the medical chief, there are only half a battalion of medical soldiers - conscripts who have just learned to use gauze to apply bandages instead of strangling the wounded to death." The military medical chief turned over. Rolling eyes:

"I am the only general practitioner in the entire army who has some experience in surgery!"

Lenore's throat twitched: "...What is a general practitioner?"

"It's very troublesome to explain in detail. To put it simply, it's similar to being a bartender in a pub." The military doctor said truthfully:

"The difference is that the bartender tells you which wine is cheap and delicious, and I am responsible for telling you which doctor you should go to for this disease."

"Then...your 'surgical experience'..." Renault twitched the corners of his stiff mouth.

"In addition to the large hospital where I worked, I also ran a small clinic in the inner city of Clovis." The military doctor explained:

"Later, a friend introduced me to the job of medical director of the conscripted corps. The salary was extremely high, so I closed the clinic and joined the army."

"Excuse me, what is the name of your clinic..." Renault suddenly had a bad premonition.

The military doctor smiled slightly:

"Good Wife Petting Paradise."

Renault: "..."


At the same time, the deputy commander's tent was at the other end of the military camp.

Biting open the cork of a bottle of Tirpitz rum, Anson poured two full glasses: "So Claude Francois is really nothing serious?"

"It should be." The former Guards officer smiled and took the wine glass handed by the deputy commander with both hands:

"At least...that's what our veterinary corps chief says."

Anson twitched the corners of his mouth.

It's a sad story...or a common problem with all draft regiments.

Although there was everything from combat troops to logistics and administration, levies and standing armies, that existed only in theory.

The actual situation is that the standing army is eligible to receive special allocations from the Army, while the levy corps must be careful in budgeting, saving as much as possible, and spending money in the most critical places.

If Anson really manned all the Storm Division's medical teams according to the size of the infantry division, he would basically be able to say goodbye to his artillery company.

What's more, after having a "one-person logistics department" and a "one-person staff department", Anson doesn't think it's a big problem to have a "one-person medical department."

So after careful calculation and cost-saving operations, the Storm Division's military medical establishment was abolished, leaving only half a battalion of medical soldiers, plus a military chief surgeon who had only performed surgeries on pets.

However, the necessary medical equipment, medicines, field infirmaries and mobile clinics are all provided - after all, even if the price of these things is doubled, it is still much cheaper than hiring a professional military medical team.

The premise is "professional" doctors, not "professional" assembly line industrial workers in slaughterhouses in the morning, barber shops at noon, and intensive care units at night.

...or the Old God fanatics who work odd jobs to support their families.

Of course, the two met not to complain about the medical department of their own army. After all, as a levy corps with limited cash, it is a very realistic choice to cut unnecessary expenses to support the army...this is life.

What really needs to be discussed is how to end the Hantu War that has lasted for several months.

For the Kingdom of Hantu, the war ended the moment the Imperial Expeditionary Force was defeated; after all, the Empire would continue to confront the Kingdom of Clovis in the short term, and even if the Emperor himself was unwilling, he could no longer fight in the unimportant South More troops were put into the line.

The next thing to be done is negotiation and prisoner exchange... Considering that the empire will probably not be too willing to admit its failure, this negotiation will probably last for a long time and finally end in an unclear manner.

The empire is unable to fight anymore, and Hantu will not be stupid enough to actively seek death; so the result is probably that the status quo will be maintained, and no one will be able to take advantage.

Being able to end the war smoothly and get a chance to breathe is already a great victory for the Kingdom of Hantu; no matter who rules Hantu next, the core focus should be internal rather than external, recuperate as soon as possible, and integrate the seven previously fragmented kingdoms. The city alliance is the top priority.

But for Clovis... or more accurately, the Southern Legion, the war was far from over.

Because at least nominally, their enemy in this war is not the empire at all, but the Ysel elves - as long as the Thirteen Council and the Ysel Elf King do not surrender, or the Kingdom of Clovis declares a truce, this war will be over. it's not finished yet!

Therefore, if Anson wants to gain the greatest benefit in this war... ah no, make the most contribution, he must shift the focus of the country from the Yisel Elf to the Empire, and then let the Yisel Elf King as soon as possible surrender.

Why did the Elf King Yser surrender? This is something that is obvious at a glance - the emperor will not surrender because of a small setback, and he probably will not admit that he lost the bet.

Considering that persimmons have to be picked up softly, the burden of making the world peaceful naturally falls on the shoulders of the Elf King Yser.

In order to achieve his ultimate goal, Anson believes that he needs to do three things.

First, defeat the Imperial Expeditionary Force and make this known to everyone in the Kingdom of Clovis;

Secondly, allowing the Storm Division's troops to enter the empire's borders - in this way, they are no longer simply passively beaten, but self-defense and counterattack. In terms of public opinion, allowing the country's troops to appear in the territory of a hostile country is also a huge plus.

Finally, force the Elf King Yser to surrender as soon as possible, so that the time for the end of the war between the two sides is as close as possible; in this way, the keyword "defeat the empire" can be used to turn Hantu from a secondary battlefield to a main battlefield.

He has basically accomplished the first one, and he also has confidence in the third one, or in other words, he has confidence in Major General Ludwig Franz.

So the problem lies in the second link.

"To be honest, I personally think it is not a good idea to provoke the empire at this time."

Taking a sip of room-temperature rum, Fabian said softly: "You did defeat the Imperial Expeditionary Force, and the victory was very beautiful - but this does not mean that the Empire will give up easily."

"For the empire, they also need to maintain a certain degree of toughness now; the annihilation of the expeditionary force is one thing, and more importantly, in order to support the Ysel elves, they have taken risks to offend the Church of Order. This should not be done at this time Give them more excitement…not to mention we’ve already won, right?”

"Hmm..." Anson frowned slightly. Even if he was reluctant, he had to admit that what the other party said made sense.

In the current confrontation, the empire still has the upper hand. Once the opponent really intends to take Hantu at any cost, whether they can win or not is secondary. Anson cannot avoid the charge of "starting a war without authorization."

So far, the Army and the Privy Council have been able to tolerate their own "nonsense". The most important reason is that they really don't care - as long as Hantu is not completely destroyed and the imperial army appears outside Eagle Point City, there will still be room for maneuver. , no need to go to war.

So Anson has an alternative plan: "What do you think of the idea of ​​putting the prisoner exchange ceremony between the Empire and Hantu outside the summit tower, and then having a 'neutral' stormtrooper supervise it?"

Neutral supervision?

Fabian was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that he could still do this - it was a real fight, how could Anson Bach still say that Clovis was neutral in this war?

"Uh... It's still good. It sounds like there's nothing wrong with it, but as for the Imperial Expeditionary Force... can they agree?"

"They will definitely agree!" Anson was very confident.

By the way, I would like to apologize in advance to Louis Bernard from the bottom of my heart.

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