I will be crowned king

Chapter 391 Thunder falls from the sky

"October 3rd, sunny."

"As it turns out, I made a terrible mistake."

“As one of the main executors (one) of Lord Anson Bach’s ‘Great Turn on the Western Front’ plan, Commander Fabian, myself, and Chief of Staff Karl all agreed that this was an imaginative and perfect plan. "

"Of course, the two of them have some slight objections to this; but that doesn't matter. After all, everyone has their own ideas, and some conflicts will inevitably arise."

"Well, in fact, it's not a contradiction at all: His Excellency Karl firmly believes that either Lord Anson Bach is crazy, or he himself is crazy; Captain Fabian showed that becoming an administrator potential, and tactfully expressed that it would be difficult for the officer corps to accept such a crazy plan - cross out this paragraph."

"As a humble clerk, I certainly agree 100% with all Lord Anson Bach's plans and will do my best to realize them, no matter how fanciful the plan seems - cross out the last two sentences."

"The most important issue is negotiating with the logistics staff."

"Although I am already the logistics director of the Hantu Supreme Staff and have received all the authorization from His Majesty Claude Francois, I was still blocked by the other party when I tried to obtain the baggage train."

"This should be the most serious mistake I have ever made. I brought the habits I had in the church to the land, completely forgetting that this country is still essentially a collection of contracts and interest exchanges; the so-called 'vassals of vassals' Not my vassal' is not a metaphor here, but a concrete description of an objective fact."

"Fortunately, His Royal Highness Leon Francois arrived in time to solve this problem - very lucky, because I clearly felt that Lord Anson Bach's patience had reached its limit and was prepared to use a little drastic means to deal with it. That’s the problem.”

"Taking into account the expressions of the adults at that time, the expressions of the lovely Miss Lisa Bach, and the expressions of Commander Fabian and Chief of Staff Karl, some very bloody scenes emerged in my mind..."

"...Lord Anson who calmly ordered the shooting, Miss Lisa who happily pulled the trigger, Captain Fabian who dealt with the aftermath indifferently, and Chief of Staff Karl who was hysterical while trying to avoid the situation from escalating."

"Of course, these are ridiculous imaginations, which are neither true nor consistent with their respective personalities. They are just hysteria caused by my little secretary's occasional divergent thinking." (The handwriting of this sentence is very neat)

"The presence of His Royal Highness Léon François was a huge help, but it was really hard for me to be happy about his arrival; because he was not alone but traveling with someone."

"Sir Louis Bernard."

"As for this imperial military attache, although he himself seems to have some private friendship with Lord Anson Bach; but from the perspective of a secretary who always only considers the interests of his superiors, it is difficult for me to criticize someone who always causes trouble to Lord any favor with the enemy."

"Of course, such unprofessional behavior as expressing one's own thoughts, likes and dislikes on the surface will not appear on the part of a competent clerk."

"Their arrival seems to be due to another misunderstanding - after receiving the information about the Yser Elf, Mr. Leon seemed to regard Lord Anson's refusal as a well-intentioned deception, thinking that we were for faith and salvation. Fight for the world.”

"Well, he was right...in a 'kind of' sense."

"For some reason, I wasn't the least bit surprised that he would think so. I even had the illusion that it was 'natural'."

"With the help of Mr. Leon, who was in high spirits and was 'moved' - to be honest, I still don't quite understand what he was moved - and burst into tears, the storm master finally avoided the terrible problem of 'killing through the vast earth' Option, move forward smoothly.”

"October 4th, cloudy."

"Before setting up camp in the evening, I saw Captain Fabian talking quietly with a sentry, instructing him not to mention the 'organization' in front of Sir Leon and his friends."

"As a result, the sentry told him that Chief of Staff Karl had informed the entire division at noon yesterday, and the external caliber was 'Fight the Old God Sect and save the devout Yser Elf believers'."

"I retract my previous preconceptions. Both of them have the potential to become administrators."

"October 7th, light rain."

"After many days of marching, the soldiers are beginning to feel tired."

"Although we have received sufficient baggage trains and supplies, mental fatigue is still unavoidable; soldiers began to desert and fall behind."

"In order to relieve the anxiety and fatigue in his heart, Chief of Staff Karl divided the band into two and kept beating the drums at the head and tail of the band; Captain Fabian suggested that the soldiers sitting on the carriage should be given to the others. tell a joke."

"However, the standard of the Storm Division's military band is too low. The music they play has a medically called 'vomiting' effect. Combined with the 'fainting' and 'hallucinogenic' effects, it is more suitable for use during amputation operations—— If the doctor were deaf."

"The soldiers responsible for telling jokes obviously have not received professional training and have no idea that the 'laughing scene' is a very serious performance accident; especially when others are trying to pull the cart and he is sitting on the carriage, it is very easy. Provoking outrage in the audience.”

"After soldiers in the front row and at the end fell into unconsciousness in batches, and multiple incidents of mass violence broke out, these two too unsuccessful emergency measures were quickly stopped."

"On October 8th, the lovely Miss Lisa had a suggestion to let those less energetic soldiers join the guard company; because her subordinates are all very good and energetic, maybe this can help them."

"Out of the original intention of not wanting to dampen her enthusiasm and childlike innocence, after getting Master Anson's consent, I personally took charge of the publicity and promotion work throughout the division at this time."

"The results were far beyond my expectations, and the effect was immediate!"

"As soon as I heard that the people who complained could have the honor of joining the guard company, the soldiers who were originally listless suddenly became very energetic, and they were so active that people mistakenly thought that they were in some kind of excitement state."

"Although the reason was bizarre, the problem was resolved anyway and everyone seemed happy."

"But Miss Lisa seemed very disappointed. Lord Anson Bach spent a lot of time with her that day."

"On October 11th, we have good news and bad news."

"The good news is that we really crossed the entire land within ten days and successfully arrived at White Tower City!"

"This is truly an unimaginable feat! When we saw the iconic white tower, not only ourselves, but also His Royal Highness Léon François and Sir Louis Bernard who was traveling with him were stunned."

"His original words were: This is a hurricane sweeping across the vast land, a thunder that is rushing down from the sky!"

"I must admit that my attitude toward Sir Louis Bernard changed somewhat after he said these words."

"As for the bad news... in a way, it's actually good news."

"In order to make the overly excited Sir Anson Bach and the Storm Masters accept the news calmly, I had to say it as tactfully as possible when reporting."

"I told them: Just as everyone's joys and sorrows are different, one person's happiness must be based on another person's pain; therefore, looking at the same thing from different angles can often lead to differences and even contradictions. Views; in a word, in a nutshell, in one word..."

"Major General Ludwig Franz...he defeated the Iser Elf Legion in Akiye City."

"In other words, if the Major General can let the Thun Army take over the fortress in the shortest possible time, then the Southern Army, which was previously trapped in the north, can immediately go south and then eastward to the Royal Court of Yser!"

"Like I said, this is actually good news, even one of the few good news about the Southern Corps in recent times; but obviously, it is definitely not 'good news' for the current Storm Division."

"If we don't set off immediately and advance to the Royal Court of Yser before the Southern Army, we will not only waste the results of the 'Great Western Turn', but we may even be in a situation where we have to 'fight side by side' with the Southern Army."

"Obviously, the Southern Army will never fight 'side by side' with the Storm Division."

"So the Storm Division, which had just experienced ten consecutive days of crazy and urgent marching, could not get a moment's rest and had to continue the trade route; and this time it was no longer empty-handed, but fully armed."

"Of course, because they are emergency weapons, they are basically just infantry equipment. Artillery and ammunition are so scarce that the artillerymen can still happily sit on the carriage and gloat at others."

"I couldn't bear to tell these happy gentlemen that there are still fifteen six-pound field guns, six twelve-pound cannons, four twenty-four-pound mortars, and several basic ammunition trucks waiting in Eagle Point City. Hold them."

"There are still fourteen days until the deadline."

"No matter what, we must arrive at the Royal Court of Yser within fourteen days and launch an offensive; otherwise, all our previous efforts will be in vain."


The Royal Court of Yser, the Cathedral of Praise.

After taking away the golden crown that symbolized royal power from her father, Freya walked through the dark corridor and entered the hall.

Pushing open the closed narrow door, the smell of blood that almost solidified hit my face.

The entire prayer hall seemed to have just experienced a flood composed of plasma. The dark red viscosity covered every corner of the ceiling and walls; the marble tile floor had turned into an invisible color. In the swamp, lumps called "limbs" and "organs" are floating everywhere.

What used to be neat rows of benches have turned into rows of neat crosses, filled with mutilated bones, including elves and humans, male or female, old or young...the one thing they have in common is They all wear different styles, but basically the same priestly robes.

Stepping on the sticky "blood pool", Freya walked towards the main altar directly in front of the hall; the sculpture of the Ring of Order directly opposite her had been completely destroyed, and a nun's body lay paralyzed on the broken stones. Corpse; the twisted arms were spread out on the two rings above, and the legs were crossed and nailed through.

She was lying on her back, her mouth wide open, and there were tears formed by blood on both sides of the corners of her eyes. She looked miserable, as if she was still crying and begging for mercy at the last moment before she died, thinking that she could still survive.

Freya smiled with satisfaction.

She knew this nun, a mixed descendant of a human and a "half-blood" Iser elf. After becoming a nun in the cathedral, she had been advocating the so-called "human blood is noble, and elves are the blood descendants of the filthy old gods." kind of argument.

Obviously, when she was being ravaged, screaming, and crying for mercy, the "ring of order" she believed in unswervingly did not perform a miracle.

Amidst laughter like silver bells, a figure in black robes came behind her. The orangutan eyes hidden under the shadow of the hood revealed a color of fear when they saw the elf girl.

"Are you all ready?"

Staring at the faces of the corpses on the wall, Freya I, who was wearing a crown, did not look back.

"All the rebel parties loyal to the late king have been completely eliminated. The army of the Thirteen Council has defeated the last rebel army and captured... the palace and the parliament." The man in black robe lowered his head tremblingly:

"The Kingdom of Yser is already in your possession, Your Majesty."

Your Majesty... Freya frowned slightly.

If she had heard this title before, she probably wouldn't have cared at all, but now...

The elf girl shook her head and threw away her complicated thoughts: "Parliament...did they agree?"

"Already agreed!" Heipao said quickly:

"Now you only need to be present in person...or it doesn't matter if you are not present. The parliament has passed a law to call the country to abdicate the throne. The current Elf King of Yser is you!"

"The ancient traditions of Ythir have been restored, and all traitors who still maintain faith in the Circle of Order will be swept away!"

"In the forty-seven years since the Saints' Calendar, you will become the most orthodox and most loved Elf King of Yser by your subjects!"

The black robe said excitedly.

Freya nodded slightly, her cold eyes becoming calm.

She didn't care at all, or more accurately, she never thought about it.

At the moment, the only thing that can arouse her interest in the Elf Kingdom of Iser is...

"How is the army?" Freya asked:

"How long will it take to assemble and launch an attack on the Cliff Fortress?"

Before he finished speaking, the figure in black robe trembled suddenly as if he was electrocuted.

Sensing that something was not right, the elf girl turned her head and looked at the black robe with her head lowered with a slight frown:

"Is something wrong?"

"No, no!" Heipao quickly replied:

"It just means that you may no longer have to assemble an army to attack the cliff fortress."


"Yes, because..." The figure in black robe trembled again:

"Because Antler Fortress, the first and last line of defense of the Royal Court, has... fallen!"

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