Blackjack fifty, inner city fortress.

The roars that penetrated the eardrums and the shrill screams came one after another in the dark world. Together with the collision of steel, the evaporation of flesh and blood, and the fast-burning gunpowder, they composed a certain inquisitor's favorite song.

It's called: "The Old Gods Must Die."

Faced with the appearance of the Inquisitor of the Truth Seeking Order without any warning, the Elf spellcasters who had just massacred the Ring of Faith and Order in the fortress and were loyal to the Elf King's "remnants" immediately became the targets of massacre in the blink of an eye.

This is not the city of Clovis, or even the territory of the Kingdom of Clovis. For the first time, the inquisitors of the Truth-Seeking Order can unscrupulously use any tools they like to hunt their prey in the most high-profile way, without any use at all. I was worried that the church would send me a letter of complaint the next day.

In just fifteen minutes, the melody of intense gunshots and sharp blades tearing flesh and blood was completely obscured by the shrill screams and wails of the Yser elves.

The piercing silver whistle sounded continuously. The inquisitors, who faced several times or more than ten times the enemy, relied on short notes to communicate with each other, and used a professional and efficient killing speed to prove that it was not they who were surrounded, but their enemies. .

That short note also became the death knell of death, and every time it sounded, it was inevitably answered by a scream.

The long whistle slowly disappeared, and the dying wails gradually became sparse.

The dim fog enveloped the fortress that turned into a sea of ​​fire. The rising flames reflected the silhouette of the twitching corpse on the ruins of the wall, as if it was still in a meaningless death struggle.

The judges, who were covered in blood, finally stopped the slaughter and patrolled the bloody ground vigilantly, making sure that no fish escaped the net.

"I'm still a little worried."

Sierra Vigil, who had scarlet eyes, leaned against the collapsed wall, took out a pack of cigarettes from the upper pocket of her windbreaker, and held one in her white right hand.


A shot shattered the dying spellcaster's head, and Cole Dorian, whose face was covered in blood, raised his head blankly.

"Anson Bach." The expressionless female judge glanced at him with a "knowingly asking" expression, and bit her cigarette holder with her bloodless thin lips:

"Their target seems to be the palace."

"No need to act like it, it's just." Cole Dorian carried the ax gun and put his left hand on his hip. A sunny smile appeared on his face covered with blood: "I arranged it."

"Then someone doesn't see anything wrong with this arrangement?"

"Of course not, this is my arrangement after careful consideration!" The judge said proudly:

"There is a saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place - the palace may seem dangerous, but in fact it may be the safest of the six places; as long as there are a few smart guys in the Thirteenth Council, it will not The Elf King will be placed under house arrest in the place he is most familiar with!"

"Even if there is an accident, Sir Louis Bernard can lead them to retreat smoothly; he once served as the commander-in-chief of the Yser Elf Guards Corps, and he must be more familiar with the palace than all of us."

"The most important thing is that among those five people is Mr. Chanis... He is a judge of the same generation as Captain Lawrence, and he was also my former idol!"

Sera, expressionless, lit the match and used the scent of tobacco to slightly disperse the blood around her.

"Although Mr. Chanis is a bit old, his legs and feet are not very convenient, he is a bit stubborn and does not listen to advice. He is easily attracted to the Old God sect when he sees it, and he does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy when fighting... But these small problems cannot cover up his The fact that he is an excellent inquisitor!" Cole Dorian emphasized.

Sierra Vigil: “…That’s what I’m worried about.”


Twenty-two o'clock, west wing corridor.

Just when the steam sickle was about to turn it into ripe minced meat, Lisa, who was the first to move, turned her eyes into scarlet. She threw away the Borni rifle and threw Anson towards the corner with a force that was completely inappropriate for her body.

Then the young knight regained his composure and hugged the girl in the air. He raised his foot and kicked the frightened black-robed priest aside. Finally, he turned around and squatted down while holding Lisa in his arms.

Anson, who had finally caught up until this moment, felt pain in his temple. As the "superpower" was activated, he raised the "dagger" revolver in his right hand.

The moment the trigger was pulled, the lead bullet engraved with [sharp wind] rotated to the firing position. In conjunction with Karin Jacques's scream, it roared like a mantis at the "steam train" that was blowing the whistle.


Thick white vapor enveloped the entire street.

It wasn't until the reverberations of the explosion dissipated that the four people, whose hearts were tense, dared to slowly open their eyes; in the thick fog, a dark figure picked up the intact scythe and staggered over.

"Are they all still alive?"

Chanis, who was holding an old pipe in his mouth, looked around. After confirming that no one was injured, he nodded slightly: "As long as everything is okay, let's go!"

"Is everything okay?" The black-robed priest was so frightened that he almost lost his mind. He suddenly stood up and yelled at the inquisitor with a sharp voice: "We were almost turned into meat by you!"

"Almost...because Bolognese doesn't complain."

Chanis said coldly without looking back, pointing the steaming scythe at the black-robed priest: "Am I right, Karin Jacques 'Priest'?"

"What you said is so right!" The black-robed priest who instantly recognized the situation immediately became well-behaved.

Louis Bernard, who was kneeling on one knee, slowly opened his arms and looked at the girl struggling to get out of his arms with concern: "Are you okay?"

Lisa, whose eyes had faded from scarlet red, tugged on Anson's trouser legs, hid behind him with some fear, and stared blankly at the young knight with an incomprehensible expression.

Anson could only smile helplessly at Louis.

"We don't have time." Chanis, who was holding a pipe in his mouth, looked at everyone seriously:

"The civilians in this city have been killed by a group of elven blood mages, at least double digits in size; they are not strong, but the blood mages are notoriously difficult to deal with. They..."

The words stopped abruptly.

At the same time, the five stunned people turned back silently and looked towards the end of the dark street.

There were countless subtle sounds, like some kind of cold-blooded and mucus-filled creature scratching across the ground; it also seemed like hundreds of rats moving in groups, still making tiny chirping screams, and there was something like There is also liquid that overflows the container and flows along the wall of the cup...


The expressions of the five stunned people became extremely ugly at the same time.


While roaring, Anson did not forget to rush behind him and pull the trigger. He picked up Lisa and turned around and ran towards the underground passage.

"Come with me!"

Louis did not hesitate, drew his sword and rushed to the front. The pale-faced black-robed priest was still following closely behind. Judge Chanis, who was leaning on a scythe, staggered to the end of the team. Although it was a little slow, it was surprisingly smooth. Fall behind.

At 22:55, the five people who passed through two streets finally saw a building that looked like an entrance; the sounds of pursuit behind them were getting closer and closer, and the stench of blood was almost close at hand.

The young knight rushed forward first and kicked open the wooden door; what appeared in front of everyone was a long and narrow stone step. The dark end with the faint sound of running water seemed to be a passage leading to hell.

Without hesitation, everyone ran straight down the stairs; and at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from behind.


With an expressionless face, Chanis swung his scythe and smashed the door of the underground passage. At the same time, he blew the inquisitor's whistle. The long sound that penetrated the eardrums shocked everyone.

"What are you doing?!"

The black-robed priest covered his ears and screamed with a collapsed expression.

First, he was almost killed, and then he did this kind of thing at the critical moment of escaping - although the idea of ​​the Elf Old God Sect infiltrating the Truth-seeking Order sounds ridiculous, this guy couldn't be the person on the opposite side, right? !

"Luring the enemy."

The frosty-faced Judge Chanis staggered behind and looked at Karin Jacques as if he were looking at a dead person: "Don't forget, our mission is not only to rescue the Elf King, but also to kill them all. All the Old Gods I saw."

"It is difficult to kill the tenacious blood mages in the open area. You have to drag them into the narrow underground passage to kill them more efficiently."

"As for the whistle... after all, there are only five of us, and we have to travel across the entire Royal Court of Yser. It is inevitable that there will be miscellaneous things that cannot be taken into account, so we must first send a signal to the surroundings and ask other judges who have finished the work at hand to come over and help. Clean up the stinky fish and shrimps that have escaped."

He raised his hand and shot away the flesh-and-blood tentacles that rushed towards him. Chanis, who was limping, looked as usual.

The black-robed priest trembled all over.

"There's no need to... kill them all, right?"

Louis, who was rushing at the front, couldn't help but say, with a complicated expression:

"Yes, the Old Gods are the mortal enemies of all those who believe in the Ring of Order, and are also a threat to the peace and stability of the entire Ordered World, but does this not prove that all the Old Gods are heinous villains?"

"If...if some of them were bewitched by others, or were forced to become a spell caster, maybe it would be understandable..."

"Having no choice? Forced to have no choice?" Chanis's voice suddenly became sharp.

Dark red blood rushed in like a tide, and the five people running wildly could hear no less than a dozen completely different voices, roaring in the dark corridor behind them.

"Young master of the Bernard family, it seems that you have some misunderstandings about these bastards of the 'Old God Sect'; he... they were never born because of 'misunderstanding', never."

"They are the weirdness in the abyss, the shadow in the shadow, the unreasonable natural disaster, the original sin, and the source of all negative and evil thoughts..."

"They...are man-eating things."

The staggering Inquisitor began to breathe heavily.

"Tell me, have you ever been curious about the power of the Old God Sect?"

"I..." Louis pursed his lips tightly, and cold sweat flowed down the side of his cheeks.

"There is no need to inherit the bloodline, no need to break. In the blink of an eye, you can peek into other people's hearts, you can raise flames out of thin air, and you can have a body that is unkillable no matter how hard you kill..." Chanis continued to sneer:


"It's simple, because their power is like the power of human blood. It is innate and part of their body!"

"The moment any fallen bastard from the Old Gods chooses to become a spellcaster, they are no longer their past selves, but a brand new life!"

"Pretending to be no different from the past, or maintaining a certain habit of being a 'human' or an 'elf', are just temporary illusions; because their greed for power will sooner or later cause their bodies to continue to mutate. "

"So young master of the Bernard family, do you understand? From the moment these bastards choose to become spellcasters, they..."

"You have given up the qualification to continue to be a 'human being'!"

The moment the words fell, Lisa's eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and she was immediately covered by Anson who was holding her. The silent army colonel held the girl in his arms tightly and moved forward without looking back.

The black-robed priest was still trembling.

"No longer... human?"

The young knight's voice became very uncertain; on the one hand, he actually agreed with Chanis's point of view, but on the other hand, it was difficult to admit this fact that if he accepted it, it would become extremely terrifying.

"Otherwise?" Chanis' tone was full of sarcasm:

"You don't think that the guy who became a spell caster still thinks of himself as an ordinary person, do you?"

"No... they are aliens, freaks, monsters that look like individuals. They are ferocious beasts that are unwilling to be eliminated and are always planning so-called 'big plans' in an attempt to restore the world to the era they ruled. ."

"In the era of their rule, humans were just their slaves, beasts that walked on two feet that could be killed at will without any pity, poultry raised in captivity,"

"You and they are not even the same species, or even just a lowly beast and food in their eyes... When you see poultry on the table, will you discuss fairness with it?"

"No... right?"

"So we won't talk to them about fairness, guilt, morals or ethics, laws or rules...that's what 'humans'...and another 'human'...can talk about."

"For all the old god sects, they do not have this qualification." Chanis's breathing became heavier and heavier, and the scythe in his right hand once again let out a low roar as if it came to life:

"Kill them, never for the sin they have committed;"

"But because of their 'existence' itself..."

"It's a sin!"

The violent blood tide was already close at hand, and countless tentacles spurted out from the dark red plasma, opening a bloody mouth full of fleshy sprouts at the tip, trying to swallow the five people directly.


The roaring scythe was slammed to the ground by the panting Chanis, and the entire underground passage echoed with the scream of the whistle and the roar of the elven blood mage.

"And the sin...must be wiped out!"

"Old God Sect..."

"Must die!"

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