I will be crowned king

Chapter 404 Anson’s “Reminder”


The moment the words fell, the two sharp blades collided together without warning, and dazzling sparks burst out.

The elf girl's movements of wielding the knife were not skillful, not even unfamiliar, she just swung it very casually - if not for the fire that ignited from the blade at the moment of collision, the knife should have penetrated her chest.

For a moment, Louis was suddenly glad that he was not a qualified instructor when Freya pestered him to teach her swordsmanship.

The firelight passing in front of him blocked Louis' vision. The sharp blade pierced the flames and hit his face with a heart-shaking scream.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The clear and long chirping sound kept ringing, and Louis could even clearly feel the elf girl's strength increasing. Combined with the conjurer's innate sense of distance, he could even feel a little bit of it as a "Sea Knight" talented person. Feeling of oppression.

With the exploding sparks, the two of them swung their swords faster and faster; although the elf girl was swinging her sword almost desperately, Louis was still firmly in control due to the reaction speed of the "Sea Knight" that was powerful enough to crush everything. Have the upper hand.

In the moment of the fight, he had at least four opportunities to penetrate the vital points of Freya's body; but Louis' goal from the beginning was not to kill, but to capture her alive.

This meant he was taking greater risks while also making sure Freya suffered any fatal injuries...especially ones she inflicted on herself.

While playing steadily, Louis' mind recalled what Anson reminded him before setting off:

[...Listen up, my dear Louis, Iser's spell casters are very different from human ones... Well, don't worry about how I know it, just listen to me...]


The slightly reddish blade was wrapped in a billowing heat wave and passed less than a centimeter in front of Louis' neck; the tip of the blade hit the ground, and the sudden sparks ignited a raging fire on the carpet.

The young knight stepped forward suddenly, and the bright silver tip of the knife struck Freya's chest.

But at the moment when it was about to penetrate the elf girl's body, the long knife that pulled up the afterimage suddenly changed its direction and lightly grazed her right shoulder.

[...No matter which one of the three major magics this elf caster belongs to, his power has nothing to do with his piety towards the true...I mean evil god, but it has nothing to do with the purity of his own blood and his emotional fluctuations. closely related...]

"What are you doing?!"

Freya, who was biting her lips, roared angrily. Louis' blade only left a shallow scar on her shoulder: "I don't need your mercy!"

"I have no mercy."

The young knight spoke righteously, the sharp blade in his hand was like an airtight cage, and the golden-red long sword could never touch his body: "I said, as long as I am alive, I will not let anyone Harm Her Highness Freya Moses Field.”


[...Yes, this is one of the reasons why Ysel elves distinguish levels based on blood, but this is not important... In short, if the emotion that makes an elf caster awaken to power is joy, then the happier he is with power. The stronger it is, and vice versa...]

The elf girl's expression suddenly became a little panicked, and the blood in her pupils began to fade slightly.

But this state only lasted for a moment... Freya I, who quickly regained her sanity, had her eyes filled with blood again:

"You have no chance, Freya is dead!"

"No, there is more!" Louis' tone was extremely decisive:

"There must be hope!"

Before he finished speaking, a golden-red blade struck him head-on. The billowing heat wave instantly scorched the carpet under his feet and the wallpaper on both sides, turning into flying ashes, flying up and down between the two constantly intertwining figures.

Without hesitation, Louis, holding the knife in his backhand, turned his body sideways, barely avoiding the golden-red afterimage that passed by him.

The next second, the silver blade followed Louis' figure and cut a half arc, breaking into the elf girl within three steps at an extremely weird angle.

Staring at the blade attacking her face, the elf girl's pupils suddenly shrank as she had no time to draw the knife to parry.


Without any warning, golden-red fire exploded beneath their feet; the flames that swept through the thick smoke instantly filled the entire corridor.

At this moment, Freya Moses Field, who was surrounded by flames, was completely stunned.

At the last moment, she clearly saw Louis stop his movements at the last moment.


Looking at the blazing fire, Freya exclaimed.

The rising fire gradually dissipated, revealing a figure wrapped in thick smoke... The young knight with burnt marks all over his body slowly stood up. His golden hair was mixed with flying ashes, and he looked somewhat embarrassed.

"I said, before I fall, no one can hurt you." Louis panted slightly, his pupils flashed with an extremely solemn light:

"I...Louis Bernard...do what I say!"

[...So if you want to defeat an elf spellcaster who is very powerful and very likely to be invincible, then the best way is to weaken the emotions that caused this guy to awaken his power...]

"Why are you so stubborn?!"

The elf girl screamed, the blood in her pupils became darker and darker, the golden-red long knife poured into the billowing flames, and rushed towards the young knight like a breathing dragon.

Sparks flashed continuously, and the harsh metal collision began to be mixed with a trace of whine.

Even with the sea knight's reaction speed, the weapon in his hand was already overwhelmed after nearly a hundred collisions, not to mention that he had to be careful at all times to prevent one of his mistakes from hurting Freya.

Long stabs, chops, upward picks, round cuts... Under the hysterical fierce offensive of the elf girl, the battle situation seemed to have become one-sided.

Louis, who was originally calm and unhurried, continued to show hesitation and hesitation, causing him to start losing ground.

"What are you hesitating about?! Do you want to be killed by a spell caster from the Old Gods?!"

The golden-red flames roared again, leaving a scorching scar on Louis' right arm.

"I am a spell caster, an Old God sect! I am no longer Freya Moses Field, I am a monster! A monster!" the elf girl cried:

"Kill me, kill me! Isn't this your bounden duty, knights of the Ring of Order!"

Louis, who looked solemn, did not answer, but kept blocking Freya's slashes, recalling Anson's suggestion in his mind:

[...If this emotion is worn away or completely reversed, his or her power will quickly fade... At that time, it will be easy to defeat it...]

【…I guess so……】


With a loud noise, the long knife in the young knight's hand was finally overwhelmed and broke in the flames; the broken blade passed in front of him, leaving a bloody mark on his delicate cheek.


The narrow corridor echoed with the heart-rending cry of the elf girl, and the fire turned into a spiral spear and rushed towards the chest of the young knight.


There was no time to dodge...the "tip of the spear" tore Louis' breastplate directly and pierced his chest from the center.


The elf girl stopped moving and stared blankly at the figure in front of her.

The young knight stood on the spot, his right hand full of burnt marks tightly holding the blade of the knife that had stabbed into his chest. Dark red blood was dripping from his palm, and he raised his head tremblingly.

Looking at Freya, whose face was full of tears and the blood dissipated from her pupils, Louis, who was about to say something, was suddenly stunned.

At the end of the corridor behind the elf girl, a strange figure suddenly appeared.

It was a young man wearing a gray tricorn hat and a coat. He had his right hand behind his back and his left hand in his coat pocket. He had a pipe in the corner of his mouth and wore a strange monocle.

He just stood there, motionless, as if...as if...

It was as if he had been standing here from the beginning.

But he... and Lisa... and the elf black mage from before... no one noticed his existence!

But that's not the main thing.

The most important thing is... this guy looks... familiar...

At the moment when Louis was confused, the "man in gray" suddenly revealed his right hand hidden behind his back - plus a surprisingly large revolver.

And pulled the trigger.

I finally got around to coding a chapter... It’s not easy to celebrate the New Year.

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