I will be crowned king

Chapter 412 Welcome Ceremony

Although he was very dissatisfied with Major General Ludwig Franz's obvious "retaliation for personal gain", the Stormtroopers still set off obediently.

There is no way, steam train tickets are very expensive - and they are chartered trains.

So the officers and soldiers of the Storm Division received good news and bad news at the same time:

The good news was that they were about to head to Clovis, and their march on foot was cut in half because the "generous" commander-in-chief of the legion had booked their tickets.

The bad news is that they have to pay for the ticket themselves, and it has to include the previous trip.

Faced with the excitement of the officers and soldiers of the Storm Division, Colonel Anson Bach, the deputy commander of the regiment who had always been called "one of his own", solemnly promised that although he could not get the commander-in-chief to take back his life, he would take the initiative to bear half of the ticket costs for the entire division.

Of the remaining half, one-half will go to the public accounts of the division headquarters, and one-half will be taken from the spoils of war - no matter what, half a copper will never be taken away from the soldiers' pockets!

Amid countless applause and cheers, Anson's proposal was unanimously approved, and the entire army set off with light equipment and rushed to the Oak Town train station as quickly as possible.

Facts have proved that the cannon fodders like to make compromises. For example, if they are asked to pay half of the ticket price, they will definitely not do it; but if they are told that they have to pay the full price and even the last payment, they are willing to discuss how to pay it. Half the ticket price.

Only Léon François regretted it.

He originally thought that this war would not end so soon, but now not only Louis Bernard's whereabouts are unknown, but Anson also has to leave immediately, and there is no time to return to the land to attend the celebration banquet.

Anson couldn't do much about this other than comforting him. He could only promise that his support for the Francois family and Hantu would not stop; as long as there was any need, he would do his best.

In addition to the disappointed farewell, little Leon has been excited to say that he will go on firmly and let Hantu completely get rid of its weak situation and become an independent and strong country like Clovis.

Anson expressed encouragement... although he didn't think Hantu had such a future at all.

That's right, by relying on a war on the vast land and resisting the invasion of the Yser elves and the empire, the François family finally ended the split of the Seven Cities Alliance and created a kingdom that was at least nominally unified.

But in terms of actual operation, the problem is actually quite serious.

In order to resist the invasion of the empire, at the end of the Hantu War, Thun did not annex the two principalities of Carindia and Mist, but chose to divide and win over.

Of course, Anson Bach was partly responsible for this, but more importantly, the situation at the time simply did not allow the newly emerged Grand Duchy of Thun to digest the newly occupied territory that was more than twice its size.

Even in order to quickly gather more power, even those small city-states and small counts, the Francois family must recognize their status in exchange for the other party's human and material support.

So the Hantu Kingdom, which seems to have "changed everything", is essentially still a loose collection of the past Seven Cities Alliance era. Apart from being more united, nothing has changed.

Of course, in the orderly world of the Saints' Calendar, this is not a problem at all; Clovis also coexists with division and unity, and the empire is ruled by the emperor and a group of powerful princes... But this does not affect their ability to be the most powerful. powerful.

However, the Osteria royal family can unite the nobles and wealthy people of Clovis through the Privy Council, and has an army that can suppress internal aggression and external aggression; the Hered royal family relies on the "Legend of the Seven Knights" to maintain its status, and there are many ways to The knights and princes carried out the emperor's will willingly or unwillingly.

The Francois family has none.

The Emmanuel family is on par with them in terms of military strength, and the port of Carindia, which is the most prosperous and prosperous geographically, is not in their hands; even on top of the glory of foreign wars, the Grand Duke of Thun was wiped out. trauma.

And as the armistice began, there was no longer any enemy to unite with the outside world.

As long as the empire changes its strategy from a simple military invasion to an economic blockade or support, the Emmanuel family, which is difficult to obtain funding from Clovis, will sooner or later separate from the entire western Hantu and the Francois family in the east. Civil war and division are almost inevitable. Something that is bound to happen.

In the past, this process might have taken several years or even more than ten years before the problem completely erupted.

But in order to defeat the Imperial Expeditionary Force, Anson created a mobilization system called the "Supreme Staff" for Hantu.

The essence of this system is to mobilize and integrate all human and material resources within a certain range, and to centralize decision-making power as much as possible. Although it is difficult to fully exert its power at the current level of Hantu, it is definitely aware of its power. Strength.

The more the Francois family wants to concentrate its efforts and power through the "General Staff" system, the more it will harm the interests of those peripheral supporters; objectively it will quickly strengthen Hantu in a short period of time, but it will also quickly Intensify conflicts and greatly speed up the time when conflicts completely break out.

Of course, these are only possible futures. Even if there is a headache, it will be a headache for the Hantu people themselves and the future commander of the Eagle Point City garrison. It has nothing to do with Anson.

Farewell to Han Tu, what awaits me is a bright future, a great journey, and at least fifteen years of good life waiting for death.

He had carefully calculated that he was twenty-three years old and was a colonel. If he could be promoted to another level by virtue of his military exploits in Hantu and the Iser Elf Kingdom, he would be a brigadier general.

The twenty-three-year-old brigadier general...well, I don't know if it is unprecedented, but it is certainly unprecedented.

Moreover, the Bach family is a small family. Even if it relies on the power of the Franz family to obtain the general rank, it is almost impossible to progress. Like Ludwig Franz, who was a brigadier general in the first half of the year and a major general in the second half. For ninety-nine percent of officers, it takes at least a lifetime.

Since the military rank cannot be promoted, the only thing that can be changed is the position; according to Anson's own wishful thinking, he first served in Clovis City, and a year and a half later the Storm Division was merged into the Capital Security Force (Whitehall Street Police).

In three or four years, if the Imperial War is not over yet, you may have the opportunity to go to the west to gain a round of experience points, then be deployed to a relatively key fortress, then work in the rear staff department, and finally enter the Royal Military Academy before the age of forty. Teach.

If there is a chance during this period, you can probably improve your level of spell magic and bloodline power. You don’t need much, just self-protection is enough; use the development activities of the Far North Colony, and then get the Luen family to develop in the north - - Of course, it doesn’t matter if you can’t do it. It just proves that you have really worked hard and you are not just painting a pie.

Just perfect.

With a small longing for the future, plus "Han native products" filled with baggage trucks one after another, and countless ledgers, the storm master bid farewell to Han Tu and the Kingdom of Iser with tears, and embarked on the journey. The road back north.


Clovis City, inner city, Royal Capital Central West Station.

Passing through the spacious street, an exquisite four-wheeled carriage stopped outside the bustling station gate, standing out among the crowd of rental carriages.

In the carriage, Sophia Franz, dressed in a black formal dress, was holding a steaming cup of coffee and looking at the endless flow of carriages and crowded people outside the carriage window with interest.

For her, who has been living in Clovis City, this station is a place that is both familiar and unfamiliar.

Familiar because the entire station, and even the railway committee, the "Grand Cross Plan" of the Kingdom of Clovis... was built with the full support of Clovis Cathedral - in a sense, the Franz family.

Clovis Cathedral not only provided the most critical core steam technology, but also covered all aspects from design drawings, materials to construction plans, and even crucial loan support.

Miss Sophia Franz, who has often appeared in the Archbishop's office at the age of ten and started handling loan matters on behalf of the Archbishop at the age of fifteen, can draw a rough outline of the entire station with her eyes closed, and can even name each part of it. What design is used, what kind of material is used, and which factory supplies this material.

In a sense, she knew the station better than even the entire Railroad Commission.

As for the strangeness... it was because this was the first time she had actually seen it with her own eyes.

As the eldest daughter of the Franz family, brightly lit clubs, cozy salons and sunny country villas are the places where she should appear; not to mention working outside, even appearing alone outside the station is enough for Sophia. It was on the front page of the newspaper.

Of course, she didn't care about that.

There is only one reason for the incomparably noble Miss Sophia Franz to waste her precious time, and that is to witness with her own eyes the moment when her defeated general kneels down and begs for mercy - or wherever Draco Vertes appears.

After several months of back-and-forth confrontation, the Church of Order's "Morning News" and the Army's "Kingdom Loyalist" finally had to bow their heads and sue for peace in front of Sophia Franz's "tabloid alliance", completely admitting defeat.

Relying on Anson Bach's "Fleet Speech", the names of the Gray Shirts and Anson Bach spread throughout the entire city of Clovis, completely forcing the two major newspapers to decide to cooperate with the Franz family. The eldest lady negotiates.

But Sophia, who had won a great victory, was no longer satisfied with just a "cooperative" relationship. What she wanted was a newspaper that could compete with the two major newspapers, a powerful weapon that could influence the public opinion of the entire Clovis middle and lower classes.

The key to everything lies in the outcome of the battle at the Royal Court of Yser.

Four days ago, a mail arrived at the Franz mansion, containing only one thing: a documentary interview report by Karin Jacques.

After getting this coveted "treasure", Sophia stayed up all night, so that the little maid Angelica who knocked on the door the next day was only wrapped in a sheet, and the little master was dancing barefoot in the bedroom. Scared out of my wits.

But she was so excited that she did not send out this report immediately after she woke up, because she quickly received a new piece of information - the Storm Division had already sailed north on the "Arctic Storm" and was about to arrive at Clovis City.

So Sophia Franz came up with the perfect plan.

On the day Anson Bach arrived, she would organize an unprecedented welcome ceremony at the station with the two major newspapers and all the tabloids, as well as an on-site interview; and then publish the documentary report of the Battle of the Royal Court the day after the interview.

In this way, all the newspapers' news the next day must be about the welcome ceremony, but her newspaper has the most detailed content.

This not only promoted the Stormer, but also opened up sales for his own newspaper with enough sensational reports - it was perfect.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with a guy named Anson Bach. The welcome ceremony was not mainly for him, but for the sake of newspaper sales... After all, it is never easier for a promotion group to promote an individual... and by the way, it made him a little famous. That's it, it's definitely not because I... care about him...

Absolutely not!

Taking a deep breath, Sophia looked away from the window, picked up the steaming black coffee in front of her, pretended to be calm and said softly:

"Dear Angelica, what time is it?"

"First, now...ah! It's...it's five o'clock, five-thirty!"

The little maid sitting opposite her hurriedly took out her pocket watch, with a hint of nervousness in her tone.

Five-thirty...Sofia frowned slightly.

According to the published timetable, the Arctic Storm will arrive at Central West Station at nine-thirty... Even based on the latest time, the people responsible for the welcome ceremony and the two major newspapers should have arrived at about the same time.

Did something happen that made them change their minds midway?

"Angelica, go ask "Morning News" and "Kingdom Loyal News" why they are not in place at this time." Sophia put down the coffee cup, turned her head to the little maid and said:

"Tell them, if they continue to have their own way, I will... Angelica?"

The words stopped abruptly.

Looking at the trembling little maid who pursed her lips tightly and looked panicked, Sophia raised her eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing..." Angelica quickly shook her head, her eyes wandering: "Just, just... just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just... those two newspapers... and... there are other newspapers... they won't come..."

Angelica stammered.

"not coming?"

Sophia narrowed her eyes and her face suddenly turned cold: "Everyone is not coming...are they?"

The little maid nodded repeatedly.

"Including..."Clovis Truth" and others?"


"What about my own newspaper?"

"It...won't come either..."

"Where's the person in charge of the welcome ceremony?"

"It won't...come..."

Sophia fell into silence and gently picked up the coffee cup again.

After a moment of silence, she took a deep breath and looked up again, looking at Angelica who had a nervous face: "Who did it?"

Although it was a question, she already had a name in her mind - in all of Clovis, there was no one person who could do such a thing so quietly with more than one hand.

The frightened little maid twitched her throat and spoke softly:

"Your father...Herr Luther Franz."

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