I will be crowned king

Chapter 42 Attack the High Wall

The screams that tore through the rain curtain still echoed in the dome, and flashes of fire exploded on the solid walls and messy positions.

Amidst the choking thick smoke, the conscripted troops rushed through the last trench in front of the fortress almost against the blast point of the artillery shells in front of them, and launched an assault on the still burning ruins of the city gate.

“Charge—bayonets attached!!!”

Hundreds of roars and loud bugles exploded in the heavy rain. In the center of the thunder and explosions, the levied infantrymen stood up and raised their rifles with shining bayonets, venting their inner fears with shouts and charges. .

The unpredicted imperial defenders panicked and allowed the levy troops to rush through the outermost trenches and city gates; it was not until they saw the enemy rushing into the fortress that they finally hurriedly organized the first line of defense.

"First line of troops, spread out horizontally!"

Carl Bain, who was the first to rush into the fortress, immediately issued the order. At the same time, he pulled Lisa behind who was still running wildly, and at the same time raised the command knife in his right hand:

"Loose formation, everyone in position! Prepare - volley!"


Almost at the same time, fire erupted from the lines on both sides; in the billowing white smoke, several figures standing at the front fell to the ground silently.

The next second, just as the Imperial Army, which maintained a tight formation, was preparing for another salvo, behind the first line of regiments that had spread out, a tide of levied troops had already poured out from both wings, rushing towards them with bayonets drawn. .


There was another row of volleys, and the conscripts at the front were like knocking down an invisible wall, falling to the ground one after another; but such meager firepower might be able to block the attack of dozens or hundreds of people, but it could not stop thousands. A fool who is already afraid and only knows how to charge.

There was no bayonet wall advance, no Xu Jin shooting, the conscripted soldiers rushed up in a chaotic manner, and it was a hand-to-hand combat with bayonets red!

“The glory of Clovis—!!!!”

"Long live the Empire——!!!"

The moment the two groups of people collided, countless shouts of killing also exploded; hundreds of conscripted soldiers pouring out the fear in their hearts hit the imperial soldiers one after another like waves hitting the rocks. position.

As a strong military station and military stronghold, the Thunder Castle Fortress has sufficient and complete defenses; even inside the fortress, there are a large number of parapets and fences, as well as warehouses and sturdy towers used as temporary strongholds; the light artillery on the walls can also Change direction at any time and shoot inside the fortress.

But at this moment, both the attacking and defending sides seemed to have forgotten this at the same time. They crowded into the small entrance under the ruins of the city gate, fighting savagely with bayonets, rifle butts and all available methods.

Seeing that the fragile defense line was crumbling, but the artillery fire was blocked by the formation of friendly forces, the imperial defenders in the fortress had no choice but to plunge into this extremely bloody close combat, desperately holding on to this fragile line. An unbearable line of defense.

Only the first regiment, which was called to a halt by Carl Bain in time, still maintained its horizontal formation in front of the gap, firing freely in the direction of any possible enemy even though it was almost overwhelmed by the "friendly forces" behind it.

"It's chaos, it's all chaos!"

Looking at the enemies rushing towards him from all directions in the heavy rain, Carl, who was gritting his teeth, suddenly turned his head and looked at Anson, who still had the time to raise a gun and shoot, and shouted directly:

"I tell you, Captain, stop doing the work of a soldier there and think of a solution quickly when you have this time!"

"Right now, the enemy is still stupidly entangled with us in the gap, but sooner or later they will understand! By then we will be really doomed before we get in!"

"It doesn't matter. If there's chaos, just fight it."

Anson calmly pulled the trigger; with a "bang!", the soldier on the opposite line lost consciousness and fell into the quagmire.

"Ask the soldiers to follow me and move to the left to see if they can avoid the front." Looking at Carl who looked nervous, Anson said while not forgetting to pull the gun and reload:

"If you can get around it, try to rush up the city wall and capture the fort."

"What if it can't be done?!"

"Can't...um...can't say it anymore!"

After receiving the answer, Karl almost lost his breath, but still rolled his eyes and carried out the order:

"Everyone is in position - turn left, double column, quick assault!"

Amidst the shouts, the more than 300 soldiers who received the order quickly turned around and began to maneuver quickly in the direction of the bugle sound - most of them were from the first line of troops, but there were also many soldiers from other units who had dispersed and followed. Move behind the team to the left side of the fortress.

The imperial defenders, who were almost beaten at the beginning, finally began to come to their senses, and started to reorganize order and organize defense in the chaos.

Bursts of rapid and chaotic bugles sounded in the fortress. Imperial soldiers wearing blue and white uniforms huddled in front of their chests and on both sides of the fence. They formed a fire net in the corners of the fortress in groups. He shot intermittently at the levied soldiers pouring in from the gap.

The imperial soldiers relying on simple fortifications quickly established a foothold outside the gap; but the problem was that the number of people on both sides had more than doubled, and the thin defense line was not enough to stop the charge of hundreds or thousands of people.

What's more important is that at midnight and in a heavy rain, you can't see clearly whether the people around you are still alive; the gunshots and smoke obscured by the rain and darkness are far less scary than during the day, allowing the conscripts to At the cost of more casualties than usual, they charged towards the defense line.


Lisa, who was staring with big eyes, bit her bayonet into the imperial soldiers' bodies with hatred. Before she could take the effort to pull out the bayonet, Karl behind her kicked the still struggling corpse to the ground. .

Behind them, the first regiment, which barely maintained its organization, had already passed through the outer defense line and began to rush towards the city wall along the "gentle slope" behind the wall.

"I told you not to rush so far forward!"

Panting heavily, Carl Bain grabbed Lisa's collar. The unconvinced little girl struggled desperately in his hands: "You are a skirmisher company commander, not a vanguard who is willing to die!"

"Let me say it again, you are the skirmisher company commander. Your only mission is to kill Anson Bach with the rifle in your hand before someone wants to kill him, or any of us. Do you understand?!"

Lisa, who had her hair grabbed, pouted and nodded aggrievedly.

Karl let out a long sigh and glanced at Lisa, whose eyes were a little red. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that the little girl in front of him was a monster who could shoot her head with a cannon.

at this time.

"Everyone - get down!"

Anson, who was standing at the front, suddenly crouched in fear and roared behind him.

Although Karl, who looked shocked, didn't see anything clearly, he instinctively fell to the ground immediately and pressed Lisa's little head to his side.


The next moment, a thunderous sound exploded in his ears, and all the soldiers who had not taken cover were instantly torn apart. The sprayed blood and broken limbs fell from the city wall to the ground, mixed with the rain and mud.

Anson felt a stinging pain in his skull, and the scene he was "seeing" was clearly reflected in his mind - it was two light artillery pieces being loaded with shotgun shells, plus nearly a company of battle infantry.

If you rush forward directly, the casualties will reach a quarter in an instant.

"Everyone is in position—" Anson roared, his right hands reaching behind his waist at the same time:

"Grenade ready!"


This guy...is he talking about that thing that only smokes but doesn't explode? !

Karl, who was stunned for a moment, suddenly realized when he saw Anson's eyes.

The next second, a dozen black grenades rose into the air and landed around the light artillery on the city wall.

After seeing the falling objects begin to spit out white smoke, the imperial soldiers with frightened expressions fled around.

But what they were waiting for was not an explosion, but a bayonet charge from more than three hundred conscripted soldiers!

At 1:45 a.m. at midnight, the 1st Infantry Regiment broke through the outer defense line and stormed the city wall.

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