I will be crowned king

Chapter 434 Governor’s Declaration

"...The people of the Kingdom of Clovis are very honored to be able to come to the world-famous Beluga Harbor and gather here with you in this beautiful and sunny season!"

"I am Colonel Anson Bach, your Beluga Port garrison commander. I am honored to be invited by Speaker Harold and the Beluga Port Council to speak freely with you here..."

The calm voice echoed in every corner of the port, and the dark crowd was silent. The port that used to be prosperous and noisy was now so quiet that only the sound of seagulls dancing in the ebb and flow of the tide could be heard.

Wearing a gray military coat and a three-cornered hat, Anson turned his back to the battleship Crown anchored in the port. He stood on a temporary podium surrounded by Stormtrooper soldiers, overlooking thousands or even nearly 10,000 spectators in front of him.

Although it was a temporarily organized speech, the great people of Beluga Harbor still showed a high degree of self-discipline; from Anson's perspective, five hundred congressmen in formal attire sat in the middle, while the rest of the audience stood obediently on both sides. , no mess at all.

Well, especially after six thousand heavily armed Stormtroopers landed.

"...Now is an era of change. The world is changing rapidly. Steam engines and new sailing ships are changing our lives. Living standards are improving day by day - more job opportunities, increased trade volume, a safe and stable colonial environment, and sustainable development. These are all This is an issue that concerns the people of Beluga Harbor today..."

"...As for the current public security and external issues that everyone is very concerned about, here, on behalf of the Royal Army, I can assure you that the Kingdom of Clovis has never forgotten that the Ice Dragon Fjord is also a part of it; all Storm Division soldiers will use all their strength to defend the Kingdom of Clovis. The will and courage of Lowe City to defend the great people of Beluga Harbor..."

"...A safe community environment and stable and prosperous living conditions are the rights that every hard-working Beluga Port people should have. I and the 6,000 Storm Division soldiers will work hard to provide everyone with this guarantee..."

Looking up at Anson who was standing on the stage talking eloquently and occasionally glancing at the speech manuscript in his hand, the little clerk in the audience sat on the chair very obediently, with a look of admiration on his face that made Carl Bain see A look of surprise.

"Can I ask a question?" The chief of staff couldn't help it anymore:

"Do you think this bastard... Anson's speech was wonderful?"

"Of course, it's simply wonderful!" The little secretary nodded repeatedly, with a very excited expression:

"Speaking of it, this was the first time I was asked by an adult to write a speech for him. It almost scared me. I was so nervous that I made at least two minor grammatical errors!"

Carl Bain: "...So you wrote this Laoshizi?"

"That's right!" The little secretary nodded happily and was so excited that he couldn't sit still:

"Is there any problem?"

"There's no problem, it's just..."

Karl twitched the corner of his mouth and glanced at the sleepy people behind him and the congressmen who were suppressing their sleepiness: "Don't you think what you wrote is a bit boring?"

"Oh, thank you!" The little clerk's eyes lit up, and then he showed a somewhat shy expression:

"I...this is my first time writing a speech. I really didn't expect to be praised like this by you!"

"...I'm not complimenting you." Karl couldn't help but rolled his eyes and kept his complaints in his heart.

Anson on the stage continued to talk: "Within the Kingdom of Clovis, the great White Whale Port has an unparalleled status. It is the key for the Clovis people to stand proudly in the world of order, and it is also a part of her crown. A pearl!”

"And you who have opened up this virgin land are even more amazing contributors to Clovis! Because of you, the ships of the Kingdom of Clovis can gallop on the sea, and the warriors of Clovis can continue to expand their territory... All this is everyone’s achievement!”

"Therefore, I always firmly believe that the New World is the gift and test of the great Ring of Order to the Clovis people! Only by conquering this land can the Clovis Kingdom truly move from strength to greatness; and this great journey, White Whale Harbor is where it starts..."

Under the stage, Speaker Harold, who was sitting in the middle of a crowd of energetic members, was holding a pipe in his mouth. He smiled and looked at the garrison commander who was reading the speech according to the script. There was a smile on his lips that could not be concealed.

Anson Bach's performance was exactly what he hoped for.

When the other party suddenly accepted his invitation, Harold felt a little panicked for a while, thinking that the other party was really prepared, but now...

Such meaningless compliments as "the great white whale port", "unparalleled status", "jewel in the crown"... may be useful in the countryside of Clovis or the border provinces, but in a world full of thugs and A smuggler's colony makes no sense at all.

It was obvious that this young army colonel knew nothing about Beluga Port.

"...In order to win this great journey, the great Beluga Port and her great people must not sit still and wait for death - because while we are opening up this new world, our enemies are doing the same thing!" Anson As if he didn't notice the expressions of the people in the audience, he continued in a deep voice:

"The potential of this land must be fully unleashed, especially its vast and fertile land, rich fisheries, minerals and forestry resources. By continuously improving transportation conditions and production efficiency, we can maximize production capacity."

"And more importantly, we must continue to open up, march east, west, north, to all unknown lands, and let King Clovis' flag be planted throughout the new world!"

"In order to realize this vision, the current White Whale Port and my army alone are not enough; only by completely unleashing the potential of this land can we protect the Ice Dragon Fjord, which carries the dreams of all Clovis people."

After saying this, Anson paused suddenly, raised his head and looked around at the dark, already drowsy people below:

“Therefore, I, Anson Bach, hereby announce that at least one arms factory, two wood processing plants, a steel plant, a machinery plant, and a smelting plant will be built in Beluga Port within the next six months. "

"These factories will be responsible for four-fifths of the Storm Division's munitions achievements. At the same time, I promise you that at least two-thirds of the positions will be recruited from local places, and at least 1,500 to 2,000 workers will be recruited. The salary level will be the same as that of the Storm Division. Stormtroopers level."

Anson said loudly, and suddenly raised his clenched fist to everyone:

"I reiterate again, these factories will provide at least 1,500 high-paying jobs for Beluga Port, and all positions will be open to everyone - from the general manager to the most ordinary porter, as long as they live in Beluga All Clovis people in Hong Kong can apply."

The steady voice echoed in front of the port for a long time through the sea breeze; under the high platform, there was a dead silence.

But the next second, the crowd was in an uproar!

The Beluga Harbor councilors sitting in the middle were still in shock and astonishment, while the people around them had begun to cheer.

What does two thousand jobs mean for a city of only 40,000 people?

Even using the highest ratio standard, the young labor force in the entire Beluga Port cannot exceed 30,000 people, one-tenth of which will be immediately separated from the current life, and will no longer have to work hard in fishing, logging, farming, and cleaning. The future is not guaranteed... but it will be a stable job.

A stable job!

In Clovis itself, this may not be a big deal. For those farmers, they have no shortage of ways to make ends meet; but in the still-exploring New World, a stable job is of unparalleled significance.

Very simple reason - except for some ambitious businessmen, why did the other colonists come to the New World?

It's simple, because they can no longer survive in the old world and there is absolutely no hope.

So Anson wanted to give them a hope, a hope that consisted of fifteen hundred jobs with a steady income.

Of course, it is impossible for anyone to build so many factories in Beluga Port at once, even with the full support of the Storm Division and the Rune and Cecil families; it would be a miracle to complete half of it in six months.

But this does not prevent him from using this promise to impress Port Beluga. Even if the factory cannot be fully completed in the end, with the storm division here, he has 10,000 ways to arrange 2,000 logistics positions.

"...This is just the beginning, the beginning of a great journey." Along with waves of uproar, Anson said solemnly:

“Beluga Port, which is rich in resources, must have a prosperous logistics industry and a strong manufacturing industry if it wants to completely become the pearl of the new world.”

"From today until June next year, the Royal Navy fleet will be stationed at Beluga Port to provide continuous and stable guarantee for the safe navigation of passing ships and the fishing grounds near Beluga Harbor..."

"Both shipping routes and fishing grounds will be under the protection of King Clovis's flag; from this moment on, any ship that does not fly the King's flag will wantonly encroach on these resources and continue to be greedy and shameless after being warned. Any behavior will be severely punished!"

"Justice, truth, law...are only within the range of naval guns!"

Under the podium, William Cecil, who heard this, proudly puffed up his chest and paid attention to the eyes around him, regardless of the expression of the first and second mates beside him.

"This is the wealth given to the Clovis people by the Ring of Order. As the garrison commander of Beluga Port, I promise you again that this treasure belonging to Ice Dragon Fjord will never be taken away by outsiders."

"The land belongs to the Clovis, and the sea... also belongs to the Clovis!"

Anson's speech continued: "The prosperous shipping route has brought not only wealth to Beluga Port, but also prosperity - we have countless wilderness, precious timber, and mines one after another..."

"In the past fifty years, Beluga Port has only been able to dig out these raw materials and load them into cargo ships one after another to be transported to North Port; but we must also understand that resources are never inexhaustible. While delivering resources to the local area, we also need to establish our own manufacturing industry!”

"Leather products, textiles, saltpeter processing, sculpture, wine making... Beluga Port has all the prerequisites for prosperity and has every hope of becoming the core of the new world's manufacturing industry. We will eventually succeed, and we will definitely succeed!"

"We, the great Clovis people, started from a small Clovis castle on the riverside. In just a few hundred years, we established a powerful kingdom that could compete head-on with the empire."

"Today...we are sitting in Beluga Harbor and the entire Ice Dragon Fjord. If we are only satisfied with the wealth in front of us, no matter how much we have now, we will definitely lose it."

"So brave Beluga people, we have to go out, we must go out! March to the colonies of the empire, march to the colonies of the three North Sea countries, march to the territories of the indigenous people... to all enemies who dare to hinder our expansion, Sound the horn of war!"

This was Anson's plan.

As the commander of the garrison, at least on the surface, except for military operations and maintaining public security, his powers are very limited, and he cannot interfere in local affairs of the colony.

But this is obviously not enough for the Luen family, which is about to expand its power in the colonies.

So for Anson, what he can do is very simple - through industrial expansion, tie the entire Ice Dragon Fjord colony onto the chariot of military expansion; as long as the entire colony revolves around war, the transformation If it becomes a logistics base, then the rest will fall into place.

He doesn't even need to take the initiative to declare war on anyone and shoulder the blame for "destroying the peace", because the empire will definitely come to make trouble - destroying the colonies will be a far more serious blow to Clovis than the empire, and the emperor cannot help but Understand this.

As long as the empire fires the first shot, everything after that will have nothing to do with the other party; anyone can start a war, but only the winner can end it.

In fact, as a Beluga Port with a small population but rich resources, it is actually quite suitable as a logistics base and bridgehead for expansion. By doing this, I can at best fully realize its potential and achieve the status it should have.

As long as Port Beluga does not dare to treason, or is powerful enough for the Royal Army to remove itself, otherwise they, with only 500 people, must stand on their side and become part of their "perfect plan"...whether they are willing or not. .

"This is my plan, a plan that will eventually be realized and will be realized; as your garrison commander, I firmly believe that the boundary between Ice Dragon Fjord and Beluga Harbor has never been divided by geography, but should be divided by us. The cannons and giant ships were used to divide them.”

"Any land with King Clovis's flag, where our soldiers stand, is the border!"

The harbor where the sea breeze roared sounded like waves one after another.

In the center of the stunned members, Speaker Harold, who was originally triumphant, looked so ugly that he didn't even notice when his pipe fell to the ground.

I miscalculated, completely miscalculated.

Anson Bach...he is not a garrison commander.

This is clearly the colonial governor!

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