I will be crowned king

Chapter 437 Reliable Candidate

The reason why he chose the more threatening Ecumenical Patriarch instead of the seemingly harmless wealthy businessman Wetzler family was simple - there was a fundamental conflict of interest between him and himself.

If his goal was just to be the garrison commander, it would be fine if he was just waiting to die in the colony to gain qualifications; but his real mission was to help the Luen family gain a foothold in the colony and become the actual ruler behind the Ice Dragon Fjord; and this It is impossible not to have conflicts among industrial owners who own a large amount of fixed assets and occupy a substantial monopoly position.

The most direct example - in order for the Stormtroopers to be self-sufficient in the colony, they must develop local industries and manufacturing, suppress the price of raw materials and reduce the import of local products, which will inevitably hurt the mines and forest farms in their hands. Wetzler family interests.

Even if the other party was willing to compromise, Anson would not dare to hand over these industries related to the Storm Division's logistics to a local snake.

In comparison, the universal patriarch has no such concerns.

The Ecumenical Church, which was the first to stand up against the Holy See, and the Church have gone to two extremes - the latter is always deliberately trying to establish a "heaven on earth", while the former has no interest in the secular world and firmly believes that the church should only Responsible for matters related to faith, while trying to simplify various religious rituals, even the purpose of the church's existence is almost abandoned.

To objectively evaluate the Universal Sect, excluding their various ways of tormenting heretics and heretics, as well as their fanatical ideals of jihad, in 99% of cases, they should be regarded as a group of relatively simple and stubborn good people.

The most important thing is that the power of the Wetzler family is only limited to Beluga Port, but Bishop Riper has influence covering the entire Ice Dragon Fjord colony. The Universal Sect is the most popular sect among the colonists in the New World.

As long as possible, Anson does not want the area under his control to have only a small Beluga Harbor; in this regard, only the bishops of the Universal Church can provide more help.

It is true that if you cooperate with the other party too deeply, it will greatly increase the probability of revealing that you are an old god sect or even a spell caster; but even if you deliberately avoid the other party, it does not mean that the risk is less than or even zero.

Then again, cooperation is a bilateral act, not a unilateral one. Why do you think you must be affected, not the other party?

There are even spellcasters within the Inquisition. Why can't an Old God sect also be a devout believer in the Circle of Order? Anson has always felt that he was quite religious.

By forming an alliance with this universal patriarch, you can not only use the other party's relationships and channels to connect the relationship network of Ice Dragon Fjord and other colonies in the New World, but also make it easier for you to carry out your future work, and also greatly improve the efficiency of your contact with them. .

If he could go one step further and simply become a high-level figure within the local Universal Sect, or obtain the pious protection of the "official official", wouldn't he and the Luen family be safer?

As for the specific method of operation... Since the holy war against infidels is "absolutely correct" or even "the only correct" within the Universal Sect, Anson does not mind turning himself and the Luen family behind him into a "jihadist flag" and will All the New World and Old God sects that were unwilling to cooperate were killed.

A "Holy Warrior Family" of the old god sect that believes in the Ring of Order, sounds... so pleasing to the ear!

Now that the decision has been made, it is natural to take action as soon as possible to show his sincerity to Bishop Ripper and the Universalists in Beluga Harbor; even if cooperation cannot be reached immediately, he must show that he has sufficient sincerity.

Of course, since I have reached a compromise with Speaker Harold, and I must cooperate with the parliament as much as possible on all matters, I can't visit him in person rashly... That will make me appear to be a person without integrity, which will be very damaging to my character.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a candidate who can replace him and be responsible for liaison with the church.

This person should look very honest, and at the same time be good at adapting to circumstances. At critical moments, he should know how to let himself not bear any responsibility, and let the other party willingly take all the blame.

Most importantly, this person must be reliable.

Anson thought of a perfect candidate.


"Why me?"

In the early morning, Major Carl Bain, who was suddenly dragged to have breakfast, was holding a cup of hot coffee with a surprised look on his face.

"Because you are the person I trust the most, bar none." Anson looked at his chief of staff with great sincerity, and pushed a fragrant canned apple in front of him rather flatteringly.

He finally got this from Lisa. For this reason, Anson also promised that if she wanted to go out in the future, he would take her first instead of Thalia.

After spending two months on the ship, the girl had gone from being indifferent at first to having some objections to Sister Thalia's long-term "occupation" of Anson.

"But what does this have to do with me?"

Carl Bain is still a little confused. To put it bluntly, Anson wants to win over the local church and pave the way for his "great journey" later, which is to find ways to make money for the Rune family.

Such professional negotiation work should obviously be left to the clerk Alan Dawn - and he is from the church.

"Because this matter cannot be a private act, it must be as official as possible." Anson explained patiently:

"The Universalist Church's philosophy is to try not to interfere in secular affairs. This, in turn, means that they have no interest in anything other than hanging heretics."

"And you also said that Allen is a clerk who came from the church. During the sectarian schism war, the Universalist Church was the first to jump out and resist the church, and he has been resisting until now - do you plan to have him hanged as a heretic? ?”

Which one is the heresy? The chief of staff muttered in a low voice and rolled his eyes helplessly:

"Then what can I talk to him about?"

"Of course it's faith!" Anson raised his lips proudly:

"The current White Whale Port is a mixed bag. There are both devout believers in the Circle of Order, various heretical beliefs and even Old God sects. There should be quite a few of them. If we, the Storm Division, want to straighten out the city and maintain law and order, we must deal with these potential threats. Punch!"

A punch?

Karl frowned and said in a disgusted tone: "...You're not talking about the security team, are you?"

The Carindia security regiment created by the young clerk and Fabian left an indelible impression on him - no logistics, no salary, no organization, only three days of training and a uniform, a rifle or simply a Given only a bayonet, they scattered them all over Carindia Harbor like fish bait.

It is hard to say whether this "self-sufficient" security group maintained the security of Carindia Port, but it was definitely the culprit that led to the subsequent riots in Carindia Port.

Is this guy planning to recreate the classic again in the colony?

"Of course not!" Anson retorted decisively:

"And it's not my fault that the Carindia Port happened - it's mainly because the Carindia people don't know how to be patient. Otherwise, the matter that time was actually easy to solve, and there wouldn't be any people who were later captured by the Imperial advance army. tragedy!"

Carl Bain: "...You are absolutely right, continue."

"I plan to establish a de facto military management system in Beluga Port - of course, a relatively loose one." Anson said eloquently:

"Even if Beluga Port is really loyal to Clovis, it can't change the fact that we are outsiders; if we want to have enough influence and not be ignored, we must find ways to show our presence and make people Beluga Harbor felt the difference between before we came and after.”

"But if we intervene directly, it will easily arouse the resentment of the local people, so it is best not for us, but for a local force to take the initiative and invite us to maintain the security of Beluga Port in a relatively tough manner, for example... …”

"Religion?" Karl understood.

Anson, who was holding the coffee, chuckled at him: "Exactly."

"The most important thing is not to use our own name - although we absolutely have this right - but to proactively cooperate with the followers of the Universal Sect, saying nothing except maintaining law and order, and let them promote it for us. "


"The Universalist Church advocates a 'small church system', which is completely opposite to the Order Church. There may not be fifty priests in an entire diocese, and they can only cooperate with believers." Anson explained:

"So Bishop Riper's own attitude - especially his first impression on us is very important, because there is no second church figure with the same influence as him to refute him; as long as he can nod his approval, the entire Ice Dragon Fjord All the Universalist believers will stand by our side!"

Carl Bain nodded. He already roughly understood Anson's idea: to use the protection of faith as a legitimate excuse to win the active cooperation of the Universal Sect, and with the other party's "support and proposal" to establish outposts and patrols covering the entire Beluga Port. network to monitor the entire city.

On the one hand, the opposition from within Beluga Port will not be too strong, because there is the "absolute majority" of the Universal Sect to promote the Storm Division. Even if other forces want to oppose or boycott, they can only do so secretly and privately.

On the other hand, the issue of faith is also an excellent excuse to interfere in the interior of Beluga Port. After all, hanging heretics is a thing that cannot go wrong.

As long as they can successfully take over the security of Beluga Port without resistance, everything will be fine from now on.

What? What should we do if there are pagans who are making trouble and resisting, and the situation has completely deteriorated?

That's just right. There is a battleship and four cruisers parked outside Beluga Harbor. By then, the storm divisions will be surrounding the city and the port ships will bombard the city. No matter how many problems there are, they will no longer be a problem.

This is one of the reasons why Anson insists on acquiring warships from the Royal Navy. Even a small warship, combined with the army, can pose a great threat to a port city.

"So my task is just to win over Bishop Riper and ask him to cooperate with us to station in Beluga Port and take over the security?"

"That's right, leave the rest to me. You just need to get him to agree to this one thing." Anson nodded slightly:

"This is just the beginning. Next, we have to find ways to expand our sphere of influence and take control of the entire Ice Dragon Fjord colony as soon as possible - it is impossible to supply the entire Storm Division with just one Beluga Port. .”

Beluga Port is very wealthy and has great potential, but its potential is based on convenient transportation and coverage of the surrounding area; if you only control this port city, the resources obtained will not be enough to support so many factories. , and cannot afford to support an infantry division of more than 6,000 people.

"If the other party agrees, who will be responsible for the security of Beluga Port?"

"Um...how are you?"

"Me? Forget it, it's better to let Fabian do it. He should be easier to get started with."

"Fabian doesn't have the time for this at the moment." Anson shook his head: "I asked him to be responsible for the construction plan of the station and headquarters. Later, he will be responsible for the construction of factories and port reconstruction plans."

"Then can I switch with him?" Karl rolled his eyes:

"This little secretary is fine too, he's also your confidant."

"No, I have to let him be responsible for negotiating with the Beluga Harbor Council and serve as my plenipotentiary representative when I am out." Anson expressed regret:

"Sometimes...he may have to serve as Miss Thalia's plenipotentiary representative."

Based on Thalia's character and way of speaking, Anson didn't think that the "civilized people" in the colonies would be able to avoid making her angry; considering that the lives of the colonial people were also life, he felt that it was better to let Alan Dawn be responsible for this. A better job.

"Oh? Let the person sent to you by Miss Sophia serve as the plenipotentiary representative of your Luen family's young fiancée. You are really...forget it, pretend that I didn't say anything, and I will shut up." Karl raised his hands in surrender:

"Wait! What are you going to do when you go out?"

"I'm going to take Lisa to the outskirts of Beluga Port, and I won't be back until about a day later." Anson stood up directly, took the military coat from the hanger at the back, and put it on casually:

"After I come back, I still have to negotiate with the Beluga Harbor Council, so during this period, you will be responsible for all the work of the resident and negotiating with Bishop Ripper - come on, you are the person I trust most!"

"Why are you going to the suburbs?" Karl ignored Anson's thumbs up and the white teeth grinning from the corner of his mouth.

"Inspect the local natural resources in Beluga Port, especially the forest farms and mines, as well as the surrounding villages and manors, and see what the output is - these things are always seen and believed, and there is no detailed concept just by looking at the numbers." Anson explained:

"In addition, if I still have time, I will probably check to see if there are any idle wastelands around and their specific locations to see if they can be used by the Stormtroopers."

wasteland? Karl was even more confused:

“What do we do with the wasteland?”

Anson put on his three-cornered hat, walked slowly to the door, turned his head and looked at Carl Bain at the dining table with a matter-of-fact expression:

“Farming, of course!”

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