I will be crowned king

Chapter 443 The Lighthouse of the New World

"I must admit that what you said is absolutely right - it is my mission to protect Beluga Harbor. How can I pass this responsibility to the people who should be protected by me?"

Under the dead silence and all kinds of gazes, Anson showed an extremely heartbroken posture, and his inner repentance was simply beyond words:

"The great people of Ice Dragon Fjord, they have the right to take up arms to defend their homeland, but they also have the right to enjoy peace and have a good life... Bishop Riper, I was wrong!"

"You are so wrong!" Bishop Ripper expressed the same feeling:

"But it's not too late now. You still have a chance to correct your mistake - prove to the entire Beluga Port that Clovis's army still has the determination to protect her."

"Show your courage and determination. I believe that all the devout believers who follow the Ring of Order will definitely feel the sincerity you want to convey from you!"


Anson nodded excitedly.

He turned around and glanced apologetically at Harold, who had an obviously ugly face; the girl next to him took a half-step back obediently, with a faint smile, leaving the "stage" to her dear fiancé.

With a solemn expression, Bishop Ripper averted his gaze and at the same time drew a symbol of the Circle of Order on Anson's back.

Under the gaze of pairs of eyes, Anson stepped forward and picked up the wine glass in his left hand. At the same time, he put his right hand behind his back and glanced at everyone in the hall:

"Members of the Beluga Port Assembly, gentlemen, I...Anson Bach...after carefully examining the actual local situation and having detailed conversations with the Bishop and the Speaker, I would like to express my sincere wishes to you here. 's apology."

"Obviously, my understanding of this land at the beginning was too superficial. I only saw many superficial problems and did not know what her most loyal people really needed. I thought my responsibility was only to protect everyone. safety and, to the extent practicable, make your life better.”

"I was wrong, so now I want to apologize to everyone and ask for your forgiveness." Anson sighed, his tone as sad as he could be.

The corners of Carl Bain's mouth twitched crazily in the audience.

"I ask myself here, do the people of Beluga Port need peace? Of course they do; do the people of Beluga Harbor need to become more prosperous? Of course they do; do the people of Beluga Harbor have the right to defend themselves? Of course they do!"

"But Port Beluga needs more than this, you... deserve more, better things!"

"Beluga Port deserves to have a unique status within the kingdom, because you are so important and continuously provide the native land with everything it desires. This should give you more rights...at least, it should also be of higher quality. life." Anson said solemnly:

"As your garrison commander, I can't win much for you on the mainland; but I can assure you now that the Storm Division will take the initiative to undertake the construction of public facilities in Beluga Harbor and even the surrounding areas."

"In the next six months, we will start to transform the road environment in the city and surrounding suburbs, so as to truly connect the entire Beluga Harbor colony as one, not just separate settlements as it is now."

"For example, in the natural forest farm in the northeastern area of ​​Beluga Harbor, in fact, as long as a short section is built and wooden tracks are laid, trucks can transport freshly processed wood to the nearest river, and the farm can reach the outskirts of Beluga Harbor within a day."

"Another example is the farms outside the city. Because the roads between each other were built independently, not only did they undergo a lot of duplication of construction, but the road section leading to Beluga Port was still a dirt road trampled by people and horses; they were not connected to each other, resulting in a A lot of wasteland has been abandoned.”

"There are also mines in the northwest - especially coal mines. The poor road environment and the risk of being attacked by indigenous people. In just two days' journey, the transportation cost is almost five times that of mining!"

"And if you want to improve this, you only need to connect its road to the nearby farm and build a patrol station. This will cut the cost of the local mine by two-thirds and increase the transportation efficiency by at least twice..."

As Anson continued to give examples, the guests in the audience who were still frightened and nervous about the quarrel just raised their heads and looked at the garrison commander with solemn expressions.

The little clerk standing next to Carl was even more proud, and at the same time he looked at Anson with even more admiration - he had only compiled all these information and handed them to Anson before the banquet started, and now he could recite them by heart. .

As a responsible clerk, Alan Dawn solemnly swears that Lord Anson Bach can definitely become an excellent administrator!

"...As for Beluga Harbor City, I originally thought that my duty was only to protect everyone from enemy invasion, but it is obviously not the case." Anson changed the subject:

"This great port city also has aging, dilapidated and even overwhelmed roads. At the same time, the disorderly traffic situation also causes many problems in normal trade exchanges. Many merchants even need to hire mercenaries to ensure that they can stay after business every day. , can safely walk the short 500-meter distance from the shop to the door of your home."

"Of course, I know very well that Beluga Port is different from the mainland, and her people have the right to enjoy unfettered freedom; but this freedom should not be unlimited...or let me put it more bluntly, such freedom only deserves Possessed by devout followers of the Circle of Order.”

"Those pagans who are very different from us and believe in false gods, no matter how strict we monitor them, it is not too much!"

"Therefore, I am honored to inform you that, thanks to the personal invitation of Bishop Riper himself, the Storm Division will officially enter Beluga Port in two days and take over the security work of the entire port to provide safety for all devout believers in their daily travels!"

Anson turned slightly sideways and raised his glass to pay tribute to the smiling bishop beside him: "And... maybe you already know that everything I said above is an obligation voluntarily undertaken by the storm master, and you don't need to pay any extra price for it. ——Because you deserve all of this!”

“These works will be started simultaneously with the construction of the previous factory and the subsequent reclamation plan of the Storm Division Legion Farm, but it will be slightly earlier - I will balance the interests of all parties and start by selecting the oak that best caters to the development of Beluga Port. "

Well, that is, whoever expresses his loyalty to the Storm Master first will start with which part; whoever is the most stubborn and refuses to blossom will definitely have various "unexpected situations" regarding the infrastructure construction of his part of the industry.

After all, the Storm Division only has 6,000 soldiers, so the labor force is definitely not enough, right?

In addition, now that he has a fleet in his hands, Colonel William Cecil still owes him a favor. The sea is such a dangerous place, and it is normal for any accidents - such as the shipwreck of a merchant ship - to occur, right?

Mason Wetzler in the audience suddenly raised his head, as if he had realized something.

As the most powerful wealthy businessman in the colony, he certainly knows better than anyone else how much convenience these infrastructure construction and good public security environment can bring to trade!

But as a loyal supporter of Speaker Harold, he also understands that once these are actually built, the Storm Division will inevitably replace the current White Whale Harbor Council at an alarming rate... At least Anson Bach's influence will definitely surpass Harold's. .

After all, the White Whale Port Council is only a coordinating body, and the garrison commander controls an army.

"...At the same time, Speaker Harold's suggestion also reminded me that guarding Beluga Harbor is not only my job, but also the right of all the people of Beluga Harbor!" Anson's voice continued:

"I will not shirk responsibility, let alone hand over all the responsibilities that belong to the garrison to everyone; but I also respect everyone's ideas and understand the determination of all devout believers who want to fight for the Ring of Order. "

"Therefore, I decided to form a brand new militia legion in Beluga Port. This legion will be composed of all believers in the Circle of Order to fight for our beliefs!"


The delicate wine glass fell to pieces on the floor. Harold's clothes were mostly soaked by the spilled wine. He suddenly didn't realize it. His right hand still kept the gesture of raising the glass. He stared at Anson's back as if he had heard the most ridiculous thing. words.

Bishop Ripper on the side still maintained a serious expression, but there was only a fleeting arc at the corner of his mouth.

Thalia was still smiling brightly, with an expression as if she was sitting in the auditorium of a theater and watching the plot gradually reach its climax.

“All believers who consider themselves loyal to their faith and who consider themselves followers of the Circle of Order, no matter where they come from or how they interpret their faith, can join this glorious group and fight for the glory and happiness of all believers. ." Anson said in a deep voice:

"I must clarify that this fight not only includes pulling the trigger on the battlefield, but all those who help to make the colony move towards a happy life should be regarded as warriors of the Ring of Order!"

"Exploring the wilderness, cultivating land, trading across oceans, hunting and harvesting, opening roads, and working productively... Everything in the New World and the colonies is a war, an eternal war!"

"We are not only looking for a new life here, but we are also trying to completely defeat the infidels; we are not just trying to defeat them on the battlefield, but we are also trying to win a decisive victory in all aspects; we are trying to replace the fallen with the noble. , Replace the backward with the advanced.”

"We must use our excellence to prove their failure; use our rightness to prove their mistakes - this not only requires the blood of the soldiers, but also relies on the wisdom, hard work and sweat of all of us to defeat them openly and honestly. Them, defeat them!”

There were thunderous applause, shouts of cheers and cheers of toasts in celebration.

Harold's expression was extremely ugly.

No wonder...no wonder Anson Bach dared to accept his invitation, and even deliberately visited the farm under his eyes, thinking of using the legion to reclaim wasteland to weaken his own strength.

Because I had calculated everything, but I didn't expect that a traitor would appear among my own people.

"You will regret this!"

Amidst the thunderous cheers, Harold glared at Bishop Ripper, gritted his teeth and said in a lowered voice: "You think this bastard can really hand over control of this army to you, you are delusional!"

"Let me tell you, in his eyes you...the entire Universal Sect believers in Ice Dragon Fjord are just tools to fulfill his ambition as governor; when you are no longer of use to him, he will kick you down immediately Step aside and support a puppet that is more to his liking!"

"When you are abandoned, don't regret it, let alone wonder why your 'loyal' believers didn't save you!"

Facing Harold's "threat", Bishop Ripper just smiled faintly, and his calm eyes inadvertently swept across his ferocious and twisted cheeks.

It was like looking at a dead person.

Harold's body trembled violently, and he turned around suddenly to leave. He could no longer stay in this hall where he had spent countless efforts and witnessed his path to power.

If you continue to stay here, you will just allow Anson Bach to humiliate you at will.


The moment he stepped away, the smiling Talia suddenly spoke.

Harold, who was stopped in his tracks, frowned slightly.

"You can't leave now." Thalia said softly:

"Anson and I are here tonight at your invitation. If the Speaker of the Beluga Harbor Council leaves at this time, the entire Council will be horribly divided because of your actions."

"Really?" Harold sneered:

"I thought this was what the Commander wanted most."

"On the contrary." Thalia said softly: "It is precisely to avoid this consequence that we will accept your invitation. Otherwise, we just need to aim the cannon at this hall, right?"

"What if I insist on leaving?" Harold's face darkened:

"What are you going to do with me?"

Thalia didn't answer, just smiled.


Harold was about to say something, but then he felt his body tremble violently, as if he was instantly thrown into an ice cave!

His whole body froze, his limbs began to spasm uncontrollably, and veins popped up one by one on the skin under his sleeves. The eyes on his taut face began to bulge, and tears began to flow freely around his eyes.



In the end... in the end...


Smiling Thalia walked up to Harold and whispered in a gentle tone:

"You're not leaving."

"Not only that, you will come to terms with dear Anson tonight and fully support his plan to make Beluga a prosperous port."

"It's not because of threats, but because this is your wish...right?"

"His Excellency Harold Lefkas?"

The gentle questioning voice echoed in his ears, and Harold nodded quickly, with tears on his face.

Coincidentally, at the same time, Anson’s speech came to its final conclusion:

"Let us do our best to make Beluga Harbor not only a port, but also a lighthouse. May her light illuminate the ignorant new world!"

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