I will be crowned king

Chapter 454 The Faithless Knights

In less than a day, the Teapot Street incident spread throughout Beluga Harbor.

Then again, it's hard not to spread the word - it was the use of the army and another explosion. Half of the community was blown up to the sky, and the remaining half was also filled with grief. The smoke column rising from the explosion even affected the farms and military camps outside the city. Everyone can see it clearly, and there is no way to hide it from anyone.

Regarding the origin of the entire incident, the industrial owners who owned forest farms and mines in Beluga Harbor were both happy and surprised.

Fortunately, the execution ability of Storm Division is beyond imagination, which proves that Anson Bach's previous "beautiful blueprints" are not just paintings; he is indeed capable of repairing roads, maintaining law and order, and building a city with good infrastructure. , a socially stable colony...make their dreams come true.

What is surprising is that this powerful execution power can also be used on them.

Colonial merchants and industrial owners found themselves in an extremely contradictory state: on the one hand, they hoped to have good infrastructure and public security, which would allow them to make more money, and at the same time, they did not have to worry about being beaten to death by angry workers in riots.

On the other hand, they are afraid that the "ruler" who provides all these services is too powerful and can be unscrupulous and manipulate them anytime and anywhere. They hope that it is best to set various restrictions on this person's power.

Of course, they didn't know that their local "colleagues" had almost the same idea as theirs, but the royal family was so powerful that they gave up on it and only dared to think about it occasionally.

But with the increasing burden caused by the war between Clovis and the Empire, and the increasing pressure from the royal family, some "unrealistic delusions" have begun to sprout...

As for Speaker Harold, the attitude of the farms and some small towns around Beluga Harbor is more subtle. They neither expressed opposition nor seemed encouraged. They are still in the wait-and-see stage. Only Speaker Harold himself is not salty. Sent a letter of congratulations lightly.

As the largest force in the colony, in a sense their attitude was that of the entire colony - they resented control from the locals, and they did not want too many outsiders to "share the cake" with them.

These people are not rejecting new immigrants, they just hope that immigrants can come to the colonies in pieces, so that they can be absorbed by various farms and ports, and gradually become "one of their own".

But it is quite difficult for external forces like the Stormtroopers and the Rune Family to welcome them from the bottom of their hearts, as they are clearly unable to be swallowed up and even difficult to separate.

Especially once the Storm Division completely controls the order of Beluga Port, they will definitely extend their hands to the outer colonies, reclaim the wasteland and build farms... and occupy some of their potential interests.

After all, it is not difficult for anyone to guess that Anson's purpose of establishing Legion Farms is to weaken their dependence on them; even if these farms can only be self-sufficient in the end, the wasteland occupied first will reduce the amount of arable land in their hands in the future.

As the "recognized" ally of the Storm Division in Beluga Harbor City, Bishop Ripper showed the most excitement after hearing the news that the murderer had been captured.

In the eyes of the bishop, Anson's ability to fulfill his promise so efficiently was tantamount to "implying" his positive attitude towards dealing with the heretics in Beluga Harbor.

And although the situation is slightly tense at the moment, it has also accelerated the formation of the Promise Keepers Alliance; the Storm Division has also begun to fulfill the agreement, and while getting the identity registration of these believers, it has begun to organize some simple training plans.

The situation is developing in the direction he expected, and soon Beluga Port will have a militia armed with faith.

The bishop even stated that he would take the initiative to lead the believers in Beluga Port to raise funds, set up a burning stake in the square for the two murderers who were captured alive, and "clearly punish" the criminals as thousands of believers watched and cheered.

Karl and Alexei, who were responsible for the security of Beluga Port, could only "decline" the bishop's kindness, saying that the criminals were still in the interrogation stage and they could not be turned into human candles so quickly... at least not now.

As for a certain "sheriff" who fights to protect Beluga Harbor...she has no interest in anything that is "inedible".

Armed with the "Chief's Code" and chewing a sweet "cigarette" at the corner of her mouth, Sheriff Lisa walks the streets of Beluga Harbor and is committed to cracking down on all criminal violations that endanger the daily lives of residents; once any bad guy is caught If she targets him, nothing good will come of it.

Of course, in the process of fighting criminals, innocent people will inevitably be injured, so in just a few days, many legends have spread in Beluga Harbor: "Bomb Goblin", "Shotgun Sheriff", "Ghost Trenchcoat", "Death Whistle"...

The great Sheriff Lisa didn’t take this to heart. The Good People of Beluga Harbor also tried its best to promote the Sheriff’s great achievements in silently cracking down on criminals without seeking fame and wealth. The front page cover showed her holding a “cigarette” in her mouth. , illustration of hand holding shotgun.

Well, she especially liked the title "Shotgun Sheriff."

And the losses caused by her efforts to eradicate evil, objectively did a "big favor" to the Second Infantry Regiment in charge of public security - Anson had always planned to rebuild Beluga Harbor, which had poor infrastructure.

Now it's better, we can skip the demolition process and fast forward to community reconstruction.

On the one hand, he has to maintain security in the port, on the other hand, he is responsible for the training of the Promise Keepers League, and now he has to take on the community reconstruction work... Major Carl Bain, Chief of Staff of the Storm Division, is deeply honored by this, and his gratitude is simply beyond words.


Beluga Harbor Barracks, Headquarters.

Anson, who intentionally slept late and got up, was wearing comfortable pajamas, lying on an easy chair with a glass of Tirpitz Rum, lazily staring at the warm fire in the fireplace, relieving the fatigue of the past three days.

As a person who is cautious enough and pursues perfect plans, I really wore clothes full of fish smell and stayed in Teapot Street for three days, sleeping in one shack after another on a cold and windy night. ", doing everything possible to make the enemy relax their guard.

Although he was not unprepared, the harsh conditions of his residence were far beyond his imagination. Anson originally thought that the conditions in an army outdoor camp were harsh enough, but compared with the "warm little home" of the residents of Teapot Street, Definitely the top luxury hotel in the inner city of Clovis.

"Eye-opening" is not enough to describe what he saw and heard. At the same time, it also greatly deepened his determination to rebuild the community. It was urgent to save the new immigrants in dire straits and improve their quality of life. !

In short, after experiencing three nightmare nights, Anson felt that it was very necessary for him to enjoy himself.

He waited until almost noon before changing his coat, chewing on a delicate briar pipe, and walked toward the barracks cell alone.

After experiencing the "Skull Crushing" incident, Fabian, who had learned from the past, specially designated an area in the camp and rebuilt the prison.

The specific operation is based on the prison of the Guards. The structure includes cells, solitary cells, interrogation rooms, jailers' dormitories...it even has a special canteen and clinic. It also specially dedicates a platoon from the Grenadier Regiment to temporarily serve as a jailer. He himself works part-time as a jailer. long.

Arriving outside the door of the interrogation room, a tired-looking Carl Bain was sitting on a chair, waiting with a glass of mulled wine; while the former Guards officer in charge of the interrogation was already behind the door, and the interrogation that lasted all night was about to begin. Finish.

Carl Bain's resentment towards this boss who acted like a hands-off boss was endless, and he could never finish his complaints in ten thousand years.

In order to ensure that his loyal subordinate would not give up immediately, Anson was certainly not unprepared, but prepared an "unexpected surprise" for him.

"So you really plan to let Lisa be responsible for the security of Beluga Harbor?"

Karl, who received this "surprise gift", showed no joy of relief at all. His expression looked like he had an ear problem: "I thought you were joking at the time and just wanted to use her as a cover."

"How could it be...she is my biological sister." Anson chuckled:

"I'm serious."

Karl raised his eyebrows: "Are you serious?"

"Of course." Anson nodded matter-of-factly:

"What, you don't believe Lisa can deal with the criminals in Beluga Harbor?"

"No, I don't doubt that."

Carl Bain waved his hand, he was more confident in the girl's abilities than he was in himself: "I simply think that if we let her fight the criminals in Beluga Harbor for a few more months, it is very likely that... uh... there will be no Beluga Harbor. "

Anson Bach: "...Is it really that serious?"

"Try changing this sentence from a question to an affirmative sentence." Karl's eyes widened:

"Yes, it's really that serious."

"Of course, if you think it doesn't matter, I actually have no problem - anyway, this matter will be out of my control in two days, and then those poor unlucky people will come to trouble you."

"And I can't say that this appointment is completely without benefits. After all, everything has good and bad qualities."

"for example?"

"It must be terrible for those unlucky guys who just stole other people's things and were chased by her with a shotgun." After a glass of wine, Carl Bain showed a bad smile:

"But for the builders, the masons, the tree farmers selling lumber, it's absolutely wonderful to have our amazing Sheriff Lisa Bach here."

Anson Bach: "..."

Looking at Anson who couldn't speak a word, Carl Bain laughed happily. Occasionally, it was one of the few things that could make him happy to give this boss with countless plans a slight blow.

But the happy time did not last long, Karl suddenly thought of something very extraordinary!

"I said...you won't tell Lisa about this, right?"

Karl asked cautiously, while carefully observing Anson's reaction.

The silent Anson slowly turned his head, and looked into the eyes of his loyal chief of staff with an expressionless face. His slightly pursed mouth started from the flat corner, and gradually rose as his head tilted to the left, revealing him little by little. Those white teeth:

"What do you think?"

Carl Bain: "..."

The happy time is always short-lived, and what the two of them are currently concerned about is not the security issue of Beluga Port, but the reaction of the Universal Sect.

"To be honest, the situation is not too good." Carl frowned slightly and picked up the mulled wine:

"Bishop Ripper took this incident as a signal and planned to use this to encourage the Circle of Order believers in Beluga Port to launch a campaign against 'heretics', intending to eradicate them completely in one fell swoop."

"I've learned a little bit about it. Not counting the Old God sects who are particularly well-hidden, there are probably more than 10,000 indigenous people in Beluga Port. Plus a small number of local immigrants with certain 'deliberate beliefs', the number is about 13,000 or 4,000. It looks like; if Bishop Ripper really plans to take action, I'm afraid..."

"At least 20,000 people will die in Beluga Port." Anson took the words with a heavy expression:

"One-half of the city's population."

Karl nodded helplessly.

"This does not include the number of indigenous people in other farms and towns. If the thorough cleaning continues, at least 30,000 to 40,000 people will die from the 100,000 people in Ice Dragon Fjord... I have also heard that in some relatively remote places, there are already mixed immigrants and indigenous people. Already." Karl's face became increasingly ugly.

Even if he wants to be a heartless, cold-blooded bastard, the sudden loss of so many people in the colony will definitely cause a serious loss of vitality; let alone Anson's "plan", it will be extremely difficult to maintain the entire colony.

Not to mention that such a large-scale massacre of the indigenous people is impossible without attracting retaliation; if the empire takes the opportunity to attack again... even if it can be rolled back to the mainland and dismissed, it may be the best outcome.

At this moment, the door of the interrogation room suddenly opened, and a figure walked out of it.

Fabian pushed the door open and pursed his mouth tightly. His bloodshot eyes and slightly blue eyes could not conceal his tiredness. He turned around and said to Anson who suddenly appeared:

"The interrogation is over, both of them have been recruited."

"It is completely consistent with your previous judgment, Commander. They are not old gods, but genuine talents - including the guy who was killed by Miss Lisa Bach."

Is he really a gifted person? ! An Sen was shocked, but he still pretended to be calm and said calmly:

"what else?"

"They are not pagans who believe in some evil god, nor do they belong to some heretical group." Fabian's voice was a little hoarse:

"To be more precise, they don't believe anything."

"Don't believe anything?" Karl next to him was stunned for a moment.

A group of talented people who inherited the power of blood claim to believe in nothing?

"Let me confirm...are you saying that these guys...don't think there are gods in this world?"

"I'm sure that's what they think - in fact, their original words are that the so-called three old gods are just relatively powerful creatures, like whales and lions; and the Ring of Order is pure imagination, given to someone The spiritual sustenance of these weak people." Fabian recalled in a low voice:

"And the reason why they attacked our army was purely out of impulse. They wanted to resist the expansion of the Ring of Order in the colonies, and they did not really want to go against us."

"Oh, by the way, this group of people also has an organization that calls itself..."

"The Faithless Knights!"

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