I will be crowned king

Chapter 459 Reaching Reconciliation

Port area, twenty-thirty.

The nights in Beluga Harbor are very cold, especially in winter. The icy sea breeze blows across the calm water and whizzes through the muddy and narrow streets; the streets and alleys are empty, and there are almost no pedestrians.

Although it is one of the most prosperous ports in the New World, Beluga Harbor in winter is still as deserted as an extremely dark ice cave, with only a few lights visible in the distance.

Sheriff Lisa Bach was walking in the middle of the road, her little boots covered with snow and silt moving forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Matched with her high chin, she looked very arrogant.

As the guardian of Beluga Harbor, I not only have to protect everyone's ordinary daily life during the day, but also fight against those nasty criminals at night to ensure that no fish slips through the net.

Unfortunately, except for a few drunken sailors, there was no opportunity for the Sheriff to show off his skills. It was even questionable whether those sailors were criminals; they didn't even notice themselves before they were laid down. He stood up straight and wanted to step over the girl's head.

Dragging the drunkards into the alley one by one and placing them side by side against the wall, the frustrated police chief held a cigarette (caramel flavor) in her mouth. She began to seriously suspect that she had been tricked by Carl Bain - there was no way near the port. There is no bad guy as he said!

Just when the angry girl was thinking about how to take revenge on the chief of staff and whether she should steal all his cans, she suddenly saw a few strange figures flashing past the alley.

Their speed was so fast that they could barely hear their footsteps. Even Lisa suspected for a moment that it was her imagination.

Um? !

The chief sergeant suddenly raised his vigilance, concealed his aura, and followed those figures closely.

Soon, Lisa, who was hiding around the corner and lying next to the wall, caught her target.

Next to the empty street, three guys wearing thick long-sleeved windbreakers, hats and scarves covering their mouths and noses formed a circle. They talked quietly while observing their surroundings vigilantly.

Lisa, who was hiding in the distance, couldn't hear the content of their conversation clearly, but she could vaguely see whether the three of them were pointing in the distance with their fingers or eyes while talking.

Just when Lisa was hesitating whether to rush forward and kill all the suspects or continue to observe their actions, a man in black standing in the center suddenly raised his right hand and snapped his fingers toward the sky.

Then, Lisa was shocked to find that she could no longer hear the sound!

The girl was so frightened that she quickly covered her little head with her hands and found that both ears were still intact and had not been harmed at all.

The leader of the men in black put down his raised right hand, and the three people who obviously relaxed their vigilance dispersed around. At the same time, two more figures jumped down from the roof of the building next to the street and came forward to talk to them.

Two or three minutes later, the five men in black left separately, but there was still no sound in the empty street, which was as silent as a tomb.

Lisa, who was covering her ears with her hands, still stood where she was, staring at their disappearing figures.

Through careful observation and careful reasoning, the great Sheriff Lisa has discovered the target of these evil criminals - the three-story building with a courtyard in the distance.

At first glance, it looks like a rich man's yard, because it looks very similar to Talia's sister's home (Lund Manor); it's just many times smaller, well, much, much smaller.

There was no time to hesitate... Taking advantage of the uneven walls and window edges on both sides of the alley, the girl jumped up quickly, making only a small sound.

Within a few breaths, the petite body had appeared on the roof, holding the shotgun hidden under the coat in his right hand, and the hidden bayonet protruding from the sleeve of his left hand, like an owl eyeing its prey under the night sky.

Sheriff Lisa Bach—Attack!


Inside the Wetzler mansion, the dead air still lingers.

It must be admitted that Wetzler's cooking skills for the dinner were quite excellent - even though it was in the ice and snow at the edge of the world, he could still get red wine produced in Hantu, more than twenty different spices, more than a dozen kinds of fresh vegetables...meat There are even more varieties, rich and at the same time, they still have the characteristics of a "northern port".

For example, Anson likes egg potato pancakes very much. Under the crispy egg pancake skin is juicy mashed potatoes mixed with onions and minced meat. With the fresh and salty taste highlighted by spices, it is delicious whether eaten alone or as a side dish. no problem.

In addition, there are also slightly fried red sausages with a tangy meat aroma, red cabbage soup piled with large pieces of pork belly, attractive orange-red pickled fish, and golden fried fried fish wrapped in a thick sauce. Fish steaks and fried shrimps, pickled cucumbers as a side dish with moderate saltiness...

Port Beluga is worthy of being a colony of the Clovis people. They are almost the same in their passion for heavy flavors and their fondness for fried and pickled products. Coupled with a bit of colonial style, the original "sausage banquet" has been upgraded to a "sea, land and air feast" ".

Just a table full of colonial delicacies couldn't hide the depressing atmosphere.

Mason Wetzler stared at Anson Bach across the table, his eyes filled with shock and anger, as well as confusion and incomprehension.

"Lord Commander of the Garrison, why are you so insistent on 'change'? Is it really not good to maintain the status quo?"

This is also where he is most confused.

Anson Bach has a military and local "background", and this strength is recognized by the entire colony; as long as they are willing to join the Beluga Port Council, they do not mind sharing the cake with him, or even taking the larger piece.

But what the garrison commander obviously wanted was not this. He even wanted to overturn the table and make a new cake.

Of course, he showed enough restraint and was very cautious about using the army from beginning to end; this was the only reason why Speaker Harold was unable to mobilize the entire colony to jointly resist him.

"It depends on what you mean by 'status quo.'"

Wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin, Anson wrote lightly: "According to my understanding, the so-called 'status quo' has long ceased to exist."

“Internally, the number of immigrants and indigenous people in the colony is increasing every year, and the conflicts between the two sides are becoming more and more acute. At the same time, the purely autonomous colonists are still in disarray, and extreme rebellion has begun to appear among the indigenous people who seem to be unable to resist. Pagan organization.”

"Externally, the local demands for colonial resources are increasing every year, and the profits are getting smaller and smaller year by year; the empire has set its sights on the fat piece of Ice Dragon Fjord, and our adventurers and mercenary groups are still expanding outwards. , reclamation and slave hunting, continue to anger and provoke the surrounding indigenous people."

"The seemingly prosperous and stable Beluga Port is already a powder keg that can be exploded at any time. How long can this 'status quo' be maintained?"

With a flash of astonishment in the corner of his eyes, Mason fell silent and involuntarily clenched the knife and fork in his hands.

What he cared about was not what the commander said, but his attitude; according to his tone just now, it was obvious that there was no room for further compromise.

"In that case, why do you still come to me?"

After a long pause, Mason spoke with difficulty.

"Because I want to give you...a chance." Anson took another sip of dark rum:

"And I believe that a good businessman must have a longer-term vision than ordinary people."

Mason Wetzler: “…what do you mean?”

"The White Whale Port Assembly is only an autonomous institution, and it is only a matter of time before a local colonial governor is appointed; instead of hoping that nothing will change, why put your hope in the future and get more?" Anson asked:

"Binglongfjord is quite rich in resources. As long as we can improve infrastructure, improve work efficiency, and ensure social stability, the cake will definitely get bigger and bigger... Even if you lose your monopoly, you can get several times more than you do now based on your ability alone." profit."

"The Storm Division is beginning to plan to rebuild Beluga Port, and the members of the parliament have also begun to spontaneously form various special committees; within one year, the profit of Beluga Port will increase by at least 150%, and it will be a net increase. Profits… you know it’s true.”

Mason certainly knows that he, the head of the Chamber of Commerce, is very clear about the various factors that limit the prosperity of Beluga Port.

So he also knew better the consequences of Anson's actions.

The five-hundred-person parliament has been split into committees responsible for special projects, which means that the differences between each other's interests will become wider, and at the same time, the dependence on the only "organization" that can provide public services and military security will increase.

As the garrison commander, it was easy for Anson to control them - either pull one to fight another, or divide the large committee into small committees, or set up new committees, almost at his will.

Not to mention the Luen family behind him... If all the factories promised by the other party are really completed, just the number of workers and interest groups controlled by them can turn the entire colony into the private property of the Luen family.

Anson Bach will become the de facto ruler of Ice Dragon Fjord, with more power than any colonial governor.

Even if a new governor is appointed locally, this will not change.


With her hands picking at the cracks in the bricks, Lisa, who was hiding on the roof, poked her blackened head out of the chimney and carefully observed her target.

With the moonlight above her head, the girl could vaguely see the outline of the three-story building - of course this was a modest statement, in fact she could even see the relief on the door bolt clearly.

The power of blood magic is to continuously strengthen the power of the body. Even if there is no real "awakening", the "blood of August" in Lisa's body will slowly evolve as she grows up and gains combat experience. Produce more power.

It didn't take long for the girl to capture the five previous figures!

They appeared from different alleys and rooftops, and approached the small building from five directions at a fast or slow pace.

Just as the leading guy was about to reach the door, two of the men in black suddenly stopped, one to the left and one to the right, turned around and jumped to the top of the building nearby, disappearing from Lisa's sight.

But the girl can still feel the breath on their bodies... Although no sound can be heard, the smell on their bodies is very similar to Ponytail (Louis Bernard).

And after some reasoning, the wise Sheriff Lisa has discovered the "trick" the other party just did - he didn't make the sound "disappear", but put thick earmuffs on everyone. If you are serious, If you listen, you can still hear a little bit of sound.

The guy on the left was also squatting near the chimney. He seemed to have taken out a weapon such as a rifle and pointed it in the direction of the three-story building.

The guy on the right stood unabashedly on the edge of the roof, but the girl could hardly feel his breath, as if he had completely blended into the surrounding environment.

The remaining three people entered the courtyard. The entire mansion seemed like an empty building, and no one stepped forward to stop them.

As they slowly approached, the three of them had already taken out their own weapons: one had a pair of swords, one had a spear, and one had a short sickle.


The girl jumped out of the chimney and flew over one street and alley after another at extremely fast speeds. Her light footsteps only left a shallow footprint on the roof.

The great Sheriff Lisa is not ready to wait any longer, she is going to blow the heads of these criminals one by one with a shotgun.

Of course, there are a total of five bad guys on the opposite side, and stepping forward rashly may cause two or three of them to have the opportunity to escape, bringing greater harm to the peace of Beluga Port.

But that's not a problem, because Sheriff Lisa has already thought of a plan.

A perfect plan.


Mason Wetzler pondered for a long time. It was not until the butler returned to the restaurant with a new bottle of wine in his hand that he slowly raised his eyes and looked across:

"You're right."

"Maybe it's because I've been comfortable for so long that I'm afraid of taking risks and changes, and I can no longer be as brave as I was when I was young."

"But you still have a chance." Anson picked up the wine glass:

"I can't promise you anything more, but this is the only thing I can guarantee - the Wetzler family will never decline because of changes, but will only become stronger."

As long as they can expand production and fully tap the economic potential of the colony, ocean-going traders like the Wetzler family can easily double their profits even if they do nothing.

After all, whether it is coal mines or other natural resources, these are "hard currencies" in the true sense. The locals always want as much as they have, and there is no possibility that they cannot be sold.

"You don't have to promise anything!"

Mason smiled, as if he had finally adjusted his mentality; he straightened his clothes, picked up his wine glass and stood up: "The Wetzler family is willing to join the command of the garrison commander - I accept your offer and let 'Those people' stop funding the Faithless Knights!"

"Let's have a drink together to celebrate our reconciliation, shall we?"


The butler on the side skillfully opened the second bottle of rum and walked towards the table holding the bottle in one hand.

At the moment when he was still three or four steps away, he suddenly pulled out a pistol from his arms, and the dark muzzle poked forward!

Targeting Mason Wetzler!

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