I will be crowned king

Chapter 46 Two Commands


A lead bullet hit the center of the eyebrow, and blood like paint spurted out from the punctured skull cavity, splattering an irregular fan shape on the door behind the imperial soldier.

Almost at the same time as the body fell, the thin figure hiding in the shadows had quietly reached the door, pressed the butt of his gun against the body, and carefully pushed open the wooden door that was still dripping with blood.


Just when the body lost its support and was about to fall, a rifle with a bayonet suddenly stretched out from the black shadow and opened fire outside the door without hesitation.


The cold bayonet penetrated the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle and penetrated directly through the jaw of the soldier behind the door. He fell to the ground with the bayonet drawn without saying a word.

The battle went on very briefly, without even a single unnecessary sound.

After laying the two corpses flat on the ground and carefully confirming that there were no guards around, Lisa nodded proudly to herself and waved her little hand behind her.

Carl, who breathed a sigh of relief, and Anson led the soldiers of the first regiment, carefully walked out of a remote corner, and entered the main castle through the wooden door.

"The first company was deployed on the city wall, relying on the protective wall to guard outside the door. Report the situation to the people around you at any time. Once exposed, immediately seal the wooden door and retreat into the main castle."

"The men of the second company entered the main fort with the regimental commander and me. Each squad leader keeps in contact at all times and is waiting as a ranked unit; the remaining people cover the wounded soldiers and rest on the spot!"

After a series of orders were issued, Carl Bain looked at Anson with a heavy expression: "I know all the big and small places in the main castle very well - the structure is very tight, and if you bring too many people into it, it can only be used as a target. One company is enough to handle it.”

"I will lead the way next, and you will take command when encountering battles and deciding the direction, okay?"

Anson nodded without any objection. He originally thought so too:

"Do you think that if the commander of the Imperial Army, Kroger Bernard, is not outside commanding the army, where is he more likely to be now?"

Karl, who frowned slightly, thought for a few minutes and speculated very seriously: "There are about three places."

"The first is the commander's bedroom. It is the safest and strongest room in Thunder Castle. It is located in the middle of the third floor of the main castle; by the way, we are on the fifth floor now."

"Then there is the map room, which is on the second floor near the spiral staircase on the right; there is also a warehouse opposite the stables at that location, which is very convenient for running around;"

"At the end is the main hall on the lowest floor. The room is very empty and relatively long; if he is planning to die with the levied troops who rushed into the main castle, it would be a good place."

"In other words, we can search all the way down the stairs?" Anson reacted immediately.

"Well, that seems to be the case."

Karl nodded matter-of-factly while taking out his cigarette and lighting it.

"Then why did you think about it for so long?"

Karl, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth, coughed twice and said a little embarrassedly: "Ahem... It's hard to get to a place where it's not raining, so I just want to take the opportunity to smoke a cigarette and be lazy..."

"...Go, lead the way!"

The grumbling Karl was pushed forward by Anson with the butt of his gun, grumbling and walking towards the depths of the main castle.

Under the leadership of Carl Bain, the "local", a group of people successfully found the spiral staircase in the main castle and followed the stairs down.

After descending to the fourth floor, the team began to split up - Anson, Carl and Lisa took one platoon to the main hall, while the remaining two platoons split up to search the bedroom and map room.

This will not only avoid wasting manpower, but also ensure that as long as the commander of the imperial garrison, Kroger Bernard, is exposed, regardless of whether he can be killed immediately, the remaining layers will have troops to contain it, ensuring that no fish will slip through the net.

Although Thunder Castle looks like a "modern building" from the outside, the internal structure still looks the same as that of the previous era.

The corridor is so narrow that it can only accommodate two people walking side by side, but it is so transparent in front and back that there is no place for protection. One shot can hit from one end to the other; the remote spiral staircase is specially placed near the edge of the protective wall. Once protected, The wall was blown open, and anyone trying to escape through the stairs was risking their lives.

These structures are absolutely outdated now, but in the era when cold weapons were popular, the narrow corridor meant that a small team of elite knights could block the entire corridor; the spiral stairs close to the wall could even allow the enemy to escape before they were discovered. A must for the castle owner to escape in time.

In other words, this castle has definitely seen its age.

Anson was carefully observing the surroundings. Of course, he was not studying archeology or historical facts - that was the hobby of "former Anson" - he was thinking about another more realistic issue.

Since this castle has a lot of "history", then the reason why the "Old God Sect" who cooperated with the empire came to Thunder Castle so enthusiastically to cause trouble... could it be because there is something terrible buried underneath? !

Only at this time can Anson remember that this is a world where in addition to steam, steel and artillery, there are "old gods", magic, supernatural powers and blood; buried in history, besides the truth, there are also things that make people tremble. Uneasy horror!

An epitaph engraved on a stone tablet, a coffin buried deep in the ground, a broken page full of curses, a box of gold coins sunk at the bottom of the sea... may all contain some kind of terrifying, unknown and strange power. .

While Anson was still thinking wildly, Carl Bain's voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

"The two teams sent out have already heard back. Kroger Bernard is no longer in the bedroom or the map room - not even a person is there. The upstairs is all empty."

Anson nodded, which meant that the other party could only be in the main hall at the bottom of the main castle.

Karl, whose expression gradually became serious, put out the cigarette in the corner of his mouth and looked at Anson without saying a word, waiting for his order.

"Tell the people in the two platoons not to follow them, and to ambush them on the opposite stairs." Anson, who pondered for a while, quickly made a judgment and said:

"Our side will launch a surprise attack first - if the people on the other side have the advantage, we will warn them with a volley of volleys, then retreat towards the gate while fighting, and then they will rush down from the side stairs to outflank them, and finally..."


Anson suddenly stopped, his eyes widened as if he had turned into a sculpture, and he froze in place motionless.

"Captain? Hello...Captain..."

Upon noticing something strange, Karl immediately held down his shoulders to block the view of the soldiers behind him, and lowered his voice and shouted something in Anson's ear.

He vaguely remembered that on that foggy morning, the guy in front of him had been in a similar situation.

But Carl was only half right, and this time it wasn't his head.

But the heart!

The mark left by the curse is burning Anson's heart!

The moment he tried to use his powers to "see" the scene in the main hall, the scenes in his mind seemed to burst into chaos, and the six-pointed star brand began to burn his heart.

Just...just like...

It's like some kind of warning!



Anson was startled when he was awakened. With cold sweat on his forehead, he looked sideways at Carl Bain, whose expression was extremely nervous.

Almost as soon as he woke up, his supernatural powers began to fade away, and the burning sensation in his chest gradually weakened, leaving only a slight tenderness to remind him.

"How are you feeling now? If it doesn't work, the worst thing will be..."

"I'm fine."

Anson, who was still breathing slightly, interrupted directly: "Listen, the plan has changed, two orders; first, you immediately lead the entire group to evacuate towards the top of the main castle and guard the wooden door."

"Then, as soon as you notice anything strange, evacuate the main castle immediately - remember, it's anything strange! Don't hesitate, evacuate immediately!"


Karl said without hesitation, then pursed his lips and looked at Anson:

"how about you?"

"Uh...this is the second order." A wry smile appeared on Anson's lips:

"Do not ask."

As their eyes met, Karl's expression finally became solemn: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Anson nodded seriously with a wry smile: "This is the best way to keep as many people alive as possible."

"Including yourself?"

"Do I look like someone looking for death?"

"It didn't look like it before, but now it kind of does."


Karl, who was looking at Anson, stretched out his hand to put out the cigarette butt, exhaled, and said calmly:

"Okay, I'll take them to the top floor to wait for you."

After saying that, he waved to the people behind him, turned around and left without looking back.

Listening to the footsteps that were getting further away behind him, Anson, who was tensed, began to walk along the stairs towards the bottom floor.

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