I will be crowned king

Chapter 462 Citywide Manhunt


It was a loud noise comparable to the collision of a six-pound solid bullet and an iron-clad city gate. The roar that penetrated the eardrums shook the surrounding air. The bursting air waves overturned the surrounding lawn and soil, leaving a trace around Drake. There were traces similar to a grenade explosion.

The Wild Hunt Knight raised his two swords and smashed the blow head-on. The sleeves of his windbreaker were torn to pieces. Huge veins covered his arms and neck. His temples were beating and his eyes were instantly bloodshot.

Apart from these, the Wind Knight's full blow did not cause any damage to him.

But for Anson, that was enough.

He has been waiting for now!

Amidst the sharp whistling sound, the smoke flying with the air waves regrouped into a solid entity in the air. A right hand holding the Inquisitor's revolver stretched out from the smoke, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the back of Drake's neck.

The rotating magazine sent the last lead bullet into the gun chamber, with a "gift" carefully prepared by Anson in thanks for tonight's banquet attached to it.

Cursed magic, [Ashes].

This magic is slightly related to [Rising Fire]. It comes from the original work of a certain conjurer in the era of sectarian schism. The effect is to turn someone or something into firewood, or a very large flammable object.

The reason why it is called this is because once it is ignited, unless you escape from the conjurer's casting range as soon as possible, it will really be burned until only ashes are left.

It sounds boring, it's cumbersome to prepare, and in many cases it seems unnecessary... But against some guys who can withstand grenades and have amazing vitality, this magic can be a killer.

For example, a tough Wild Hunt knight.

According to Thalia, this conjurer found inspiration from the stake, and also used it to commit suicide when he was about to be defeated in the end; if it weren't for her quick actions, Anson would probably not have been able to learn such a "creative" skill. It's magic.

As for how he "moved quickly"... out of respect for privacy, he didn't ask further.

The gunfire spurted out, and the whistling lead bullet struck Drake's defenseless back of the neck.


With the loud noise of breaking through the ground, a spear suddenly pierced out from under his feet and struck Anson head-on in mid-air.

The tip of the gun pointed at the Inquisitor's revolver in his right hand.

The lead bullet collided head-on with the tip of the gun, and a few sparks erupted from the impact, causing the entire gun body to instantly burst into flames and continue to pierce the sky.

The wide-eyed Anson stared at the "musket" coming towards him. The metal gun body was turned into ashes inch by inch under the flames, like a dying phoenix, making its last long cry.


When the firelight touched the last inch of his nose, it finally disappeared.

Almost at the same time, there was a sudden loud noise from the second-floor window of Wetzler's residence behind him, and a black figure wielding a spear jumped down from the broken window and rushed straight towards Anson's back.

The situation is very unfavorable to you!

Anson landed on the ground without hesitation. He decisively raised the Inquisitor's revolver and fired six shots at the man in black who was wielding a spear. At the same time, he used the bayonet of his left hand to throw several [Sharp Wind] blasts at Drake who had turned around, and then turned around. Run wildly.

The man in black wielding the spear dodged while using the tip of the spear to quickly deflect a few stray bullets. The spear, which was at least two meters long, was like a living thing in his hand, and his movements were smooth and smooth without any lag.

Derek, who was beside him, had also turned around. The translucent ripples made a crisp sound on his blade, and one of the aftermaths opened a wound at the corner of his right eye.

Anson ignored all of this and continued to run. His plan was to re-enter the Wetzler Mansion, avoid the cold guns from at least 600 meters away, and then use the fog pipe and the [Smoke Entertainer] magic to fight with the two assassins. Go around and fight for the chance of a one-on-one sneak attack.

Just when he was about to use a grenade to cover his retreat, he saw that the man in black wielding a spear did not rush toward him, but instead stopped Derek, who wanted to rush forward for revenge.


Anson looked startled.

The other party seemed determined that he would not pursue him. He didn't even leave any decent cover and fled outside the Wetzler Mansion without looking back.

In the blink of an eye, they disappeared without a trace, leaving only Anson standing in front of the restaurant window, and the body of another man in black in a pool of blood beside him.

Plus a certain Mason Wetzler who's still passed out under the dining room table.

After confirming that there was no "man in black" still ambushing him around, Anson sighed. He squatted down in front of the corpse beside him and began to look for the things left on the other party's body.

The other person looked very young, probably in his early twenties, with short brown hair and a pair of gray-blue eyes. In addition to the same long-sleeved windbreaker as the other men in black, he also wore a bowler hat. , a heraldic flag that serves as a scarf is tied around the collar. The lake blue flag is embroidered with three golden long swords that are intertwined and connected with a ring of order.

This is quite valuable information. Take it back and ask the little clerk which family's coat of arms it is... Anson raised his eyebrows.

Apart from this, he only had a fairly full wallet left with him, and there were actually a few brand-new banknotes in it... Although the banknotes issued by the Church of Order were hard currencies in the old world, the new world basically only recognized precious metal currencies.

Therefore, we can draw a conclusion that this person arrived at Beluga Port not long ago; considering his age, he is probably a newcomer.

Let a newcomer be responsible for assassinating the commander of his dignified garrison. Well...either the Faithless Knights are short of manpower, or they don't take this matter seriously, or they feel that the remaining manpower is enough to complete the task.

Finally, there is his weapon, a short scythe connected to a chain. There is nothing special about it, but it is still qualified as a mid-range support weapon.

Anson suddenly realized a very important piece of information... Except for the "sniper", no one in the entire assassination team had a gun.

Not only them, except for the storm divisions in the entire colony, the only ones with guns seemed to be the farms outside the city, and the personal guards of the members of the White Whale Port Assembly.

Rifles and pistols are not considered "rare items" in the mainland, and there have never been any "trade restrictions" on the colonies.

This shows that before the arrival of the Storm Division, someone in Beluga Port was deliberately limiting the number of weapons possessed by immigrants and ordinary colonists, and it also explains why Bishop Ripper is so eager to recruit himself to form the Promise Keepers Alliance.

As for who did it? Hmm...this isn't hard to guess at all.

Who has the energy to monopolize and even control the weapons market in the colony, making guns and gunpowder a rare commodity... In addition to Speaker Harold, is there anyone else?

After putting away his wallet and heraldic flag, Anson hesitated for a moment and took the short scythe with him - mainly in case the opponent was not completely dead or had some back-up plan.

After sorting this out, Anson took out the Inquisitor's revolver, skillfully stuffed six ordinary lead bullets and one [Gathered Flame] into the magazine, and fired six shots at the head and body of the corpse.

Seeing the body with its head and chest blown out and starting to burn, he turned around and returned to the mansion restaurant with relief.

At this time, the effect of the fog pipe has been dispelled, and apart from the mess, the only things left in the restaurant are the unconscious Mason Wetzler and the headless body of the butler.

Compared with the "man in black", the housekeeper had very little possessions. He did not find any valuable items, only some daily necessities, change and a pistol that he carried with him.

Considering that the other party is the butler of Wetzler Residence and a close confidant of Mason, this result does not seem surprising. After all, how much stuff would a butler who does not go out often carry with him?

He already had an idea of ​​what was going to happen tonight.

After cleaning up the scene for a while, Anson seemed to remember something again and took out the grenade he had just prepared to use to cover his retreat, pulled away the ring, and threw it towards the burning corpse outside.


The deafening explosion echoed over the port area, and soon spread throughout most of Beluga Harbor.

After doing all this, Anson glanced at Mason Wetzler, who was still lying unconscious under the dining table, casually pulled a chair that was still intact and sat down, took out the diary and pen he brought with him, and wrote while Waiting quietly for something.

A few minutes later, hurried footsteps came from outside the house. Anson slowly tore off the things he had written, shredded them, and then put the diary and pen back into place.

Soon, the figure kicked open the door of the house roughly, and then there were all kinds of noises outside: tables were overturned, stair railings were smashed, coat racks and shoe cabinets fell over, glass The ceramic furniture crackled between the ceiling and the walls, and the fireplace collapsed...

It was like a locomotive that was running amok and beeping smoke.

The living room, kitchen, storage room, bedroom, smoking room, study room... After causing damage to the entire mansion, the figure finally rushed into the dining room and jumped from the door to the dining table with a "Bang!"

She put one hand on her hips and made a warning shot with the other hand, and made a grand appearance in front of Anson who was sitting in the "front row of the auditorium":

“Sheriff Lisa Bach strikes out—wow!”


The girl suddenly burst into tears, which made Anson very confused. He could only comfort her and let her stop crying first.

After Anson repeatedly stated that "it wasn't Lisa's fault that she didn't know she was in the house" and that "it was a good idea to lure the bad guy into the house and blow it up", the girl finally broke down in tears and laughed.

"What, you met a total of two talented... bad guys?!"

Anson looked shocked. This meant that in addition to the housekeeper, the other party sent a total of five talented people to ambush him: "And one of them ran away?"

"Yeah." Lisa's face turned red and she scratched her head in shame: "The bad guy's smell was very light, and his person seemed to be just a little bit light. Lisa only shot him once and kicked him off the roof. , and then disappeared.”

It took Anson ten seconds to understand that what the girl meant was that the other party's aura was very well concealed and she had some extremely excellent invisibility skills.

"And Lisa also saw him on other streets nearby. He just snapped his fingers, and the noise around him suddenly became so quiet!"

As if she was worried that Anson wouldn't be able to understand how small it was, the girl stretched out her two index fingers and put the gap between her nails in front of him and gestured: "About...it's about this small!"

Well, he also possesses the ability to mute a large area... It is not difficult to explain why the fight on his side is so lively, and the patrols of the Storm Division in the city are still indifferent.

I didn't notice the fluctuation of magic at that time, and the other party should still be a talented person.

"But Lisa killed another bad guy!" The girl raised her little head proudly, took the rifle she was carrying from her back, and handed it to Anson like she was showing off a new toy.

This is a very exquisite weapon. It doesn't take much thinking to guess that it was definitely not made in the colonies. It was most likely not funded by the military factories in Clovis City that specialize in producing low-quality and cheap goods, but more high-end technology and production processes.

Moreover, the gun body is also inlaid with a gold-plated relief that is exactly the same as the heraldic flag. It is located behind the butt of the gun and looks very much like it was added later.

Ansen vaguely guessed something.

"You are only allowed to look at it, but you are not allowed to touch it. Lisa still has to take it back to study...study...study...study it herself!"

The poor little head almost turned red before he remembered this particularly "powerful" word.

"Oh, that's for sure." Anson, who came back to his senses, nodded quickly and said matter-of-factly:

"This is important criminal evidence. It must be brought back by the Sheriff himself to be safer; and no one should touch it until the Sheriff himself comes to a conclusion!"


The girl shook her little head up and down proudly, with a look on her face that was almost bubbling with happiness.

"In that case, can you please ask Sheriff Lisa Bach to do a small favor for Anson before returning to the military camp?" Anson suddenly changed the subject:

"It's just a sentence. It won't waste any time."


Lisa agreed without even thinking about it. She quickly carried the trophy behind her back, clicked the heel of her shoe with a "pop!", stood up straight, and saluted Anson solemnly:

"Please give the order!"

"Well, you immediately go to the parliament area to find Fabian. If he is not there, go to Karl or Alexei and ask them to do this first... then this... and finally this... Do you understand me?"




The former Guards officer with a grim expression kicked open the door and came to the square outside the parliament.

The empty square in front of them was already filled with six hundred soldiers - three hundred line infantry, two hundred soldiers from the guard company, and a hundred temporarily summoned hussars.

They were fully armed. In addition to the rifles with bayonets in their arms, each of them carried at least one additional grenade. They also carried simple materials and tools for building temporary fortifications on their backs. In addition to their own weapons, the cavalry also carried Leading two six-pound cavalry guns plus an ammunition cart.

Fabian, who had his hands behind his back, glanced at everyone and said coldly:

"Are the orders clear?"


the soldiers shouted in unison.

"Then let's go!" Fabian said solemnly:

"Search the entire city and blockade all important transportation hubs and key arteries!"

"Capture the Faithless Knights!"

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